Chapter 109: Dajue Buddhist Temple [Three Shifts] | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 113

At this moment, faint footsteps came from behind.

The sound is very slight.

Step on dead leaves.

Make a rustling sound.

Bai Ye turned his head.

A yellow, white-gloved orange cat passed by behind him.

The orange cat looked up at Bai Ye.

Then step on the kitten step.

The tail is raised high.

It has a small khaki package wrapped around it.

When passing by Bai Ye, he looked back at Bai Ye.

Then he took the cat’s step, flipped his legs, and walked slowly up the mountain.

Bai Ye walked up the mountain.

The green stone road twists and turns.

The tree branches on the left and right sides are twisted.

There is a small pavilion in front. Zhengguan Pavilion

When going up the mountain to worship the Buddha, you need to wear clothes to show respect.

Two tourists are sorting their clothes in the Zhengguan Pavilion.

The clothes are neat and clean.

But they were still muttering to themselves.

“Clean yourself up, don’t dirty Buddha.”

There are still tourists so late.

After careful observation.

Bai Ye found out that it was two people.

Kind of weird.

The mainstream of Fengcheng is ghosts.

Although there are people, it is almost impossible to see such a normal person.

And it is still the time when the yin is the most intense in the middle of the night when going up the mountain.

These two people gave Bai Ye the feeling…like the villagers in Huangshui Village.

This clean appearance is completely different from the depressing atmosphere in Fengcheng.

Isn’t this copy of myself not in Fengcheng?

Bai Ye was vigilant in his heart.

Fengcheng is very big.

The background of most of the dungeons is in Fengcheng.

However, there is still a very small chance of appearing in cities other than Fengcheng.

The two of them didn’t care about Bai Ye who entered the pavilion at all.

They organize their clothes by themselves.

Seems like it’s finally sorted out.

The two had smiles on their faces.

Then bowed his head.

Put your hands together and slowly walk up the mountain.

Bai Ye is faster than them.

The two tourists who went up the mountain were soon left behind.

The road up the mountain is quiet.

Except for the bluestone road, the dense forests on both sides are deep darkness.

All you can see is the road under your feet.

Bai Ye seems to feel like a light on his back.

he turned back,

Empty behind.

The staring eyes are looming, if not.

It seems to have shifted from behind to the left and right.

Bai Ye turned back.

On the empty bluestone road just now.

Suddenly a tabby tabby cat squatted.

This civet cat is carrying a package on its back.

It glanced at Bai Ye.

Three or two steps to escape and jump up the mountain.

The figure disappeared without a trace.

A faint sandalwood scent remains in place.

Bai Ye kept walking up the mountain.

Come to the top of the mountain.

There is an open space in front of you.

There are about thirty or forty cats of various colors gathered in the open space.

Or lie down, or lie down, or sit, or stand.

An orange cat closest to Bai Ye stood up.

Human-like hands clasped together.

In front of Bai Ye, he turned into a little novice dressed in yellow.

“Amitabha, is the donor here to offer incense?”

The little novice’s voice was shrill.

“Well.” Bai Ye glanced at it.

“But I see that there is no incense in the hands of the donor. If you enter the temple without taking incense to worship Buddha, you can increase your luck.” The orange cat said,”I wonder if the donor is willing to buy a little incense?”

“Where to buy?” Bai Ye asked.

I heard Bai Ye ask this.

The little novice in yellow in front of him smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into two slits.

Take out the three sticks of incense from the yellow package that you carry with you.

“I have it here.”

Bai Ye nodded, no wonder the cats he saw along the way had packages on them.

Emotions are all a group of brokers.

Bai Ye took out the ghost money.

The orange cat’s squinting eyes widened significantly.

Breathing a little short.

But soon calmed down.

“The donor quickly put it away, this kind of thing is forbidden,” said the novice.

“We are a Buddhist holy place here, and we don’t accept such things.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I think the benefactor has a lot of good fortune, and you can buy three sticks of incense with just a little bit of good fortune,” said the novice.

Bai Ye’s face turned cold.

This thing actually needs its own luck.

What source of blessing is to focus on your own luck.

“This is not for sale! I buy luck with luck, I’m stupid to do this.”

The novice shook his head.

With some regret, he glanced at Bai Ye.

“It’s not the same, the incense bought with one point of blessing can be bought three points of blessing from the Buddha.” After finishing speaking, the novice turned into a cat and squatted back to the original place.

“My price is the most reasonable. If the donor thinks about it, you can come to me.”

Bai Ye looked at the solemn and solemn temple in front of him.

The incense is flourishing in the courtyard.

The red flames illuminated the entire temple.

The door is open.

Bai Ye walked in.

There is a large bronze bell in the courtyard.

Go up a row of horizontal ladders.

It is a hall.

Prayer flags are hung on the beams of the house, the prayer flags hang down, and the large yellow cloth is obscure and dull under the dim red candlelight.

Bright red candles burn on the candlestick.

Candles go out.

Dark red candles dripping.

Directly in front of the main hall, a nearly ten-meter-long gilded Buddha statue sits cross-legged with a kind expression on its face.

On the left and right sides, behind the heavy prayer flags, a statue of Arhat stands three or four meters high.

A huge incense burner is placed under the seat, filled with incense.

Sandalwood is filled with incense in the hall.

More than a dozen pilgrims put their hands together and stood respectfully in front of the Buddha statue to pray.

“Donor, why don’t you draw a lottery when you’re here?” A monk wearing a yellow monk robe and a red cassock came out of the chapel behind the Buddha statue and made a Buddha salute to Bai Ye.

“.” Wouldn’t it be a blessing to draw a lot?” Bai Ye asked rhetorically.

“Of course not.” The monk laughed. “Those little wild cats outside have disturbed the donor, and the poor monk is here to make amends.”

“Do you accept the hidden task: lottery? (Draw a lottery)”

Bai Ye silently accepted in his heart.

“It is fate to be able to come here. The donor draws a lottery, and the poor monk does not draw any fees.” The monk whispered.

“How to draw.” Bai Ye said.

“The donor is here, please.” The monk made a gesture of invitation.

Go through the corridor and come to the apse.

There is only one Buddha statue about five meters high in the hall, but this Buddha statue has twelve arms, and each arm holds a different Buddhist instrument.

At the foot of the Buddha statue is a table.

There is a scripture and a lottery on the table.

Pick up the lottery and give it to Bai Ye.

“The donor shakes it.”

Bai Ye took the lottery.

Shake it lightly.

A lottery fell out of the lottery tube.

The monk picked it up.

Admired: “Sign up!”

“Opening up the world to make a good relationship, (promised) auspicious days and good times, everything will be perfect. If you get this lottery, it’s not a trivial matter, and the people will be loyal to the emperor. Donor, this lottery is incredible, as long as the benefactor gets the blessings, good luck will come naturally.” The monk said with emotion.

Bai Ye smiled.

I don’t care.

Fortune is just an aid.

“You don’t sell any luck-enhancing charms here, do you?” Bai Ye asked. The monk shook his head, looked at Bai Ye and smiled without saying a word.

“Everything depends on the willingness of the donor, you can buy it or not.”

“Then don’t buy it.” Bai Ye was very free and easy.

Read it in front of the various Buddha statues in the temple.

When Bai Ye returned to the apse again, the monk had disappeared.

Back to the front hall.

The dozen or so pilgrims were still standing there praying.

The hall was quiet.

Only a gentle cool breeze blew into the hall, and the tulle yellow mantle moved slightly with the wind.

The candle flame is on and off.

The pilgrims kept their initial posture.drop.




A drop of melted wax oil ran across the pilgrim’s cheeks and chin forever.

Dropped on the empty floor of the main hall. .

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