Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1281 Tusi King's Tomb (213)

Chapter 1281 Tomb of the Tusi King (213)


Muffled thunder exploded in the thick clouds, and bright lightning flashed, looking so inconspicuous in the heavy wind and snow. External pollution has eroded this mountain, and even the local strength has been suppressed to a minimum.

But now Wu Laoliu needs this inconspicuous meagerness. The black-haired and black-eyed young man hides in a dilapidated earth house that is almost half collapsed, carefully absorbing a trace of lightning when lightning falls, and incorporates it into his body to heal his injuries.

"Damn it."

Another muffled thunder fell, but the wind and snow suddenly became stronger at this moment. The sweeping wind rushed straight into the broken wall. The pollution in the blizzard became more and more dense. It was like a snow beast that was angered by something, roaring and hissing, and there was a feeling between heaven and earth. Only the sound of the violent storm and snow was left, and the already weak thunder fire was completely wiped out under the cover of forest cold pollution. Wu Laoliu tried hard to activate the thunder fire but got nothing.

This was not the first time this happened. His face was gloomy, he had lost too many maggots, and the boy's skin was a bit too thin to hold up. His skin was very white, but his eyes were dark and blue, and he was a bit more depressed and tired. , as if I haven’t rested for a long time.

Wu Laoliu has indeed not rested for a long time! From the journey of sneaking into the tomb of the Tusi King, he worked step by step, fearful every day, and finally got to the day when the Tomb of the Tusi King was to be opened. But fate had never favored him. Wu Laoliu seemed to be overwhelmed by bad luck, making every step difficult.

"Name, name..."

Losing too many maggots made Wu Laoliu not very clear-headed, and he became confused from time to time. This was his old problem. After having the authority and recognition of the father-in-law, his situation was much better. However, now Wuluoshan and Tusi The situation in the King's Tomb made Wu Laoliu dare not borrow any more strength. He held on by himself, his spirit falling into a trance from time to time.

He has forgotten too many things, past memories, past names, why is he called this name? Wu Laoliu couldn't explain it clearly, but he wanted to live, even if he was like a maggot.


After patiently swallowing thunder fire several times and barely healing some of his injuries, Wu Laoliu cut Wu Laoliu's finger with the peeling knife he obtained from the Skinning Master. No blood came out, and only a dozen maggots squeezed out. . Wu Laoliu let them out and closed his eyes slightly. After a while, there was a rustling sound in the snow. The human skin maggots brought several groups of small insects, not many, only a hundred or so. Now here in Wuluo Mountain It was really difficult to find live insects, which made Wu Laoliu's expression even more ugly.

He can't stay here any longer. Even if this village has the remaining Yin Qi of Ghost King Pingping, it can't resist the pollution-filled blizzard for long. He was able to take shelter here temporarily because he had a contract with Pingping and Yi Ling, and secondly, he wanted to wait here to see if he could meet Yi Ling again - Wu Laoliu didn't escape from the mouth of the corn shoots by himself. Just kidding, he didn't even gather a swarm of insects, nor did he pick up his own insects. How could he just risk his escape while the world was turned upside down? It's not safe outside right now!

How he escaped from the mouth of the corn shoots and how he appeared on Wuluo Mountain, Wu Laoliu had no memory at all, as if some second personality had controlled his body and made him forget it! This made Wu Laoliu feel a sense of crisis in his heart. Although he had been caught by the corn shoots for a long time, he did not miss the death of the big bee next to Yi Ling. There was a vague connection between them. The moment the big bee died, Wu Laoliu Liuye's heart was beating wildly and he was suffering from inexplicable palpitations. When he landed in Wuluo Mountain, he immediately tried to contact the insect swarm and the mutated human-skin maggots Lao Er Lao San.

The fourth child, but there was no news, Wu Laoliu had an inexplicable premonition.

He might be the next victim.

Who is willing to die inexplicably? Wu Laoliu doesn't want to! He lost his memory and name and spent so many disgusting journeys racking his brains to become a monster, a vendor, make money, and build relationships with tourists, tour guides and even the principals. This was not just to die! Even if his "death" may represent the rebirth of his "original body", that doesn't work. As long as the person alive is not him, Wu Laoliu, it is not considered alive.

"Yi Ling hasn't chased the wandering corpse yet?????"

The last wave of insects came back, and they clearly encountered the swarm of insects released by Yi Ling, but they still didn't get the news they wanted. Wu Laoliu didn't wait any longer. He stood up, his ill-fitting clothes like a huge cloak, Wu Laoliu He wrapped himself up, walked out into the blizzard with a sharp skinning knife, and walked toward the entrance of Qiebi Village in waist-deep snow.

The wandering zombie has a special identity and is definitely not just any ordinary zombie. Wu Lao Liu confirmed this as early as when he admitted Wu Lao Liu's identity as Thunder Lord. What kind of zombie are you? How can you still recognize the Thunder God of the Tujia people? You wandering corpse is probably the incarnation of the Tusi King! Wu Laoliu is a person with countless maggot incarnations, and he is the most sensitive to this thing. What's more, this is not the first time he has seen the wandering zombies. When he led the insect swarm to invade the tomb area, he was killed by the wandering zombies seven times. Bits and pieces.

The tomb area can be said to be the most important corpse storage area in front of the Tusi King's tomb. You Zhi can control this place, which shows his status and the Tusi King's trust in You Zhi.

Who will a suspicious person trust? Suspicious people trust themselves the most! If the wandering corpse is the incarnation of the Tusi King, how is the Tusi King sliced? What was his purpose in slicing? You can't just be the person in charge.

But this is good news for Wu Laoliu.

The incarnation of the Tusi King has the authority of the Tusi King, but does not have to bear the responsibilities of the Tusi King. After "death", the constraints will disappear and he will no longer be trapped in Wuluo Mountain.

A perfect skin.

He can replace the identity of any skin he enters. When the human skin maggots form a cocoon under the skin, form a brand new human skin, and shed the old skin, he will completely possess this identity. However, Wu Laoliu can have countless identities, but he wants to regain his memory and name the most. But even so, he does not plan to return to the hotel as a tour guide. If there is a second way, he will not go back. Tour guides and tourists are also not free and controlled. What is the difference between him being a monster on the journey?

He wants to gain real freedom and powerful power, and he wants to no longer be subject to these restrictions, otherwise he will not risk sneaking into the Tusi King's Tomb. The journey to 30 degrees north latitude is a restricted area that the hotel cannot reach, and he will be reborn here.


A slight cracking sound was heard in the extremely cold wind and snow. Wu Laoliu wrapped himself in his clothes with an expressionless face, covering the human skin that was beginning to crack due to the extreme cold. Some tiny maggots fell from the human skin. The lucky ones fell into the clothes and could continue to be carried away. The unlucky ones were caught by the strong wind, just like rice grains falling into a snow pile, and were instantly covered by the heavy snow, making it difficult for Wu Laoliu to catch up.

But as long as there are maggots that can support their bodies, Wu Laoliu can "survive". It doesn't matter if the human skin cracks, he is about to dig another human skin.


Wu Laoliu walked to the village entrance with some difficulty in the sound of wind and snow, and was alert all the way around. After making sure that there was no trace of people, he walked towards the big maple tree outside the village. The snow fell all over the tree, and the withered branches were black and thin, like a bunch of dry firewood pointing to the sky. The tree looked lifeless, but

In the desolate Qiebi Village, the tree still stood outside the village, which was a very strange thing in itself.


After approaching the maple tree, Wu Laoliu breathed a sigh of relief, his cheeks were uneven like waves, and it seemed that the maggots in his skin also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. There was a very strong corpse gas under this maple tree, and the maggots were most sensitive to it. Wu Laoliu felt that this place was special the first time he came to Qiebi Village to "take refuge".

There were zombies hiding under this maple tree, and they were extremely powerful. Zombies with special status in this land-even the wandering corpses themselves had three incarnations, so how could the chieftain king have only one incarnation! After Wu Laoliu turned into this ghost, he also carefully studied the impact of the maggot content on himself and tried to separate several incarnations.

Wu Laoliu suspected that the zombie under the maple tree was also one of the incarnations of the Tusi King. Although it had a strong corpse gas, its breath was not strong. It should still be a failure... or an immature incarnation, perhaps it was already asleep or dead, and its strength was not strong.

But it was also a good skin for Wu Laoliu.

His ultimate goal was the skin of the wandering corpse, but Yi Ling had not caught the wandering corpse for a long time, so he could only make other plans. It was safer to dig this zombie first.


Like a balloon leaking air, Wu Laoliu became shorter, and piles of maggots drilled into the ground from the soles of his feet. To outsiders, it looked like he was squatting in front of the maple tree in silence. After a while, two muffled rumbles came from under the tree, as if thunder had exploded underground. The snow pile in front of the tree gradually swelled up, and a dark and heavy wooden box was surrounded by numb white maggots.

Wu Laoliu looked a little gloomy and didn't open the wooden box here, nor did he stay for long. The maggots surrounded the wooden box and went directly into his current skin. What could be more reassuring than hiding important things in the body? After getting it, Wu Laoliu immediately left Qiebi Village and hurried to the west. He originally wanted to go to the boundary between the extreme cold and the pollution of the Death Valley, but he could faintly see the dark orange knife light that seemed to tear the sky from a distance.

Damn, it's An Xuefeng!

Wu Laoliu's heart skipped a beat, and he looked around suspiciously, but he didn't see the other passengers on the way back and Yi Ling. But when An Xuefeng was alone, he could usually burst out with more terrifying power. Wu Laoliu did not hesitate to retreat and ran away quickly, away from the area affected by An Xuefeng, hiding here and there, until this body was frozen and cracked by the extreme cold, and maggots were leaking seriously. Wu Laoliu hid in a rock crevice, and used thunder and fire to heal his body for a short time. The maggots and crickets pupated and arched out the black wooden box from the crack.


Holding the wooden box, Wu Laoliu's face was not very good. This was the best locust tree heart. It must be an old locust tree over a hundred years old, born in a yin year, yin place, and yin cave, to have this kind of tree heart that is like solid yin energy. It is best to use this tree heart to raise corpses. The corpse gas on the black wooden box is also strong enough. It has a subtle similarity with the power breath of the wandering corpse when sensed at close range. Wu Laoliu's guess was not wrong.

However, judging from the size of this wooden box, the zombie inside is probably not even a ba! Ba is at least the size of a child. These two palm-sized wooden boxes can only hold babies, and they have to be premature babies with poor development!

What's the point of him having a baby's skin? There are too few maggots to hold. If he gets in, he might really become a mentally retarded baby!

The author has something to say

The next chapter will be about Zero's director coming out!

Michael and Raphael followed Wu Laoliu all the time, and they wouldn't let him sneak away~

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