Luo Xiu decisively bit his thumb and painted a **** cross symbol on the back of the vanity mirror with blood, representing the cross of God.

After this move, it seems that he has made a successful seal!

In the big bathroom mirror, the female ghost actually disappeared!

She's trapped in the little vanity mirror!

The faceless female ghost just started to panic a little at this moment. Realizing that she had been tricked, she began to slap the mirror frantically!

The mirror trembled slightly, but she couldn't escape...

"Don't bother."

"You can't get out..."

"Hehehehe..." Luo Xiu laughed viciously, insidiously and cunningly: "Because that's how I set it up!"

The female ghost couldn't understand the complicated meaning of his words, and beat the mirror with all her might.

Luo Xiu shook his head, not wanting to waste any more time.

He had settled on his first guess.

Luo Xiu raised the mirror high and threw it **** the ground!


The little round mirror was shattered! Splash out!

In the broken lens, the image of the female ghost was also completely torn apart... and then slowly disappeared...

The system pops up a prompt:

【Congratulations to players! You have used the correct method to solve the ghost in the mirror in the old Charlie Villa]

[The hidden mission has been completed]

In the live broadcast room, the audience was dumbfounded when they saw it.

[I don't understand and ask...what the **** happened? 】

[The sealing skills that Luo Xiu mastered... Where did it come from? Did I miss the mystery? 】

[I think the secret is hidden in the pad he has been tinkering with just now! He must have found a clue in the pad! 】

[Hi... Combining what Luo Xiu said just now, I seem to have vaguely guessed something]

As if he could hear their conversation, Luo Xiu once again broke the fourth wall and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"I know that many viewers may not understand it. Don't worry, there is only one truth. I will answer it for you later."

He looked sharply at himself in the mirror, with his hands resting on the washbasin.

"Now...I have more important things to do..."

He moved, and suddenly, with a bang, the door closed.

The shot of the live broadcast room was cut out and aimed at the door of the toilet...

Chapter 260 Supernatural Liquid Affinity (Thank you for subscribing)

Roche was pooping in there. He really wants to shit, he didn't talk nonsense to the NPCs before.

According to the privacy protection rules, the player made some very private actions in the script world, and the audience in the live broadcast room could not watch it, so he closed the door, and just reached out to take off his pants, the camera was quickly moved outside the door.

Of course, you can't watch, but you can listen.

While the audience was itching, and in the live broadcast room, they were speculating about what happened to Luo Xiu's operation just now... In the toilet, Luo Xiu's voice floated out.

"Many people may not know, how did I clean up this female ghost in the mirror?"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Their first reaction was that Luo Xiu was probably talking to an NPC in the script world?

But he's the only one in the toilet!

"Don't think about it, it's just for those of you who are squatting at the door of the toilet...My lovely audience friends!" (Privacy protection rules, Luo Xiu learned from - Liu Yiyi earlier)

The live broadcast room was instantly blocked by [? -? ? 】Swipe the screen!

"I'll reveal the answer directly, it's actually very simple..."

The voice in the toilet continued to come out of the door calmly:

"When I saw this female ghost for the first time, the san value did not fluctuate at all. This is a very strange phenomenon. It is not the first time to see a ghost. In different script worlds, any spiritual body will cause my There is a change in the san value...but not this one."

"If it weren't for the huge difference in world views, then it might mean that this female ghost... at least not an ordinary spiritual body."

"I thought about it later, what form does she exist in?"

"Afterwards, the attack methods I saw were extremely bizarre. If all the ghosts in this world attacked in this way, then all the skills, equipment, and items I accumulated would be useless."

"A level 8 copy, could it be so difficult?"

"There must be a law! A law that is easy to crack!"

"The npcs opened the pad to watch the video at that time, and that was an obvious prompt."

"If there is a completely closed ghost here, the phone cannot be made, and the network will definitely be cut off, because all the possibility of external communication must be blocked... But the NPCs can use the Internet and watch the video on the YouTube."

"I thought this was a must-have game, but the system modified the reality and deliberately left out hints to the players, which was almost equivalent to using a marker to draw the key points and yelling at my ears, 'There is a problem here! You should study it carefully Come on!'"

"I'm sure I won't miss such an obvious question."

"At the beginning, my attention was also in the video, and I really didn't see anything, except that the name of the devil's son was a bit deliberate, and his mask was quite good-looking..."

"But open the comment area, and important clues appear!"

In the live broadcast room, a magical function appeared in the live broadcast system of the thriller game.

The system reappeared the previously hidden perspective, which Luo Xiu saw on the pad, almost as if to match Luo Xiu's reasoning... This is artificial intelligence!

So the audience saw those comments too.

"Those comments may not be a problem in themselves."

When Luo Xiu said this, his voice was a bit congested, as if he was secretly exerting force...

"emmm...a blogger commenting on ghost stories, there are many friends and netizens who work together to fill in the blanks in ghost stories. This is normal."

With a strange movement inside, his voice relaxed:

"Ah...but! The female ghost completely fits the description of the front row's hot comment, which is very abnormal."

"I've noticed one thing in particular..."

"Among the hot comments in the front row, there is no comment describing the appearance of the female ghost."

"I guessed at the time... Could it be because there is no description that the female ghost has no facial features? No face?"

"In addition to the hot comments, there are a lot of other comments below the comment area, but none of them have come true... So I speculate that a comment must have enough attention to be an effective comment."

"So I wanted to try it out..."

"I sent a lot of tips on how to deal with this ghost in the mirror, such as..."

"Shouting in the mirror 'Demacia!'"

"Spit at her, elbowed her, forced her, and farted with her pants off..."


"Of course, I also wrote a few seriously, and it seems that I think so; sure enough! Among the several strategies that seem to think so, there is one strategy that quickly came out and received a lot of attention. Like and comment!"

"What I wrote was 'Put a mirror in front of the female ghost in the mirror, at this time, the female ghost appeared in both mirrors at the same time, and then, with my own blood, I painted on the back of the mirror in my hand. Holy Cross, at this time, she will be sealed in it, just smash the mirror before the blood dries up, and the female ghost will be killed'!"

"This group of netizens lacking a sense of humor quickly made this seemingly boring comment rush to the top 20 hot comments..."

"I think the effect is not bad, so I want to try it."


"This test, it really succeeded!"

"How? Am I great?"

"Remember to put a coin!"

Live room, barrage:

【Hahahahaha! 】

[Here again... other players would never think of interacting with the audience]

[Between life and death... Few players would think of interacting with us (laughs and laughs)]

【This talk can't be idle】

【I get together! Roche is shitting! His analysis is delicious! ! 】

[I have to say, the clues were accurately found in such a short period of time, and a reliable solution was analyzed... Really amazing and decisive]

[Too decisive, even reckless, what if he guessed wrong? try it? What if it doesn't work? 】

【I'll die then】


[Luo Xiu's character is like this... Wrong? Oh, bye bye then]


inside the toilet.

After Luo Xiu finished speaking, he was silent for a long time.

Then he activated the skill [a prayer incantation pointing to an ancient existence]

The feature of this skill is to pray to an ancient existence for power, and each script world can only be used once, so every time you come to a new dungeon, you must use it first in principle.

No, no loss, anyway, this skill consumes 0, if there is a response... that would be great.

The last time I gave myself the power was a god-level skill like the divine flame of the sun **** 'Ra'. Eight.

Chapter 261 There is a heart that wants to be arrested, please call the police (thanks for subscribing)

This time...

Shouldn't it be too stretched?

And the reason why Luo Xiu wanted to activate the summoning skill when he was pooping was not to use the privacy protection mechanism to prevent the black screen. Because he didn't even know there was a black screen.

He's just doing it for convenience, by the way...

There is another small reason. If possible, he wants to make a small request to the guy he summoned. Of course, I don't know if it can be done... This request is slightly offensive...

He started.

"The sleeping **** of water, the master of the dark abyss, the beginning of the nightmare above the stars—I ask you to grant me strength."

Reciting the incantation of the ancient language, his voice slowly filled the cramped space.

For some reason, his voice was not soft, but he didn't get it out at all, as if there was a spiritual power that blocked the entire bathroom the moment he chanted the incantation!

Therefore, this time, there was no black screen in the live broadcast room.

Only the quiet and boring toilet door can be seen.

Luo Xiu was halfway through, and he knew it was stable.

This time, it works!

The darkness around him became sticky, and the air seemed to be solidified by some force and circulated around him.

After he finished reading, the sound of rushing water rang in his ears, which seemed to be real...

The surrounding environment became extremely dark, so dark... Even with Luo Xiu's night vision ability, he couldn't see anything.

The starlight outside the window was also blocked.


In the depths of the darkness, footsteps sounded, as if someone stepped on the water-soaked ground and walked slowly over.

Luo Xiu's san value is rising rapidly.

Soon, a long and narrow demonic figure emerged from the darkness in front of him...

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