Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1063 Tomb of the Tusi King (19)


Wang Yushu's pupils shrank suddenly and he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak. Too close, he was too close to this monster, so close that he could smell a faint, strange smell. The monster's dark, empty eye sockets stared at him. The cold air coming out of the soles of his feet made Wang Yushu's legs feel weak for a moment, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat.

But Yi Ling's hand was resting on his back, still maintaining a 'pushing' motion. Even though he was separated by the raincoat, Wang Yushu seemed to feel the cold chill from Yi Ling's hand, and it kept digging into his spine. , made his scalp numb, but his feet were nailed to the ground, holding on without taking a step back. For a moment, Wang Yushu could only hear his own violent heartbeat. He seemed to be thinking a lot, and his mind went blank, and he heard himself speak as if his soul was out of body. His tone was quite calm.

There are many taboos when encountering ghosts and dead people, especially when having to communicate with them. Although the circumstances are different in different environments, there are generally several similarities. Wang Yushu intuitively believed that there was definitely something wrong with this person. Although there was still a shadow, he might not be a ghost, but he didn't look like a human either. To be on the safe side——

"Hello, I am the person in charge of this live broadcast of Baishan Cult."


The monster looked straight at Wang Yushu, the red muscles around his eyes trembling slightly, like insects squirming in the reflection of the rain: "Who are you...?"

Legend has it that people lose part of their memory after death. They cannot remember the specific names of people in the world, but can only remember titles such as parents. If you say your name during a funeral or when being accosted by a ghost, the deceased will remember this person and follow him until he takes him away.

"vice captain."

Wang Yushu heard himself say calmly: "I am the vice-captain of this team, a person with zero leadership."

"vice captain."

The monster murmured, nodded, and recognized Wang Yushu's words. Wang Yushu continued, in a commanding tone: "As Director Ling said, this funeral ceremony will be broadcast live, and you must cooperate fully."

When communicating with ghosts, you must not show any weakness or negotiate. Ghosts bully good and fear evil. The more you are afraid of ghosts, the weaker the three fires in your body will be. When the momentum is broken, ghosts will come.


The monster nodded dully, "Okay, so far so good. Wang Yushu relaxed a little and continued: "For better live broadcast effects, my companions and I will conduct random interviews on some people in your home and village. You must also cooperate with us during the interview.”

When Yi Ling mentioned the deceased, he called him ‘that believer’. The deceased was a believer of the Baishan Cult. The monster said that the people in the village were unwilling to come over at this time, so why couldn't they come over? Do you know that the dead here are dangerous and died in strange ways, or is there some hidden secret?

Digging for stories and legends has become Wang Yushu's instinct for many years of live broadcasting. From the brief exchange between Yi Ling and the monster just now, he discovered many doubtful points that can be explored. At present, they have too little information. It is taboo to get involved in a dangerous supernatural incident. If you want to survive, you must find out what the story is behind this funeral, what taboos are involved, and what will happen. What impact does it have.

We must first negotiate with the ghosts. While Director Zero is still around, they have the strength in numbers...

"Cooperate, cooperate."

The monster nodded again, as if saying to himself: "You... come to help, cooperate."


Wang Yushu, who was highly nervous, was thinking about what he was going to say next. The success of the first two times also made him relax a little. Aren't they just here to help with funerals and funerals? He felt that there was nothing wrong with the monster's words. Wang Yushu was about to speak again, but was interrupted by An Xuefeng as soon as his nasal voice came out.

"Not helping."

An Xuefeng's voice was cold and hard: "It's just for the better live broadcast effect. It's all to promote the services of the Mountain Worship Cult."

His tone was even tougher than Wang Yushu's. Facing the strange man's face, An Xuefeng's eyes flashed with a fierce amber light, and he stared at the strange man with a fierce gaze, his eyes even more sinister than those black eye sockets. There seemed to be a dissatisfied warning grunt coming from his throat. He looked like a normal person, but his aura was like a vigilant beast.

"Service...for live broadcast, service."

The weirdo glanced at the main room for a few times, then finally murmured, lowered his head, gave in, and stopped talking about 'help'. He looked much more honest. An Xuefeng withdrew his gaze and glanced at Wang Yushu. Wang Yushu was stunned, and his heartbeat was so fast that he had no time to be afraid, so he tensed up and continued to communicate with the weirdo.

"The live broadcast must go smoothly without any accidents. Your side cannot suddenly lose network and power, and it cannot be too dark."


"The live broadcast promotes the positive image of the Mountain Worship Cult and cannot engage in too much feudal superstition."


"This is the first time to try a live broadcast outside. The response must be good. Even if you want to engage in feudal superstition, it must be moderate. You cannot scare away all the viewers at once. You must do it step by step."


After being threatened by An Xuefeng, the monster was obviously much more honest. If he could agree, he would answer, and if he couldn't, he would remain silent. Wang Yushu took a step back and asked again until he agreed.

No matter how smoothly the conversation went this time, Wang Yushu didn't dare to relax at all. Moreover, he noticed that the monster looked at the main room several times when he was confronting An Xuefeng, and he became concerned about it, keeping an eye on the other side of the main room with the corner of his eye. When he found a black, human-like shadow standing at the door of the main room at some point, looking towards them faintly, Wang Yushu immediately ended the conversation and obediently retreated behind Yi Ling. After standing up, I felt a chill running down my spine.

"Okay, although the clay pot is waterproof, it's still too humid after it rains all the time. Let's get inside as soon as possible."

Yi Ling, who had watched the good show with great interest, smiled and clapped his hands, as if he had not seen the threatening faces of his family members. He naturally ignored the weird man who bowed his head and remained silent, and led the team forward. Wang Yushu, who was behind him, subconsciously took steps to keep up, but his legs refused to obey him. He was still so nervous that he felt like he was frozen in the mud. The slightest movement made him feel numb, which almost made Wang Yushu feel numb. Yushu staggered and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the people around him supported him, and later they stayed by his side without leaving a trace. Wang Yushu reluctantly followed the team slowly and walked to the door of the main room.

"Li Jun, please forgive me."

Yi Ling was standing on the steps in front of the main hall with his sleeves rolled up, chatting with the dark man: "My family came all the way through the mountains, and they are all wet. It is difficult to bury them. Please prepare a room for us to warm up by the fire." , it will be convenient to take action soon.”

The other party didn't say anything, just nodded, and then extended his hand to Yi Ling, as if to shake hands. The passengers standing behind him couldn't see clearly. Only An Xuefeng could see clearly due to his height. Yi Ling raised his hand and his eyes inadvertently fell on the other party's charred and sticky palm. Then Yi Ling naturally put down his hand, put it into his sleeves with a smile, and looked at the corn shoots.

The corn shoots beside him stood up consciously and shook hands with 'Li Jun' with their tentacles. The tentacles were wrapped very tightly, and it felt like you couldn't let go. 'Li Jun' tried to take back his hand several times but failed. He was in a stalemate with the corn shoots for a moment. At this time, there was some noise in the main room, and Li Jun Jun glanced back hurriedly and spoke some dialect that they didn't understand.

Then when he looked back, he seemed to have given up something, and simply raised his hand, dragging the tentacles of the corn shoots, and pointed to the left.

Raise your hand and point to the left.


When this person raised his hand, Lu Shucheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and everyone else was also a little restless. But no one would be stupid enough to show anything strange here. They all lowered their heads and followed Ling to the room with the fire pit on the left side of the main room to make repairs.


"That person's hand..."

The room for warming up by the fire was not big, and when ten tall people entered, they were almost all standing there. The fire pit in the center was burning, and the surrounding walls seemed to be covered with newspapers and paintings of various traditional gods, but they were all so blackened that it was difficult to see what was on them. Yi Ling handed the lantern to An Xuefeng, praised Wang Yushu for his good performance, said that they had a quarter of an hour to rest, and even asked the corn shoots to guard the door.

I have to say that the room that originally didn't even have a door was firmly blocked by the tails of corn shoots, and a small gap was thoughtfully left for ventilation, which really made people feel at ease. Director Ling said that the rainwater was not clean, so everyone in the house quickly took off their disposable raincoats and warmed themselves by the fire. In the dim light, they looked at each other, their numb emotions just thawed, their hearts beat very fast, and they were scared to death.

"That Mr. Li's hand has no fingers."

Wang Pengpeng lowered his voice. When the man pointed the way to the left, everyone could clearly see that his hands seemed to be swollen, and it looked like he was wearing mittens. The whole hand was mushy and dark. , not even half a finger can be seen.

"Li is one of the eight surnames of the Tujia people."

Yu Hehui took off his glasses and was wiping the water mist on the lenses. He whispered: "But compared with other surnames, the surname Li is a bit special."

"In the past, the word 'tiger' in Tujia dialect was pronounced as 'Li', and the surname Li was actually the surname 'tiger'."

"The Tujia people worship the white tiger totem. In the past, the leader of the Tujia people in western Hubei was also called Linjun. In ancient times, Li belonged to Zhiyun, which is the Yin sound. In the past, Lin belonged to the Invading rhyme, which was the Yang sound. The two are yin and yang. The relationship is reversed, so Lin can also correspond to the character 'tiger'*"

"Leader Ling called that person Li Jun, but he may actually be calling him 'Tiger Lord'. The village on the Zhimata side is probably related to tigers, and the family we need to bury may be the leader's family in the village."

"As expected of Professor Yu, he is really amazing."

Wang Pengpeng gave a thumbs up and said with a silly smile: "Professor Yu is really a cultured person, unlike me. When I heard Director Ling call that person Li Jun, I just thought, 'This person can't be a Japanese!', it seems like he is from Japan!" "Jun" always comes to "Jun" and "Sang" comes to "Sang".


An Xuefeng glared at Wang Pengpai, who had an aggrieved expression on his fat face. The success of this trick made everyone feel more relaxed, which could be seen from the expressions on their faces.

"Don't tense up your nerves too much, otherwise something could easily happen."

Bai Feibai comforted him in a slow voice: "It must be at a relatively appropriate level of tension, otherwise it will affect the strength."

“It always feels like we’ve avoided a lot of fatal branches.”

Miao Fangfei said feebly, and also lowered her voice: "Do you still remember that before entering the door, the tentacles of zero-guided corn shoots pierced through the cracks in the door, as if they were piercing people's eyeballs, but when we came in, the people we greeted had no eyes at all, and their eye sockets were all Is it empty?"

"But it turns out his eye sockets were not empty. My Gu told me that there were bugs living in his eyes before, and they were dug out by corn shoots!"

The author has something to say

There will be a supplementary chapter soon! I’ll update it as soon as it’s finished. Darlings, get up and read it tomorrow morning. Take a bow!


Yi Ling [Enthusiasm]: Li Jun!

Wang Pengpai [brain supplement]: Hi! Li Jun!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2223:25:24~2023-11-2423:49:07~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the deep water torpedo: Yun Qi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who dropped shallow water bombs: Yun Qi, 428911891;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Can you order some new dishes? 2; Yu Jiao 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 partridge living in Africa;

Thank you to the little angels who threw the landmines: 6 Western Hunting Falcons; 5 Partridges Living in Africa; 4 Xin Yao La Xi Cat Heads; 2 Sky, Good Night; 67307n, Hipmi I Love You, Yanqing, iWuxianren, Xiaoyugan, Nanyuanbeixun, 69747116, 42638741, the most handsome Ba Zonggong, Sunset Afterglow, Feng Yujun 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3344 bottles of Infatuated Beauty; 104 bottles of Bai Sitao; 100 bottles of Jianqiulan; 83 bottles of Xunxun’s sister-in-law, I Want to Dangdang; 66 bottles of Chuijie; 62 bottles of Nanyu; 60 bottles of Li Chemu and Yusi bottles; Moze Yuluo and Lin Shisan 52 bottles; Xinghe, Weiwei's full schedule, Xilu, 3430094550 bottles; Anfei's Curly Hair and Moonlight Not Falling 47 bottles; Anubis' Dog 44 bottles; Ning Xi, 6666800340 bottles; 36 bottles of Sweetheart; 34 bottles of Lonely and Social Animals Leaving Bitter Tears; 32 bottles of Xi Mimi and Yi Tuanzi; 31 bottles of Yan Yu; 69747116, 69747116, Red Clothes Cinsha Street Banquet-, Bai Yu.feather30 Bottles; 26 bottles of Erbei; 25 bottles of Ba Ba, Milk Tea; Feng, Meow Ao Ao, Gu Zhou Yue, Wu Yu, ANGINY, Clam Store Manager fan, someone will send stars, Sui, Yaocheng, Xiaoqinggan, they will definitely come ashore this year , Mephisto, Xiaose, Strawberry Candy, I Never Eat Gu (Ting Gu Sushu Shu, Uuuuuuuuu 20 bottles; Red Cloak Wants the Wind to Come 18 bottles; Luo Dye 15 bottles; Nishikari Huolin 11 bottles; sun, Haitian Guhong, Mozhu, Muyao, Ximi I love you, You Qin Luan Song, Wandering in the clouds without knowing home, all living things before the Buddha, 4646720910 bottles; a determined bitter rice dumpling party, TheM bottle; a cat in the left hand and a cat in the right hand Meow, Gu Qiyuan 450638788 bottles; cute girl Luobei, Xishui Xi 6 bottles; 42638741, Ruan Ling Gao, Lagrange, Deer Girl, Saving a Pocket of Xinxin, Misty Rain in the Red Dust, 5 bottles; jedesire, Fleeting Stars, Jiujiu oney863 bottles; Y, Xiaoye White, Nai Yan, Jiangshan Lao Lao, Carbohydrate, Salt and Vinegar, Yi Yu, Yan Ye, Zero Point Dusk, which is always on the road to losing weight, 2 bottles; Luoyue, Jiujiu come back for a look, Shuo Night, tartar, Nuyoah, Huayu in the Small Town, Yan Chenchen, Spiritual Insect No. 996, Eighteen-Year-Old Stranger, Murphy's Law, Chatter, He Jiye, Eleven One One One, Shrimp Mao is perfect for me, Xiyan Years, Moumou, Jiehua, Sanshui Sun and Moon, Qiqiqi, Time Will Not Leave Renfu, Yilin, 52095kg, Banmengfusheng 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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