Thriller Paradise

Vol 3 Chapter 799: Battle of the White Country (5)

"Hey... old man, you are doing this... ah!" Xiaoshen was slammed into the sky, just said a half sentence, looked up... and found that the black robe old man has become a giant The black-eyed crow, while holding his own hand, also became a huge bird's claw.

"Don't be afraid, young people." The old man's voice emerged from the crow's chest and abdomen. "You don't move, I just take you to a place that won't hurt you."

"Oh... to be honest, old man." Xiao sighed hesitantly. "Before looking for bread for you, I still have something to do..."

"As long as you are willing to help me... I will help you too." The old man replied.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ..." with the spectator's perspective followed by Xiao Yan's seal, then laughed out loudly, "I actually proposed this kind of transaction, but you can't make a profit."

I feel that my brother’s thoughts are clear. When the npc is exported, he has already made the account clear. No matter what the old man asked Xiaoshen to do, it is part of the plot. Can make the best, there are extra rewards to take; if you can't do it... as long as you don't lose it, then you won't lose. And Xiaoshen needs the help of the old man, naturally it is to deal with the players of the corn fruit team... He can get the best, the opposite is directly destroyed by the npc group, if it is uncertain... Anyway, there is no loss in the front line of the hell, the enemy team If you have any damage, then you will earn.

"Well... that's okay..." Xiao sighed back. "Right, old man, haven't asked what you call it?"

"Title?" In the tone of the other party, it seems that there is a trace of doubt. "Oh..." It may have been too long to be asked this question. He seems to think about his name for a while, "Tuparesson ""


At the same time, the ruins are another.

"Weird..." The flower looked at the statue in front of him and said, "There is nothing special happening..."

"Yeah..." If the rain is raining, "Maybe we think more."

They spent ten minutes. I carefully examined the statue up and down. If the rain jumped to the head of the statue and looked around, I found nothing.

"Is it... this statue is actually something like a sundial?" The association between flowers is quite strong.

"There is no scale on the ground." If the rain picks up, "Even if it can be explained... the scale on the ground has not been seen for a long time..." She paused. "I think that 'king' It’s not like someone who uses his own statue to pick up the pointer on the day..."

"Oh..." Huanhua smiled. She also felt that this reasoning was quite sloppy. "Perhaps it will only be done."

"Oh..." If the rain is also a chuckle, "If you don't feel like a king... He will not only use his statue as a pointer to the sundial, but also use his various expressions to emboss all the scales... ”

"Ha ha ha..." Huanhua said with a smile. "If it rains, your recent Tucao skills are long."

"Yeah..." If the rain shrugged helplessly, "Although I don't want to admit it... But 80% is affected by someone..."

"Hey~" flowers indirectly, "You said... Will he look at us now?"

"It’s fine to be heard." If the rain is calm and calm, "He is not the type that will be angry after being teased, sarcasm or squatting..." When she said this, her eyes glanced unconsciously behind her. "He is the type that is being teased, sarcastically or reclaimed and will wait for the opportunity to double back."

"Cut... a person who knows me very well..." At this time, it’s really just behind the rain, but if the rain is impossible to detect its existence, the previous reply should be just an intuition. ......

"In short. Since there is nothing here, we will continue to follow the road." After a few seconds, if the rain turned, it would point back to the route they had previously taken.

Although the land of this white country has become a barren wasteland. But depending on the location of the building wreckage, you can probably guess how the original roads are arranged.

"Well, let's go." The flowers nodded and the two returned.

And just the moment they turned away. The two of them, including the spectator's perspective, all had no idea... The eyes of the slanted statue behind him... actually moved.


Look at the other side...

"Oh... found..." Xiaoling only took ten minutes to catch up with the corn fruit team. And under the premise that the enemy did not find himself, the three enemy team members were locked in their own sight.

"There are only three people..." She quietly followed up and thought, "The fourth person either explores the road ahead or ambushes near the three, as a protector of the dark..."

When I read this, her concentration has increased a bit, and the speed and thinking of her sights have accelerated again.

"At this distance... you can already use [Sacred Arbitration]..." Xiaoling chased after a distance of tens of meters, and said, "After shooting, my position will be exposed..." She hesitated For a few seconds, "Well... but no matter how you think about it... it’s more cost-effective to shoot. There is no reason to give up this opportunity to reinvent the enemy first..."

After making up her mind, she took out her perfect quality sniper rifle from the bag, and then accelerated to chase it forward.

"Hey~ This is the rhythm of sniper sneak attack..." At this time, just after turning the line of sight from another place, I saw the scene of Xiaoling’s gun, and he read with enthusiasm. I am... um... there are three people on the other side. The specializations, skills, and equipment are all unknown... And, after hearing the gunshots, the fourth person will come in a short time." Thinking about it, picking up, "If you are cautious, you have to transfer the position immediately after the first shot. If it is me... I will put the signal bomb before the move; anyway, this moment is not afraid to be seen by the other party. Signals, maybe you can confuse the other side and create some psychological pressure."

This analysis of Jue Ge is very reliable, and coincides with the strategy developed by Xiao Ling. However, as the authority, Xiaoling’s deduction at this moment is far more profound than that of the brother... In the few seconds before the gun, she has fully considered the matter after the “transfer position”.

According to her estimation, this time the first attack, the worst result is that the enemy team seriously injured one person, and he was caught in the situation of being chased by many people.

In this situation. There are two possible situations: the first one, the enemy chased very tightly, not only quickly pulled the distance, but also launched an effective attack and successfully dragged himself into the encirclement.

In this case, Xiaoling will give up running and give her the title at the right time.

[Name: Violent Fortress]

[Special ability type: active]

[Consumption: 30% of the upper limit of physical fitness, 70% of the upper limit of spiritual power, at least four shooting weapons in a radius of two meters, and a total of 400 rounds of ammunition (no restrictions)

[Effect: All the shooting weapons in the area are driven by the power of the mind. Uninterrupted, undifferentiated attacks to the surroundings]

[Note: The cooling time is three hours and the duration is thirty seconds.

When launched, the operator is centered, all available within two meters of the radius (in accordance with the conditions of the operator), no ownership (not bound to other players, npc or monster), and ownership (whether existing Shooting weapons inside and outside the bag... All will be absorbed by the skill, and will be deployed in a circular shape around the body of the operator, and fire at a high speed in the form of a swing shot.

The operator cannot end the effect of the runaway fortress early, even if the ammunition is exhausted, the shot will not stop, but the damage of the "overload" ammunition will be reduced to 30% of the normal damage.

During the runaway fortress, all non-physical damage suffered by the operator is increased by 20%; damage from the physical level is reduced by 50%, and the chance is directly blocked by the weapon around him. After the skill is over. The weapon belonging to the operator will return to the original equipment position, and the remaining weapons will fly outward at the corresponding ammunition firing rate to create the last wave of diffusive impact. 】

This title ability is not very good to cooperate with teammates, because this move will really hurt, even kill teammates... but at the time of the encirclement. This is a powerful skill.

Of course, its specific power depends on how many firearms around the local Xiaoling. For example, in this script, there is no such thing as a "gun shop". Therefore, when Xiaoling launches the title ability, the only thing that can be sacrificed is the weapon that comes with it.

And the shooting on her body is a weapon. A total of eight pieces... respectively: Haoyue, comet (psionic weapon), fn57 (a semi-automatic pistol with excellent performance), mp5 (submachine gun, made in Germany, fast rate, high precision), k-day ss_super_v (submachine gun) Which of the recoil is low? The other side of the ocean is looking for the US emperor.) ultimax100 (a light machine gun that lets you say you walk away), a peach and a half spit, and an incinerator.

Basically... If it is in the real world where the population density is relatively high... She started this skill once, and killing a company is no problem. But in the game world, the degree of killing of this move has to be a "question mark", because she has not encountered the right time to open this skill.

The above is the response to the first situation.

Let's talk about the second one - that is, the enemy is not very tight, but Xiaoling can't get rid of the other side's situation.

In this case, she can fight and retreat to control the rhythm. As long as you choose the escape route, and then put a signal bomb after a period of time, it will soon be able to welcome the support of teammates, and take a wave of counterattacks.

The above two are still the changes derived from the "worst results". As for the "good" results... For example, the other party is directly killed by a gun, and two people are collapsed in a panic, even in In the process of chasing, it is gradually consumed and even destroyed. It is all possible.

Therefore, Xiaoling’s first-hand sneak attack is imperative. This kind of risk and profit ratio is excellent, so there is absolutely no loss in one vote.

"Six hundred meters... enough, there is a risk of being discovered again." After another minute, Xiaoling has approached an ideal distance. After the investigation is highly specialized, her sense of distance becomes Extremely acute, even if it is a very distant target, she can also judge the precise distance by visual inspection. "Even if it is the head of the zero-day calculus, it may not be able to escape the sniper within 600 meters..."

At the beginning of the unsuccessful sniper, Xiao Ling could not get close to this level. At that time, she specially chose to launch a raid one kilometer away. Now I want to come... This distance is actually not far enough, because the speed of the sudden advance is terrible; if it can be farther away, Xiaoling may still be able to win more time and opportunity.

"I hope I can kill one person..." Xiaoling looked at the wall of the building while he was screaming, and quickly set up the sniper rifle.

Select the target, aim, launch the skill, pull the trigger... The whole process is done in one go, as instinctive as the action. Brought a deadly attack...


At the moment when the gunshot sounded, the head of [Mighty Domineering] burst like a watermelon.

As Xiaoling expected and expected... This long-range first-hand sneak attack directly completed a killing. The other side did not even have room to return, and it became a broken body and turned into white light in a few seconds. Disappeared.

"Flash!" [Primary School Dog] is a professional after all. Before the body of the mighty brother fell completely, he understood what happened; at the moment he jumped out, he turned his head and gave a teammate a Short, clear instructions.

It is also because of the "flash" word that he shouted out in time. Lonely brother will return to a life...

Perhaps because of the subconscious reaction of "obeying the command of the captain", in this critical and alarming accident, the lonely brother did the first thing according to the word that the dog brother said. Although he doesn't know where to flash, it's okay to pick up the ground and roll it on the ground... unless it's an attack from the ground, it's almost a versatile way to avoid it.

So, before the gunshots of the first gun had not been exhausted, the dog brother and the lonely brother had flashed to the back of the two bunkers in different ways.

"Cut..." Xiao Ling saw the reaction of the two men through the sight, and snorted and recited. "If that's the case... just accept it."

She took the sniper rifle back and ran it, and ran it in the process, and in the process, she smashed a [Spirit Signal Bomb] and slammed the switch to the sky above it.

Hey - hey!

But see that the signal flare accelerates itself after it has been removed. When it flew to a height of about two hundred meters, it suddenly burst open, and a flower-like pattern like a fireworks was dazzled in the air.

This pattern can only be seen by people with d-level or above specialization. Even if people hear the sound nearby, they can't see the wonders in the sky.

The four players on the front line of Hell are naturally able to see this signal. And the remaining three of the corn fruit team can also be...

"Dog brother! What is going on?" The shock that followed in a few seconds made the lonely brother seem a little confused. He lowered his voice. Said to the elementary school dog behind the other bunker, six or seven meters away.

"Don't panic." The psychological quality of the elementary school dog is not bad. If he can't hold the wind and waves, he doesn't need to bring any team. "We should be attacked by the shooting team of the enemy team."

"What do you do now?" asked the lonely brother.

"Well... judging from the blood of the gunshots and the mighty blood, the person who launched the attack is in that direction..." The elementary school dog carefully pointed out the general orientation for the teammates. "The other party just put it in the sky is the signal flare." I used to use it in other scripts. Nothing unexpected... This is to inform my teammates to come." He paused and answered. "If the number of opponents is dominant, there is no need to do this... I infer that there is only one enemy in the enemy, no more than two people at the moment... At the moment we are about to divide the soldiers, the high speed is close to the past... and then..."

"Wait...and so on..." Lonely brother interrupted the captain. "Listen to the gunshots, the other party is at least four or five hundred meters away from us... In the absence of a bunker, we are on this road. It is very likely that this guy who specializes in shooting will die half-hearted."

"Oh..." The elementary school dog smiled and said, "The battle is the thing that you live and die... It’s too naive to win without risk." He has taken a shield from the bag during the speech. Armor, "thinking about it...the other party is not taking a huge risk, is it a surprise attack on us when the number is at a disadvantage?"

"I understand..." Lonely brother looked awkward, "I am aware! Go up!"

"Well... you are going over there, I am passing from here..." After the primary school dog crossed the hand a few times, he took the lead and rushed out.

The dog brother is also a professional player with rich combat experience. According to his experience... At this distance, after the shooter hits a hand, most of them will stay in place and continue to aim, waiting for the remaining targets to enter the line of sight again and then play a second round. There are also a small number of people... who choose to switch positions immediately after a strike, to ensure that their safety and concealment are their top priorities.

But in either case, there is no doubt about it, that is... as long as the target is still within the scope of the killing, the player who shoots the specialization will not take the initiative to get closer to the target. That is to say... no matter whether the opponent is aiming or walking in the same place, the range of its activities can never be invaded into the ballistic interval of the previous shot.

Xiaoling... does indeed fit this situation.

After she had finished the signal bomb, she ran back and spy, but after waiting for nearly thirty seconds, she did not see anyone coming out, and her distance from the other party had already been opened to 800 meters. .

"The two guys... is it afraid of being shot by that shot, simply not ready to chase it?" The idea soon appeared in Xiaoling’s mind. Of course, this was also the situation she had previously pushed. First, in the face of this reaction from the enemy, she also has corresponding countermeasures... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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