On the sixth day, Su Chen and Yaji depended on the only remaining cans to support their lives.

The entire S-21 submarine was extremely silent, as if it had become an empty ship.

Occasionally, there will be a non-human roar, messy footsteps, and crunching chewing sounds.

But most of the time it is extremely quiet, as if not in the world.

Jackie spoke very little recently, and slept poorly, mostly alone looking at the darkness outside the ship.

Today, the submarine has sunk to 10,000 meters below.

The dark and boundless sea bottom, empty and dead, is no different from the icy universe.

She still retains the habit of writing essays.

But no one can read what she wrote, not even Su Chen.

"Nine days left."

Su Chen is counting the canned food and some dry food in the storage compartment.

Today, only Yaji and Su Chen eat these foods.

So, save some food, and stick to it for another nine days is no problem at all.

"Yaki, I suggest you don't run around." Su Chen said to Ya Ji.

Jackie is going out again.

Since Carl's death, the 28 submarine is no longer a human submarine.

But Jackie has to go out every day.

Although she has a gun and is good at it, she is still dangerous.

Yaji ignored Su Chen, pushed open the storage compartment and walked out.

The soldiers of the S-21, who are more like ghosts, have become complete monsters.

Famine can make people abandon the bottom line, change their sons to eat, and collect their bones and cook.

This is horror, the most terrifying horror.

In their eyes, all around is food.

Killing the food and eating it is the right thing to do.

Otherwise, the food will also become prey.

Sympathy does not exist.

The submarine at this time is a dark forest.

Every soldier is a hunter, lurking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches in the way, trying his best not to make a little noise in his footsteps, and even breathing carefully.

Soldiers must be careful, because there are hunters like him sneaking everywhere in the woods.

When they found another life, there was only one thing they could do, make him the prey.

Others are hell, an eternal threat.

Any hunter who exposes his existence may become prey.

They are hunters and prey.

In order to survive, there is only one choice.

Of course, Jackie is an exception.

She is like a beacon in the dark forest. When any hunter or prey sees Yaji, they will see what they look like at this time.

They will be afraid, they will panic, they will turn and flee, and continue to hide in the dark.

But the light of this beacon will go out sooner or later.

And at that time, Yaji was no longer Yaji, but living food.

After Yaji turned around and came back, her eyes darkened even more.

She saw too much horror outside.

Those comrades who once lived and died together with her have now become monsters.

Can't even communicate.

When they saw Yaji, they would flee in panic.

Only darkness can bring them peace of mind.

Now they can only hide in the dark.

Just like what Yaji said, when the sun completely illuminates every corner of the submarine, they can become human again.

Su Chen ignored Ya Ji, he kept the easiest posture possible.

Save energy.

Submarines get more and more terrifying over time.

And the place where he and Yaji are, is where all the monsters know.

This place has been completely exposed.

The fight is destined to come, so Su Chen must retain enough physical strength.

Jackie's pistol is also a relatively good lethal weapon.

There are still a lot of bullets left.

"What is that?" Suddenly, Su Chen saw a faint light appear in the darkness outside the window.

The light flashed by, but it just really existed.

Su Chen has absolutely no dazzling eyes.


"Is it some kind of fish?"

"Lantern fish?"

"It shouldn't be." Su Chen stood by the window, staring at the absolute darkness.

His memory went back to the Huanbei 3rd Road Tunnel at the border of darkness.

At that time, Yaji took action and pulled the Huanbei Third Road Tunnel into the submarine.

At that time, there was light outside the submarine, like a lighthouse.

In addition to light, there are tunes with some kind of magic.

Su Chen had heard this kind of tune, but couldn't remember it, only that it was weird.

What the hell is on the outside of a submarine.

Where do those lights and tunes come from.

If you want to know, you can only open the door of the submarine and go out.

"This mission should be a phased mission."

"Perhaps, the next task is for me to open the door and go out."

"So, where does this submarine end up sinking?"

Su Chen looked at Yaji.

What happened to Yaji, and did it have anything to do with Yaji during the first mass extinction of mankind?

"And Guiji, who is Guiji?"

The ghost Ji and Ya Ji in Zhong Jialing's mouth have an absolute relationship, and Su Chen can't figure it out.

That is, when he looked at Yaji, his pupils contracted.

Jackie is writing a diary.

She became more and more silent.

Although the persistence in his eyes still exists, it seems that there is only one thread left, and it will break at any time.

The light in his eyes was also extremely dim.

Just talking to Su Chen.

How strong is the persistence and belief in the past, how crazy it is once it collapses.

If Yaji collapses, she will become the most terrifying existence of the S-21 submarine, no one.

Su Chen stared at the small window behind Yaji.

The darkness outside was like a mirror, projecting Yaji's figure.

But that was not the Jackie before her death.

It was Jackie after her death.

It's the ghost of the captain's diary.

She is still vague.

Holding the urn in his arms.

Coming to the small window in three or two steps, Su Chen looked at Yaji outside the small window.

"Could it be that Yaji became a ghost and that ghost girl appeared."

"So, is she Gui Ji, or Ya Ji?" Su Chen looked at the dead soul in the small window.

"You're actually a ghost girl, right?" Su Chen870 asked.

Zhong Jialing said that she is not a ghost girl but Yaji.

But Su Chen just suddenly guessed that Ya Ji might become a ghost Ji after her death.

And the dead soul in front of him is obviously Yaji after his death.

Why did Zhong Jialing say at that time that she is not a ghost girl, she is Yaji.

too weird.

Su Chen's question Revenant reacted, and she seemed to raise her head.

Then she shook her head, pointing to her former self.

This reaction made Su Chen stunned.

He suddenly looked at the woman writing.

Could it be that the woman in front of him is actually a ghost girl, and the captain's diary is the real Yaji.

how can that be.

The one who lives is Guiji, and the one who dies is Yaji.

"No, no."

"She has long since died, and I have entered the period of time when I was a submarine before I was alive."

"She might really be a ghost girl."

"But, why does Yaji still exist?"

"What the hell happened to her?" Su Chen muttered to himself looking at the woman writing, with thought in his eyes.

The woman in front of her now seems to be Yaji, but her real identity is Guiji.

The woman in the small window looks like a ghost girl, but her real identity is Yaji.


Su Chen can only think so.

I really can't figure it out.

But what is certain is that whether it is Guiji or Yaji, they may be the same person, and they have all experienced terrible things. .

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