Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

243: Huge Heart in Bad Water (1/1)\r

When Su Chen jumped into the black pool, he learned the real secret of Shuiquan Village.

The black pool is not purely black water, but more dense black blood vessels.

These black blood vessels merged with the black water, and if they did not enter the deep pool, even the bloody eyes would not be able to catch them.

"After dark, the water in Shuiquan Village became conscious."

"It's not life, but it can manipulate life."

"The more powerful life it manipulates, the more powerful it will be."

"Shuiquan Village is a part of its body." Su Chen's pupils shrank.

He has been searching for the unknown horror brewing at the source of the spring water in Shuiquan Village.

In fact, from the moment he entered Shuiquan Village, he had come into contact with it himself.

But no one could believe that water actually had consciousness and brewed blood vessels.

These brewed blood vessels are the tentacles that control the ghosts of Shuiquan Village.

"It's not powerful by itself, what's really powerful is its ability to manipulate and brew."

When the sky is not dark, water has the name of the source of all things, the source of life.

Water can nourish all things and brew life.

After dark, water still has the ability to nourish all things and brew life, but this ability is aimed at water itself, making it bad water.

Su Chen wielded a three-pointed, two-edged gun, cutting off the blood vessels in front of him.

But there are 28 tubes of blood that are densely packed in deep pits. I want to cut them off, but I don't know if they have to cut them off until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

The floating coffin sank into the black pool.

After these coffins sank into the black pool, the lids of the coffins opened one after another, like doors one after another.

These open coffins crawled out of a large number of water ghosts.

Badwater should have sensed the danger and tried to stop Su Chen.

The giant roar that was fighting with the red bell let out a huge roar.

It couldn't stop Su Chen, and could only control the man-eating catfish beside it to quickly swim towards Su Chen.

At this time, the viciousness and resentment in the black pool have been twisted to the extreme.

They are like sharp knives, constantly piercing Su Chen's body.

Forced Su Chen, he had to start blood recovery.

After the blood bar on the forehead appeared, the consumption and recovery were barely equal.

And Su Chen, holding the water ghost grass and holding the three-pointed two-blade spear, swam to the deepest part at high speed.

He is not wandering.

He groped for the depths along the blood vessels in the water.

Su Chen believes that these countless blood vessels must have an end.

And at that end, what exists is the source of evil water.

This speculation was soon confirmed.

Because the deeper Su Chen goes, the more chaotic the black pool is.

The evil ghosts, water ghosts, and cannibal catfish chasing down Su Chen are getting crazier.

Even Ju Yun ignored Hong Ling's attack and swam hard towards Su Chen.

"The more urgent you are, the more correct my choice will be."

"Two turns."

"Extreme Mode."

"Extremely fast."

With the blessing of three consecutive skills, Su Chen dived down like a sharp sword.

"Ten levels. Insight."

During the dive, Su Chen used the stacking ability of Hei Tian Eye.

Ten blood eyes drilled into Hei Tian's eyes, increasing the ability of insight tenfold.

Following the blood vessels, Su Chen looked to the end at a glance.

In the deepest depths of the deep pool, there is a beating heart.

The heart is extremely huge, with four intact aortas, the fifth aorta is ruptured, and the sixth aorta is still spreading.

Doing the math, there are three half-evil-level black bone ghosts, and one small fierce beast, a giant beast.

The complete four aortas should be controlled by the black bone ghost and the giant scorpion.

A broken aorta should be a duck egg.

The black line on the top of Duck Egg's head was cut off several times by Su Chen with a three-pointed, two-edged gun.

The still-spreading aorta should be brewing another terrifying existence, at least half murderous.

"What a terrible ghost ability."

"It can keep brewing ghosts of the semi-ominous level."

"If it grows up, even a fierce-level ghost can be brewed."

This heart is the body of Bad Water.

The unknown existence of the murderous level.

It is also a product of the horror world after dark.

It is not from the great terror behind the bronze stone door, but it is comparable to the great terror behind the bronze stone door.

Ten layers of black sky eyes also brought some additional information to Su Chen.

The heart brewed by the evil water is actually called: the human heart.

Why it's called the heart, Su Chen doesn't quite understand.

"Go in and see."

If you want to find out, you just have to go in and take a look.

Because the human heart is not a ghost, Su Chen doesn't quite know what it is.

Dive into the broken aorta of the heart, and the whole world boils.

Countless resentment, viciousness, unwillingness, and anger seemed to have found an outlet, and madly poured out.

Countless noises rang in Su Chen's ears.

There are even many people's memories, like stabbing a sharp knife into Su Chen's mind.

The voice was so mixed that Su Chen couldn't even hear a word.

The memory is too mixed, and Su Chen's eyes are dark.

But the terrifying negative emotions such as resentment, viciousness, and unwillingness flooded Su Chen's body frantically.

It made Su Chen's eyes start to turn red.

Negative emotions such as malice and resentment also appeared in his eyes.

However, the health bar on Su Chen's head did not decrease.

These negative emotions are not lethal, but they can subtly change a person.

Fortunately, when facing the strange and mysterious person, Su Chen's consciousness changed qualitatively.

In his consciousness, door after door opened, and Su Chen came out one after another.

These Su Chen are chasing and invading their minds, trying to change and control their negative emotions.

This ability is a precious treasure left by the strange and mysterious person to Su Chen.

Fight fear with fear, fight malice with malice, fight resentment with resentment, this is Su Chen's method.

After all the negative consciousness that invaded his mind was killed, Su Chen's eyes regained clarity, and only then did he see where he was.

This is a blood-red world with no end in sight.

On the ground, there are countless deep pits.

The deep pit exudes an extremely foul odor.

A strip of black blood vessels stretched out from the deep pit, like a vine, piercing the heart and spreading out.

"This is?" Su Chen frowned.

He still didn't know where this place was.

Why does the evil water brew the ghosts of the human heart?

In Su Chen's understanding, only people's hearts can be called people's hearts.

"Could it be that each blood hole represents a person?"

"Did the bad water collect and form people's hearts full of holes?" Su Chen wasn't very sure.

This is too outrageous 807, if he hadn't entered the black pool, he wouldn't have guessed that such a ghost would be brewing in the bad water.

Now that he has entered the human heart, what is going on here and how to destroy it, Su Chen needs to study it carefully.

He first released Zhao Xiaoying.

"Xiaoying, open the dark prison and prepare to copy people's hearts."

Zhao Xiaoying nodded, darkness enveloped the bloody world, turning the whole world black and red.

And Su Chen, grabbing the blood vessel, got into the blood hole closest to him.

Entering the deepest part of the blood cave, Su Chen was surprised to find that a small door appeared in the deepest part.

Pushing open the small door, there is actually a room inside.

A woman and a man were sitting in the room.

The woman looks a little familiar.

After thinking for a moment, Su Chen suddenly raised his head, his pupils contracted.

"Mother of duck eggs."

Obviously, this is not the home of the duck eggs, nor the home of the mother of the duck eggs.

Looking closely, Duck Egg's mother has an accident insurance on the table.

This accident insurance was bought for Bai Tiezhu, and the beneficiary was Duck Egg's mother.

The man sitting next to the duck egg mother was discussing how to kill Bai Tiezhu.

"This~" Su Chen was stunned.

He remembered that after Bai Tiezhu died, there were gossips in Shuiquan Village.

But that was just gossip, Su Chen didn't care.

Now it seems that this is actually true.

Bai Tiezhu was not accidental death, but man-made.

The most terrifying thing is that it was his wife and his wife's concubine who caused his death. .

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