Someone wants to give something to themselves?

Of course you have to give him a chance….

Jiang Feng did not hesitate, pursued the doctrine of taking advantage, took advantage of it first, and generously accepted the apology.

And, send the contact information——




In minutes, I received a call, and Zhang Cheng, the owner of Kuaiyin Short Video, personally called to apologize: “Mr. Jiang, hello, hello, I am Zhang Cheng, chairman of Kuaiyin platform.”

“This call is specifically to apologize to you!”

“Previously, because of online reporting, criticism, scolding, etc., we had to remove your products, and now that the truth has come out, we also feel extremely guilty…”

“I apologize to you on behalf of the Kuaiyin platform-”

“I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive us!”

“Our Kuaiyin platform guarantees that this will never happen in the future, and Mr. Jiang will sell any thriller props on our platform in the future, and we will sell them for free.”

“No handling fee.”

“No advertising fees.”

“We will provide the best promotion resources.”

“Hope you are satisfied!”

Zhang Cheng’s posture was very low, polite, and he apologized seriously, he was also afraid, very afraid.

As a fast news boss, of course, the news is well-informed!

A report was received on what had just happened.

Jiang Feng clashed with people from the official department and directly announced that he would kill the leader in a thriller game.

They also taunt and intimidate the parents of eliminated classmates.

Very arrogant!

Moreover, the younger brothers under him are even more awesome, and they announced that they would lead the whole family and kill them directly when encountered.

The key is that several of them are currently the strongest and highest-rated players, and there is a high probability that they will continue to lead for a long time!

Perhaps, it is really possible to encounter…


Cutting off people’s wealth is like killing parents, how good can their own fate be? The possibility of being taken out….

Well, very big, it was slaughtered by the hand.

Shenma billionaire?

Shenma network giant?

Isn’t it a one-size-fits-all thing in the world of horror?

High-end players, especially ruthless people like Jiang Feng, who can order strange work, kill people with only one sentence.

Even, say hello in the horror world, I don’t know how many copies there are people who are willing to help kill the player.

Moreover, the evidence cannot be found~


He is not as silly as Chen Weihong.

I have long seen the situation clearly, understood the situation, recognized it, broke the wealth and saved the disaster, don’t think about what to resist, ordinary people, can resist these thriller players in the future?


Admit your mistakes, apologize, and beg for mercy as soon as possible!

Zhang Cheng had already arrived in Rongcheng two days ago, and bought a luxury villa, waiting for Jiang Feng to come back.

I’m afraid that people are unwilling to accept an apology~

He was very apprehensive.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng smiled disapprovingly:

“Mr. Zhang of the Kuaiyin platform? Hello, I also know that this is not your fault! ”

“Don’t worry~”

“It’s okay, I’m a reasonable person.”

“I can’t blame you.”

After all, Li Duo is not strange~

Who made you willing to send something~


Zhang Cheng was overjoyed and polite: “No, no, thank you Mr. Jiang for your understanding, we still have some responsibility for this matter, and we hope to apologize in person.”

Jiang Feng let out a long sigh:

“Mr. Zhang is really too polite~”



“If I don’t let you come, you will definitely not be at ease, then come and sit with me, the position will be sent to you.”

“The cold house is simple, don’t dislike it~”

Zhang Cheng hurriedly laughed and said, “Don’t dare, don’t dare, we’ll be there soon, Mr. Jiang, please wait for a while!”


Hanging up the phone, the corners of Jiang Feng’s mouth rose slightly.

I sighed softly in my heart: “I didn’t expect that there would be a day when the big guy at the top of the rich list gave me gifts?”

“Interesting, really interesting!”

However, there is nothing unusual, not to mention that he is a thriller game high play, and his identity background is enough.

Billionaires – VS – quadrillion consortium

Lightning deals

After a while, there was a knock on the door!

As soon as Jiang Feng heard it, he knew that it was Zhang Cheng and them, because the landlord mother and daughter next door knocked on the door, they were all random knocks, and the sound of knocking on the door this time was not light or heavy, and it was very regular.

He went to open the door without haste—

“Mr. Jiang, hello, contemptible Zhang Cheng!”

“Hello Mr. Zhang! Please come in, all come in and sit. ”

Jiang Feng smiled casually and politely: “Don’t be polite, do it casually, the cold house is simple, don’t dislike the two of you.”

The beautiful secretary is very eye-catching:

“Mr. Jiang said and smiled, where is it simple?”

“The mountains are not high, there are immortals and names, the water is not deep, there are dragons and spirits, although this small apartment is simple, but with a big god like you, a true dragon living here, if it is not spiritual, it is also spiritual, and the nameless is already famous.”

Zhang Cheng echoed with appreciation: “Yes, yes, Nanyang Zhuge Lu, Xishuzi Cloud Pavilion, what is ugly?”

This horse fart shot, Jiang Feng was amused.

He also joked about business blowing: “Where and where, maybe two distinguished guests come to the door, and the cold house is full of brilliance~”



Everyone laughed heartily and walked into the living room together.

Jiang Feng poured them two glasses of water.

Zhang Cheng also didn’t talk nonsense, and went straight to the point:

“Mr. Jiang, we came here this time to apologize to you, this is my personal care, let’s talk about apologies, and I hope Mr. Jiang must not refuse!”

“If you don’t accept it, my heart is not steady.”

The beautiful secretary Chen Xiaoya also assisted: “Yes, yes, we Zhang Zhang, because of this matter, we haven’t slept well for a few days, and I feel very sorry for Mr. Jiang every day and night.”

“No, I bought you a suite!”

“The villa of the black pearl of Luxelake-”

“788 square meters, located on the edge of the city, beautiful scenery, prime location, on the island in the center of the lake, quiet, good air, and privacy is relatively guaranteed.”

“Worth 200 million, hardcover, check in with bags!”

Luxelake Black Pearl?


Jiang Feng said with a slight surprise: “Luhu Black Pearl, I have heard that one of the top villa areas in Rongcheng, there are only 27 villas, this is an Internet celebrity check-in point!”

“I’m afraid such an expensive gift…”


“Forget it, Mr. Zhang is embarrassed, since this is the case, I will accept it, not an example!”

He accepted it with a smile, half pushing, half pushing.

Two hundred million gifts don’t want?

There’s a problem with the brain, right?



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