Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 798: Battle of the White Country (4)


A clear, loud heartbeat sounded from the inside of the breadman, and the sound was like a drum.

The little sigh, who was running with a bread stick to the distance, turned back when he heard the sound.

Taking the spectator's perspective and following the sigh of Wang Shouzhi, he turned his eyes one second earlier than Xiao sigh.

"Pan..." The breadman's voice suddenly became low and thick, and it stood up from the ground and looked at the little sigh, "pan!"

"What! You said you have to be serious?" Xiao sighed and looked at the other side with a dignified look.

"Hey! How did you hear it!" The seal was shocked. "Is it heard from panpanpan?"

"Papapa..." The breadman sent out a few short trembles like sneer, "pan~panpan, pan!"

"You...have this ability?" Xiao sighed the words of the breadman and his expression changed abruptly.

"No matter what his abilities are, you can count the ball compared to your ability to translate bread words!" Feng Shou did not feel the words of Xiao sigh.

"pan(ban)...pan(kai)!" The next second, the breadman raised the left arm that he had left and shouted out two syllables that looked like "deprecated".

And... it's obviously not to talk about it, because at this moment, the body has erupted with amazing pressure, and its broken arm is also repaired by this force in an instant. Then, its shape began to change, the bread color of the whole body was slightly deepened, and a heat was revealed from the body.

The process lasted for about ten seconds before ending. After the end, the breadman looked at Xiao sigh and said coldly: "pan...panpan!"

When the voice falls, a rich wheat bran is fragrant, and it contains complex and harmonious aromas such as honey milk. Obviously... the breadman after super-high speed heating... became more delicious.

"I wipe the class..." I didn't feel the change of the other party. Immediately shouted, "What is the significance of this transformation!"

"It turns out that...because it becomes more fluffy, so the volume is slightly increased, you can also squeeze the heat inside the body to burn the enemy..." Xiao sighed and looked at the other side.

"Burn your second uncle! It's better to cut it after heating!" Feng Shuan depressed, "What about it? Directly holding the bread to pay the task is not finished!"

At this point, the idea of ​​Xiaoshen is consistent with the feeling of brother.

"But... still not my opponent." Xiao sighed and said to the breadman, "I don't want to hurt you anymore, don't chase it again..." Then he turned and ran.

"Pan?" The breadman first glimpsed, then screamed. "pan!pan!" It shouted as he stepped forward and chased it up, but its speed was really unable to catch up with the little sigh, and soon it was stunned.

"Well... although the starting point is not the same, I finally made the right choice..." Seeing Xiao sin got rid of this monster, and finally felt a sigh of relief.


on the other hand……

The four of the corn fruit team, luck is really good. After driving away a plot of npc, it took less than ten minutes, and they found something related to the plot in the ruins.

"This is..." Liu Sanfeng looked around and looked around. Standing in front of a two-meter-high stone monument.

The color of this stone is pure white, and it is not stained with any pollution, and there is no wear and tear. It seems that the years cannot leave traces on this stone.

On the side of this stone tablet. Characterized by a pattern: in the middle of the picture, engraved with the image of a woman in a long skirt, her hands crossed and hugged her shoulders. Standing downright; and around the woman, engraved a circle of sand-like unidentified objects, like a halo, floating around its body; outside the sand. Three objects like the eyeballs were engraved separately, and the pupils of each eyeball looked in the opposite direction to the woman.

"Well..." Liu Sanfeng looked at the pattern and thought, "Inferred from the script brief, the woman on the tablet is probably the 'goddess'... and the three eyes are the three in this world. Eyes. So... the content of this painting is..." Liu Sanfeng said, "The goddess is urging her own power to control these three eyes to find out?"

After thinking for a while, he shook his head: "Forget it, nothing to think about, wasting time."

His approach is not wrong... Anyway, they have already offended the plot npc, but it is better to follow the "disregard of the plot" strategy.

If you suffer from loss, you will be reluctant to suffer.

Therefore, Liu Sanfeng resolutely left from the stone monument and continued to embark on the journey of finding members of the enemy team...


At the same time...

"Hey~ If it rains, look at what is going on?" The flower between the rain and the rain seemed to see something that made her interested in the distance. She immediately called her teammates, and Raise your hand and point.

"That is..." If the rain looked down in the direction of the flower, I saw a strange shadow that was different from the wreckage of other buildings.

She stared at her vision and soon saw the clue.

"Well... this statue is wrecked, it seems a bit weird." If the rain says.

"Yeah... I don't think it's too good." Huayuan said, "I wouldn't have said it would be like this?"

What they say is weird, referring to the state of the statue...

The image of this sculpture is a British man dressed in armor and cloaked. From the face of his face, it should be the "king" in the title cg.

Normally, the wreckage of such a statue is either the whole side of the ground; or the base is still standing, but the part above the base is damaged and broken.

However, if the humanoid giant sculpture in front of the rain and the flowers is very strangely inclined...

The statue's left leg is below the thigh and the right leg is below the knee. It is buried in the soil, and its exposed part of the earth forms an angle of nearly forty-five degrees with the ground. The statue of the whole statue is like a leaning tower in Pisa, standing in the earth. It can also be said... like a toy soldier who is slanted into the sand by a child.

"Maybe the ground beneath it suddenly collapsed and suddenly condensed..." If the rain looked a few seconds later, made a sounding inference that was quite sound.

“Is it possible to be held by a certain creature and forced into the soil?” asked the flower.

"The statue itself is as big as a giant, something that can hold it and insert it into the earth..." If the rain picks up, "Probably only the **** of this world."

"It’s reasonable to think about it."

"Well... this is true." If the rain thought thoughtfully. "Or else... let's see it in the past? It may not be able to trigger a plot near the statue."

"Okay." The flower room immediately responded.

The four front lines of Hell, apparently have not completely ignored the development of the plot, so they quickly made a decision and walked toward the statue.


The words are divided into two, and then look at Xiaoling...

So far, Xiao Ling's search range has exceeded the sum of all other players.

Her efficiency is undoubtedly extremely high. In terms of investigative ability, even if she is not aware, she will be married several times.

Speaking of it... Her data has never been listed in the previous article (because she was killed by the brothers at the beginning of the script of the super-dimensional chaos), here is a detailed introduction:

Sadness and laughter: lv46

Title: [Human weapons]. Title ability: [runaway fortress]

Experience value: 43783100/46000000, skill value: 7187, game currency: 8082000.

Specialization: General a, instrument c, detection a, fighting c, shooting s, medical e, spiritual c. Summon f.

Rows (18/30): red wine * 3, visual signal bullet * 5, survival value supplement (large) * 5, survival value supplement (medium) * 5. Hemostasis bandage *5, anti-toxic mixture *5, antifreeze *5, scald *5. Perpetual flashlight, fn57, mp5. k day ss_super_v, ultimax100, incinerated propulsion gun, tied dog rope, 夭 peach half spit pass the news, Pioneer Shield, blood corpse god's hook jade.

Equipment: 弑月/陨星(灵能武器), Fisher's Eye, Invisible Foot, Magical Armor, Badr St.

Storage room (2/15): double experience card (24 hours) * 30, double game card (24 hours) * 30.

Skill Bar (10/12): [Sanhua Juding Shengong] [Shadow of the Seven Masters] [Sacred Arbitration] [Fighting Five Types - Unarmed] [Bullet Fourteen Types - 蹴] [Blood Hundred Seven ——Leading】[Assembly Magic] [Ammunition Proliferation] [Even if it is about to die, there is still a bottom force that goes to the canteen] [Summoning - Vampire Bat].

Detailed results on all of the above emerging items or skills will be written one by one in this chapter, and the item descriptions will not be listed here. However, there are two items that need special mention. The first one is [Pioneer Shield].

This item is in the story of "Terrorist Nursery Rhymes". Xiaoshen got it with a guessing fist. It is a perfect level armor with "binding after equipment". Since Xiaoshen already had [titanium alloy Jinhua ham], and the effect of the two pieces of armor was somewhat coincident, he later gave it to Xiaoling.

The second is...

[Name: Spiritual Signal Bullet*5]

[Type: Consumables]

[Quality: Fine]

[Function: Create an Aura light burst. 】

[Remarks: After the Spiritual Signal Bomb is released, it will detonate precisely at a distance of two hundred meters from the release point, and trigger a concentrating reaction of the spirit that lasts for about ten seconds. reaction. 】

This kind of visual signal bullet has a small volume, resembles a bullet of a shotgun; and it can be launched without a gun. It is a very convenient prop.

Look at the property and know... this thing is definitely not a store.

In fact... it was "invented" and "made" by a player. And that player, there is a debut in the peak of the hegemony s1 specializing in the **** of the gods [Matcha cake].

Today, she is mixed in the game, and it has become the pillar of the mountain river studio (the studio where the autumn wind is located). More than half of the studio’s income comes from matcha and several of her assistants. The specific method is... "collecting materials, making items, pricing and selling."

It has always been regarded as an unpopular instrument specialization. After a difficult period of promotion, it will ushered in the spring. Because this special refinement to the s level, you can make a variety of things inside and outside the script... plus the existence of the "free exploration mode", this kind of thing is more convenient to operate.

In "Thriller Paradise", "communication props in the script" has always been a very, very rare item. Although some scripts come with such things as walkie-talkies, telephones, and communicators, similar items...not to be able to bring out the script, or to bring out the script, it becomes an invalid scrap. obviously. The official is interested in limiting the communication behavior of players in the script.

Ever since, like the "signal bomb" stuff, the sales are not bad. Even if it is not used in every script, there are always a few things in it. Moreover, recently, we have to start a "group competition". Similar products will inevitably become hot. It is estimated that the price increase is not far away...


Ok, still come back to the story...

After nearly forty minutes of scripting, Xiaoling succeeded in finding members of the enemy team with her excellent investigative ability.

Although mentioned in the previous article... It is extremely difficult to find a certain team or a team in such a large area of ​​the White Country. But "difficulties." Does not mean impossible...

Speaking of it... This is also the four mistakes of the Corn Fruit Team. If they did not have a conflict with the black robes who asked for corn, their whereabouts would not be exposed.

It’s a pity... they are all hands-on.

Once a battle has taken place, even if it is only a short period of time, or a trick in the district, it will leave some traces.

Although the flow of Sanfeng's [King of the King's Gun] was invisible by the old man of the black robe, but when he made the move, the magic could stir up, leaving his feet in the land to leave a deep footprint. In addition... several of his teammates also unconsciously stepped out some footprints after entering the battle. Especially the mighty brother... The traces of the mammoth step out are not obvious.

The corn fruit team did not expect to clean up the traces... because they were lighter in non-combat situations, and they would not leave footprints on this kind of hard land. So along the way, they have not considered this issue at all.

Who will think of it. It’s just seven or eight sporadic traces, and it’s a prelude to their group’s destruction...

"Oh... it really is new..." After walking close to the foot prints, Xiaoling’s face showed a smile. "One, two, three... all four. And..." She is here. The area is light and pacing, and the mind flashes. "...There has been fighting here."

Xiao Ling's goggles - [Fisher's Eye] is equipped with thermal exploration and night vision. So she can see the heat left here, with her experience... it's not hard to infer that there has been a fight here.

"Well... there are so few footprints, which means that the time of the battle is very short, or the winners are quickly separated, or one of them has just fled and fled..." Xiao Ling then read.

"Most of the time is that one party has escaped." At this time, the "behind the spirit" has closed the line of sight to the side of the little spirit (switching the angle of view is very convenient, there is no time limit, so the seal is often cut After going to the back of each teammate and optimistic about the situation in several places, I read with confidence, "If it is a 'winning victory', then the loser will be killed or injured, how much blood will be on the ground... ... it is impossible for the hostile guys to deal with the blood, because those who can think of the bloodstains can certainly think of dealing with the footprints. Of course... there is also a possibility that...the monsters fighting them have no blood, such as It’s a baker’s thing... It’s reasonable to think about it. They ate the monster and killed it, then left such a scene...”

Xiaoling couldn’t hear the inference that there was a mixture of grotesque, but she quickly came to the same conclusion: "Hey... there is a party who has escaped..." She didn’t tangled on this issue too. For a long time, compared to "they have been fighting with something before", Xiaoling is more interested in the question... "Where are they at the moment?"

"Do you want to put a signal bomb... or..." Xiaoling thought for a few more seconds and decided not to let it go.

In the next five minutes, she quickly surveyed the surrounding area again, and then returned to the footprinted area, carefully analyzing the orientation and position of the footprints... Then she Going in one direction...


on the other hand……

"The old man, the bread is brought to you." Xiaoshen took the French bachelor from the breadman and returned to the old man in the black robe, and handed the bread to the other party without thinking.

"You guys really have the spirit of contract..." Fengshou saw this scene and couldn’t help but read, "There is a pure verbal agreement from beginning to end, even a task is not triggered, the system prompts no sound... What should I do if the old man took the bread and ran? What if he swallowed the bread quickly and immediately owed it to him? What if he took the bread and rubbed his head and then lie on the floor and lick your game currency?"

"Well... young man." The old man in the black robe took the bread, and his look changed slightly. After two seconds, he looked at Xiaoshen and asked, "What do you think of the things that have passed away?"

"If you are referring to his childhood, it should not have passed away."

"Hey... can you say something specific?" Xiao sigh felt that the other party's question was too broad, and it was not easy to answer, so he asked another question.

"For example... this country..." The old man in black robe took over.

Xiao sighs, thinks, and replies: "I don't know much about this country, but as far as I know it... I think the king is self-defeating, and the nationals are being hurt by him."

“Well?” the old man in black robe wondered, “Are you not a person in this country?”

At the moment when he asked this question, he didn’t feel like he understood what...

"No." Xiao sighed back.

"Oh... It’s so good, it’s great." The old man in black robe smiled. He broke the bread into his arms and suddenly stretched out and sighed. "Come with me..."

The voice has not fallen, he has turned into a black man, and he flew into the sky with a small sigh. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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