Thriller Game: Big Brother, You Are Too Much!

079: It's not the end, it's just the beginning [four shifts] (1 1)

"Su Chen, what the hell did you encounter?"

Shi Jianlin's scalp was numb and his whole body felt cold.

With so many neutron bombs thrown into the blood hole, it was still unable to resist the spread of the black fog.

At this time, the black fog had already gushed out of the blood hole. Although it was not many, it had already affected the transport plane that dropped the bomb.

Many bomb-dropping transport planes lost control as they approached the blood hole.

Even if he could barely drop bombs, he wouldn't be able to strike as accurately as before.

Several of the neutron bombs had lost their aim and landed in the desert, exploding huge mushroom clouds.

"It's a big murderer." Su Chen's expression was solemn.

"I met the villagers of Fengmen Village a hundred years ago in Thriller World."

"Someone was chosen by the horror world a hundred years ago."

"Shi Lao, this is for you." Su Chen put the detailed steps of the [Ghost Rider Ritual] and some related things in front of Shi Jianlin.

This is something that is not very known to "Six Seven Zeros", and Shi Jianlin can feel it.

"An era in the horror world is the era of ghost riders."

"This was researched by those people at the time. After becoming a ghost master, they have the power to fight against the ghosts."

"Shi Lao, you also understand that not everyone will be selected by the horror world."

"Those who are not chosen are like lambs to be slaughtered. Once the horror comes, they will only face death."

"But the way to become a ghost rider is extremely cruel, Shi Lao, whether you want to use it or not, it's up to you."

Shi Jianlin was already looking at the detailed steps of the [Ghost Rider Ceremony].

The more I looked at his expression, the more shocked, even the scalp was numb.

"It's so cruel."

"But I have to say, Su Chen, you have brought us hope, hope of resistance."

Shi Jianlin looked at the mushroom cloud rising on the screen.

The most powerful weapon in the world, unable to kill even the murderer Su Chen said.

This kind of terrifying existence is completely beyond the ability of the current human civilization to contend.

"I promise you that."

"I will completely decide who will participate in the ceremony, and I will never force them."

Shi Jianlin's expression was unprecedentedly serious, and he bowed to Su Chen to thank him.

This is cruel, but also a hope.

The appearance of the [Ghost Rider Ritual] is equivalent to the blooming of a bloody flower of the other side in hell.

Although cruel and painful, it makes people see amazing beauty.

"You don't need to promise me anything." Su Chen waved his hand, his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Commander, the Great Elder asked if it is necessary to open the nuclear well for remote launch."

"The rest of the countries are also asking if they need their assistance."

"Su Chen?" Shi Jianlin didn't answer immediately, but looked at Su Chen.

"It's useless. No matter how many neutron bombs there are, it can't really kill the murderer."

"Its vitality is completely incomprehensible to you."

"The big culprit is completely incomprehensible to the current human technology."

"But it's almost there." Su Chen looked at the screen.

"Mundo, Red Bell, Duck Egg, let's go, it's our turn."

"Shi Lao, please continue to suppress it with firepower."

"Don't let those black mists melt into one whole piece."

"Yes." Shi Jianlin gave a standard military salute.

"Go." Su Chen no longer hesitated, and left the command center with Mundo and them.

The delivery of neutron bombs has ceased.

Countless missiles were frantically attacking the black fog that was trying to merge and spread.

Missiles can't hurt the big killer, but these black mists can still be barely suppressed.

"Its mythical creature has been blasted to pieces."

"Under the suppression of firepower, it is difficult for it to recover its ghost."

"Now it's our turn."

In the hail of bullets, Su Chen rushed into the yellow sand and the black mist that was torn into countless balls.

Without the murderous ghosts, the risk factor will be greatly reduced.

But still very dangerous.

The reason why Su Chen asked Shi Jianlin to stop the neutron bomb projection was to change the previous plan.

That's because he got a reward that he didn't expect: the three-way stone.

【Name: Three Ways Stone】

【Quality: B】

【Type: Consumables】

[Special effect: Let the out-of-control Specter restore his original will]

The props of this three-way stone became particularly important at this time.

It can make those who are extremely vicious, lose some reason, become extremely crazy, and only have instinctual ghosts, regain their own thinking, and have some memories of their lives.

If it were other ghosts, the effect of the three-way stone is not very big.

But the ghost of Fengmen Village was a living person from Fengmen Village, a living person from Earth.

It is willing to turn into a ghost, this is to protect Fengmen Village, to protect the world it has never seen before, but there are countless compatriots living in it...  

This is an opportunity, but still very dangerous.

After diving into the black fog, hysterical resentment was exuding all around.

This resentment reached its limit and became unspeakable malice.

The big murderer crawled out of the blood hole completely.

The twisted limbs were stretched indefinitely, and almost broken muscle tissue could be seen in the middle.

His stomach was cut open, and the stench of blood was surging.

The intestines are tied around the neck, and the head is long and infinitely elongated.

When it completely crawled out of the bleeding hole, it was like a rubber man stretched to ten meters, extremely terrifying and extremely twisted.

"It's obviously been so painful."

"Why are everyone still dying, why?"

"It must be the pain is not enough, it must be like this."

The slender eyes suddenly looked at Su Chen.

It whimpered, twisted, and rushed towards Su Chen in a very eerie and terrifying crawling way.

"Red Bell, Duck Egg, Mundo, grab me."

Su Chen's eyes were also fixed on Twisted Fierce.

This is their first time face to face.

We've seen each other in ghosts before.

As I said before, escaping from Fengmen Village is not the end, but just the beginning.

"Broken Ghost Creature, open!"

At the moment when the twisted fierce was about to touch Su Chen, the surrounding space began to shatter.

This is the broken mythical creature with the scary skull.

The Broken Mythical Creature is still a Mythical Creature after all.

It can't pull in the big murderer who has a complete ghost.

But the twisted and fierce ghost was shattered, and it must have been damaged by the neutron bomb.

Then, pull it 0.1 into the broken ghost, and it will work at this moment.

"Before you invited me into your mythical creature."

"Now I invite you into my ghost."

"Respectful exchanges, this is the fine character of our Chinese people."

At the moment when the twisted big man pounced on Su Chen, Su Chen disappeared like an afterimage.

What followed was a shattered tall building.

The combat troops in the desert saw a strange building appear in the black fog with their own eyes.

The black fog was boiling frantically, but for a long time it was unable to tear through the building and get in.

This scene is like a mirage, which makes people stunned.

Even the firepower stopped.

Shi Jianlin roared angrily: "What are you doing, you are covered with firepower."

"No matter the cost, smash those black fogs, and don't let the black fog form a piece.".

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