Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

078: Neutron bombing the murderer [Subscribe] (1 1)

Su Chen, Mundo, Hong Ling, and Duck Egg have been in circles all the time.

The atmosphere of the altar ceremony was getting more and more eccentric.

The villagers who watched the ceremony were hesitant to say anything, not knowing how to describe their mood at this time.

"Brother, is this okay?"

Mundo asked Su Chen quietly.

Now their move is just ~ delaying time.

"If you don't try, - how can you know."

Su Chen blinked at Mundo.

They are not in a hurry and can take time slowly.

At this time, it should be the villagers of Fengmen Village who are anxious.

To be precise, the most urgent thing should be the murderer who pulled them into the ghost.

Because the current Fengmen Village is only a certain point in time in the past.

The villagers inside were created by the big murderer relying on memory.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the bodies of all the villagers who watched the ceremony became slightly blurred, and their facial features began to disappear.

This means that the big murderer can't wait a bit, and is very irritable.

"Be careful, the murderer may appear."

"It's going to follow the plan in a moment, understand?"

Su Chen lowered his voice and said.

Mundo, Hong Ling, and Duck Egg nodded solemnly.

A large amount of black mist poured out from the cracked rope above his head.

The black fog began to engulf the altar square.

Low-pitched wailing began to spread from all corners.

The villagers who were shrouded in black mist also disappeared completely.

The big killer is about to come out.

Resentment and pain mingled in the darkness turned into shattered human body fragments.

Pair of eyes with blood, full of hysterical madness.

The howling sounded completely.

"It must be that my pain is not enough."

"It must be so."

The black fog has already shrouded all directions, only the altar where Su Chen, Mundo, Hong Ling, and Duck Egg are located has not been shrouded in the black fog.

But terrible ghosts have appeared behind them.

These ghosts surrounded Su Chen with indescribable resentment and desperation, asking poignant questions.

"Go ahead."

"I've seen through all your flaws."

Suddenly, Su Chen moved.

At the moment Su Chen moved, Mundo, Duck Egg, and Hong Bell also moved.

Su Chen rode on Mundo reflexively, pinching Mundo's neck with his big hands.

Hong Ling and Duck Egg lay on Su Chen's back and scratched hard.

This scene appeared, and the mournful mourning around him also stopped.

The black fog began to dissipate, and the villagers who disappeared in the black fog slowly appeared.

On the other hand, Shi Jianlin learned of Su Chen's message by phone.

"Perform the psychic ritual immediately."

In Shi Jianlin's shouting, the psychic ceremony officially began.

The channeling ceremony took place in an uninhabited desert area.

This desert area gathers the highest-level armed forces in China.

The neutron bombs that are comparable to [Big Boy] alone won't go down ten.

The rest of the armed forces are even more.

"It's now." Su Chen watched the black mist fade, and roared: "The vanity is shattered."

The ground was instantly cut open, and a bottomless blood hole appeared.


The moment the blood hole appeared, Su Chen, Mundo, Hong Ling, and Duck Egg fell directly into it.

In fact, three minutes ago, Su Chen felt the call of the psychic ritual.

But the psychic ritual could not tear apart the mythical creatures in Fengmen Village.

He has illusory destruction, and can tear a gap in the ghost.

But it needs to be done when the ghost is unstable.

At the beginning, the big murderer of Fengmen Village was forced out in a circle.

This is a very dangerous move. After the big culprit appears, will he take action against them? Su Chen is not sure, so he can only bet.

Fortunately, he bet right, the murderer is just urging himself to speed up the ceremony.

In order to appease the big murderer, after it appeared, Su Chen ended the procrastination in circles and started to do it.

At the moment he made his move, the great evil began to retreat, and the mythical creature spread again.

Although he doesn't know very much about ghosts.

But he knew something.

During the spread of ghosts, it is the most unstable.

And this instability is just Su Chen's first purpose.

His real purpose was to force this big murderer to appear in front of him.

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to find the trace of the murderer in the ghost.

Su Chen's sudden disappearance, a corner of the ghost creature was cut open, and the sudden appearance of a blood hole made the murderer who was about to retreat stunned for a moment.

Then it uttered the most terrifying wailing sound it had ever seen.

With terrifying resentment, he rushed in frantically.

The black fog was so thick that it completely turned Fengmen Village into a world of black fog.

However, when the big murderer was about to get into the blood hole and get Su Chen back.

A cannonball with a silver body and a red head fell out of the blood hole.

Before it could react, the shell exploded.

That guy, a mushroom cloud soaring into the sky directly lifted into the sky in the world of black fog, with terrifying lethality, even the thick black fog was torn apart.

"How is this going?"

Shi Jianlin shook violently when he saw the psychic ritual through the screen.

Then a monstrous air wave burst out from the blood hole.

The four figures were also rushed into the sky.

"Pick up the big boy with your face, you are the first big murderer." Su Chen opened his human-skin trench coat and quickly gliding high in the sky.

He threw away the remote control in his hand, and shouted in the direction of Shi Jianlin: "Shi Lao, attack immediately."

"Normal weapons are useless against the big guy, just throw the big guy directly."

The scope of the big boy explosion is in the world of horror, and also in that murderous ghost.

Therefore, the terrifying power of the big boy was fully endured by this big murderer.

Only a very small part of the lethality leaked out through the blood hole.

But even a small amount of lethality made Su Chen uncomfortable.

After Red Bell, Mundo, and Duck Egg escaped from the ghost, they also recovered their ghost appearances.

[Challenge: Leave Fengmen Village alive] [Complete]

[Reward: 10,000 experience points]

[The badge of honor takes effect: additional experience value +2000]


[Reward: Three Ways Stone]

The challenge task of escaping from Fengmen Village alive was completed, and with the experience points accumulated before, Su Chen rose to level 24 in one breath.

But this is not the end, it is just the beginning.

"Go, don't stop here."

After landing, blood therapy quickly healed Su Chen's wound.

He didn't look back and rushed straight to Shi Jianlin's command center.

The roar of planes in the sky has appeared.

A cannonball no less than [Big Boy] fell into the blood hole with an accurate strike trajectory from the sky.

With the blood hole as the core, a small-scale vibration is emitted, and the leaked energy stirs up thousands of feet of sand and dust, forming a small sand mushroom.

For the first time ever, a neutron bomb exploded.

After rushing to the command center in one breath, Su Chen successfully met Shi Jianlin.

Shi Jianlin is directing the bombing.

On the big screen, you can see one after another with extremely strong lethality being thrown into the blood hole.

...... 0

One after another, sand mushrooms appeared in the air.

The black mist in the blood cave surged out and shrank back.

Amazing howls and screams erupted from the blood cave, and the ears of the shocked people were buzzing.

"Don't stop, keep frying."

"The one in the blood hole is the real murderer. Only neutron bombs can cause damage."

"This is the perfect opportunity."

"Relying on the psychic ritual and the three-pointed two-edged spear, I forcibly dug a gap in the ghost beast."

"This kind of opportunity may not come again."

This is Su Chen's big truth.

Dig a hole inside the ghost to escape.

Throw a neutron bomb through this gap, and the culprit in its ghostly creature is to bear it head-on.

It's hard to get a second chance like this.

"It's well fried." Looking at the stirring sand and dust on the screen, he wailed terribly.

The black mist that was trying to get out was pushed back again, and Su Chen squeezed his fists excitedly.

Shi Jianlin was also very excited, but also very shocked.

It was a monster that even a neutron bomb could not kill.

"Let me introduce it to you. The one I just threw is called the No. 1 Strong Boy. Its power is comparable to the big boy I gave you before."

"Okay~ Name." Su Chen raised his thumb.

"That one was called the big girl just now."

"Okay~ Name." Su Chen raised his thumb.

"This one is called Little Woman."

"Okay~ Name." Su Chen raised his thumb.

"This one is called Dad."

"Okay..Wait a minute, Dad?" Su Chen froze for a moment, then looked at Shi Jianlin.

Shi Jianlin patted his chest proudly: "This is my name."

"My father has passed away."

"So I named the neutron bomb after my dad."

"If you bear the existence of this father, you will go to see my father."

As soon as Shi Jianlin explained, Su Chen raised his thumb and said with admiration: "Good name, good poetry, Shi boss is talented, one word, absolutely~" One.

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