Chapter 269 Chat room upgrade

Just because of the owner of the suona sound, these twists and turns turned into paper figurines and some changes took place.

So the soul tree has not absorbed many mysterious negative emotions over the years, nor has it grown much.

Otherwise, Yinhuai Village will definitely not be what it was when we first entered.

"Try it."

With a decision in mind, Su Ming took direct action.

When he got home, he took a shovel and a hoe and a bucket of water to the open space in front of the villa.

Moon Bay is a high-end villa area.

There are many green lands.

But because no one has managed it for so long, the weeds on the green space are almost as tall as others.

Looking at the weeds all over the ground, Su Ming silently released the shadow double.

Following his maneuvers, Shadow Body Dual Swords took out his Hateful Scythe and began mowing the grass.

Swish Swish Swish.

The sickle hates sharp killing, and its ability to mow grass is not bad.

As for Aoe's injury, pieces of weeds were cut off under the swing of the shadow body's double knives.

The cut weeds quickly wither and rot under the action of the sickle, directly completing the rot process and increasing the fertility of the land.

"Huh? This sickle seems to be very suitable for farming."

Su Ming who discovered this was a little surprised.

He 407 felt like he had developed a new use for the sickle.

Body doubles are very efficient. Clearing a large area of ​​weeds took only an hour.

Seeing the fertile green land, Su Ming nodded with satisfaction, and decided to plant other crops on other green land after planting Chinese pagoda tree.

Carrying a hoe, because of the green pine king.

Su Ming picked up a shovel, dug a hole, and planted the seeds of the locust tree.

Soil cultivation and watering.

Look at the little soil bags that have been planted.

Su Ming rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"The soul tree is a supernatural plant, so can this plant be cultivated with my blood? Adding some resentment crystals should make it grow faster."

Su Ming didn't know if his guess was reliable.

But that didn't stop her from trying.

Look at the remaining half bucket of water.

He took out a shard of resentment crystal and directly crushed it into powder with his fingers.

Sprinkling the powder into the bucket, Su Ming pulled out the butcher knife one rainy night and cut a hole in his troubled finger.

The familiar goose plucked its feathers, and the butcher's knife sucked a few drops of blood, leaving Su Ming's fingers.

Su Ming pinched his fingers and squeezed a few drops of blood into the bucket. The wound on his finger has healed.

(cacd) "Try it."

One finger stirred the remaining water in the bucket.

Su Ming picked up the bucket and poured the added water on the seeds of the locust tree.

"All that's left is to wait."

After doing all this, Su Ming looked at the horizon, which was glowing slightly.

He knew the night was coming to an end.

A new day is coming. towel.

The sun rises and the sun shines on the earth.

The world has once again entered a safe period of self-cultivation.

But at this time.

There is an indifferent voice in everyone's heart.

[It is detected that a player has broken through the barrier, and the horror level has been upgraded to the bloody level. The game version has been updated!]

【Endless Thriller 2.0 Released!】

[Version 2.0 features are as follows:

[The game panel is implanted, players can open endless horror through ideas, browse their own attributes, horror mall, leaderboards and other functions [game tips will also be released more intelligently through idea projection. 】

[The Horror Mall has been upgraded and the auction function has been activated. The mall holds a special auction every seven days. Players can participate in auctions by paying prices to obtain rare items. 】

[The player chat room is upgraded, the world chat room is opened, and the friend function is enabled. Players can become friends with other players and send private messages for intimate interaction. 】

[The ranking function has been upgraded, and players with a bloody level can enter the world ranking. 】

[The upgrade of the invasion mode and the emergence of bloodline level players will make the connection between the dark world and the real world closer, and more 'doors' will appear in the world. 】

[Finally, I wish all players a happy game. 】

The indifferent voice gradually subsided, but players all over the world completely exploded.

None of the contestants expected that someone would reach an incredible level of enthusiasm so quickly.

"Holi Xun Temple! It turns out that the Hua people were the first to become full-blooded players? That was a day! I must be dreaming! Or a nightmare!"

"How can the country of Hua be so selfish! In order to become stronger, let the whole world pay for it? Resist, my country resolutely resist!"

The name "Su Ming" is typical of our great country. Maybe Su Ming is a citizen of our great country? Then please come back quickly, Bang Guo is in danger now and needs your help!

"Damn it! Su Mingju's blood boils already? As expected of my idol, awesome!"

The world forum is more chaotic than anything else.

Players from all over the world are discussing on it, so that the text in the dialog box cannot be read clearly.

Under the power of the system, these speeches have been translated into words that everyone can understand.

In this barrage of comments, the word Su Ming came up almost every second.

Obviously, the only player in the world ranking is an absolute shock to everyone.


The power centers of the whole world are surging, and countless discussions and conspiracies against Su Ming are unfolding.

Many plans that could not be obtained or destroyed were put on the bill.

Some powerful countries even proposed a bill to attack Hua with mushroom weapons.

However, this bill was ultimately defeated.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they can't.

The sudden and endless horror, all human beings have experienced a gamble-like initial mission.

Some lived, but many more died.

Their country is out of luck.

All the bosses who controlled the code to fire the mushroom weapon died suddenly.

The arsenal full of mushroom weapons has all been turned into non-detonating scrap iron, which will rust automatically when placed there.

There are also some weak countries, in line with the idea of ​​assistance from strong countries, are contacting Huaxia, asking Huaxia to give up Su Ming, so that their own countries can also have complete players with flesh and blood.

For a time, the demons danced wildly.

The whole world is looking for Su Ming.

But no one can find Su Ming.

"It's so lively."

In the Moon Bay community, Su Ming looked at her + friend application, smiled, and chose to ignore it.

He didn't know who those guys who added him as friends were, but he knew that the purpose of these guys adding him was to know how they became so strong, and to see if they could benefit from him.

For such a guy, he doesn't care at all.

Rather than wasting time on these guys, he prefers to spend his time decorating his home.

Standing in the green belt, looking at the soul locusts that have sprouted green buds.

Su Ming's face was full of joy.

His guess was right. With the crystallization of resentment and the nurturing of his own blood, the soul tree grew faster than he imagined.

It only took a few hours for this amazing plant to break through the ground.

As the tree of soul broke through the ground, Su Ming felt a wonderful freshness spread towards him along the small tree. .

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