Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1211: Return of pirates (fifteen)

I don't know who is stipulated, but anyone who goes to fight against the war seems to have to take a nickname.

"Bottle opener" and "Triceratops" are naturally not real names.

Of course, this is also a good thing, because... If such a match is reported, the audience will probably hear - "Let us welcome, 'John Smith', and 'James Brown'" That is obviously quite boring.

Closer to home...

In the drum noise of the surrounding pirates, the two contestants slowly walked to the center of the "boxing ring".

The broken scorpion was very experienced standing in the middle of the two to prevent them from having physical contact before the official start of the game.

The two contestants also used this final preparation time to check their boxing gloves (the gloves were provided by the organizers of the deck boxing competition. In order to ensure the safety and enjoyment of the game, the players must wear Gloves can be entered).

When the atmosphere is almost hot, the broken scorpion begins to read the rules: "There are five rules, first, no use of any kind of props; second, no special ability is allowed; third, not allowed to play below the waist; Fourth, no one is allowed to be malicious to the disabled; fifth, no murder is allowed."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "If you violate the first four, you will immediately be sentenced. As for the violation of Article 5... Hehe..."

He just smiled and did not say what kind of punishment the murder would be.

However, all the crew members are aware of the consequences...

On Queen Anna’s Revenge, the “intentional killing of companions” is a “principle problem”; the person who made this behavior... even if he fled to the ends of the earth, Black Beard would find him and make it “Ming Zhengdian” punishment".

"Well, what else do you still understand?" After a few seconds, the broken scorpion looked at the two "players" and asked.


"Get started soon."

The two responses were quick and resolute. They were like two male beasts in estrus, showing a sense of enthusiasm and excess energy.

"So... the first game of today, the 'opener' to the 'Triangle Dragon'!"

Breaking the sentence when reading this sentence is also very skilled. He said that he would step back. When he finished the last two words, he also just exited the scope of the "boxing ring."


After only one second, the sound of a fist punch has already sounded.

Here you need to explain: the gloves used in this "deck boxing match" are made of magic materials; in addition to the protective functions that ordinary gloves should have, the most critical role is to "limit the user's The upper limit of the body."

Because the members of the Black Beard Pirates Group are generally very strong, if they are allowed to fight with bare hands, even if they do not use "special ability", it is easy to form a situation of "three punches and one dozen, one skin is open and the other is broken." .

In such a game, as long as one does not pay attention... there will be accidental injury or even accidental killing.

Therefore, the garlic brothers came up with the "boxing gloves" method - the person wearing this kind of glove, its strength, speed, physical strength, anti-strike ability and other basic attributes related to body skills ... will be Suppressed to a certain level; in this way, it can be guaranteed that this "deck boxing match" is dominated by technical contests, rather than simply relying on combat strength to win.

Of course, the "limitation" of the glove itself is also limited. Once the wearer's physical ability exceeds the limit of the article, there is no difference between wearing and not wearing it.

This is also why... none of the cadres on board can participate in this competition.

Puff puff--

Just as I explained the settings, the bottle opener already took the upper hand in the game.

But see, he relied on a round of fast and powerful combos, gradually pushing the triceratops to the edge of the boxing... or... next to a wooden barrel.

"Hey! Hold up, you bastard!"

"Come on! Beat him down!"

"I can press this week's money! I will take him down!"

Those "audiences" who stood outside the battle circle and made a bet... can be said to have no regrets about their own vocal cords; they are all shouting loudly and shouting, expressing their position in red/naked and naked motivation.

Perhaps this is not the best venue atmosphere, and the sporting spirit is not on the side.

But... for this kind of wild game, it is this kind of atmosphere that is right.

"How do you feel?" At this time, I was climbing on a rope on the high ground to watch the boxing match, and said to the two teammates around me, "Who will win?"

Hongjun and Snow are also hung on the ropes at this time, and they observe the situation on the other side of the box with their far more ordinary people's vision.

"I don't know much about boxing." After hearing the words, Hongjun replied with an unpredictable tone. "But look at the scene... The 'opener' is about to win?"

"Oh..." At this moment, Snow’s face showed the look of an old driver. He smiled lightly. "Hung Hom, this time you look at your eyes..." He paused for half a second, confidently full. I said, "In my opinion... although the two men’s boxing levels are not sloppy, relatively speaking, the 'Triangle Dragon' knows a little basic knowledge, so..."

"Oh?" Hongjun is now quite an old-fashioned person. When he listens to the meaning of this, he understands that Snow is ready to take the opportunity to blow a wave, so he also picks up the boat, "Snow brother, it seems I know a lot about boxing... It’s better to give us analysis and analysis...”

"Yeah." Feng Jie also took the opportunity to pick up. "I want to hear."

Although at the time of their conversation, the triceratops on the boxing table were still being beaten, but Snow still used a pair of well-thought-out appearances, swearing: "In fact, for the insiders, it is a matter of glance... ...

"First, look at the posture of the body, the posture of the hand, and the pace of ....

"You pay attention... From the opening to the present, even if it has been forced back by the other side, the overall posture of the Triceratops has not changed much, and the movement of the footsteps maintains a fast and steady rhythm.

"Second, look at the defense again...

"Professional boxing defense is a very high-level skill; many people think that boxing is a simple movement between two people, but in fact... its technical content is much higher than many seemingly fancy sports, and 'defensive technology' 'It is the top priority of this piece.

"Those who think that this kind of exercise is simple, if it is against the professional boxer, don't say it is a trick... even if the other party does not punch, they can't win... because in the face of professional defensive skills, ordinary people's punches I can't even touch each other's body.

"Of course... The triceratops in front of us are not that powerful. He is at least an entry level. It is so... He has been defensive so far."

"And slow." Hongjun interrupted at this moment, "Is it okay to say 'Drip not leaking'?" He pointed his finger at the direction of the boxing ring. "The Triceratops have been beating."

"However, 'effective punch' is not all right?" Snow said, "the 'professional' punch is another matter, at least the 'opener' fist... like now, in the arm or If the outside of the body is blocked by a glove, the damage caused is almost negligible."

"Not only did it hurt, on the contrary... it also caused his physical fitness to drop faster than the defensive side." At this moment, Feng Suu suddenly took over Snow's words and came to such a sentence.

"Oh..." Snow immediately smiled. "You know it....and what about garlic?"

"Yes." Feng did not agree with it. "I asked the question just now. I just want to show you the knowledge in front of both of you. I didn't expect... you also understand people, so this forced me to let you It is."

"Oh... after hearing this sloppy and rough language..." Snow squinted and spit out, "I should admire your frankness, or marry your skin thickness."

When they talked about it here, on the boxing ring... the situation changed suddenly.

However, the bottle opener has gradually exhausted in the situation of repeated attacks and even attacks. His fists have not had the strength and speed not long ago, and his breathing is getting heavier. .

Upon seeing it, the Triceratops knew that the time had come. He grabbed the gap between the other opponents... He hit the chin of the bottle opener with a counterattack from a jab.

Don't just look at it, the "effective" punch is more useful than the ten "invalid punches" blocked by the defense.

The bottle opener was a cockroach at the time, losing its balance; it took a few steps to get back the balance... and didn't fall to the ground.

The Triceratops is a sneer, chasing it, and a combination of punches greets the past.

The bottle opener has consumed too much physical energy in the attack of the genius. The reaction has not kept up, and it has suddenly lost.

The Triceratops is a brisk and flexible use of the width of the venue. The combination of change and combination of virtual and real has quickly disrupted the pace and posture of the bottle opener... As a result, the defensive deficiencies are a matter of course.

"Hongxi brother, see the difference between the two punches?" At this moment, Snow spoke again.

Hongjun also quickly replied: "Ah... in contrast, it is quite obvious. The bottle opener's boxing relies mainly on brute force and instinctive swinging gestures. The triceratops' punch relies on explosive power. ', not only the arms and shoulders... he uses it from the bottom plate to the back of the back; after punching, his body can restore balance and prepare for the next move in a very short time. ""

"Yes, this is the gap on the 'offensive' level." Snow nodded and said, "I want to win in this kind of boxing without a 'break between rounds'. Mastering the correct way to punch is a must. ... Otherwise, it will be like the bottle opener... Even if it is the chance to attack the first-hand attack, it will exhaust the energy in a short period of time and fall into an irreversible defeat."


Snow hasn't finished yet, the boxing... The sturdy body of the bottle opener has fallen to the ground.

"Pour the ground!" The broken scorpion shouted loudly in the first time and began counting, "one, two, three..."

Appropriate, when Snow and Hongjun discussed the boxing method, the bottle opener on the boxing ring ate the "effective blow" of the Triceratops five and six... And this five or six is ​​enough to end the contest.

"Four...five...six..." Although I broke the scorpion, I saw that the goods could not stand up, but for the effect of the program, he still counted there and consciously the more slowly.

"Get up! Bastard!"

"Damn... Lao Tzu’s money is gone."

"Yeah! Good job! Play beautiful!"

Seeing that the outcome has been divided, the audience’s reaction is mixed; there are winners, there are losers... Fortunately, there is a limit on the amount of bets placed on this gambling (this rule is that Blackbeard is instructed by the mouth of the cadres, and It was this move that only controlled the activities of the deck boxing match in the category of "small gambling and love". So far, there has not been any troubles. The winners can’t make any big fortune, and the losers don’t. As for jumping into the sea.

"...9...10!" It took nearly twenty seconds to break the scorpion and finally count the ten numbers.

He immediately jumped into the arena and grabbed the right hand wrist of the Triceratops and suddenly raised: "Winner! Triceratops!"

The moment the result was announced, cheers, snoring, disappointing sighs... intertwined.

Next, it is time to “check out” the first round of punters and “bet” the second round.

This matter is still handled by the garlic brothers; the time required for checkout is not much, because only the part of the talent that won the money needs to be settled. The second round of betting time is not too long, because in the first round, there will definitely be someone who "loses the light" or "wins enough" and does not participate in the betting.

In short, after seven or eight minutes, the preparation for the second round is ready.

Once again, the broken scorpion stood in the center of the boxing ring and sang: "Guys! Today's warm-up match seems to be a bit faster, right?" He paused and smiled. "It doesn't matter... read it early." With the rookie, we can see the show earlier!"

As the host of the pirate ship, he does not have to care too much about his words and deeds and wording. He does not have to worry about offending people at all; for example, in front of this sentence, "the rookie is smashing each other", in the regular competition outside, the host said that this is definitely not But on the pirate ship, don't say that it is a "novice", that is, it doesn't matter if you are a niece... The pirates who export to dirty will not hate each other because they don't listen.

"Now... please..." After a few seconds, the tone of the broken scorpion rose a little further. "The active defending champion of the deck boxing match..."

At the same time, the body Mao Ge actually still holding an inverted iron bucket, with two broken brooms to play a close drum.

"Forty-five battles... forty-five wins..." The broken scorpion did not report the number of kos, because all the wins in the deck boxing match were ko, "There has been no record of the downfall so far... Every game is easy to win with absolute advantage. Extreme master...

"He is a giant from the north...

"He is a sea monster that climbs out of the abyss...

"He is a painful maker, a confident trample...

"He is... ‘dimensional-jing-people-’”

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