Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 1243: Guidelines (below)

"Yes." Destiny followed the words of the buddy. "Twenty-three has gone far beyond the border; Woody is also very aware of her movements, only because twenty-three has not shown anything to our universe itself. The hostility, so Woody has not taken any action for the time being." She paused. "But according to the current trend, twenty-three people are threatened by the devils of this universe, and only when time problems occur, She, and me, will undoubtedly suffer inevitable destruction."

"And you think I have the ability to help you and prevent that from happening?" asked Feng.

"I don't think so, you have that ability." Destiny.

"Ha?" I felt that my brother heard it, and it was a glimpse. Then I said again, "What are you looking for?"

"The sad thing is that" fate is in charge. "On this issue, I can only turn to you. Even if you can rewrite the 'future', the possibility of 'necessity' is minimal, but in countless scenarios where the success rate is infinitely close to zero. You are still the most promising one."

"Hehehe", I can’t help but laugh a few times, and I’m afraid of it. "That’s really hard for you."

"You feel uncomfortable." Destiny answered, "I can understand."

"Is it not fast?" I felt that the brother repeated the two words and smiled. "Oh no, where do you see that I am not happy?"

"I can sense your mood swing directly through the neural connection." The next second, fate will not hesitate to take the lead. "In addition, I have always inferred from your observations and analysis that your next response is likely to change. The attitude of talking to me, taking the lead in dialogue, and putting pressure on me with very impolite, logically aggressive language and behavior." She stunned for half a second, "for example, you have 83 % may have a very sloppy expression and say to me, 'If you ask for someone, you should have a courteous attitude. In short, you should first reveal the chest and we will talk again.'

At the moment of "呃", the unseen smile was born and passed away.

He would like to make a sophistry on this passage of fate, but he soon realized that his 80% of the arguments were useless and would be taken out by the other side for analysis.

Therefore, after a very brief ideological struggle, I decided not to say a few words, and not to do what I humiliated.

"It’s bad to be seen by people, and the feeling of being said beforehand is too bad?” After a few seconds of silence, fate opened again.

"In general, I am still more accustomed to bringing this feeling to others." Feng did not feel the floor, it looked quite aggrieved.

"Then you understand why I want to do this?" Destiny again.

"Well?" was asked by her, and her face changed. Some kind of inspiration seemed to flash through her mind. "Are you telling me something?"

"Yes." Destiny, "I will make a 'demotion' more easily by "declaring" first."

"Then explain the explanation." Hearing his eyebrows.

"In terms of the concepts that are commonly used by you," Destiny said, "What I just did is to use ‘language’ to change ‘future’.”

"But the premise is that you can accurately predict the 'future'."

"No, I can't." Destiny said, "No one or other creatures can do this, at least not in the existence that I know."

"What about the Queen of Black Hole?" The seal immediately thought of a possible example.

"Of course she can't." Destiny said, "It's just some of her performances that make your creatures of this dimension have the illusion that 'she can manipulate time and space.'"

Destiny said, raising one hand, that second, a palm made of transparent liquid emerged from her palm.

"For example, this water polo is the universe in which the Queen of Black Hole is." The fate turned slightly over the head and looked at the suspended liquid. "At this moment, every drop of water that makes up this water polo is actually moving at a moment. But because the overall shape of the water polo does not change, you can't detect the flow of water with the naked eye."

“The ‘transformation’ that the senses of this ‘flowing’ three-dimensional creature cannot detect is like ‘time’?” Feng Jie understood it very quickly and immediately received one sentence.

The fate nodded, and then said: "And the outer contour of this water polo represents the 'space' of course, and the 'space' is also changing." Speaking of this, she made the size of the water balloon bigger and bigger." But I don't have to make this example bigger than this room, or small enough that you can't see it, anyway, you can understand it."

"Yeah." Feng did not feel a cry, indicating the other party to continue.

"And the Queen of the Black Hole, it is like" After a second, the water balloon in the fate of the hand suddenly appeared a little different color. "It is like a drop of oil in the water polo." With her explanation, the drop of oil is also in the water polo. Quickly swim in the middle. "She is in this group of water, but she is not soluble in this water."

"So she is in the midst of time and space, not in time and space."

"Yes." Destiny said, "For her, any point in this water polo is a place that can be freely arrived; at any point, there can be a 'the same 'black hole queen." The dripping oil began to move quickly in the water polo. Gradually, the original transparent sphere became more and more turbid, and the "flowing" trajectory of the water in the ball became more and more obvious. "But she can't change it happily. Or interfere with the established facts that occur at any time and space, because that may disrupt the order of the entire universe."

When this sentence is exported, the outline of the sphere has become very unstable, and the water flow is particularly intense.

After five or six seconds, I only heard the sound of "哗啦啦"

The water polo suddenly spread into a pool of ordinary water, spilled vertically to the ground, and wet the palm of destiny.

"So" fate put aside and continued to talk about the so-called 'future'. ”

"According to your theory," I thought about it and said, "Is there any difference between the future and the past and the present?"

"There is no difference." Destiny said, "But I can't use your human language or concept to convey and explain this theory." She shook her head helplessly. "Because you are a three-dimensional creature, your brain structure and perception." The ability to define your understanding of time must be based on a 'linear' basis, so you use 'memory' as the demarcation unit to create the typical linear concept of the so-called 'past, present and future', even if you can conceive With regard to the future 'tree-shaped' development hypothesis and the theory of parallel universe, but after all, it is impossible to promote its perception and cognition of time and space to the level of four-dimensional creatures.

If you use a water polo, you are like being restricted to one of the finer streams of water, you must follow its trajectory and never see or enter the water outside this line. ”

"That is to say, you are now reducing your own thinking, and then talk to me about the concept of "future" that has been denied by you."

"Yes." Destiny said, "Fortunately, your understanding is very good. So far our communication has been smooth." She paused for a second and added, "I will say that you humans are 'three-dimensional creatures', In fact, it is a relatively broad and not so precise. In my opinion, human beings are very special. You can say that it is a 2 or 3 dimensional creature. But I will not elaborate on that topic. After all, you are There is still too little expertise in brain structure, and there is no ability to discuss relevant issues with me too deeply."

"okok" is not enough to feel the frustration of today, he is not even happy, "You still go on to say how to change the future."

"I think you have already grasped it." No matter how you change the topic, there is no delay in the speed of fate. "The future is actually something like 'flowing water', whether it is 'straight line' or 'tree The shape is far from being able to express its complexity and variability. Even if I can't predict the future accurately, my prediction success rate is still quite high. On the basis of this success rate, it exists. 'Interfering' and 'changing' the future."

"Oh," he said, squinting his head and reading, "that is, the tangible thing corrects its shape, and the invisible material guides its potential."

"The sentence you are talking about now, and the act of speaking it in a general way, is a shining point in your humanity and one of the most fascinating features of your race." Say this praise, which makes the feeling of feeling completely exaggerated.

After a pause of two seconds, the fate went on to say: "I can't predict that you will organize such a language even if you are above the dimension."

"Humans are not willing to be limited by the cognitive limits of three-dimensional creatures, so they have created many strange derivatives in the wrong, clumsy, absurd explorations, such as literature, music, art, etc. It is called the carrier or expression of 'art'.

“Humans also have an 'emotion' that derives from biological instinct but transcends instinct and even logical boundaries.

"These things make you a 'heterogene' in the same kind of creatures. And the most important thing is that you also have the almost unlimited 'option' of the things that make the gods and gods envious; you can't imagine, one Have enough 'power' to exist, and if it has this ability, what it means for the multiverse."

When fate talked about it, he suddenly took a few steps forward and came to the place where he was only one punch away from the sensation, and looked at the latter's eyes: "I am looking at your 'free will'; And you can't help it. As an individual, your interference in the 'future' is obviously much stronger than most of your kind. This is related to your origin and the ability to 'truth of truth'. of"

In the next second, the unexpected situation happened again. Like the sneak attack on the 23rd, the fate actually suddenly reached out and directly pierced the chest of the brother.

"Returning?" In a sense, it is already a second move.

Of course, this sentence "returns", he just vomits in his heart, because his mouth is now speechless.

"Twenty-three wipes save your character data, and leave a set of restrictions in your body; with this set of programs, you will be automatically added to the "transfer" process by a set of anti-plug-in mechanisms. Exclude and refuse to join." When fate said this, a bright white data stream had invaded the body of her mind from her fingertips, and it seemed to flow through the whole body like glowing blood. "I can I can help you clean up the set of restrictions, but I can't find your character data, because the player's ability involves the gambling of the gods, so the backup of this part of the data is managed by the 'dream company'; I suggest After you get to the real world, you can find Woody through the complaint process."

At this point, the unspeakable eyes have been filled with white light, and the body trembles fiercely.

"I am writing a protection program into your body to prevent you from encountering similar situations in the future." Destiny said in a calm tone. "The process may be a bit painful, please be patient."

In fact, she said that she couldn’t say anything in the back of the sentence, because she couldn’t do anything but patience.

After a few more seconds, the white light slowly darkened.

At this time, the expression of fate has produced a little change.

"Remember, I don't know." Her tone also brought a hint of unclear and unclear emotions. "I, twenty-three, and all the souls that you care about and don't care about; Destiny, from this moment, has been tied to you.

"This is me, the only time I gamble as a ‘non ai creature,' I gave up the probability and calculation and put everything on your 'infinite possibilities'.

"I hope I am right, and I hope that in the 'future', we can see you again."


Cold winter, early morning.

In the unconscious home, the lights in the room flashed in a strange way, and a burst of power was heard.

In the living room, on the cabin of the luxury game compartment, all the bright lighting components are as extraordinary as the overload.

When those lights reached the limit, suddenly there was such a voice.

Followed by, the whole room was dark, as if it was a trip.

Deadness lasted for about a minute.

Then, with a strong arm, the hatch is opened with mechanical parts inside the game compartment.

After the "call" hatch was opened, the seal did not feel a stand up and sat up from the cabin, and a white breath was exhaled in the mouth.

In the darkness, his eyes are still emitting a blazing streamer.

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