A loud "bang"!

The wooden door shook heavily, but it still didn't open!

The **** man who tried too hard also fell to the ground, without hesitation, got up and tried again, but was interrupted by the scream of another woman behind him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah-!"

This time, the frequency of screaming is higher, and it is worse than killing a pig!

These American girls really like to be called... In contrast, Asian girls are frightened, at least half of the probability is directly stunned, not so noisy.

The **** man and Jennifer looked back quickly, the screaming woman had a face full of fright, she pointed at the window next to the living room, and couldn't say a word.

Everyone hurriedly followed her direction and looked over!

There was obviously no wind, but the broken curtains floated gently, revealing the sliding windows behind the curtains.

At this moment, in the gray glass, a woman in a white dress was clearly standing.

She stood there motionless, "looking" at everyone.

This time, no one was screaming anymore. They all stared at this faceless female ghost with wide-eyed eyes... Els's mouth trembled, and the cigarette **** fell from the corner of his mouth.

But the female ghost didn't attack, she watched for a while and then walked away.

It disappeared from this window and appeared in another.

Then disappear completely.

It was completely dark outside, and night fell.

Jennifer came back to her senses, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone, wanting to call the police, and muttered: "911...911...Made! Can't get through! You can try too"! "

Luo Xiu remained silent and did not speak. He was thinking about the connection between this ghost and those comments on the Internet.

This is an obvious clue to the puzzle.

Those comments, like netizens playing freely, are improvising according to the principle of nothing else, filling the vacancy of this ghost story.

But what they said was perfect.

Is this 'Son of the Devil' blogger really the child of the devil? Those who left messages were his people? Or ordinary netizens?

Luo Xiu wanted to test it out, so he said to James, who was anxiously beside him: "Mengnan, smash the glass, hurry up! This female ghost must stay in these glass windows, smash the glass and you should be able to get out!"

This eldest brother, it is not bad that he is a fierce nan with muscles in his head, he didn't think about it at all.

"Yes! Just smash the glass!"

James took out an alloy baseball bat from his travel bag, walked towards the window aggressively, swung it round, and smashed it down with a stick!

The guts are really big.

None of them have seen the comment section of this video, so they are extra brave.

This stick went down, the expected sound of glass breaking, but it did not appear.

James was dumbfounded. The baseball bat in his hand passed through the glass without any hindrance!

"what happened?!"

Just when he wanted to pull the stick back, the figure of the female ghost appeared in the glass again!

The female ghost opened her arms, giving people a feeling of hugging...

In fact, it was indeed embraced.

She hugged James' mirror image in the glass, then slowly backed away...

James shuddered!

He struggled to look back, with unspeakable horror in his eyes!

"help me…"

Next, everyone saw an extremely terrifying and strange scene!

James' body of nearly 200 pounds suddenly flew out of thin air, and then slammed into the glass window at a very fast speed!

No crashing sound, just...


The sound of his body falling to the ground.

Everyone was watching from a distance, the women covered their mouths, and no one dared to step forward to find out.

Jennifer asked in a trembling voice, "Who...go and see...James...what's the matter?"

Luo Xiu walked over, stretched his neck, glanced, and then reported the situation to everyone:

"Oh, nothing, it's just that the head and body are separated, and Meng Nan's head fell on the lawn outside... but the window is not damaged, which is amazing."

Jennifer rolled her eyes and fainted.

An hour has passed.

Jaime's body has stiffened, his broken neck is smoothed, and there is no more blood coming out... Of course, he bleeds enough, enough for him to lie in a pool of his own.

Outside the villa, no one passed by for the time being. Even if someone passed by, it would be difficult to see a dead head in the wild grass growing outside.

In the villa, everyone has used all means, and they can't call the police, and they can't even make a sound.

This villa has become a closed and independent small world.

Some people thought of going to the second floor and escaping through the broken window. If it doesn't work, at least send out a distress signal... But as soon as they went up, they saw the female ghost standing in the undamaged part of the window... Then the whole group screeched again. Wow screaming and fleeing back to the first floor.

In the end, they all gathered in a dark storage room with no windows and no glass.

Luo Xiu was sitting in the corner, still holding the pad, typing something.

After seeing the way of killing the female ghost just now, he also pondered the feasibility of hard steel on the front.

The conclusion is...the death rate is very high.

Luo Xiu guessed that this dungeon actually has a psychological trap. If some players are accustomed to using their strength to break tricks, they have gone through n times of scripted worlds, thinking that they are already very strong, or have many skills and equipment to deal with spiritual bodies, Going up, I was arrogant and wanted to try if I could beat it...

It may trigger the mortal flag, which will kill you on the spot!

This female ghost's attack method is likely to be caused by the law of causality...

if it is like this…

Luo Xiu typed more vigorously. He had already sent dozens of messages under that blogger's video.

Halfway through typing, he asked: ".〃By the way, does any of you have a mirror? Any mirror will do?"

Jennifer sat on the side weakly hugging her knees. After hearing this, she gave Luo (Wang Qianhao) a puzzled look, "I have a vanity mirror... What are you doing?"

"It's alright, I'll just ask, it's fine." Luo Xiu continued to type on the pad.

At this time, everyone realized Luo Xiu's abnormality, because he seemed too calm and not too flustered.

Els shook his head and muttered, "Freak..."

After Luo Xiu sent the message, he waited for another hour.

An hour later, he opened the pad and glanced at Neighbor.

I saw that among the dozens of comments I replied with care, only one was killed out of thousands of troops and ran to the forefront.

Likes and comments are good.

He said, "I don't know if this is right...let's try it..."

Then he stood up and walked to Jennifer: "Give me the vanity mirror."

Jennifer took out a prototype small vanity mirror from her bag in surprise, "Luo, what are you doing? You've been abnormal today..."

Luo Xiu took it and smiled: "I will do a little experiment, I will use this mirror to eat the female ghost outside.".

Chapter 259 Summoning an Ancient Presence in the Bathroom (Thanks for Subscription)

Before they could react, Luo Xiu walked out and left the crowded and stuffy storage room. "Hey! Luo! Are you going to die?" The cold and handsome Eddie hurriedly stood up.

Luo Xiu didn't look back, but waved his hand slyly, "There is a proverb in the east, if I don't go to hell, who goes to hell?"

Ed grabbed him and said solemnly: "Don't mess around, we just need to stay up until dawn! It will be fine until dawn!"

Luo Xiu turned his head, his eyebrows turned into eight characters, and said helplessly: "The key is that I want to poop..." He glanced around in the narrow storage room, "If you don't go to the toilet, you can solve it here..."

"Ah?!" Ed's face was horrified, and he immediately retracted his hand.

Luo Xiu sneered and ran out in a flash, "Don't worry! If I'm fine! You will hear the code! Come out when I send the code! Hahahahahaha!"

In the storage room, everyone looked at each other.

They all thought Roche was crazy.

One girl even said in fear: "Is he already possessed by a fierce spirit? 683 is like... an animal controlled by a water nematode, he will actively find a place with a water source to die. He is controlled by a fierce spirit and takes the initiative to have a mirror. where to die?!"

Hearing this, other people's faces were ugly.

Luo Xiu walked briskly, running and jumping to the bathroom.

There has been a power outage here for a long time.

In the bathroom, there is a deep darkness, and it is silent and daunting.

After Luo Xiu rose to level 8, his night vision ability also improved a lot. With the little bit of starlight leaking in from the window, he could see clearly inside.

In the live broadcast room, there is an effect of brightening the picture, so that the audience can barely see it clearly, but it will not be too bright to destroy the effect.

They didn't see the pad screen just now, so what Luo Xiu did was completely confused.


【Why go to the bathroom? ? 】

[I don't understand Luo Xiu's behavior at all. Isn't this killing him? 】

[Since Luo Xiu dares to go alone, he must be confident that he can beat him. He is already very strong now, and (bfai) also has such a buggy skill as the Sun God Shenyan, it is estimated that ordinary ghosts will be defeated by him.]

[This ghost in the mirror is obviously not the type to be beaten... It must be to decipher her strange attack method, otherwise it will be sent up]

[Yes, I have seen a lot of strong players, because of recklessness, they gave away their heads in vain at the hands of this strange murderous spirit. This type of ghost must find a way to solve it]

[Luo Xiu also swelled? 】

[No... none of you think about it, why does Luo Xiu take a small mirror? 】

Roche walked in.

He walked unhurriedly to the washbasin, raised his head, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the mirror gently.

It was pitch black inside, and only a vague mirror image of himself could be seen.

"Come on, girl, if you don't come, I'll smash the glass and force you to come..."

The voice did not fall.

A dark female ghost in a white dress quietly appeared in the mirror.

At first glance, Luo Xiu would think she was behind him.

But now that she knew her attack method, Luo Xiu naturally wouldn't waste time looking back.

Unlike the first time, the female ghost heard Luo Xiu's words and may have judged it as a threat to the second floor, so she stretched out her arms and planned to attack.

Still the same way to kill James.

She is going to hug Luo Xiu's mirror image and drag its body in together!

However, this time, Luo Xiu came prepared.

He hehe smiled:

"You were fabricated, right? Little guy?"

This abrupt question made the female ghost in the mirror a little confused. She paused with her hands and tilted her head.

Without hesitation, Luo Xiu directly picked up the small round vanity mirror and aligned the mirror surface with the mirror surface.

In an instant, the mirror image of the female ghost also appeared in the small circular mirror.

At this moment, she exists in two mirrors.

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