Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1062 Tomb of the Tusi King (18)

"It should be impossible to know him, unless you have seen him in your dream."

He didn't say anything, and Yi Ling just answered by himself: "Do tigers dream of worms? This makes no sense. You are not even a yellow tiger, and the color of the corn shoots doesn't match."

How could he possibly know a worm? An Xuefeng was quite speechless. However, An Xuefeng was actually very confused about this matter. He remembered that when he ventured to the main room to get lamp oil last night, he saw Yi Ling coiled around him when he entered the main room. The vicious worm raised its upper body alertly and stared at him. At that time, An Xuefeng thought there would be a fierce battle, but he didn't expect the worm to lie down on the ground again after looking at him for a while, and even tried to crawl in his direction, its tentacles swinging as if it was wagging its tail.

Although it looked scary overall, An Xuefeng felt like a husky that had become inexplicably intimate with a thief. Later, when Yi Ling suddenly woke up, An Xuefeng also thought about it. Could it be that Yi Ling expected that someone would come to steal the lamp oil and wanted to have fun, so he had promised in advance that the corn shoots would be released no matter who came?

But at that time, An Xuefeng still noticed that Yi Ling's face also had a rare expression of confusion, as if he had not expected that things would develop like this. But if he didn't mean it, then again, why did the corn shoots have this attitude towards him? So before knocking on the door, An Xuefeng had a sudden idea and winked at the corn shoots - although An Xuefeng couldn't find where the corn shoots' eyes were, when he looked over, the corn shoots turned around and looked at them too. He looked at him, then immediately read An Xuefeng's mind and opened the door.

...No, to say that a worm could read his mind is a very scary idea. However, Miao Fangfei said that she and her Gu insects are a master-servant contract in the soul. Even if she doesn't speak, her Gu insects can understand the orders in her heart. Sometimes she even just has a vague idea. , the Gu insect will know.

So Yi Ling actually wanted him to take away the lamp oil and wanted the worm to open the door for him, so did the corn shoots act?

...This is so narcissistic when I think about it, how could it be possible? An Xuefeng tilted his head. Yi Ling lay on his back and spoke close to his ear. His breathy voice made his ears feel uncomfortable and itchy. However, Yi Ling didn't realize this at all. He came closer and lowered his voice with great interest: "So, corn shoots are... Do you recognize the wild brother? The tiger is also called a big insect. It makes sense. In this case, there is a generation gap between us. At most, the corn shoot is my son. "

"Shall we just open the door and go in?"

An Xuefeng has now initially mastered the skills to deal with Yi Ling. He ignored Yi Ling's insect modeling on him and said directly: "Isn't this against the rules?"

"Of course it's against the rules. How can you just open the door bolt? This is cheating."

As expected, Yi Ling's attention was diverted, and he said with some regret: "According to the rules, the family should knock on the door. There is no sound from inside. Who would be anxious and confused, and look in through the crack in the door, and the result will be that the eyes of the person at the door - This is a classic startling scene, and it’s been avoided now. It’s really boring, but I guessed it, after all, my family always has good luck in this area.”

"Baby corn, knock on the door. I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

He complained for a long time, then said in a long voice casually, and at the end he threatened the worm: "You can only eat yourself today, and I have deducted all other meals. Please reflect on it."

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

The worm looked very sad and made a strange sobbing sound, but it still rolled up its tentacles and knocked on the door, which made An Xuefeng feel a little guilty inexplicably. But then he was interrupted by Yi Ling's movements. Yi Ling grabbed his poncho and hat and pulled him to the left like a rein. At the same time, he turned around and waved to Miao Fangfei and others, asking his family to come with him.

An Xuefeng carried Yi Ling and walked to the door, which was very close to the wall. From this position, even if the owner opened the door and looked outside, he would not see anyone at all. Unless he glanced left and right, was he trying to avoid the door? To avoid the 'master's' gaze through the crack in the door? An Xuefeng did know that when going to a hospital or crematorium, which is a place with strong yin energy, he should not stand directly in front of the elevator door when it opens, otherwise he would easily be hit in the face by the yin energy in the elevator.

It seems that there is some care here. An Xuefeng gestured to Wang Pengpai and the others with his hands behind his back, and acted accordingly. At the same time, Bai Feibai was asked to guard the back - they crowded into two rows along the wall, and the people at the back were too close to the darkness. In order to prevent the classic "the last person is captured by the darkness" and "the mole sneaks up on the tail of the team", it is more secure to trust someone in your own person.

Someone came soon. Although he didn't hear the footsteps, An Xuefeng smelled some strong fishy smell, like thick slurry after crushed insects, with a weird and disgusting smell. Several silver-white tiger whiskers sprouted from his face, trembling slightly in the cold and humid air. An Xuefeng stood sideways at the front of the team with Yi Ling on his back, closest to the door. As soon as he touched his belt, he had a military thorn in his hand.

The cold, rough handle of the weapon pressed against the palm of his hand, and he could still feel the familiar weight through the leather of the tactical gloves. An Xuefeng's breathing slowed down, almost to the point of not breathing. He was highly focused, and his whole body became tense, as if A beast that ambush its prey. The light was very blurry and even dimmer, and the corn shoots directly in front of the door had buried themselves in the soil, leaving no trace behind. The smell behind the door got closer and closer, but there was still no sound of footsteps.

Are this family really human?

Distracted thoughts flashed through and were quickly dismissed. An Xuefeng's eyes narrowed dangerously. The wall next to him didn't seem to be too high, only more than two meters. It was easy for people to climb up, but Wang Pengpai, who was guarding behind him, did not send a signal - —The three-person team each performs their duties. An Xuefeng keeps an eye on the door, Bai Feibai is on guard at the end, and Wang Pengpai is responsible for filling in the gaps, such as whether there will be monsters climbing on the wall, or a huge mouth opening to swallow people. .

This is a tacit understanding developed during the mission. An Xuefeng trusts his teammates, but he also knows that accidents may happen at any time in the high tension. His ears turn into tiger ears at some point, turning to monitor the sounds in all directions. This is the backing up. And An Xuefeng's eyes were fixed on the door. The fishy smell stopped quietly behind the door and floated out along the cracks in the door. It was even more disgusting and unpleasant, making the damp wooden door covered with moss become muddy and disgusting. It rises like melting mud, twisted and evil, making people restless and restless, wanting to end this disturbing change as soon as possible.

The person behind the door is definitely not a human being.

An Xuefeng was determined.

Under high pressure, he was as calm as a fighting machine, with countless thoughts running through his mind. His intuition told An Xuefeng that something dangerous was changing, and he could no longer wait. If he kicked the door open to seize the opportunity, or stabbed the monster's eyeballs with a military thorn through the crack in the door, would he be able to kill it?

Just as An Xuefeng was thinking this, his breathing stagnated and his pupils shrank suddenly in the next second! A tentacle covered in mud suddenly shot out from the mud like an arrow and pierced through the vertical crack of the door!


There was a soft sound, accompanied by vague murmurs, and the tentacles of the corn shoots retracted quickly, as if they were wrapped around something. An Xuefeng was about to retreat alertly, but Yi Ling behind him held down his shoulders and jumped to the ground lightly, and kicked the door open: "Hahaha, you must have been scared!"

why is it like this! An Xuefeng's temples were twitching, but he still took a step towards Yi Ling, subconsciously turning sideways to protect him behind him, and keeping an eye on the person at the door. In the dim light, you can see that the person who opened the door is tall and thin, wearing white linen, and seems to be lowering his head and covering his eyes. Anyone who gets poked in the eye will definitely get angry, let alone a monster.

But the strange thing is that An Xuefeng can smell it. The strong and evil smell has been reduced a lot. The person in front of him doesn't smell like a monster anymore, and he doesn't seem to be very angry. He just covered his eyes for a while, then put down his hands and faced An Xuefeng and the others to say something. It sounded like a very strong dialect. After saying a few words, An Xuefeng didn't seem to understand. The man suddenly realized and switched to a somewhat stiff Mandarin.

"Please come in, my father is about to be laid to rest."

The man's voice was dry and hoarse. He bowed stiffly to them and invited them in. What's the situation now? An Xuefeng couldn't figure it out. But Yi Ling had already rolled up his sleeves and walked in. An Xuefeng gestured to Wang Pengpai and led the others into the courtyard.

The inside of the courtyard is not much brighter than the outside, with only a few faint lights like will-o'-the-wisps. It doesn't look like a house where people live, but more like a ghost house. There is also a well in the courtyard, and facing the well is the main room. There were two wreaths placed at the door of the main room, with elegiac couplets hanging on them. They had been wetted by the rain, and the paper was sticky into a gloomy color.

"My father... passed away last night, and I have already burned the money."

The man stood by the well, coughed twice, and babbled: "The villagers are unwilling to come at this time, and they can't be buried without ashes... Did you bring ashes?"

As he spoke, the man turned his head and looked at the crowd. An Xuefeng's back tensed up. The moment he saw the man's face, he suddenly felt a sense of danger and sounded the alarm. This man's eyes were actually two deep black holes! Even the skin around the eyes is gone, only dried meat-like red flesh, and some fine black-red hard shells around the eyes, which is terrifying. His skin is also abnormally gray, extending all the way to the blue veins. The bulging blood vessels in his neck twitched when he spoke, as if there were bugs hiding under his skin.

What kind of monster is this? He had no eyes, so what kind of crack in the door did he use to peek through? ?

"No, it's raining. How can you bring fire ash directly? It will get wet."

When Yi Ling said this with a smile, the light in the entire building suddenly went out in an instant! Darkness shrouded like a swamp, and the sense of danger instantly rose to the point where An Xuefeng could be stressed. It was more like there was a terrifying black hole in the hall ahead that was about to swallow everyone. He took a step almost instinctively, holding the military thorn in his hand to pierce the monster's head at any time. At the same time, his hand habitually reached for Yi Ling to pick him up and lead the team to escape together.

But Yi Ling's cold fingers filled with moisture held An Xuefeng's hand loosely, making him stop for a moment. Then Yi Ling laughed and said: "So my family packed fire ashes in clay pots. It's very considerate, so that the believer can lie in the dry ashes."

"That's good...thank you Mountain Worshiper."

The man paused for a moment and said slowly. The sense of crisis immediately subsided, and the faint light lit up again. However, everyone was covered in cold sweat, as if they had walked back and forth between life and death, and their heart palpitations could not subside for a long time. When Yi Ling made another shocking statement, his heartbeat even skipped a beat.

"The mountain spirit is with the family."

Yi Ling said sternly, then without any foreshadowing, he said matter-of-factly in a commanding tone: "In order to promote our religion and publicize the purpose of worshiping the mountain, this funeral will be broadcast live. You must cooperate fully and come up with something decent."

Everyone:! !

How can there be a full live broadcast of the funeral? Besides, it's okay to take photos secretly, why do you have to say it so directly? ? Wang Yushu put on a mask of pain and felt that his heart couldn't bear it. Especially when the weirdo clearly didn't understand what live streaming was and showed a blank expression, Wang Yushu was pushed to the weirdo by Yi Ling.

"This is the family member responsible for the live broadcast this time. Let him explain to you."

The author has something to say

The local 'people' in question wrote about it when they entered the Tomb of the Tusi King in the suburbs of Beijing ~ It is similar to the stone figurines, but now the pollution of the Tusi King's Tomb has been fully upgraded, and the previous monsters have also been greatly strengthened in the new version!

Wu Laoliu: Mask of Pain

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2123:22:54~2023-11-2223:25:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 sea water blue;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 Xixiajiu Kindergarten;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Xin Yao, 3 cat heads; 52328211, Sunset and Night Breeze, 2; Xiaomao, Mo Yichan, Jianxue, Lanrenluo, Wen Ruyin, Angel, Bancheng Qinghe 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 117 bottles of Fuyi; 100 bottles of sea water blue and double ten and two; 91 bottles of Little Black Spatula; 86 bottles of White Rabbit Milk Candy; 64 bottles of Futal; 53 bottles of Wang Lezhu Little Cute; and 50 bottles of Dark Night. ;danger40 bottles; 5299456936 bottles; 1697320330 bottles; Na 29 bottles; Nian Hua Meng 21 bottles; Ran Yu, Ruo Na He Ying, Chiba, Don't Disturb Me Reading Novel, Mao Shen Miao Jiang, Wu, Bai Yunsheng, Luobao ℡ 20 Bottles; Aba Aba, Mao Tuan'er 15 bottles; _Endless Summer 12 bottles; beliforever, 65758400, Lalan Sheep, Rong Yu, UFO Stars, Maple Hydrogen, Yueyue Cat, Yu Mo, Hai Lan Shi Xun Whale 10 Bottles; 9 bottles of Star Squirrel, Jiujing; 560752108 bottles; 6 bottles of silent announcement; 5 bottles of Little Crescent Moon, Crane Towering, まいご, Li Li, Wheat, Come Back for a Long Time, Chocolate Ice, Chibai Muyu; 4 bottles of Misheng Vase; 3 bottles of Luoyue and Xishou Huolin; 2 bottles of Xiyan Years; The Flower Planter’s Fatty Bai, Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Yi Yu, I Want the Moon? Come to Me, Jiangshan Old Lady, Huayu in the Small Town , chattering. , Mengbao, Ruimumu, Yan Chenchen, Ye Lingxue, I just want to see and ask, I picked up a cat Ning, and I am always on the way to losing weight. 1 bottle of carbon water;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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