
Wang Pengpai and the three were frightened when they saw each other's state. The three foxes immediately began to shake their fur frantically in an attempt to get rid of the wax. Some of the wax fell off, but it stuck to their fox fur, and even some corpse wax Sticking tightly to the flesh, Wang Pengpai threw a piece of meat on his shoulder directly, but he didn't feel any pain at all. He tried to continue throwing it away, but An Xuefeng directly pushed him down with his claws, and Lu Shucheng was also An Xuefeng. Xuefeng was pinned under his claws, while Wan Xiangchun was entangled in Yi Ling's scarlet whip.

In just a short time, the three long-haired foxes turned into bald foxes. Fortunately, only a small part of the corpse wax sticking to the flesh was stuck to the long fur of the fox that grew out of cocoon silk. Although the three of them were He was bald, but most of the corpse wax on his body had also been thrown off. Only the dirty wax film covering his eyes was disturbing. And just when everyone was shocked, Yi Ling made an astonishing move. move--


The scarlet whip's whip was as sharp as a needle, and it pierced directly into Wan Xiangchun's eyeball! The sound made all the foxes tremble and felt their eyes hurt, but Yi Ling moved very quickly. Within half a second, he pulled out the whip and plunged it into Wan Xiangchun's other eye. After stirring, he pulled it out and stabbed it again. into his abdomen. Wan Xiangchun, who was tied up with the scarlet whip, did not resist at all. In fact, he would not resist even if he was not tied up.

believe him. Wan Xiangchun spoke like this from the depths of his soul. The trust that originated from the deepest part of his soul was so frightening. For a moment, Wan Xiangchun even felt that even if Zero Guide killed him, it would definitely be for his own good. This kind of violation of self-protection will violate the instinct of life. Trust made Wan Xiangchun anxious in his heart, but he did not struggle, and he did not go against his instinct for too long - Zero Guide moved too fast, and soon his eyes were only filled with burning pain, and his vision was blurry, but that coldness The moist sticky feeling disappeared.

Zero Conductor must have absorbed the pollution!

After a brief blank period, great ecstasy emerged in Wan Xiangchun's heart, and his body was even trembling slightly. It was the uncontrollable excitement after the pollution was removed. The excitement gave rise to fighting spirit, and the feeling of passion was rarely seen in Wan Xiangchun. appeared, but at this moment it even wanted to jump on the wax corpse and bite it. However, in the end, it was pressed against the cabinet door with a scarlet whip and tied up for liposuction.

"Ugh." It's pollution, let's go!

The scene of zero-channel devouring pollution calmed the panicked passengers in the shortest time. An Xuefeng immediately gave the order and pushed the iron cabinet with all his strength in the lake. He has the keenest sense of pollution, and he immediately discovered that this was not just corpse wax stained on the human body, but also a distortion caused by pollution! If you were careless, the pollution aura on their bodies was exactly the same as the pollution aura invaded by darkness before. This made An Xuefeng make a preconceived mistake and mistakenly believed that the previous countermeasures would be effective. Fortunately, he discovered it not too late.


In the sound of water, the fox king pushed the iron cabinet forward at full speed. It was also a fox that had been swimming in the lake. It could not even stand on the cabinet door because of its huge size, and did not want to enter the iron cabinet and let the pollution fall on them. It is still in the water. inside. His beautiful fiery red fur was also dyed with wax and became dull and dirty, but his eyes were still good, still bright and calm, and even if the dazzling white light of the Mingguang Talisman was weakening, he didn't panic at all.

The light of the bright light talisman dimmed. After all, it was just a talisman drawn on a leaf. It lasted only a short time and the illumination range was not very large. Mao Xiaole only made five spare tablets. But now it did not hesitate to throw out the second bright light talisman, illuminating the path ahead of the corpses - there were more tree roots hanging down in front, and there were more wax corpses. Although the Fox King cannot carry the sun and moon on his back, he is very powerful. A strong thrust can make an iron cabinet fly on the lake. The problem is that there are tree roots covered with salt crystals hanging down from the cave roof. The dense clusters of tree roots block the way forward. There is no straight path for An Xuefeng to exert his strength. The consequence of speeding up is an iron cabinet. It is very easy to damage the tree roots directly.

But fortunately they have Wang Pengpai.

"Yum yum, yum yum yum!"

The shocked Wang Pengpai cursed loudly. Among the three of them, Wang Pengpai was the fattest and the most waxy. The bright fox fur has fallen out badly, and the gray and sticky skin is exposed in the bald spots, emitting a putrid smell that makes the fox's scalp feel cold. That was the smell of death. Wang Pengpai was the most sensitive to this smell. The whole fox trembled with his ears behind his back. The energy had not yet calmed down, but the danger aroused the ferocity in his bones.

Yi Ling was still thinking about cleaning up the waxy fat under Wang Pengpai's skin first, and saw him growling in his hairy throat, and rushed to the front of the iron cabinet and stood up, stepping on the edge of the iron cabinet with his front paws. He didn't care about the splash of sewage stained with corpse wax, his eyes were fixed on the front, biting the black climbing rope with all his strength, and the iron cabinet actually started to surge under its force!

The huge iron cabinet quickly avoids all tree roots at a strange angle, and even often stands on its side to avoid floating wax. It is like a scene that only appears in a drag racing movie. Before, it was more or less like it was swimming in front, holding the rope in its mouth. Now, Wang Pengpai stood directly in the iron cabinet and held the rope. It could be considered as 'driving' without any tugging. He had a deeper grasp of his own power, but there was nothing in the iron cabinet at all. The foxes who were talking about the seat belt were about to be thrown away. Lu Shucheng, who was on the cabinet door but did not enter the iron cabinet, was thrown out directly. Fortunately, he was slapped in by An Xuefeng as soon as he took off. The iron cabinet, otherwise she would have to fall into the vast lake of corpse wax. At such a fast speed, the iron cabinet moved forward for more than a hundred meters, and finally, in addition to the tree roots and wax corpses in the lake, appeared in front of her. s things.

It was a raised surface in the lake, like a small island. It was not big enough and could accommodate four or five iron cabinets lying down on it. Fortunately, the hanging tree roots around it are not dense, but very sparse. It seems to be quite open, and it should be regarded as the center of this strange lake.

Wang Pengpai originally didn't want to stop. Who wants to stop in such a ghost place? The faster the better, but at this moment, the white surface of the lake is covered with fog, and it is impossible to see the southeast, northwest, and he must have reached the underground salt lake. In the core area, the water temperature continues to rise. Occasionally, a few drops of water splashing onto Wang Pengpai's face can make him jump.

Of course, the veteran driver can tell the difference between east, west and north at any time, but such a high water temperature makes Wang Pengpai hesitate. Team An has been swimming in the water for so long and has been exposed to the most pollution. Now the water is so hot, he has to take a break. Well, people are not made of iron. Seeing that the 'island' in the middle of the lake was getting closer and closer, Wang screamed and asked Captain An and Director Ling for their opinions.

An Xuefeng is not afraid of being burned, but rising water temperature is not a good thing. All the semi-solidified wax blocks floating on the lake have melted, and the wax corpses wrapped in salt crystal tree roots are also melting. Fox King Pushing the iron cabinet past a clump of tree roots, the wax corpse wrapped in the tree roots was like a ball of putrid butter, swollen and soft. The golden mask was sunk in the melted wax corpse, gray and white, dirty and yellow, and the hot air was filled with a... A disgusting stench.

Reason is clamoring to leave quickly. The situation may be worse next. However, his intuition made him stop - An Xuefeng felt that there was something very important on this island. No, this instinct does not come from him, but from Yi Zero, who is connected to his soul.

There is something very attractive to Yi Zero on this 'island'!

"Hey." 'Go to the island'

"Hey." 'Go to the island'

Yi Ling and An Xuefeng spoke at the same time and had the same attitude. Wang Pengpai directly drove the iron cabinet onto the island without hesitation. This really cannot be regarded as an 'island'. After all, it is too small, and its appearance from a close distance is even more difficult to compliment. The texture of the island looks like gray-white rotten fat, with dense foam on the edges, and large piles of corpses like wax. The membrane is sealed on the surrounding lake. Once something passes through the wax membrane, it will automatically cover it. It is very disgusting. The sour and rotten smell permeates the surroundings, making people's brains swell and their foreheads ache.

The passengers were a little confused as to why Zero Guide would stop here, but no one would question his decision. Some of the foxes thought that Captain An's body could not hold on any longer, and that their condition was too bad to survive the rest of the water journey. Zero Lead would first give them a group rescue, but some thought that the 'island' in the middle of the lake was very dangerous. Strange, Ling Dao must have sensed something above it.


The iron cabinet swayed and sank a little further, and King Fox jumped onto the cabinet door. It was several times bigger than when it could curl up in the cabinet before. When it stood up, the cabinet door made a creaking sound, which made people fear that the cabinet door would break.

Fortunately, the cabinet door held up, and King Fox, who was covered in corpse wax, quickly received zero-lead decontamination services. He has already taken care of Wan Xiangchun, and also roughly dealt with the waxed fat under Wang Pengpai's skin. Putting aside the disgusting appearance, the corpse wax contamination smells like old bacon to Yi Ling, and it is still very delicious. Yes, even though he had just eaten the pollution from the mountains and was not yet hungry and couldn't bear the dirt, he still devoured a lot with his scarlet whip.

How can the pollution swallowed by the long whip be considered his food? Yi Ling skillfully prepared his mind and pierced the Fox King's body with his long whip to sweep away the corpse wax, trying to restore An Xuefeng to his state as quickly as possible. They then joined forces to sweep away this weird and dangerous island.

But when they got closer, An Xuefeng frowned. The Fox King's solemn gaze turned back and forth on Yi Ling, and then fell on the other foxes in the iron cabinet.

"Ying ying." 'You are all covered with pollution'

An Xuefeng said seriously, the look that fell on Yi Ling was a little scary. He didn't even make a sound and directly communicated with Yi Ling's mind: 'Why don't you deal with the pollution on your body? It’s already been soaked in deeply! ’

Although the foxes in the iron cabinet still have fluffy fur and look normal in appearance, they have all lost weight. The black caterpillar balls and the black foxes transformed by foreigners are the most obvious. Now they only look thin, but they have become thinner due to pollution. Can smell it.

They are transforming into mummies.

Wax corpses, mummies, different corpse changes are just different branches of core pollution. The biggest change among them is Yi Zero. It used to be a fox with a full moon, but now it has almost become a 'crescent moon'. It lost its chubby body and turned into a thin and slender moon fox!

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