Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

219: Director Jiang's Story (1/1)\r

There is absolutely no need for Su Chen to stay in the critically ill area now.

Got what I got.

Now I stay here, just to explore the Abnormal Human Research Center.

"You mean, the director of the mental rehabilitation center is also a murderer."

Solitary nodded.

This is similar to Su Chen's inference.

This dungeon is quite special and contains many secrets.

On the surface of the mental rehabilitation center, it is known that there are two great murderers, one is Kongtong, and the other is the dean.

In the deep-seated abnormal human research center, the situation is even more unknown, but what is certain is that there is definitely a big murderer in that place, even a half-step top-level murderer.

"After Red Bell finishes investigating the Abnormal Human Research Center."

"Find a way to kill the dean."

This is Su Chen's initial idea.

Closing his eyes, the blood eyes in the red bell blood river opened.

Hong Ling and Feng Ji are still in the sewers at this time.

The sewers were as complex as Su Chen expected, like a maze.

"Feng Ji, where should I go?"

Red Bell is now determining the route.

Feng Ji's memory is incomplete, and she is thinking hard at this time.

"Take the third passage on the right." After thinking for a long time, Feng Ji decided on the direction.

Hong Ling continued to go deep into the tunnel, and after advancing less than 300 meters, there were three more passages in front of him.

Feng Ji began to think again.

The terrain of the sewer is too complicated, and it will be impossible to enter the Abnormal Human Research Center for a while.

The bloody eyes in the river of blood closed his eyes, and Su Chen in the intensive ward opened his eyes.

Because, he felt Director Jiang and Li Ge were coming.

Familiar footsteps appeared in the critically ill area.

The sound of the chain shaking was getting closer and closer to Su Chen.

Soon, with a creak, Su Chen's ward door was pushed open, and Li Ge was the first to come in.

Li Ge brought Su Chen another gift this time.

A rusty bottle.

In addition to the gifts, Li Ge also held Su Chen's case table this time.

As I said before, today is the day Su Chen transferred to the Central Ward.

Before the transfer, Li Ge needs to ask Su Chen a few questions.

"Doctor Lige, you are here." Su Chen looked at Lige with a smile.

Li Ge's eyes are a bit strange.

She felt that Su Chen seemed to have changed, but it was impossible to say exactly where it had changed.

Just as Li Ge was thinking, the surrounding environment suddenly distorted.

Then an unfamiliar environment appeared in front of Li Ge.

an unfamiliar room.

The area of ​​the room is about one hundred and eighty square meters, with three rooms and two halls, fine decoration.

Su Chen was sitting on the sofa at this moment.

"Doctor Lige, Director Jiang, sit down, it's not good for your waist to always stand." Su Chen grinned with big white teeth.

Kong Tong and Duck Egg appeared behind Su Chen, staring at Li Ge and Director Jiang with bad intentions.

This is the forbidden devil mythical creature with empty pupils.

In this ghost creature, the strength of Li Ge and Director Jiang was greatly suppressed, and the strength they could exert was not as good as that of ordinary ghosts.

It can be said that since they were pulled into the forbidden devil's mythical creature by Kong Tong, they have lost all the ability to resist.

"Tun, why will Thou help you?"

"It's impossible' .." Director Jiang looked at Kong Tong standing behind Su Chen, his disfigured face distorted even more terrifyingly.

She wanted to resist, to escape, but there was no chance.

"I'm not called Tun, I'm called Kong Tong."

"Also, Tun is not called Tun, her name is Ye Min." Kong Tong said seriously.

Now that they have come to the mythical creature of the forbidden devil, Director Jiang and Li Ge can only sit obediently opposite Su Chen.

But their eyes exuded incredible.

Su Chen, who is followed by the big murderer and the half murderer, can completely leave the mental rehabilitation center, why does he stay here all the time.

"Director Jiang, Dr. Li Ge, I have been taken care of during this time."

"You are indeed very responsible doctors."

"As for me, I don't have much hostility towards you either, I just want to ask you a few questions."

Su Chen said straight to the point.

He did have plans to let Director Jiang and Li Ge go.

He even considered bringing them back to the ghost town on Earth.

The ghost town on Earth really needs such a responsible doctor.

"I want to know about the Abnormal Human Research Center." Su Chen said word by word.

His eyes were fixed on Director Jiang.

Because, Director Jiang knows a thing or two.

"The Abnormal Human Research Center." Director Jiang had memories in his eyes.

A ghost who can communicate is really convenient.

If Director Jiang is unwilling to say it, Su Chen also has a solution.

Forbidden to hide in the mythical creature for a long time.

If she doesn't say it, she will directly disperse her consciousness and let Jiushi enter her past to find it.

"Would you like to hear me tell a story?" Director Jiang touched his face.

Su Chen nodded and said that what he likes to listen to the most is stories.

It is difficult to explain in a sentence or two about the Abnormal Human Research Center, so Director Jiang intends to tell it in the form of a story.

"I once had a daughter." Director Jiang said.

She once had a daughter who suffered from severe depression because of her stress.

At that time, Director Jiang did not observe her daughter's mental problems, and finally her daughter was overwhelmed and jumped off the building to commit suicide.

From that day on, Director Jiang turned from surgeon to psychiatrist.

This matter, Su Chen knew from the beginning.

It's just that Su Chen didn't know the story Director Jiang told later.

She told Su Chen that when her daughter committed suicide, she was devastated and broke down.

At that time, an old man named Wei Jiuling appeared in front of Director Jiang.

He told Director Jiang that he could save Director Jiang’s daughter.

But as a price, Director Jiang must enter a mental rehabilitation center.

How can people be resurrected from the dead, but the mother who lost her daughter, even if it is outrageous, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, she is willing to try.

She came to the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, who appeared to be the director of the psychiatry, but was actually a real surgeon.

Wei Jiuling also took a fancy to this.

It is undeniable that Director Jiang was an extremely famous surgeon during his lifetime.

Coming to the Mental Rehabilitation Center, the treatment of mentally ill patients is just a pretext, and Director Jiang's real identity is the operator of the Abnormal Human Research Center.

That laboratory, which conducts a large number of human experiments, needs talents like Director Jiang.

"Swordsman, human experiment, as expected." Su Chen muttered to himself.

Even the psychiatric rehabilitation center is a disguise as a research center for abnormal human beings.

"Most of the patients who were sent to the mental rehabilitation center were abandoned by their families of origin, and using them as materials for human experiments would not have much impact."

"¨" And Wei Jiuling has always been looking for special people, with some human beings that ordinary people can't understand. "

"In terms of genetics, their genes are mutated, and they have some abilities that ordinary people don't have. This ability is called a special function in the outside world."

"Wei Jiuling is an expert in genetics. He has been studying the direction of human evolution."

"He said that since man appeared, it was like a lock, completely blocking the path of evolution."

"So, he wants to open the lock and let humanity continue on the path of evolution."

Su Chen's pupils contracted slightly.

Sure enough, those who are enthusiastic about research are all lunatics and have whimsical ideas.

Without this whimsical idea, the times would not be able to advance at such a high speed.

Director Jiang told Su Chen that in addition to human experiments, they will also perform cloning.

But the clones are not normal people, but monsters.

Wei Jiuling combined human and animal clones and cloned many deformed lives.

Most of them have short lifespans, but it is undeniable that they possess some of the abilities of animals.

At that time, he had dissected monsters such as goatmen and dogmen.

Their internal structure and muscle tissue are already different from ordinary people.

To say that they are people, it is better to say that they are monsters, human-created monsters (Zhao Nuo's).

Wei Jiuling pushed open a forbidden door, opened Pandora's Box, and the experiment became more and more uncontrollable.

And Wei Jiuling's promise to help Director Jiang revive her daughter is also a clone.

The life after cloning is only one month.

Director Jiang was in so much pain that she wanted to leave the mental rehabilitation center for a while.

But thinking of not being able to see his daughter, what's the point of being alive, so he can only stay here to help Wei Jiuling conduct human experiments.

"That's what you say."

"Feng Ji is a monster that combines humans and snakes." Su Chen frowned.

This was something he never expected.

"Feng Ji, a very familiar name."

"I remember that one of the most successful experiments in the laboratory was called Feng Ji."

"It seems to be a human snake, which has a very good match."

"Finally, for some reason, Feng Ji disappeared." Director Jiang said after thinking for a moment.

"One of the most successful experiments." This is a key word.

Director Jiang told Su Chen: "Wei Jiuling is also one of the most successful experiments."

This made Su Chen shocked.

In other words, Wei Jiuling's object of research at the beginning was herself.

After his own success, he began to conduct a large number of human experiments to strengthen research. .

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