Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 797: Battle of the White Country (3)

Fifteen minutes after the start of the script, the four men on the front line of the **** were already divided into three.

Xiaoshen and Xiaoling, who have strong investigation expertise, go all the way, and in the case of ensuring their own concealment, they start a search along the v-shaped route. If the rain and the flowers are two people, they will go straight in the open area; with their combination... even if they encounter long-range sneak attacks or trap ambushes, they can calmly deal with them, so they don’t have to hide.

In short, these four tactical ideas are... looking for a split, finding an enemy as soon as possible, or being discovered by an enemy. As soon as the two sides contact, they will use their own strengths to resolve the other party.

" you guys are not going to touch the story again..." The teammates are switching back and forth between the teammates. "Although I also feel that the strength of the other party will not be stronger than you, and The probability of item rewards in this mode is not high, but the practice of ignoring the plot is always not good... In the later games, the npc in the script will undoubtedly become the key to winning and losing. The better the habit..."

Even though he was sighing there, his teammates couldn't hear it. These words still have to wait until they are finished.

"Oh... I don't know..." I heard that the brother immediately said, "It seems that I have no substitute for this substitute. There are still more than half a month away from the game. The problems I see in them... should be corrected."


Another, w□, the four members of the corn fruit team also adopted a strategy of division.

However, their strategy is much simpler... by [Liu Sanfeng] one person is exploring the road ahead, and the other three keep a distance between them, and they are slowly advancing 200 meters behind Liu Sanfeng.

They also gave up their intentions in exploring the plot and thought about fighting the enemy as soon as possible.

However, there is a problem...

How do they meet when both teams ignore the story?

You must know that the scope of this "white kingdom" is very broad. From the huge extent of the wreckage of those buildings, it is not difficult to see the overall size of the country. Eight people in the district. It is quite difficult to meet in such a large area.

In the absence of clues, aimless search, the efficiency is naturally not high.

Fortunately... although the players did not touch the plot, but the plot will come to them by themselves...


"Hey? That's..." After dozens of minutes of searching, there was a figure in Xiaoshen's line of sight.

At this time, the angle of view of the brother also moved to the back of him, and he also saw the shadow in the distance.

It was a sly man in a black robe with a very old face. The bald forehead and face are covered with wrinkles, which can be clearly seen in the distance.

"It's a npc..." Xiao sighed and stared at each other, muttering in his mouth.

"Oh... it’s too naive." Feng did not hear this, and immediately said coldly, "I can say that someone in the enemy team has the ability to disguise..."

Unfortunately, his opinions could not be passed to Xiao Sing's ears.

After looking around for a little sigh, I felt that there was no one around me and I went up to get in touch with the other party.

In the process of approaching the old man in the black robe, the other party has also discovered him, but the old man has not made any unusual moves. Just staring coldly at Xiao sigh, waiting for him to approach.

"Oh... old man, how are you?" Xiaoshen went to the old man and tried to say hello to him.

"Do you have bread?" The old man spoke quickly. The sound is also very powerful.

"Bread?" In the face of the sudden question raised by the other party, Xiao sigh was somewhat overwhelmed.

"It looks like a npc..." Feng Shou said, "This is an event that triggers an event. If you give him bread... you should get some kind of benefit or push the story."

"Well... sorry. I don't have bread on my body." Xiao sighed for two seconds and replied truthfully.

"Cut... Why are you so honestly talking back?" Feng Buji was anxious for him. "You can't ask the words "I will give you bread. What benefits can you give me?"

"Please find some bread for me." The old man listened to Xiao sigh's answer and answered with a blank expression. "If you give me bread, I will repay you."

“Hurry and ask him ‘how to repay the law’.” The first reaction to Feng Shou is, “Is it ready to give something or give information.”

"Oh... ok, then I am looking for it." Xiao sigh's first reaction was, "You don't go away, I found it for you later."

"You are his grandson!" Feng Fu screamed.

"I won't go before getting bread." The old man replied indifferently.

"Yeah." Xiao sighed and turned and left.

"Hey, hello, hello, ask him, 'Where is the bread?'" Feng Feng said, "Come with you to pick up an errand here, what tips and information are gone without leaving? Your kid is alone. This level of puzzle is the time to act!"

"Oh! Right." At this moment, Xiao slam suddenly stopped and turned to the old man and said, "I almost forgot to ask you..."

"Call... Fortunately, it seems that your kid is still incurable." He felt that he was sighing and felt a little relieved.

"...Do you have any requirements for the bread variety?" Xiao sighed and asked seriously. "For example, is it normal? Or is it whole wheat? Is it a shofar? Or is it a stick?" ”

"What you are embarrassed about is to find a piece of wheat to collect some wheat and then give it to him!" Feng Shuo shouted, "What is the significance of asking this kind of fart!"

It doesn’t matter how he licks it, Xiao sigh can’t hear...

"As long as it is bread, it can be." The old man's reaction was very calm. After he answered it, he paused for half a second and then answered. "Let's go there and see it..." He said, he started, pointing In one direction, "I think there will be there."

"Ah?" Xiao sin looked at the direction pointed by the other party. "Oh... well, then you wait for me." After that, he quickly set off.

"God..." If you don't feel that if you have a body, you must be shaking your head at the time. "Fortunately, this npc took the initiative to give a hint, otherwise the kid might decide where to find it."


At the same time, another part of the ruins.

The pathfinder of the corn fruit team ran three maples and saw a black robe old man. The image of this npc is exactly the same as the one that appeared in front of Xiaoshen. It is like a squatting body, standing in a daze.

After the flow of three maples sees. It was also very cautiously waiting for a moment, and after confirming that there were no other figures around, his teammates also caught up.

So, the four of them came to the side of the npc.

"Old man, are you okay?" Liu Sanfeng asked before he tried.

"Do you have corn?" The black robes asked for something different from the one that Xiao sin encountered.

"Which?" Liu Sanfeng heard the words, his look changed, and immediately jumped one step and shouted, "Be careful!"

The teammates were shouted by him, and they were nervous. The four people took the opportunity to stand up as a back-to-back battle formation and be on the alert.

Some people may wonder why Liu Sanfeng feels "fraudulent"? His thinking process is such that the other party inexplicably mentioned "corn"... Our team name is "corn fruit"... The other party knows our team name... npc should not know our team name... the other party is the enemy team player The member is disguised or is the summoner... This is a trap.

Probably just a few steps...

"Hey! It’s really like it!" Liu Sanfeng said confidently at the old man. "I actually took the initiative to mention 'corn'. Do you want to ridicule us?"

The old man looked at him indifferently. He answered the question: "Please go find some corn for me, give me corn..."


The voice of the old man has not fallen, and Liu Sanfeng has lightly screamed and used his skills.

[Name: Haiwang Gun Smash]

[skill card attribute: active skill. Permanent mastery

[skill category: spiritual skills]

[Effect: Make a shock wave like a gun and crush the opponent. 】

[consumption: spiritual value 50]

[Learning Conditions: Spiritual Specialization b]

[Remarks: The attack magic that borrows the power of Sea King Dalfi can be used without water. 】

"Well?" The moment the magic can move, the expression on the face of the black old man. There have been some changes.

At that moment, the old man raised his hand, the five fingers were differential, and a black barrier appeared in front of him.


The skills of Liu Sanfeng are on this barrier. It is like a snow that flows into the fire, and it disappears in an instant.

"This guy... really is the enemy!" The mighty brother on the side saw it and immediately said it.

I don't know how he came to this conclusion... Anyway, he is a letter. So... he stepped on his feet and walked behind the old man, ready to form a sniper with his teammates.

Of course...

In the next second, the old man's body shape will suddenly move into a black mangling straight into the sky. The speed was so fast that the four people in the corn fruit team could not respond.

When they came back to God and looked up, they only saw it... In the sky, a huge crow emerged. After it flapped a few wings, it quickly flew away.

"Oh..." At this time, the face of Liu Sanfeng became less beautiful. "Brothers, I seem to be mistaken..."

"Ah... I saw it..." The elementary school dog came back with a gun. "Although I was a bit skeptical, I did not express my opinion when I saw you."

"This..." Lonely brother looked at the distant crow and read, "...isn't it one of the 'three birds' mentioned in the script introduction?"

"I am going!" Wei Wuge said. "Isn't that sinful npc? Is there any disadvantage?"

"I think..." Liu Sanfeng said, "It should be no big deal." He thought for a few seconds and analyzed, "The birdman was just a plot npc, and talking to him would trigger some kind of flag; We didn't get the task from him, but he didn't fight back because of our attack, just fled. So... we lost a branch task at most." He shrugged his shoulders and smashed. Long hair before the forehead, "We didn't intend to do any branch line anyway."

Although there is a suspicion of making an excuse for my own misjudgment, the analysis of Liu Sanfeng is really correct... If they completely ignore the plot, it is no harm to run this npc.

"Well, let's continue." The elementary school dog thought for a few seconds, convection of San Fengdao, "but it's better to pay attention to it next time." He reminded, "When you waste skills on npc, it is a kind of loss."

"Understand." Liu Sanfeng replied, "This time I am not right... It is also a coincidence. This npc opening mentioned 'corn'. It happened to be related to our team name..." He shook his head, face Without remorse, I was a little self-indulgent. "Oh... just blame me for thinking too fast, too sensitive to such words..."

If I feel that I am here, I have heard the other person’s words and saw the other’s expression when I say this, he will definitely pick up: “With your IQ and mentality, go to the South Park that plane is the United States. The president is estimated to be ok."


The words are divided into two, and then look at the small sigh here.

Maybe Xiaoshen is not as smooth and savvy as he is when dealing with npc, but the character of others is good...

He followed the direction the old man pointed. In a few minutes, I found the plot items.

Or... he was stumped by the plot.

Of course, everyone does not have to worry that Xiaoshen will fall into a dog's mud and lose the survival value.

After he was detained, he only had one hand and one body, and he disarmed most of the lower momentum. In less than two seconds, he rolled over and stood up again, basically without any damage.

"Hey ~ this kind of bread... I really saw it back." Xiaoshen stood still. Looking back at the "stumbled" of his own things, it was really powerless.

No matter how you look at it, it is a "hand"... a hand made of bread that suddenly protrudes from under the ground.

"This stuff should not be a living thing..." The spectator's perspective is not so clear, a few seconds ago. He clearly saw the hand breaking out of the ground and quickly grabbed the ankle of Xiaoshen.

"Well..." Xiao slam looked at the breadman for a few seconds, made up his mind and walked over.



Time. The earth is muddy and cracked, and the strange shadows are steep.

This time, it was not only a hand... but an entire "bread man" came out from the ground.

Its body color is different. But it is generally yellow-brown; its torso is a rectangular toast, the limbs are French long sticks, the neck is two stacked donuts, and the face is a butter-coated coconut bag.

The rest of the body is also made up of a variety of bread, such as the palm of the left hand is British Bloom, the fingers are five small croissants; the right hand is the honey bean melon bag, the finger is the cheese stick The knee is a pineapple bag, the elbow is a layer of bread, etc...

"There are also monsters that look so delicious in this game..." When I saw this enemy, there was a lot of things flashing in my mind...

Human broth, clam sandwich, Warkor's body, mad dragon's eyeball... Since he played this game, he has eaten too many things that should not appear on human recipes.

Today, he finally saw a thing that feels good no matter where you come from, but it is not him who stands in front of this monster...

This feeling... It seems to be a perennial squatting in the inferior brothel. The hackers who have visited all the fat and dinosaurs and dinosaur monsters suddenly saw a beautiful woman one day. The problem is... he didn't bring money on this day, and this beauty has already entered someone else's room.

"Niang Xipi's..." No one can hear the singer in the spectator mode, so he can burst up casually. "I can't meet this kind of good thing..."

"Hey?" On the other side, after Xiao Ying saw the whole picture of the enemy, it was a slight glimpse.

In the air... The fragrant smell of wheat, honey, butter, etc., which floated in the wind, made him swallow.

“pan!” After the breadman jumped out of the ground, he immediately licked a pair of buttery eyes and shouted at Xiao sigh, “pan!pan!” It shouted as he raised his hands and made claws and claws, obviously fighting. .

"Well... it seems that only the syllables of pan can be issued..." Feng did not know, "Well... anyway... better than repeatedly calling an_pan (bean bag)."

"Looks like I want to attack me..." Xiaoshen looked at the breadman and said to himself, "But it doesn't look very strong. It's just bread." He is still kind and soft. "Just cut it down from it and go to the grandfather."


Xiao sin just made up his mind, the bread man has stepped over and stepped.

Don't look at him as bread, the speed is really fast. Its swift figure tears open the air, smashes layers of wheat dust, leaving a burst of fragrance...

"Sorry! Let me cut a knife!" In the face of the attack of this monster, Xiao sigh is not afraid at all. I saw that he took up the spurs, did not go backwards, and the sword slammed into the right arm of the enemy. .

The crunchy skin is broken by the blade.


The soft, flexible, dense wheat fiber is quickly split.

Call, call, call...

The baker's right arm, which was cut off, flew in the air.

After a round of confrontation, Xiao slam quickly bounced and caught the piece of bread cut from the other side.

After the "pan!pan" baker broke his arm, he screamed in tears and grabbed the broken arm. He couldn’t afford it, "pan~pan~"

"Oh..." Seeing this scene, Xiao sighs can't help but move the heart of sorrow. "Good pity..." He looked down at the bread in his hand again, hesitated for a few seconds, and gritted his teeth. The cuts were cut down..." He said, and he turned his head and ran towards the old man in the black robe. "I'm sorry!"

In the rear, I looked at Xiaoling’s buddy. At this time, I read: “I still apologize... You are only eight years old today... No, it’s soft to see an anthropomorphic food...not only It’s eight years old, still a girl.”


Just as the geek was vomiting, the baker behind the broken arm showed an abnormal change...


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