Thriller Game: Guest, You Are Really Perverted

Chapter 268 Unique Source Of Life

Chapter 268 The unique source of life

Looking at this oil painting made of human skin, Su Ming rubbed his chin.

"But how can I paint the door?"

Try to focus the power of the quote on your fingers and paint it on the canvas.

It was found that while Su Ming could leave marks on the canvas in this way, the marks stayed too short to complete the frame of a door.

"Quotations? Where's the power of the Immortal Grip?"

Su Ming tried again, but this time his fingers just touched the canvas, and the canvas let out a shrill scream.

As soon as he was touched by his fingers, there were traces of cigarette burns on the canvas, and the expression of the little fat man in the lower right corner of the canvas also showed a painful expression.

"Uh... no way.

Seeing this scene, Su Ming silently withdrew the power zone of the Immortal Grip.

Not the same as cunning.

The Canvas of Despair is weakly resistant to the grip of immortality.

Apparently, he almost burned through the canvas with only a little effort.

Fortunately, this canvas has a certain self-healing ability. After a period of recovery, it flattened out again.

"Killing power is absolutely out of the question. Quotations have a door, but power alone won't stay on the canvas long enough.... Is it because of a lack of paint?"

After thinking for a while, Su Ming pulled out the butcher knife on a rainy night and cut a hole in his finger.

Blood flowed from the wound, and it was sucked dry by the butcher's knife in the rainy night.

Sheath this greedy knife.

Su Ming squeezed his fingers tightly to let the blood flow out.

Then he paints on the canvas with his bloodstained fingers.

While painting, he also unleashes the power of quotes through blood.

This power is also mixed with the unique blood of the source of life.

These forces merged with each other, and finally formed some bright red blood, which was left on the canvas of despair.

Through the movement of Su Ming's fingers, a bloody door was outlined.

"nailed it!"

When the pattern painting of the door was finished, Su Ming heard a burst of laughter.

Seeing that the little fat man in the lower right corner of the desperate canvas seems to have encountered something happy, he grinned.

At the same time, the door on the canvas gradually becomes real.

Gently run your hands over the freshly painted door.

Su Ming felt a familiar smell coming from the opposite side of the door.

breath of reality.

Su Ming discovered this, raised his hand to grab the realized door handle, and pulled it hard.

The painted door is actually easy to open.

on the other side of the door.

This is the basement that Su Ming is familiar with.

"This is `||!"

Seeing this, Su Ming didn't hesitate, and walked out the door with a short body.


It seemed that a layer of foam had burst through, and Su Ming felt his body relax, and he had already arrived in the basement of Moon Bay.

behind him.

The door made of blood, as if it had completed its task, suddenly collapsed into a pool of dirty blood and disappeared on the canvas of despair.

As the picture of the door disappears, a small pattern appears on the canvas of despair.

I raised my hand to uncover the canvas, and Su Ming found that there was an extra attribute on the canvas.

[Picture of the door: the lounge of the death arena. 】

[Commentary: Your blood fascinates the canvas of despair, and profound power has left clear marks on this canvas. It is written on the canvas of despair, you only need to paint and paint with blood, and it will open the 'door' for you. It hurts a bit, but nothing. 】

"Why do I feel like Tang Seng?"

Looking at the desperate attributes on the canvas and the pattern of a fat man with a thumbs up and a flattering smile in the lower right corner, Su Ming raised his eyebrows.

The desperate butcher knife has become addicted to his own blood, and has become the number one dog leg. If you feed some blood every day, you will become honest and use it casually.

At first, Xiren also expressed their interest in Shouyuan.

Now because of his blood, the Canvas of Despair imprints you with something like a permanent portal.

This gave Su Ming a new understanding of the power of his own organs.

The power of his organs can not only suppress deceiving and corrupting ghosts.

It seems that you can also feed curse props, so that these guys are willing to be their good helpers.

"Is this another use for the organ?"

Su Ming smiled, rolled up the canvas of despair, and put it into the backpack.

He looked up and saw that the old door to the basement was broken.

Only one broken frame remains.

Inside the door frame, a horrifying figure in relief is struggling, which is eye-catching and makes people shudder.

But on this humanoid relief, Su Ming didn't feel any supernatural power.

"Is the door because of this guy? Then why is the door broken? Because opening the door exhausted the guy's resentment? Is the door still a consumable?"

Raise your hand to touch the relief poured in cement. Su Ming tried his best.


Dense cracks spread and were soon covered by reliefs.


The relief shattered, and a disgusting smell emanated from it, making Su Ming take a step back and cover his nose.

"nothing left."

He found that the broken relief was just a stone shell with nothing inside, not the human body he imagined.

Or, there are human corpses here.

But because of the opening of the door, this suspicious corpse was used as fuel to make the door work, and disappeared without a trace.

So, Desperate Canvas seems to be more useful than expected

Discovering this, Su Ming realized the preciousness of the canvas of despair.

Because this canvas is durable compared to normal doors.

After checking the basement again to make sure nothing was missing in the basement, Su Ming pushed open the door of the basement and came to Moon Bay.

It was already late at this time, and the entire Moon Bay was pitch black.

There is no moon today, and the stars cannot illuminate the dark night sky.

The dark neighborhood is filled with horrible smells.

But in Su Ming's eyes, this community is warm because it is his chosen home.

Although there is no one else, it is also a happy thing to have a foothold in such a terrifying world.

Maybe I should build this place. "

Walking on the empty road, looking at the dark houses, Su (good Zhao's) Ming fell into deep thought.

He remembered that he killed Brother Long.

Because of the lack of security, the current Moon Bay is too easy to be invaded.

Especially when all the twists and turns in this community are cleaned up by him, almost anyone who comes to this community will not be in danger.

And because the "door" was broken, the real terror that seemed to be staring at Moon Bay could no longer turn its gaze to this place.

This place has become a real safe place from dust.

Su Ming doesn't want his hard-working lair to be invaded every day.

Therefore, he needs to change this place.

He took out the seeds of the locust tree.

"This seed suppresses deceit and absorbs improper negative emotions to grow. If I plant this seed here, and then catch some deceitful ones and raise them in the community, wouldn't I get a man-made special scene?"

Su Ming remembered his experience in Dahuai Village.

The "people" in that village are all liars. .

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