Chapter 110 Buddhist Temple | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In | Thriller Game: Horror Sign In Chapter Read

Chapter 114

The melodious and long-standing Beijing tune,

It came from nowhere.

Around the beams, through the corridor,

In the empty Buddhist temple, slowly bypass Bai Ye’s heart.

oh… ah-

After Bai Ye heard it,

The tail vertebrae shot up with a coolness.

The strong wind blew into the temple.

Yellow yarn, curtains, prayer flags.

Like a yellow dragon dancing.

The wide and thin yellow gauze floats across the hall, like a bride’s head covering.

Cover the top of all wax figures.

Slow down.


A lightning bolt.

The dazzling silver electric light burst.

Lightning fell on the Buddha statue in the front hall.

A strange look suddenly appeared on the face of the Buddha statue.

Suddenly it started pouring rain outside the window.

The sound of rustling rainstorm.

There was a lot of rapid cat meowing from outside the yard.

A cat wanders back and forth outside the Buddhist temple,

Don’t dare to enter the temple.

Bai Ye looked up at the Buddha statue on the main seat.


Drooping eyelids.

It seems to be taking care of all beings.

He is also looking at himself.

At this moment, Bai Ye felt the strange feeling of being watched by more than a dozen eyes at the same time.

He looked around the hall.

The eighteen Arhats on the left and right sides of the main hall have different expressions.

Some sat cross-legged, some lay on their side, and some glared.

They are in their original position.

The candles in the hall shook violently.

Bai Ye’s shadow shone on the wall with the firelight.

Distorted like a ghost.

It’s raining outside, and it’s not appropriate to leave the Buddhist temple at this time.

But Bai Ye felt that the rain was coming too quickly.

It seems that there is something that doesn’t want to leave this temple by itself.

He turned around.

Prepare to leave the temple.

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind.

A new monk walked out of the door on the oblique side at some point,

The monks are about fifty or sixty years old.

Bend over.

Bend your back.

He holds a small spatula in his hand.

Come to the pilgrims.

Scoop up the wax dripping on the ground little by little.

The ground is smooth and clean again.

“There are pilgrims coming.” The monk looked at Bai Ye and said slowly.

“These wax figures scare you.”

“The temperature of the temple is too high, and the wax statues have melted.” The monk said.

“These wax figures…” Bai Ye frowned.

He didn’t even see that these were wax figures just now.

Not real.

Mainly it’s too realistic.

The wax figure actually gave him the agility of a real person.

“The incense in the temple is not very good.” The monk said slowly. “So I made some wax figures to add a little more popularity.”


What kind of underworld operation is this.

To increase popularity.

So make some wax figures.

You are sure not to scare the guests away.

“After the wax figure is finished, the incense in the temple is indeed much better.” The monk said slowly.

“They are all devout believers, and popularity is very important,” the monk said.

“Meow~” A soft cat meow came from outside the door.

The cats who had been entrenched outside the Buddhist temple and dared not come in heard the monk’s voice.

They jumped in impatiently from outside the Buddhist temple.

A cat jumped into the hall, and they didn’t step into the hall, they just sat under the eaves to hide from the rain.

One by one licking the paws and the rain-drenched hair on his body.

The monk smiled and waved at these cats: “Yuanguang, Yuanji, you come here.”

The two orange cats glanced at Bai Ye,

Flicking his tail, he jumped up and down.

Raise the front two feet as you walk.

The round cat head turns into a human head.

The two little novice monks in yellow clothes have bright eyes.

Hands together.

Said happily: “Master!”

The sound is sharp.


“Have you finished reciting today’s scriptures?”

“It’s over.” The two little novices said.

“Did you bump into pilgrims today?”

No. The two novices spoke in unison.

“Last time, Master, after you taught us a lesson, we didn’t dare to mess around. Pilgrims can buy incense if they want, and forget it if they don’t want to.” The two little novices said aggrieved.

Bai Ye recognized one of them.

It seems to be the one who asked himself when he first went up the mountain.

“Master, it seems that there are pilgrims coming from outside the door,” said one of the little novice monks.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the Buddhist temple, which was closed for some time.

The monk went to open the door.

Two tourists walked in in the rain.

It was the two tourists Bai Ye saw at the foot of the mountain.

They were all wet from the rain.

After the two entered the temple, they walked straight to the Buddha statue and knelt down with a thud.

His head hit the ground hard.

not moving at all.

A wax figure standing by and praying.

Two drops of wax suddenly flowed from the corners of my eyes.

The color of the wax is getting darker and darker, and two lines of blood and tears are drawn.

(ps: I want to make the writing more exciting. It is the first time I write about the supernatural. I have been asking two supernatural authors for the past two days. They have written wonderful horror infinite streams, so the update is a bit slower).

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