Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1210: Return of pirates (14)

At the suggestion of Jue Ge, three players picked up mops and brushes and pretended to help the sailors clean the deck.

In the process of cleaning, they each collected some "fragments" of parasites.

This thing... It’s definitely a plan to know it; when he sees the “parasite”, he feels that the other party is related to the derivative, so he is going to take a “sample” and wait for a chance. Derived allies are identified and identified.

As for Hongjun and Snow, although they did not feel the clear purpose of the brother, after a short consideration, they also chose to "take". Because they are all clear... The fragments of such rare monsters are the same as dragon scales, phoenix eyes, and unicorns. They are bound to have a special purpose or value; those higher-level summons in the later stages of the game, Spiritual skills, and mechanical specialization skills, are often used in such items.


Books are long and books are short.


After twenty minutes, Queen Anna’s Revenge re-launched.

Just at this time, the sea is also windy.

This wind is not too big, just pushing the Queen's revenge to the direction of the target, it is as if there is a force in the midst of helping the pirates.

So some people said - "This is the death of Erdini is protecting us and sending us a ride."

No one objected to this.

People who have been at sea for a long time often become superstitious, and pirates... may be the most superstitious group.

Their superstitions are not the same as the superstitions of ordinary people...

Those who the pirates believe in are not related to most of the serious religions.

Of course, this is also normal - on Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism... In short, as long as it is a doctrine that is still a good religion, it is not suitable for pirates.

Imagine that you believe in a certain religion, and you, according to the doctrine... In the ten things you do on weekdays, there are nine things that will lead to hell. Do you still believe that the stuff is interesting?

If every religion in this world has an exclusive hell, then anyone who is engaged in the "pirate" profession should be exempt from visas in any of them.

Therefore, most of the "superstitions" of the pirates are based on the more eccentric legends, the voodoo paganism, and some whimsical whispers that are passed on from mouth to mouth.

Among them... there is such a legend...

"The death of every respected old sailor will bring a good luck to the people on board."

No one said this from the time and from whom, but the pirates are such a ghost...

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of nonsense, which is also evidenced by the law, is not at all, but in the eyes of pirates, this kind of words is more credible than the story in religious beliefs.

Because... religion comes from lies, and blame comes from the truth.


The wind is still blowing, and the ship sails very quickly and smoothly.

The atmosphere on the deck returned to its usual state, as if the previous naval battles and the death of the first officer did not happen.

This is the pirate, they will never grieve for a person for too long, no matter who he is...

"Rabbit scorpions - the boxing match is about to begin! Hurry up to bet!"

When it was near dusk, suddenly a broken scorpion made such a shout.

When the time came, the surrounding pirates blasted the pot.

Previously, in the conflict with the Mad Eye Pirates, the players have naturally completed this task, and now, the second branch task that needs to be done on board is finally placed in front of them...

After hearing the announcement, they stopped following the crowd and gathered together on a clearing in the middle of the deck.

I don't know when, some people have used wooden barrels, sacks and boxes to surround a space like "boxing".

"Come and come, the hurry to bet, it’s the men who don’t swear."

At this moment, people who are standing in a box and yelling, they also know that they are the "body hair brother" who is like a small steel gun.

The two who are responsible for collecting money, accounting and counting money behind him are Godfrey wearing a blue headscarf and the boss of the trio.

When I was fighting the Mad Eye Pirates and when I was killing the parasites, I felt that I had to take time to watch the three movements... He accidentally, the three were in the "outside" battle. It is still very desperate and the strength is very good.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the cadres on board... and the black beard took an eye-opening attitude towards the three acts of "declaration" on board.

"Is there still a bet? If not, it will start."

The trio's work was very efficient, and it was obviously quite skilled in the business. Only five minutes or so, they received the stake.

Then, the body Mao shouted twice. After confirming that there were no more punters, he turned his head and gave a look to a man standing in the middle of the boxing ring.

The man was just shouting out the first scorpion and the scorpion that gathered everyone.

At the same time, he is also the lead singer who leads everyone to sing the boat song together...

The man looked over forty years old, wearing a dirty white shirt on his upper body, a red and yellow vest on the outside, and a loose, thin black trousers on his lower body. Maybe it was because his trousers used to be expensive, or maybe because he only had such a pair of trousers... In short, he had a lot of patches on his trousers, and from the rough stitches... 80% or he Make up.

"Greek villains! Twice a week, the time you most expect is coming again..." After getting the signal from the body, the broken scorpion immediately began his very provocative opening remarks.

It must be admitted that... this man is a first-class student, whether it is a voice or a speech. Being a professional host is absolutely no problem.

"The first game of today, as predicted last time, is dedicated to two rookies who have just joined the pirates for a month..."

His voice did not fall, and the two sailors who participated in the war had already "turned into the box" from the sides of the "boxing ring".

These two are not too many words. After entering the game, they first took off their tops. Even if they used each other to provoke each other, they could instantly enter the "game state."

“Let's welcome...” The scorpion also introduced in a timely manner, “‘Bottle Opener!” and... ‘Triangle Dragon’!”

Chapter 20 Returning Pirates

Chapter 20: The return of pirates is played by members.

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