Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

236: Coffins in Ancient Burial Grounds (1/1)\r

"Baoshuiquan, it should be here." Duck Dan muttered to himself while lying on the window of the mobile ward.

Since it was dark in Thriller World, the latter half of Shuiquan Village has become an ancient burial place, and it is also the most dangerous place, and she has never been there again.

But the memory is still very clear.

There is an extremely huge saponin tree next to the spring, with a history of at least a thousand years.

But the saponin tree can be seen, but the water spring is gone.

"It's not gone, it's sinking-going."

Su Chen bent down and touched the underworld.

The underworld is moist and has a faint corpse odor.

It's like a graveyard in a cemetery.

"In other words, the source of the water spring and the ancestral tomb of Shuiquan Village are integrated."

"This should be a mutation that occurred after dark, forming the ancient burial place at this time."

Su Chen stood on the higher mound, looked forward, and then his pupils contracted slightly.

Ahead is a densely packed tomb.

These tombs are not like ordinary tombs.

Buried coffins, half buried and half exposed.

At first glance, it looks like a neatly inserted wheat field.

"You Shuiquan Village, isn't it safe to go to earth like this?" Su Chen asked Duck Egg.

Duck Egg shook his head.

Although their custom of burying in the ground is complicated, they will never expose half of the coffin outside.

Not even putting the coffin upright in the ground.

Su Chen nodded and looked at the coffin that was buried in the ground in the dark, with goose bumps all over.

Is this the ancient burial ground?

A ghost in a coffin, such an ancient burial place, at least there are thousands of ghosts in the coffin.

"Follow me, don't run around."

Su Chen took the mobile ward back, lit a black candle and walked towards the ancient burial site.

Continuing to push the mobile ward is no longer necessary, but will affect Su Chen's actions.

The black mist of the burning black candles shrouded Su Chen, Hong Ling, Duck Egg, and Kong Tong.

As long as you are careful, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Su Chen took a few more glances at Duck Egg.

A faint black line appeared on the top of Duck Egg's head again.

He had cut off the black line that controlled the duck eggs before.

But now the black line has appeared again.

Fortunately, it is very light and has little effect on duck eggs.

"You said there is also its own cemetery here." Su Chen asked Duck Egg.

Duck Egg hurriedly nodded, saying yes.

Every person born in Shuiquan Village will prepare a coffin and a cemetery.

This custom has been passed down.

"Brother, they are all former villagers of Shuiquan Village."

"This is Grandpa Wang, and I witnessed his burial with my own eyes."

The duck egg stopped in front of a coffin.

Half of the coffin was in the soil, and the other half was outside. It was buried upright.

The visual sense is like bamboo shoots emerging from the earth, piercing the original earthen grave, and popping out.

There is indeed a tombstone in front of the earthen tomb.

The tombstone reads [Wang Qingshan's Tomb]

Wang Qingshan should be the grandfather Wang in Duck's mouth.

"Duck egg, is that you?"

"Duck eggs, is your grandfather still strong?"

While Su Chen was looking at the coffin, there was a sound in the coffin, and there was a sound of slapping the coffin board.

Su Chen covered Duck Egg's mouth: "Don't talk."

"Something is looking for you."

Looking up at the black line on the top of Duck Egg's head again, the black line became solid again, but Duck Egg still didn't respond.


Ignoring the sound of the coffin, Su Chen quickly left Wang Qingshan's grave with duck eggs and other ghosts.

"Brother, my cemetery is ahead."

"That's the place Dad used to help me choose." After walking for a while, Duck Dan pointed to the front and said.

Su Chen felt appalled by the customs of Shuiquan Village.

Coffins and cemeteries are prepared before people die.

Although it was forced by the era of war at the beginning, but with the development of the times, this custom can be called a bad habit.

Bad habits should be eliminated, not inherited.

No wonder the young people are gone.

If he was a young man from Shuiquan Village, he would leave here too.

"Wait a minute." Su Chen hurriedly bent over and lit another black candle.

In the silent ancient burial ground, the sound of gongs and drums suddenly appeared, as well as the sound of crying.

Paper money floated from the sky.

Through the gap in the earthen tomb, Su Chen saw a group of people walking in it.

As they walked, they cried and scattered paper money.

Many figures are holding funeral objects such as wreaths and paper figures in their hands.

At the back of the team, four figures were carrying a black coffin.

"Brother, that is our burial custom. Before the burial, the team will carry the coffin around the cemetery three times, and then start the burial."

Duck Egg explained to Su Chen.

She also felt incredible, because now the horror world is dark, and all the villagers have become ghosts.

So it's very strange who is being buried now.

"Duck egg, is that you?"

"Your father hasn't seen me in a while."

There was a sudden sound from the coffin closest to Su Chen, and there was also the sound of hitting the coffin board.

The terror that controls Shuiquan Village is still looking for duck eggs.

And as the black line on the top of the duck egg becomes clearer, it detects the position of the duck egg more and more accurately.

"Go~" Su Chen pulled the duck eggs and quickly left here.

Nowadays, every time you pass an earthen tomb, the coffin in the earthen tomb will make a slapping sound.

Soon, there were more and more slaps, and even farther away from Su Chen, there were slaps.


The contents of the coffin seemed to want to come out.

The vibrating coffin lid oozes a stench of stench.

Even the funeral procession at the ancient burial ground began to approach Su Chen.

"Duck eggs, lead the way, speed up."

Su Chen was sweating coldly on his forehead.

If you are trapped in the ancient burial ground, you will be in big trouble.

The Specter in the coffin may have all been manipulated.

Such a huge group of ghosts, if all of them come out, let's not say whether they can fight.

Even if it can be confronted, it will not have any effect on the ancient burial ground.

The most important thing is that Su Chen's skin also hurts as more and more slaps sound.

It was as if countless palms in his body were slapping his skin, trying to escape.

Hong Ling, Duck Egg, and Kong Tong nodded, indicating that they felt the same way.

This should be a curse, but what exactly is the curse, Duck Egg can't figure out.

........ 0 ...

Previously, Aunt Wang's handprint curse would slowly nibble away at the opponent's everything, grow a complete figure, and eventually emerge as a black water ghost.

Curse-type ghosts are the most terrifying.

Half-ominous duck eggs are cursed ghosts, and even ordinary ominous people are unwilling to provoke them.

Then the real murderous-level curse-type ghosts are even more terrifying.

Moreover, Su Chen somehow felt that once all the ghosts in the coffin of the ancient burial place appeared.

Except for Kong Tong, they all had to die.

And Kongtong, even if he doesn't die, can only hide in the forbidden devil's mythical creature and be trapped in the ancient burial ground forever.

With a click, a coffin lid was pushed open by a huge force.

But the inside of the coffin was pitch-dark, bottomless, bubbling with thick black gas, but no Specter appeared.

At the same time, Su Chen's body trembled suddenly.

Looking down, a blood hole appeared on his arm, and there was stench of blood in the blood hole.

This also happened to Hong Ling and Kong Tong, but the degree of injury was different.

Kong Tong had the smallest blood hole and recovered quickly.

The blood hole on Hong Ling's body is smaller than that of Su Chen, and the recovery is faster than that of Su Chen.

No blood holes appeared on Duck Egg, but the black line on the top of his head was clearer, and there was a flash of confusion in Duck Egg's eyes.

Fortunately, Su Chen came to her cemetery under the leadership of Duck Egg.

Her coffin is also standing upright in the underworld, like bamboo shoots emerging from the earth, half of it emerges from the earth tomb.

[The Tomb of the White Duck Egg] Su Chen looked at the tombstone in front of him.

Near the tomb of the white duck egg is the father of the duck egg, and the father of the duck egg is called Bai Tiezhu.

"Is the name so casual?"

Su Chen thought that Duck Dan's name was already very casual, but she didn't expect her father's name to be more casual.

Although it is said that the more vulgar the name, the better the support, but this name is too vulgar. one.

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