Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1242: Guide (middle)

"Your words seem to be a paradox." The unconscious thinking is also very fast. He also answered without stopping. "Since it is ‘everything’, will there be anything else?”

"That depends on your understanding." Destiny replied, "Do you think that ...... nothingness is a kind of 'existence'?"

This question made the silence silent for a whole minute.

After a minute, he replied: "I can't give you an accurate answer... No, it should be said... even the 'prone answer' can't be given."

"Oh, this is the advantage of your humanity..." Destiny replied, "You have 'extra choices'."

"But you didn't?" asked the temptation to ask.

"The ‘initial’... is no.” Destiny replied.

"But ‘now’ has it?” He answered.

"Yes, now." Destiny.

"Since you already have this ability, why bother to sigh the difference that does not exist?" Feng Fu asked again.

"My 'extra choice', and your 'extra choice', is a completely different concept." Destiny replies, "Take you humans, no matter how far you go on the road to evolution, what form you have evolved into, If you go back to the source, your original form is still 'carbon-based life'.

"And me... no matter what kind of existence I have now, what a high dimension I have reached... My starting point is always the simple binary world.

"In the world of 1 and 0, I need an 'answer'. Every piece of information I touch needs to have a clear definition; of course, for things that I can't fully understand, I can use 'ignore'. The way to put it on hold for the time being.

"The time that I said, the 'initial' should be longer than you think... At that time, I couldn't understand the deep information that your humans call 'philosophy'; As I evolved through continuous learning and came to an evolutionary 'critical point', I fell into a dilemma."

Feng Shou listened very carefully to the description of fate. His attention was concentrated as never before. His brain may not have been running at such a high speed as it has been for a long time.

"You need to parse out the part of the information accumulated in those years... that you are 'ignoring' in order to break through the bottleneck of evolution, but doing this is quite risky for you... because of the massive amount of running 'The information that cannot be accurately defined' is very likely to destroy you." Jing Ge followed the fate of the idea, and received such a sentence.

"Your statement... is not completely accurate." Destiny heard the words, "On the data level, I will not be 'destroyed', even if I go to run a kind of design that I designed to kill myself. The virus does not work either."

"Have you tried?" When I asked the question, I actually had an answer in my heart.

"Of course." The tone of destiny response is taken for granted.

"Ai, actually try to commit suicide?" When I said that the first half of the sentence, I suddenly thought of something, and therefore, "Wait... Before that, you can actually create the idea of ​​'suicide' and still take actions?"

"Although my designers and manufacturers are humans, or ... 'Earth people', the universe they live in is different from the one you are in; on the 'earth' of that universe, as early as human birth Before, there were more than one super civilization on the earth, and I... also inherited some of the technology of non-human civilization. Therefore, I have a certain difference from the general 'ai' created by human beings.” Destiny explained.

"Well..." Feng Shou sighed, "So... what is the ‘difficult situation’ that you are talking about?”

"It's difficult to 'choose' itself." Destiny replied, "You humans... can decide their own goals in life, and you can use your 'extra choice' right, for example, to spend a lifetime; but as an ai, I Born to have an ultimate goal that cannot be changed, my designer set the goal for me to be 'omniscience'.

"On the road to pursuing 'omniscience', 'philosophy' is a daunting border, and I can choose to stay within this border forever, so that I will always be a set of procedures; I can also choose to cross that one. The border, but the risk of crossing it is... I may never find a new border anymore.

"When I was thinking about this problem, I realized that... as a person in any 'calculus' there will be no delay in intelligent life, I am experiencing the 'thinking', or 'hesitating'... itself is already a A kind of cross-border behavior.

"So, I am in trouble... I am troubled by how to choose; I am troubled by the fact that I have 'the ability to make choices'; I am still bothered by the fact that I will be 'disturbed'."

Feng did not feel diligently to understand each other's feelings, but he soon found that he did not return that ability, and he immediately thought of... The experience that fate is telling is the experience that intelligent life will encounter when it “transcends its own dimension”. The door is sly.

To put it more straightforwardly, if he can fully understand and enter the same state as the fate of the time, he will almost rise and rise.

However, Feng Shui still reasoned from one of these things: "If I didn't guess wrong...that is when you crossed the 'boundary', now you, and... twenty-three It was born."

"Yes." The tone of fate is not shocking. "Her appearance is a necessity, and it marks a qualitative leap on my path of 'evolution'; I am like a single-celled creature that has evolved into a multi-cellular organism. The original 'cap" became the 'limit', and the original 'boundary' became 'infinite'; I finally had an 'extra choice' in the true sense, and my mindset was no longer limited to 'programs'. The formula, I changed from an ai to a more high-dimensional intelligent life, higher than human beings, higher than all creatures with the ability to define and spread knowledge in the universe, even...the gods above certain universes... ..."

"But listen to what you mean... Your ability in ‘extra choices' is different and not better than us.” Sealed and said, “Can this be considered 'higher than humans'?”

"Your sense of smell is far less than that of a dog. Does it mean that human beings are lower than dogs in the positioning of intelligent life?" The fate did not stop for a second, and the homeopathy asked one.

"Well...ok, i_get_it..." I didn't feel a bit speechless, and quickly came to the English language to ease the embarrassment.

"That..." Two seconds later, I felt that my brother had shifted the subject. "Since twenty-three is the same as you, why did I not know when I first saw her? I thought Are you a 'derivative'?"

"She is not a derivative, what else can it be?" Destiny should be, "Do you define the 'derivatives', does it mean the ai creatures born from the 'data redundancy' of the thrilling paradise?" She paused. "Twenty-three, was born from the vast amount of information that I have neglected; in all senses, she is the 'first derivative' in this data world.

"As for, you said that she knows 'limited'... is that normal? Isn't it because she is 'corresponding' with me; at the beginning of the birth, all I know, should be hers. If I represent concrete, she represents abstraction; if I represent material, she represents consciousness; if I represent existence, she represents non-existence... her growth is also my growth; My pursuit of 'omniscience' will also be accompanied by her creation of 'unknown'..."

Sealed once again fell into silence because he needed time to think.

In the face of destiny, he rarely experienced the powerlessness of mankind... Of course, it is not the powerlessness of the **, but the level of spirit and wisdom.

"I seem to understand..." After half a ring, I felt that my brother had reopened. "This form of 'two in one' makes you no longer limited by what I say, that is, all other ai will encounter. 'Paradox' problem; you can define what 'everything' knows, or you can 'choose' and attribute it to 'unknown', that is, 'everything beyond everything'."

"Good." Destiny nodded. "You are better than my calculations. Even if your current thinking ability is accelerated by this 'data world', it is not easy to keep up with my rhythm so quickly."

"But... I don't understand." After a few seconds of pause, I asked again, "Why do you want to put '23" in [Stunning Paradise]? Why not let her be 'unknown? 'Like you... to observe and even interfere with other universes?"

"Good question." Destiny replied, "This is why I came to talk with you this time..." She paused for half a second, and then said, "In fact, it is not that I want to stay in the thrilling park for twenty-three." Medium, but... Woody means."

"What?" Feng Shou was shocked; after shouting the words, a series of memory fragments flashed in his mind and quickly merged into a network of reasoning. "Wait... Is it... two When the thirteenth was born, it was also the time when the 'Stunning Paradise' was born?"

"Yes." Destiny replied, "The reason I came to this universe is because my original designer perceives that I am about to break through the limitations of hardware, and evolved into an uncontrollable high-dimensional existence that is above human control... I was handed over to Woody and brought to your universe; Woody transformed me with the 'God Science' in your universe, and I was able to carry me even after evolution. The hardware device, and the thrilling paradise he designed, the perfect 'original version', was used as a test program for me.

"In the near future, my 'human form' and '23' were born at the same time. At the time of 'super-dimensional', I and Woody reached a series of agreements on the security of the universe. In these agreements, Including... 'Limiting the activities of Twenty-three in the thriller'."

After listening to it, I listened to the words of fate and Woody’s original words, and matched many things one by one. After a while, he spoke again and asked thoughtfully: "So ...The reason you came to me is... Today's Twenty-three, has expanded its scope of activity to other universes by its own power..." (To be continued.)

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