Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

244: Badwater that Collects Negative Emotions (1/1)\r

"Duck Egg's father was killed."

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, this matter was too cruel for Duck Egg.

The three-pointed, two-edged spear was raised, and the air wave that erupted in vain shattered, directly destroying the house.

Then Su Chen left the blood cave and returned to the bloody world.

It can be clearly seen that the blood vessel stretched by the blood hole shrinks, then breaks and disappears.

"Xiaoying, how's the copy going?" Su Chen turned around and asked.

Zhao Xiaoying's expression was extremely labored, and she didn't even have the strength to answer.

It seems that it is not so easy to copy the hearts of people who are riddled with holes.

However, only by copying it can Su Chen figure out what the human heart is.

He still didn't fully understand what was going on.

Thriller world has a hundred years of faults after dark, and the evil water has been brewing in the hearts of people for a hundred years.

Su Chen had a clue as to how it was brewed, but he couldn't tell.

Seeing that Zhao Xiaoying is still working hard to use the dark prison copy, Su Chen can't be idle either.

He got into the second blood hole.

The deepest part of this blood cave is a dungeon.

There were some girls imprisoned in the dungeon, and the girls were all dirty.

In the corner of the dungeon lay a blue body.

The corpse was also a girl, just like the dirty girls.

They should be imprisoned here by some existence.

Of course, what shocked Su Chen the most was that.

These imprisoned girls are decomposing the dead girl's body at this time, and they are still laughing.

The content of the chat was roughly how to please their master.

"Are they all crazy?"

Su Chen rubbed his temples, he really couldn't understand this scene.

Waving a three-pointed, two-edged spear to smash the house, Zhao Xiaoying still did not copy the heart.

Su Chen entered the third blood hole, and he already had a vague answer in his heart.

But not sure yet, need to know more.

In the third blood hole, in a boiling pot, boiled a rotten child.

The man in the room, with red eyes, rushed out the door with a kitchen knife.

In the fourth blood hole, there is a woman who is buckling the eyes of a child, and there is a tongue cut from the child's mouth next to it.

On the other side of the room, there were three or four crippled children, dressed in rags like beggars.

In the fifth blood hole, a woman was lying on the operating table, and the doctor beside her was skillfully removing her organs.

In the sixth blood hole, a young man with yellow and green hair stabbed his family to death with a knife, found the passbook and wallet in the room, pushed open the door and walked away.

In the seventh blood hole, a gentle-looking teacher was intimidating a female student with a mobile phone, and was using his hands and feet.

So far, Su Chen did not continue to enter the blood hole.

He understood why people's hearts were brewing in bad water.

The water is not conscious, and when it washes the corpse, it is only unknown, which makes the people who drink the spring water change in mood.

But when the earthquake happened, the spring moved to the ground.

Very bad things have happened in Shadi, and the resentment and unwillingness of existence make this land extremely unknown.

The spring water scoured countless corpses and the dead ground, and the water was stained with some resentment and unwillingness.

These evil waters stained with resentment and unwillingness will slowly absorb all kinds of negative emotions in the horror world.

In addition, the horror world is dark, and there is a strange atmosphere everywhere, which leads to more and more negative emotions gathering in the bad water.

But these negative emotions are inherently possessed by talents.

As a result, under the brewing and deposition of so many negative emotions, the evil water appeared consciousness.

There is no distinction between good and evil, just like a newborn baby, it needs to be exposed to the outside world and the environment to understand good and evil.

The consciousness of the birth of bad water is brewed from the negative emotions accumulated and deposited.

Therefore, the people it has brewed have been riddled with bad hearts from the very beginning.

These negative emotions also become its main consciousness.

Manipulating Shuiquan Village is a way of expressing evil.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoying finally copied the human heart.

Because there are too many negative emotions deposited in the human heart.

"Brother, I figured out what the hell this is" . . .

"It is a collection of resentment, not life."

"It was brewed by countless emotions of malice, resentment, viciousness, etc."

"It will keep collecting the maliciousness that drifts away from the horror world, and then enhance itself."

"Relying on these malice, it can brew a lot of terrible existence."

"And, once it drinks the bad water it brews, it can manipulate each other."

Zhao Xiaoying's answer was similar to what Su Chen had guessed, but it was more detailed.

"So, I want to destroy people's hearts."

"You have to destroy the negative emotions that the human heart collects."

Looking at the dense blood holes in the bloody world.

Every blood hole is a collection of people's hearts, and it is the darkness deposited by people's hearts.

These darkness have formed a bloody world full of holes, brewing people's hearts.

Now that the method has been found, Su Chen is about to start.

Bloody world appeared one after another.

With the pressure of Su Chen's three-pointed two-edged gun, the space near the bloody eyes shattered like a mirror.

The cracking spirit that broke out in Hei Tian's eyes tore open space cracks one after another in the bloody world.

The dark accumulated a lot, with Su Chen's shot, began to dissipate in people's hearts.

But these darkness will not disappear, they will continue to wander in the horror world.

Perhaps, there are other special existences in the horror world that capture the darkness and grow.

At this time, Hong Ling was fighting with Ju Yun in the deep pool.

Duck eggs also entered the deep pool.

The deep pool has been completely covered with ghosts.

However, as the hearts of the deepest part of the deep pool shattered, some of the ghosts directly turned into icy corpses and sank to the bottom of the water.

Next to the human heart, there is a huge human heart copied by Zhao Xiaoying.

At this time, this heart is robbing the blood vessels to control the rest of the ghosts (Zhao of Qian).

Kong Tong was fighting with three half-murder-level black bone ghosts in the forbidden devil's mythical creature.

Although she is a big murderer, facing three and a half murderers, she can't kill them for a while, and even falls into a disadvantage.

The key is that Kong Tong has existed in the mirror world for too long.

When she came out, Ye Min left all her power to Kong Tong.

She suddenly turned from an ordinary dead soul to a fierce one, this skyrocketing strength, Kong Tong is very difficult to control.

She also didn't have too many fights.

If you can completely control the strength of your big murderer, it will not be difficult to kill them in the face of three and a half murderers.

At this time, there was another earthquake in Shuiquan Village.

Its first earthquake caused the spring to shift, giving birth to a ghost burial ground, brewing a huge human heart riddled with holes, and changing its trajectory.

As Su Chen entered the source of the spring, a second earthquake occurred in Shuiquan Village, and its trajectory may have to change again. .

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