Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

234: Manipulated Water Spring Village (1/1)\r

"elder brother."

The Shuiquan Village, which was shrouded in gray fog, suddenly became extremely quiet, and a faint stench came out of the ground.

The road of Shuiquan Village also overflowed with black ink-like water.

Duck Dan dragged Su Chen's clothes, she was worried and scared.

She knew what kind of existence Su Chen was.

There are not 10,000 or 8,000 ghosts who died in the hands of Su Chen.

But Shuiquan Village is the hometown of Duck Egg.

"rest assured."

"I have my measure."

Su Chen knew Duck Egg's worries, but he was also prepared.

The mobile ward was taken out decisively.

Push open the door of the mobile ward, enter it, and open the wardrobe.

The wardrobe hangs the doctor's uniform of the attending doctor and several nurses' uniforms.

"Change clothes, we push the ward directly to the ancient burial ground."

The mobile ward is the same as Wang Yan's mobile public toilet.

As long as they don't provoke the ghosts and push their own small property, they can go anywhere, and the rest of the ghosts will not stop them.

But if you provoke the ghosts, there is nothing you can do.

This unique item allows Su Chen to have an absolutely neutral identity.

Zhao Xiaoying is in shadow space.

She has no fighting power, her fighting power lies in what level of ghosts will appear in the dark prison.

Dr. Su Chen was wearing an upper body, a mask, gloves, and a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

The upper body of the three ghost nurses' uniforms, Hong Ling, Duck Egg, and Kong Tong, also looked alike.

"You enter the ward."

"I didn't say anything, so don't act rashly."

Su Chen solemnly warned Hong Ling, Duck Egg, and Kong Tong.

With a mobile ward as a cover, you can push the ward directly to the ancient burial site.

As for the ghosts of Shuiquan Village, as long as they don't provoke them, they won't provoke themselves.

After the instructions, Su Chen pushed the mobile ward into Shuiquan Village, which was shrouded in gray fog.

At this time, the appearance of Shuiquan Village changed greatly, and strong malice and resentment permeated all around.

From time to time, strange figures appeared in the gray fog, and sometimes disappeared.

As soon as he stepped into the gray fog, a pale palm grabbed Su Chen's wrist.

Turning her head, it was Aunt Wang who had been squatting at the entrance of the village waiting for her son.

Aunt Wang's broken head was dripping with blood, as if half of her body had been shattered from a severe car accident.

Even with the meat, it clearly appeared in front of Su Chen, and the strong bloody smell madly stimulated Su Chen's nasal cavity.

There was no more hope in her eyes, only resentment and malice remained.

Opening the bloody eyes, you can see that there is a black line on the top of Aunt Wang's head, which is a line composed of black mist.

At this time, Aunt Wang had become a terrifying puppet and was arbitrarily manipulated.

It stands to reason that people would be startled by this sudden arrest, and even if they didn't call, they would shiver.

But Su Chen didn't react at all, not even his pupils changed.

He asked in the most professional and warm tone: "Hello, I'm the attending physician of the mobile ward, do you have any discomfort?"

"Need a pulse? You are not allowed to take money."

"I specialize in all kinds of incurable diseases, and people in Jianghu are called Huatuo in the world."

Aunt Wang looked at Su Chen, and Su Chen also looked at Aunt Wang.

One side's eyes were full of malice and resentment, while the other side's eyes were sincere and serious.

After looking at each other for about a minute, Aunt Wang gradually let go of Su Chen and hid in the gray fog.

Su Chen's expression remained the same, but he just looked down at his wrist.

There is a clear grey handprint on his wrist.

The gray handprints seemed to be engraved, and they continued to spread, as if they wanted to grow a real arm.

"Brother Chen, this is a curse."

Duck Egg's head quietly stretched out and said.

"Do you know what the curse is?" Su Chen asked Duck Egg.

Aunt Wang's strength is not so strong.

She can leave a curse on herself, it should be left by the unknown terror that manipulated her.

"It's not clear yet."

"However, I'll figure it out."

Duck Egg's finger was on Su Chen's wrist, and the black tattoo appeared on Su Chen's skin, and soon the black tattoo disappeared with the gray handprint.

Duck Egg also returned to the mobile ward and began to study the strange handprint curse.

After Aunt Wang disappeared, Su Chen pushed the mobile ward to move on.

The evil water gushing out from the ground squeezed out some black water ghosts.

These water ghosts are coated with a layer of oil, which is extremely sticky and slippery, like a loach.

The head is sunken in a large piece, with only a pair of nostrils, sniffing something hard.

They also move strangely, crawling on the ground like geckos.

Su Chen pushed the mobile ward and walked among them.

If the way forward is blocked by the black water ghost, Su Chen will ask the other party in a friendly way, do you need to see a doctor?

In most cases, the black water ghost will turn around and crawl in the other direction.

There were also a very small number of black water ghosts who followed Su Chen into the mobile ward.

They are greeted with skin and bone dissection as specimens.

Going forward for a while, the bungalows on both sides of the village flickered.

Several coffins appeared at the door of each room.

There were figures squatting beside the coffin. While burning paper money, they began to cry, as if they were worshiping the dead.

At the same time, the roadblocker also appeared.

It was a ghost who took off skin and flesh as clothes.

Half of this ghost's body is completely bloody bones, and the bones are extremely huge.

It is completely different from the flesh and skin around the drooping waist.

The huge long and curved bone palm was caught in the mobile ward, and a skull with almost only bones was less than twenty centimeters away from Su Chen.

There was a lot of foul-smelling blood in the eye socket.

This kind of stench almost made Su Chen spit out the overnight meal.

At the same time, he also recognized this Specter, he was Duck Dan's grandfather, Uncle Bai.

I remember that although Uncle Bai was terrifying before, the human form still existed.

But at this time, Uncle Bai has completely turned into an evil spirit.

Duck Dan also saw his grandfather, covering his mouth, forcing his own sadness, his eyes full of blood and tears.

Su Chen took a deep breath, concentrated, and said, "Hello, I'm the attending physician in the mobile ward."

"Looking at your situation, do you have serious trauma and need stitches? We have the most professional surgeons here."

Su Chen finished speaking, but Uncle Bai didn't leave.

It stands to reason that Su Chen did not provoke Uncle Wang. He was absolutely neutral under the cover of the mobile ward at this time.

"¨" Is it? "Su Chen glanced at Duck Egg from the corner of his eyes.

Could it be that Uncle Bai stopped himself because he was aware of the existence of duck eggs.

It's just unbelievable.

Uncle Bai has been manipulated, and malice and resentment occupy almost everything in him, making him lose all reason.

How could he still perceive the existence of duck eggs.

Uncle Bai's bloody mouth wriggled with difficulty, Su Chen looked at the wriggling shape of Uncle Bai's bloody mouth.

He seemed to be saying something.

Judging from the mouth shape, it is: "go", "leave here", "leave here"

Seeing Uncle Bai's lips, Su Chen's eyes froze.

Although he didn't know how Uncle Bai still left a trace of sanity under such circumstances.

But Uncle Bai stopped himself in order not to let himself go further, and he wanted to let himself leave here.

"Is it because of the duck eggs?" Su Chen glanced at the duck eggs in the ward.

Duck eggs lay on the window, two lines of blood and tears dripped.

Uncle Bai's eyes also stared at Duck Egg, his malicious and resentful eyes, and squeezed out a trace of imperceptible love and pampering.

(Money's) Then the trace of love and indulgence disappeared, turning into more intense malice and resentment.

There was a crack in the skull of Uncle Bai, and he seemed to be fighting with something.

He couldn't hold on anymore.

The terrifying blood mouth wriggled up and down, and a faint voice appeared: "Go."

Although the sound was small, it was like thunder, slamming into Duck Egg's heart, causing Duck Egg to cry.

Su Chen was also shocked by this word, what a powerful will this is.

Then the mobile ward was pushed hard, making Su Chen take a step back.

Letting the mobile ward take a step back has exhausted all Uncle Bai's strength.

He let out a terrifying howl, and the last color in his eyes disappeared, filled with unimaginable resentment and malice.

With a low roar, it disappeared into the gray fog without a trace.

"Sorry, I can't go."

"There are some things that can't be solved by escaping."

"Even without me, Duck Egg will have to face all this sooner or later."

Although Uncle Bai could no longer hear, Su Chen explained it, which was his respect for Uncle Bai.

He pushed the mobile ward and continued to move forward. .

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