Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1282: Tomb of Tusi King (214)

Chapter 1282 Tomb of the Tusi King (214)

No wonder the Chieftain King gave up on this incarnation. He was afraid that something unexpected happened and the incarnation was too small to be used. After struggling for a long time to get water from a bamboo basket, Wu Laoliu looked really ugly.

But it’s not without gain. Wu Laoliu knows how to use waste best. The chieftain king buried under the maple tree in Qiebi Village turned into a zombie. Looking at it, this chieftain king must have done something to Qiebi Village in the past. Pingping might also be He had calculated that this thing was still useful. Maybe this wooden box can be exchanged with Yi Ling for the corpse skin bag. Anyway, what he wants is the corpse skin, not the whole body of the corpse. If Yi Ling wants to seize the tomb of the chieftain king, he will have to kill the chieftain king sooner or later, and the incarnation cannot Let it go, You Zhi will die sooner or later, so it doesn't matter if you give him a piece of skin. He can find a way to help Yi Ling deal with other bugs. Now Wu Laoliu knows the location of a certain bug.


Although he had done some psychological massage, Wu Laoliu still sighed. It was better to rely on himself than to rely on others, and he had to rely on Yi Ling. He felt really unhappy, empty, and always felt unsafe. Is it really just a baby incarnate in this wooden box? Wu Laoliu decided that he still had to open the black wooden box to confirm the contents. This gloomy ghost thing cannot be opened without warning. Wu Laoliu rolled his eyes and a big red maggot with wings came out. It was a lightning red maggot. After Lao San and Lao Si disappeared, Wu Laoliu quickly got a new incarnation for himself.

He hid himself hundreds of meters away and tens of meters deep underground, leaving only the red lightning maggot. This maggot was as big as a puppy with very flexible wings. He found the wooden box in three strokes, five divided by two. latches on and open it.


Far underground, at the moment when the wooden box was opened, Wu Laoliu's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He had no normal heartbeat. It was the maggots accumulated in his heart that were beating like an epilepsy. Not just the heart, but everything. All the maggots fell into a state of panic and panic due to some kind of terrifying sense of crisis, hitting Wu Laoliu's skin like a sudden storm. In an instant, his skin melted like butter, and countless maggots scattered and shot out in all directions. He was running for his life in a hurry. As long as one maggot escaped, Wu Laoliu was not completely dead——

However, in the next moment, high heat erupted around them. The terrifying flames melted the rocks and soil, and soon burned a hole in the ground. Fires were burning in all directions. A few of the maggots who fled were unable to catch up and crashed into the flames. In the middle, they were directly burned to death. Most of the maggots suddenly stopped the car and retreated to the center without flames. All the maggots were locked without exception.


The maggots gathered again, and something was holding his skin. Wu Laoliu's group of maggots got in again, and when he stood up, he found a red sword under his feet.

"You have something to say."

Wu Laoliu raised his hands calmly: "I won't run away again, and you don't seem to be planning to kill me, so why can't we have a good talk? I know a lot of things."

While trying to communicate, Wu Laoliu hurriedly controlled the lightning red maggots secretly, and then his heart sank. Red Maggot just opened the wooden box, but it was not the corpse as Wu Laoliu guessed, but just a stone! Obviously, someone discovered this wooden box first, took away the contents and buried it as it was to catch the people behind it. He, Wu Laoliu, was the stupid fish that took the bait. Maybe everything he did along the way was seen by the other party.

The red maggot was also caught. From this perspective, it was not clear who it was. Without getting any more information, the red maggot was imprisoned in a locust wood box. This made Wu Laoliu feel even heavier. Although there were still nearly a hundred maggots wandering around, a hundred maggots couldn't even hold up a baby's skin, and there was no point in gathering them together. It would be very difficult for his large army to be captured. Biquan is finished.

However, the other party only caught him but did not kill him immediately, which made Wu Laoliu's mind become active again. Being so good at flames, could the person who caught him be Yi Zero? He hoped it was Yi Zero. He didn't want to fall into the hands of An Xuefeng or some local pollution monster. The person who brought the pollution ice and snow also had powerful flames. Wu Laoliu was trembling all the way away. That was definitely against the monster. The flames that Chong had particularly restrained would be lifeless if they fell into that person's hands.

"I am a scout sent by the sun. He will find me at any time."

Wu Laoliu tried tentatively, his expression still calm: "You don't want to bear the wrath of the sun, right?"

However, no matter how he tried, the other party did not communicate with him. The plan to get the news failed. Wu Laoliu felt that both himself and the red maggots were being moved. He felt more worried, but he didn't say anything anymore. Instead, he sat down and closed his eyes slightly, as if he had fallen into trance, calm, as if He really had an epic and powerful backer behind him, but he never gave up on escaping for a moment.

But the other party didn't give him a chance, and the flames dispersed quickly. Without the isolation of the flames, Wu Laoliu immediately noticed the familiar aura. He suddenly opened his eyes, but he saw the expressionless faces of several great suns in the Kingdom of Gold, blowing him away. Surrounded in the middle! Ah, this, the sun of the golden country? Wu Laoliu was stunned for a moment, but his eyes quickly locked on the chest of the tallest sun god. There was a hole there, and a golden sunbird lived in the hole. Like a woodpecker, its round eyes were staring down at him. look.

This, this shape——

Wu Laoliu's pupils were shaking, and his heart was beating wildly for a while, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Zero conductor is better than others. Yi Ling has already controlled all those big suns? It was really awesome, and Wu Laoliu felt a little sour in his heart. A surprised smile broke out on his face, and he said eagerly: "Zero Guide! Is it Zero Guide!"

"Great, it's really Zero!" He breathed a sigh of relief and said with lingering fear: "Lingdao, something is watching me! I completely lost my memory when the world turned upside down, and I was separated from you when I regained consciousness. , It’s so terrible, I can’t resist it at all!”

Speaking of which, Wu Laoliu is really gnashing his teeth. Damn it, don't let him know who is trying to control him behind the scenes. It's disgusting!

"You mean you came to me and found Qiebi Village?"

Yi Ling was listening to Michael and Raphael secretly report the news to him. The two fallen angels were monitoring Wu Laoliu at the same time. This was definitely a card. Michael devoured the Skinned Lord's resurrection authority, and Wu Laoliu had the Skinned Lord's skinning knife in his hand. Michael could pull him out no matter where he was hiding. Even so, Michael still carefully chose to set fire - he suspected that Wu Laoliu had the power of Beelzebub, the prime minister of hell, who transformed into thousands of maggots and Beelzebub, who could transform into giant flies and control countless flies. It was very similar to Bu. Michael had experience fighting this hell prime minister. When he captured Wu Laoliu, he directly surrounded him with fire, otherwise he might have escaped.

Before Wu Laoliu, Raphael found the big maple tree at the head of the village and dug out the locust box. The place where the power of lust is strongest is here, but the things inside are so disgusting that Yi Ling doesn't want to recall it a second time.

"I can't find any trace of you. The pollution on the mountain is too heavy. Both the mountain god and the chieftain king are seriously polluted. I can no longer use the power of Thunder God too much."

Wu Laoliu said sincerely: "I came to Qiebi Village because there was an agreement between you and me and the Ghost King. Qiebi Village is the Ghost King's territory and is relatively safe."

"I went to dig a wooden box under the maple tree, and I felt the strong corpse aura."

Wu Laoliu said helplessly, raising his hand to let Yi Ling see the cracks on his body that were cracked by frostbite. White maggots blocked the cracks, but when moving, there would always be new cracks, allowing some maggots to leak out. .

It was terrible. Yi Ling moved back calmly, pulled the still recovering smoke mirror and blocked it in front of him, and then listened to Wu Laoliu helplessly say: "My skin cannot bear the pollution, it is almost broken, I We must find a new skin before then. I think there is a powerful zombie buried under the maple tree, and its skin may be able to withstand the wind and snow, and you can see the result."

Wu Laoliu made a gesture: "Such a small box can only hold a baby's body, so it's useless to me. I can't support a baby's skin, so I might as well run away."

"Zero Guide, is there a baby corpse inside? The smell of its corpse is really strange, a bit like a wandering corpse. You also know my identity, I am very sensitive to the smell of corpses."

Wu Laoliu asked tentatively, and at the same time generously shared the information with Yi Ling. He must show his usefulness immediately, and only useful people will be eligible to be protected.

"The contents inside are indeed strange."

Yi Ling really didn't want to know what special talent maggots have. Alas, why was he thinking about the word "maggot" again? The sunbird's wings fluttered. He really missed the tiger at this moment. He had to take a few sips of the tiger to calm down. Come. He waved his wings, and Raphael flew down, holding in his hand a wooden box that was almost identical to the one under the maple tree - copied by Wang Yushu.

The original wooden box was called "Soft-moving Carved Sophora Wooden Box", and the one Wang Yushu copied was "Soul-moving Carved Huaimu Box". The former is used to preserve the corpse after the soul has been moved, so that the corpse will not rot, but will be nourished. How many years have passed and it remains the same as it was at the beginning. The wooden box copied by Wang Yushu can also preserve the corpse after the soul has been transferred, but the chest is a "pregnant" chest. As the name suggests, things placed in this wooden box will become pregnant.

...However, this function unexpectedly matched the contents of the wooden box, otherwise Yi Ling would not have transferred the thing to the replica wooden box and buried the original version back under the maple tree to catch Wu Laoliu.

"This, this is-?!"

Raphael flew down in front of Wu Laoliu and opened the box. When Wu Laoliu looked inside, he was shocked and lost his voice. He couldn't believe it.

I saw that this wooden box actually contained a human stomach! The stomach was dark red, bulging, with a complete structure. The inside was stretched wide, and a scratch cut through the stomach wall, allowing people to see what was inside - there was actually a baby in the stomach! The stomach pouch surrounding it is like a uterus, its umbilical cord is connected to the stomach wall, and its body is glowing a healthy pink color. A very strong corpse air spreads from the baby's body. It should be a zombie, but Wu Lao Liu See the baby's heart beating!

Thump, thump, thump—

The author has something to say

In fact, Xunxun's current appearance is quite scary. There is a hole in the chest of a human (god), and a bird squats in the hole, controlling a puppet or something...

Wu Laoliu [Maggots jumping wildly]: Horrible, too terrifying! ! !

Yi Ling:?

What are you talking about, you maggot?

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