Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

218: Dirt Room [Five more] (1 / 1)\r

"Be careful."

As Su Chen got closer to the dirt room, the ominousness became stronger.

The door seemed to be eroded by something and changed beyond recognition.

All kinds of filth crawled all over the door frame, as if it had been soaked in the seabed for 10,000 years.

The pungent stench, the sterilizing smell, and some indescribable odors all fused together.

Don't talk about smelling, even if you look at it, your eyes keep watering.

Squeak... squeak, the moment the door was opened, a rancid stench poured out like a river.

It is said that the door is twisted open, it is better to say that the moment the door is loose, it is pushed open by the things inside.

Su Chen cracked and quickly disappeared in place.

And the place where he just stood has been occupied by a large number of inexplicable sticky objects.

They are like burning asphalt, with a very pungent smell.

"not good."

Su Chen could already hear the sound of da da da's footsteps.

Something 28 came over, I should have heard the noise just now.

"Brother Chen, leave it to me." Kong Tong waved his little hand, and a wall blocked the aisle.

Immediately afterwards, the wall changed, projecting the dirt room just now, blocking the dirt room whose door had been opened at this time.

Looking at it with the naked eye, you won't feel anything wrong.

"After staying in the mirror world for so long, I will also have some projections."

In this way, even if other ghosts come here, they will not find anomalies.

Su Chen gave Kong Tong a thumbs up, expressing praise.

Then he turned to look at the mass of filth in front of him.

"What the hell is this?"

"Blood mud?"

"Rotten flesh?"

In the filth, some fragments such as bone slag can be seen.

According to Su Chen's inference, the dirty room generally throws contaminated medical items, garbage, and some wreckage after treatment.

Over time, no one has cleaned it up, and coupled with the weird atmosphere of the horror world, this garbage has turned into filth.

These filth can't be touched easily, because they all carry some unknown curses.

"Duck eggs, make a few tattoo ghosts, and move these things away."

Fortunately, there are duck eggs.

Duck Egg is a curse expert, a pure curse ghost.

I saw the tattoo on the duck egg digging into the ground, and soon more than a dozen tattooed ghosts crawled out of the ground.

They are not afraid of any curse, because they are curses.

A large amount of filth is quickly reduced under their transport.

After all the filthy objects accumulated in the dirt room were removed, Su Chen officially entered the dirt room.

The dirt room was bigger than he thought.

There were a lot of black bags piled up in the corners, some of which had rotted away, leaving behind a lot of filth.

Some bags seem to be petrified and become rigid.

There were a lot of weird stuff on the shelves, too. There were containers of intestines, used syringes, bloody bandages.

"Feng Ji, the familiar dirt room you said earlier has arrived." Su Chen held Feng Ji's head in his arms.

Feng Ji showed an expression of memory.

She is very familiar here, and she seems to have been here before.

"Brother Chen, go inside again."

She seemed to have thought of something, and her tone became hurried.

Going further inside, there are many large rusted garbage cans piled up in the corners, and the walls are also full of potholes corroded by filth.

It's just a huge garbage dump with all kinds of messes.

"Brother Chen, the sewer."

"I remember, I escaped from the sewers."

"After escaping, I kept hiding in the dirt room, then got into some big dumpster and left the mental rehabilitation center in a garbage truck."

After Feng Ji came to the dirty room, she finally remembered how she escaped from the Abnormal Human Research Center at that time.

Pushing away the location Feng Ji said, Su Chen saw a sewer that was opened.

The sewers are not big, and it is not easy to squeeze out of it.

At the very least, Su Chen couldn't squeeze out of it.

But think about what Feng Ji looked like when she was alive.

Human head and snake body.

It can be said that as long as the head can be squeezed in, it can be drilled out of the sewer.

"In other words, this sewer leads to the Abnormal Human Research Center."

"The end is likely to be where Feng Ji lived at that time."

Su Chen squatted at the sewer mouth and watched for a long time.

It's long, deep, and very complex inside.

Even blood eyes, black sky eyes, can't see the end.

"Hong Ling, go down and have a look."

Su Chen looked at Hong Ling.

Hong Ling is a blood ghost, she can turn into a river of blood and enter the sewers.

"Feng Ji, you go down with Hong Ling, you should know the correct route."

Su Chen gave Feng Ji's head to Hong Ling.

Let's take a look at what the hell is the Abnormal Human Research Center.

Is Feng Ji's body in the Abnormal Human Research Center?

The possibility of being there is relatively small, because Feng Ji escaped before her death.

In the end, why only one head remained, 790 is still a mystery at present.

But below this, it is very likely that there are secrets about Feng Ji's life experience.

This is what Su Chen is very curious about.

What is the origin of Feng Ji? Could it be some life running out from behind the bronze stone gate?


Hong Ling nodded, her body began to melt, and soon turned into a pool of blood.

Feng Ji's head was soaked in the blood.

Seeing that Hong Ling was about to enter the sewer, Su Chen hurriedly shouted, "Hong Ling, wait a minute."

His palm went deep into the bloody water, and a bloody eye was squeezed out by Su Chen and left in the bloody water.

Regarding the Abnormal Human Research Center, seeing is believing.

This blood eye can act as Su Chen's eyes.

At the critical moment, Su Chen can come out of the bloody eyes.

After everything is ready.

The blood rolled up Feng Ji's head, took Su Chen's bloody eyes and poured into the sewer, and soon disappeared.

"Mundo, Sun Shanshan, you two are guarding here."

"Kongtong, duck eggs, let's go back to the serious ward, count the time, Director Jiang and Lige are coming soon."

It would be very helpful to Su Chen's investigation if he could know the situation of the Abnormal Human Research Center from Director Jiang's mouth in advance. .

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