Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

235: The Past of Shuiquan Village (1/1)\r

The mobile ward moves slowly.

No matter what Specter appeared in front of him, even Specter was already on Su Chen's back.

Su Chen was unmoved.

As long as they don't do it themselves, they won't do it to themselves.

This is the neutral effect of the unique special item.

But once you make a move, this neutral effect will be broken.

"Duck eggs, tell me the story of Shuiquan Village."

Su Chen's understanding of Shuiquan Village is limited to the surface, and he doesn't understand it deeply, especially the most terrifying place in Shuiquan Village: the ancient burial ground.

All I know is that the ancient burial grounds are ancient tombs that have existed for many years.

Duck Egg has lived in Shuiquan Village since he was a child, and he never left Shuiquan Village until his death.

Her memory of Shuiquan Village had almost no flaws.

Duck Egg told Su Chen.

The reason why Shuiquan Village is called Shuiquan Village is because there is a small stream in the village that will not stop flowing in all seasons.

At the end of the creek is a spring, which pours into the creek.

Hence, the origin of the name Shuiquan Village.

I heard from the older generation that Shuiquan Village has existed for a long time, at least it has a history of seven or eight hundred years.

The ancestors who established Shuiquan Village were to avoid the war, and then they found such a place by accident, so they settled here for 800 years.

A long time ago, this was an old forest isolated from the world. It was not until the social development and the connection of the road and electricity in Shuiquan Village that it had contact with the outside world.

There is an ancient custom in Shuiquan Village.

That is, each person is born to prepare a coffin for himself, and even choose a grave for burial.

The reason for this custom is that in the time of the ancestors of Shuiquan Village, when wars were rising, no one could guarantee that they would see the sun tomorrow.

In ancient times, there was no cremation, only buried in the ground for safety.

In order not to smash the corpse into the wilderness and become a lonely ghost, everyone will prepare a coffin for themselves in advance and choose a cemetery, so as not to become a lonely ghost after death.

This was also the helplessness of that time of war.

But this custom is still passed down after all, and is not understood by ordinary people.

Duck eggs have their own coffins and cemeteries.

If she died unexpectedly, she could be buried directly.

If after an accidental death, even the body cannot be found, then burying the things she had before her death would be considered safe.

With the development of the times, Shuiquan Village has been out of touch with the outside world for a long time, coupled with such strange customs.

Many young people have left Shuiquan Village and went to work in various big cities.

As a result, only the elderly and children were left in Shuiquan Village.

"I heard from grandpa that there is an old grave at the end of Shuiquan Village, which existed a long time ago."

"I heard that during the war, some prisoners were buried there alive."

"That's why grandpa said that the place was very suffocating, and it was the resentment of the dead."

"So, Shuiquan Village planted a lot of saponin trees, and the saponin trees have a saying that they suppress evil spirits."

Su Chen knew that there were indeed a lot of saponin trees in Shuiquan Village.

"Moreover, for the sake of the descendants of Shuiquan Village, the villagers who died in Shuiquan Village will continue to be buried in that evil place, also to suppress evil spirits."

"I hope the ancestors can shelter Shuiquan Village under Jiuquan."

"Until Shuiquan Village came into contact with the outside world, all the young people left, leaving only the elderly and children."

"Grandpa said that these old guys who are dying, the little guys who were just born, are so angry that they can't control the evil spirit behind them."

"Since that time, the water in the water spring in Shuiquan Village is no longer sweet, but instead has a bitter taste and is extremely cold."

"Many saponins also withered and died on that day."

"Some people even said that their own reflection became the reflection of another person while fetching water."

"So, everyone started talking about being haunted."

"Some old people and children were picked up by their own children, and there are fewer and fewer people in Shuiquan Village."

"The remaining old people are lonely old people without children, or they have deep feelings for Shuiquan Village and are unwilling to leave (ciab)."

"After that, those who left Shuiquan Village never came back."

Listening to Duck Egg's remarks, Su Chen frowned slightly, that is to say, before the horror world was dark, something strange had already happened.

Su Chen is clear about Duck Egg's life experience.

Uncle Bai's son was unfortunately killed when he went out to work.

His wife also disappeared.

Someone outside said that before the accident of Uncle Bai's son, his wife bought him a huge amount of accident insurance.

But what is going on is different.

Uncle Bai lost his son in old age and was devastated, leaving only a granddaughter, Duck Egg.

The two of them have no source of income and can only depend on each other, living in Shuiquan Village.

Uncle Bai originally planned that when the duck egg was bigger, he could go to the big city to see the world.

However, before Duck Egg left Shuiquan Village, it was dark in the horror world.

During the chat, Su Chen had reached the middle of Shuiquan Village.

There are two huge saponin trees in the middle of Shuiquan Village.

It's just that the saponin tree has already died and dried up.

Crows crouched densely on the soap tree.

Although they are crows, they have human-like eyes and look extremely scary.

Looking further ahead, there is a relatively large flat land in front.

According to Duck Egg, there are actually many crops, fruits and vegetables growing on this flat land, which is the main source of income for Shuiquan Village.

Today, the traces of the fields are still there, but the crops planted have long since disappeared, and the fertile land has become Netherland.

A few humble houses could be vaguely seen on the empty flat ground.

These tiny houses are where farming tools were once stored.

Xiaoxi Su Chen also saw it.

But the water flowing out of the creek at this time had an unpleasant stench, and there were also many black water ghosts swimming around.

They are like fish, some swim together, some stay alone, and some even lie on the shore and hide in the cracks of stones.

"When you walk through this field, you can see the spring."

"On the other side of Maoshuiquan is the ancestral tomb of Shuiquan Village." Duck Egg said to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded.

At this time, the cement road has disappeared, and there is a dirt road with potholes in front of it.

There are also strange figures on both sides of the dirt road.

Although the cement road is also full of potholes, it is much better than this dirt road.

Push the mobile ward to move on.

The creaking sound was particularly harsh in this strange field.

A lot of dirty things were attracted, and they squatted on the side of the road and watched Su Chen.

Su Chen ignored their existence, unless they blocked the way, Su Chen would warmly invite them into the ward for treatment.

The unique and special props to move the ward are really life-saving artifacts.

No wonder, Wang Yan dared to run around with the mobile public toilet before, and would rather serve as the director of the toilet than give up the mobile public toilet. .

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