Thriller Tour Group

1187. Tomb of the Tusi King (126)


There was a sound of water, and the Lei Gong iron cabinet was pushed into the water by An Xuefeng, who was the strongest. Yi Ling's scarlet long whip was still wrapped around the iron cabinet, and he would lift it back up once it was about to sink to the bottom. Fortunately, the steaming lake in front had a high enough salt content and was full of pollution from the Salt God. He successfully pushed the iron cabinet that could withstand the divine power onto the water surface, preventing it from sinking.


The foxes let out soft and excited screams of joy. It would be great to be able to sit in the iron cabinet and cross the underground lake in front of them. Especially the eyes of the ghost butterflies and the infected people seemed to be glowing. They looked at Yi Ling eagerly. I'm afraid that he won't let the caterpillar and the suspicious black fox get on the 'boat', but how could Yi Zero let them into the water, dangerous elements with unknown origins.

In the end, Yi Ling, Miao Fangfei and Ghost Butterfly were restrained by the salt water, the two dangerous elements Phantom Cat and Foreigner, and the three little foxes Bai Feibai, Mao Xiaole and Tong Hege jumped into the Thunder God's iron cabinet together. An Xue Feng, Wang Pengpeng, Lu Shucheng and Wan Xiangchun went into the water.

The capacity of the iron cabinet was limited, and An Xuefeng was too big for the Fox King, so he had no intention of getting on the ship. There must be fox guards around the iron cabinet, otherwise if something dirty comes under the water, their movements will be slow. It's just that An Xuefeng originally planned to go into the water alone, while the other teammates went to the iron cabinet. But Wang Pengpai and others disagreed.

None of them are shameless enough to let their captain bear all the risks, and besides, it's not yet time for An Xuefeng alone to solve the crisis. If you can contribute, do more. If you can adapt to the polluted environment, adapt to the environment. People cannot miss any opportunity to become stronger, otherwise they will definitely regret it in the future.

"Hey!" Director Ling lent us all the Salt God beads. If you don't dare to go into the water, you are really a coward.

Wang Pengpai said with a smile, this is true, if it weren't for Miao Fangfei who was the target of the first generation Lin Jun and the Wuluo Mountain God, so An Xuefeng and Yi Ling were not worried about her going into the water, even if the golden silkworm Gu was very repulsive to Miao in salt water. Fang Fei would even try it in the water. If you don’t adapt now, you won’t have a chance in the future.


Amidst the sound of water, the Thunderous Iron Chest floated in the salt lake. A huge fiery red fox swam in the salt water, pushing the iron chest from behind. The door of the iron cabinet is open, and there is a cabinet door on the left and right, like an open cardboard box. Lu Shucheng swam on the left side of the iron cabinet door, and Wan Xiangchun swam on the right side. Once the roof of the cave fell and there was any danger, they could hide in front of the iron cabinet door immediately.

But Wang Pengpai took the lead from the front. The plump fox used his four paws to dig with a dog, raising his head as hard as he could, and holding a piece of black rope in his mouth.

The black climbing rope is tied to the iron cabinet, and it pulls the iron cabinet forward - although Team An is mainly pushing it, this kind of 'drag' can also be regarded as 'driving'. Although the iron cabinet is not considered a serious boat, it can be regarded as a 'vehicle' in this lake. Even if Wang Pengpai has no hands or feet and cannot paddle and 'drive the boat', he can use his talented guidance as an experienced driver by dragging it. There is no problem if the iron box ship moves forward.

Even though it seemed a bit fantasy, Wang Pengpai murmured in his heart. He always felt that his driving talent was beginning to lean towards metaphysics. Can he still count himself as driving just by pulling the front of an iron cabinet? Fortunately, it was considered driving, and the flow of power also made Wang Pengpeng feel more at ease, otherwise the feeling of four claws leaving the ground would be really uncomfortable. The lake was very deep. When they pushed the iron cabinet down and jumped into the lake, their claws could no longer reach the ground. Only An Xuefeng could step on some salt layers at the bottom of the lake at first, but after walking a few meters forward, he could no longer reach the ground. Step to the bottom of the lake.

The water in the salt lake is warm, but this warmth makes the foxes feel stuffy. A layer of moist and hot mist rises from the lake. The foxes are too small, and they are directly submerged in the mist when they swim in the water. They breathe in this stuffy feeling. Moisture choked into the lungs, making people feel like their breathing was getting heavier and heavier, making the fox suffocate. Especially as you swim further forward, the roof of the cave becomes lower and only two meters above the water. Not to mention there are many salt pillars extending from the roof of the cave into the lake. The iron cabinet floating on the lake is like a boat in the mangroves. When paddling, you often have to take detours to avoid the salt pillars blocking the road.

However, Tong Hege raised his head and looked at it for a while, and suddenly said that these were not salt pillars, but the lush roots of plants. After hanging here for many years, they were wrapped in layers of polluted salt crystals, forming the current shape hanging down into the lake. Pillars of salt.

Hearing what he said, Miao Fangfei and the other foxes were a little happy. After walking in the tunnel that sloped downward for so long, they always felt that they had reached the ground. They couldn't help but feel suppressed and panic. Now they heard that there were tree roots above their heads. Being so close to the surface, my mental state improved a lot for a while. People always have some kind of fear of the unknown underground. If dangers encountered underground can be brought to the ground to fight, then the pressure on everyone will be much less.

But Bai Feibai poured cold water on them.

"Yingying." 'Our current location is deep in Wuluo Mountain, and there cannot be topsoil on it.'

Bai Feibai said thoughtfully: "Ugh." 'There is probably an underground forest above our heads.'

There may be vast cavities in the mountains, but is it possible that a forest is growing in the mountain cavities? It is difficult for forests to grow without sunlight, but in Wuluoshan everything is possible. It’s hard to tell whether it’s a fossil forest or a monster forest, but it’s best not to disturb them easily. These salt-wrapped roots that hang down into the water give Bai Feibai a sense of danger. It has good eyesight and can clearly see that those bright white salt crystals actually contain the empty shells of many fish, shrimps and insects, just like in the deep forest. It's like an insect shell wrapped in a spider web that has been sucked dry of its juice.

Just swimming forward for more than ten meters, even Bai Feibai couldn't see anything. Pure darkness swallowed up everything, just like the thick, polluted darkness on their first night, and even worse than that. Yi Ling was wrapped in a thousand fox skins and did not shine, it was almost pure darkness. The leader, Wang Pengpai, has the ability not to hit any obstacles when driving. Even if he can't see the way forward, he avoids anything blocking the road while dragging the iron cabinet. It's just the doors on both sides of the iron cabinet. He Lu Shucheng and Wan Xiangchun bumped into something from time to time, like a hanging hanging rope. It swayed when touched, and some debris like stones and soil fell down, falling into the wet fox fur. , it’s really scary.

Not to mention that there seemed to be some fish, shrimp, and insect-like creatures in the lake. They touched the bodies of the foxes underwater and then disappeared. I don’t know if they swam away or got into their fur and swam in the water. The moving foxes only felt that their bodies were getting heavier and heavier, and the limbs of the dog paddling became harder. Something always fell down when paddling. I don't know if it was water droplets or... they were shedding their skins again.

The further you swim, the higher the temperature of the lake becomes, the air becomes thinner and hotter, and the obstacles become denser. Wanting to avoid them, I have to keep changing directions. After a while, I feel as tired as a dog panting. Psychologically More pressure. It swam at the front, with no companions and no one talking to either side. It seemed like he was the only living person left in the dark lake.

At this moment, Wang Pengpai felt fortunate that they had just shouldered the pollution for Director Zero. The cocoon of pollution had been taken back by Director Zero, but the vague resonance between them was still there, and he could still feel the presence of his companions. This was also convenient for An Xuefeng. He could roughly feel the state of his teammates, and after swimming forward for a while, Wang Pengpai, Wan Xiangchun and Lu Shucheng boarded the boat to rest.


An Xuefeng discussed with Yi Ling whether he should light up a lamp and take a look at the surroundings.

Pure darkness is too easy to increase people's psychological pressure, not to mention that from the first night in the mountain, tourists know that darkness represents "pollution" and cannot be swallowed up by darkness for too long.

Yi Ling rarely had much energy. Although he stayed in the iron cabinet and didn't get wet, he just couldn't muster much energy and seemed languid when he spoke.

It’s time to illuminate the darkness, there is already too much pollution. But it cannot be moonlight, and it is best not to be a tiger marrow oil lamp, both of which will attract the attention of the tomb owner.

An Xuefeng had many ways to illuminate the darkness. They brought strong light means, searchlights, headlights and other equipment, as well as flares and cold fireworks. Although these things have disappeared now because they have become foxes, they now have teammates and less scientific methods. Mao Xiaole bit out a leaf and drew a simple pattern on it with Wan Xiangchun's pure positive blood. The semi-finished talisman base was prepared before entering the water.

It bit off its claws and used its own blood to draw the last line on the leaf, which became the simplest symbol of light. Then it bit the leaf to attract the power of heaven and earth, and flicked it skillfully.


There was a sharp sound, and soft leaves cut through the air like blades, and suddenly plunged into a bush on the left front. In an instant, white light lit up, illuminating everything around him.


The sound of gasping for air rang out, and the frightening and terrifying scene on the lake suddenly hit the eyes of all the foxes, making their hearts beat wildly! Dense plant roots hung down from the ceiling of the cave, wrapped in layers of contaminated salt crystals, like ice. A corpse was wrapped in a cluster of hanging tree roots very close to them! It wears a golden mask on its head, which reflects dazzling golden light under the bright light talisman. Half of its body is wrapped in tree roots and cannot be seen clearly, but the exposed parts are covered with a thick layer of yellow-white corpse wax without exception.

The scary thing is that just like the tree roots soaked in the salt lake, nearly half of this corpse is also soaked in the water. The water around it is covered with a layer of wax oil. The water surface is motionless, and there is something floating on the water. It was all wax and wax, and Lu Shucheng, Wang Pengpai and Wan Xiangchun, who had just been swimming in the water to lead the way, and now jumped on the flat iron cabinet door to rest, also had a layer of gray-white wax on their fur, exuding There was a stench of corpse, and even the eyes were covered with a dull and dirty wax film.

It was as if the three foxes had turned into three waxen corpses!

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