Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

347: Monsters and Food, Hunters and Prey (1/1)\r

"I'm hungry." Su Chen swallowed.

He has been in the submarine for three days.

The submarine's food for the past three days was relatively sufficient, but Su Chen did not choose meat.

Instead, they ate some canned food that was horrible.

No wonder, many soldiers have stopped eating canned food.

Compared with meat, it is really too bad to eat.

"When I go back, the first thing will be the full feast of Man and Han."

Su Chen ate the last residue of the jar dry.

Smelling the smell of meat outside, Su Chen suddenly felt nauseated and almost vomited.

Since three days ago, the soldiers have eaten meat once.

During this time, the number of soldiers who died unexpectedly increased.

What is the reason, actually can not find out.

Carl, as in the past, stayed in the crematorium, and no one was allowed to come.

This is a secret that everyone knows, but chooses to forget.

David and Reynolds are busy every day because they need to process food.

"Twelve days left."

"Twelve days later, you can leave."

Su Chen felt uncomfortable when he thought of "eight seven zero" and eating those unpalatable cans for 12 days.

It was the worst thing he had ever eaten in his life.

Even if it is so unpalatable, Su Chen has to eat it, because it is also extremely precious.

Suddenly, there was a frantic shouting from outside.

"What's the situation?" Su Chen pushed open the hatch and hurried over.

The source of the shouting was in the crematorium.

The crematorium was crowded with emaciated soldiers.

These soldiers had sunken pupils, cracked lips, and their eyes were covered with abnormal red blood. They were human but more like ghosts.

They all kept some distance from the crematorium.

David and Reynolds were there too.

When Su Chen looked at them, they turned their eyes away, not daring to look directly at Su Chen.

Maybe everyone understands the truth, but it's just pretending to be confused, only Su Chen understands.

Jackie stood at the door of the crematorium. She was motionless, like a statue, but she bit her lip.

Su Chen hurried over and found that Carl was kneeling on the ground.

A handful of bones pierced Carl's neck.

Next to Carl, there are some unburnt arms.

There are visible teeth marks on the arm.

"He committed suicide?"

Su Chen didn't feel the strange breath.

He could be sure that Carl committed suicide.

Yaji nodded and looked at Su Chen.

"He committed suicide."

"When I just came over, I found him chewing on his arm."

"He saw me."

"Shouting like crazy, beating my head like crazy."

"I couldn't stop him, he committed suicide." Jackie's voice trembled.

The surrounding soldiers also fell silent.

Su Chen looked at Carl who committed suicide, at Yaji in front of him, and at the silent soldiers around.

He understands what's going on

Carl adores Jackie.

He can persevere and not eat meat because Yaji is his pillar.

He wanted to follow Yaji, even if only watching from a distance.

But kept in the crematorium, stimulated by prolonged hunger and the smell of meat.

Carl collapsed.

He frantically gnawed at the arm that was not yet scorched, he was already mad, and the hunger was maddening.

But at this moment, Yaji came to the crematorium.

The appearance of Jackie made Carl regain a touch of sanity.

He looked at what he had done, and he knew that he couldn't face Yaji anymore.

Although this has been happening for several days.

But they were all hidden in the dark side, but now he has brought it to the bright side.

In the collapse of despair, Carl really doesn't know how to face Jackie.

So he chose to commit suicide.

"he told me."

"As a human being, I'm sorry." Yaji said slowly.

This is Carl's last words.

The bottom line of his humanity collapsed, and in the collapse, he regained the bottom line of human nature.

He couldn't forgive himself, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

So, these eight words are left.

If there is an afterlife, Carl hopes that he will not be human.

"Trouble." Su Chen felt a strange breath.

After Carl's suicide, the atmosphere on the submarine changed.

He was the first to eat a corpse in front of everyone.

Although everyone knows it, this matter has been brought to the fore.

Carl, who was guarding the crematorium, committed suicide.

David and Reynolds, who were handling the food, had become abnormal.

Jackie is already showing signs of collapse.

At this time, the most normal person in the submarine is Su Chen.

as predicted.

Carl's death did not seem to have caused much movement, but it has already caused the submarine to turn up the sea.

The soldiers onlookers walked away silently with their heads lowered and disappeared.

The atmosphere of the entire submarine became more and more strange, and it was so quiet that it was terrifying.

The lights also became dim at this time.

"This is no longer a human submarine."

"It's a ghost ship in the underworld."

"Apart from me and Jackie, there are no real people in the submarine anymore."

"Monster and food, hunter and prey."

Su Chen swallowed and pulled Yaji away quickly.

From now on, the submarine has changed and is no longer a place on earth.

Carl's death exposed everything.

He was like the last straw that broke the building.

At this time, the submarine S-21 became a dark jungle, even more cruel and terrifying than the dark jungle.

It can even be said that the submarine S-21 has become a corpse, and we are all in the stomach of the corpse.

Su Chen took Yaji and walked quickly to the storage compartment...  

The storage compartment holds the few cans left.

That's the only thing they can eat.

During the movement, Su Chen heard the sound of puchi puchi chewing.

Turning his head to look, he did not know that there was a cold corpse lying on the ground of that cabin.

Several soldiers crouched around the corpse.

They were covered in blood and their hands were covered in flesh, and they began to eat.

Since Carl's death has brought all the truth to light, there is no need to endure it.

Submarine S-21, on the fifteenth day, opened a Pandora's box that could never be closed.

Perhaps, when the submariners return to the rand, they will be able to become human again.

But there is no such possibility.

They were destined to be unable to leave the submarine.

10,000 meters of dead ship, no one survived.

"What are you doing?" Yaji broke free from Su Chen's hand and shouted sternly.

She opened the door, but she didn't know how terrifying the door was.

The truth in the shadows can be redeemed without surfacing.

The truth in the dark, when it comes to the surface, is madness.

These soldiers were still more afraid of Yaji at this time, and they all huddled in the corner, their heads lowered and they dared not speak.

They still remember Jackie as the captain.

But over time, with hunger, they get even crazier.

By that time, Jackie will no longer be Jackie, but food.

"Come with me."

"There is no way to stop it."

"Just as you said, if the sun shines in one day, this place will become a world, and they will become human again."

"If not, the purgatory on earth is nothing but this."

"There is no way to stop it."

"Carl's death has made the situation irreversible." Su Chen quickly pulled Yaji away.

Ya 0.1 Ji was forced to open a secret door.

This is a decision that Jackie really can't make.

I thought it was the door of hope, but I didn't expect it to be the door of madness.

Carl's death completely pushed the door open.

Only sunlight can close this door.

Otherwise, it is purgatory on earth.

"It was my fault."

"it's all my fault."

Jackie is about to collapse.

Su Chen grabbed Yaji's hand and shouted, "You're right, it's just that your understanding of human nature is too optimistic."

"I've seen too many sins."

"Human nature is inherently good and inherently evil. When it is good, the world is beautiful. When it is evil, the world is like a prison."

"This is man."

"Even if you don't make a choice, something like this will happen sooner or later."

Under Su Chen's comfort, Yaji temporarily stabilized her emotions.

She murmured to herself: "Human nature is inherently good and evil."

Yaji, who has experienced hundreds of battles and witnessed life and death, should have known, but she has always chosen to forget. .

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