Thriller Tour Group

343. Supplementary update

To be honest, this kind of death prediction shocked Zhu Yuande. After all, most of the divination or prophecies he heard after entering the hotel were "You will have good luck on the next journey." Lucky boy, you will find a series of title quests. "You will join the strongest brigade." Team' or whatever, no one ever said he was going to die in a minute.

However, the person in front of him made Zhu Yuande feel a strong sense of coldness. Behind him was the deep darkness, the bonfire of the red sand giant tribe was extinguished, and the cold and damp feeling in the middle of the night was like an inseparable feeling. The airy mist wrapped around his neck, making Zhu Yuande feel suffocated, and he subconsciously put his hand on his throat.

But the 'blind man' wearing small black round glasses in front of him seemed to be able to see his every move.


He made his final judgment, then passed Zhu Yuande, who was hesitant to speak, and walked forward, but he paused again after just two steps.

"Did you just say that something would happen to Yuande?"

The two people from Chen Cheng's brigade who noticed the situation happened to be on the side and were about to come over. However, when the mysterious man stopped in his tracks, they were like gerbils being stared at by a snake. They stood still and could not move. Not daring to move, one of them plucked up the courage and boldly asked, but the astrologer ignored them and walked straight to his wheelchair.

"What do you see, astrologer?"

Taoist Ban Ming asked anxiously. He noticed the prediction made by the astrologer about Zhu Yuande. Wei Xun in the wheelchair looked at him with interest. Even though An Xuefeng had said before that astrologers' abilities were limited here and they could not see more, he was still curious.

Will the astrologers see through his disguise? In particular, Wei Xun discovered that although the astrologer came to his wheelchair, he did not 'look' at him, but was looking at An Fengniao standing on the back of the wheelchair.

Everyone fell silent and focused their attention in this direction. However, after a while, the astrologer spoke and said:

"I am blind now, what can I see?"

The astrologer said impatiently: "Did you see a bunch of dead people, huh?"

"Haha, this is the captain's lucky word this year."

David, who was dressed like an astrologer, shrugged and smiled to lighten the atmosphere: "You know, our occultists are always a little mysterious."

David believes that disability is the lucky word for astrologers this year. After lending the wheelchair to An Xuefeng, he pretends to be blind. But when Lily was in trouble, the giant eyes in the middle of the heads of those desert giants also seemed to indicate that 'eyes' were very important in the reenactment of this scene. Danger.

The astrologer was bad-tempered and impatient, especially when he said "a group of dead people" his tone was a little careless. It sounded like a casual remark, a perfunctory expression when he was impatient, but Wei Xun and his party were We all know what the astrologers said is true.

Theoretically, they are indeed among a group of dead people - seven people in Chen Cheng's brigade are all dead in history, and they are now standing in the tower.

"You are not leaving this tower tonight."

The astrologer did not say why Zhu Yuande was beheaded, but it was enough to arouse the sense of urgency among the half-life Taoists. He walked to Zhu Yuande and stayed with him for five minutes. Nothing happened in these five minutes, but Taoist Half Life was still worried. He took them to the short sand tower adjacent to the tower, which is where the chief's male giant and children live. Half sunk in the earth, like a mud fortress, it is safer.

And normal communication started here.

"Long time no see, old guys, I would say that the feeling of being down-to-earth is much better than the cold sea. Ann, I feel that your fire is stronger. Is it the desert that brings you more enthusiasm? No, no, your The flame is still a little pink, haha, have you finally found your other half?”

David greeted him warmly, but Fengniao didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and didn't even utter a small anger. David was cheerful and didn't care. The little fire dragon stopped on his shoulder, just like David's eyes. He greeted Zhang Xingzang and the others one by one, and finally his attention fell on Wei Xun.

"This is Bai Xiaosheng."

Zhang Xingzang quickly introduced that he was afraid of the term 'male and female', so he clarified it on the spot before David could speak.

"I wonder how the know-it-all became so charming."

David teased, then was surprised: "Oh my God, my little baby, you said you were in a wheelchair? What happened to your leg, Jack of all trades?"

The West always likes to call Bai Feibai a know-it-all rather than bai xiao sheng. Different titles have different translations there. I heard that the First Brigade in the West also has a Baichatang. A 'jack of all trades'.

"It's a small thing, it doesn't matter."

Wei Xun replied perfunctorily, his eyes always falling on the astrologer's hand. An Xuefeng said that the astrologer's butterfly fragment was in the astrolabe tattooed on the back of his right hand. Wei Xun was curious about the state of the astrologer's butterfly fragment. After all, when he met the puppet master at that time, Wei Xun had no sense of it. Now that it's so strong, maybe the Astrologer's Butterfly Shard is more active than the Puppet Master's?

But it's a pity that from the time he came in until now, the astrologer's right hand has been stuck in his pocket, not exposed at all.

Centaur Katie and psychic Lily also arrived shortly after. They both wore the same small black round glasses on their noses.

"The captain said this is a more dangerous journey than the Unsolvable Level, and it is a place that should not exist."

The secret science side exchanged information with Zhang Xingzang in a low voice.

"This is a replay of the scene from the previous generation's unsolvable journey, the 'Ancient Oasis', and some kind of change has occurred."

Zhang Xingzang said: "It's more dangerous... Indeed, who else is coming to your side?"

He did not talk about the power of chasing dreams, nor did he reveal Longlong's current situation. After all, Zhang Xingzang is not familiar with mysticism, so he will be more cautious when it comes to matters involving life-seeking people.

"Blood Wolf Rex, Blood Baron, and a black werewolf."

There are eight new arrivals in total, plus An Xuefeng and Zhang Xingzang, there are exactly ten, which corresponds to the current number of people in Chen Cheng's brigade, just as Taoist Half Life had guessed before.

"Honestly, after the last trip (Beijing Suburban Funeral Palace), I heard that there was a big purge by the Werewolf Alliance, but Rex did not catch the Silver Moon Killer. He said that the Butcher Alliance had negotiated with him. , Silver Moon Killer is no longer in the Werewolf Alliance, but you can’t believe what the Werewolf said. Maybe Silver Moon Killer dyed his hair. To be honest, Rex may not be able to tell. "

"Anyway, it's definitely not easy for the black werewolf to get in here."

Blood Baron, Blood Wolf Rex, and Black Werewolf are not easy characters to deal with.

"This involves some clichés, huh? Like we have to kill people who deserve to die in order to survive. If these people die like history, we won't be able to survive. God, this is really It’s boring enough.”

David shrugged: "I think we should pay more attention to the dangers of traveling in this ancient oasis. For example, those giants and those tour guides may have bad intentions, but don't be afraid. They can't display their full strength here."

David said carelessly: "And the captain also said that we tourists can change everything, let those damn tour guides go to hell. Ah, of course, I am not talking about chasing you."

Dream Chaser didn't look at him at all. It was riding on Zhang Xingzang's shoulders, holding Zhang Xingzang's hair with its front paws. Half of its body stood up and tilted its head to look at Wei Xun, as if it was struggling with something. Ever since Wei Xun got the vampire knife, Dream Chaser seemed to have noticed something. He no longer jumped directly into Wei Xun's arms in an intimate manner, but always had this little expression that Longlong didn't understand.

Do all tour guides feel this knife, or are there only tour guides who have mastered the journey of 30 degrees north latitude and grasped the fragments of the butterfly? Can passengers feel it?

Half-Life Taoist, none of them had any strange expressions, and neither did the infected. Wei Xun paid more attention to the astrologer, but this person had been avoiding looking at him.

It wasn't until Centaur Katie spoke that she finally attracted Wei Xun's attention.

"When we came here, we saw an old ugly giant. I mean, it was really old, and its dirty skin was hanging down. I saw it was holding two giant beasts in its hands. The body was decapitated, as if it were to be presented to the chief."

Katie mentioned something casually: "But he is afraid of us. To be precise, this old giant is a bit disabled. He is afraid of the female giant in the tribe."

Decapitated corpse? Old ugly disabled giant? In addition, the astrologer predicted that Zhu Yuande would die and beheaded in one minute. Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and glanced at the Yin-Yang Butterfly. The Yin-Yang Butterfly understood and quickly went out to catch the giant, while Wei Xun asked These people revealed a little bit about the re-enactment.

"That giant was supposed to kill a lot of people."

Psychic Lily said slowly: "I saw the shadows of many people behind it, five, five in total."

Lily's words made Zhang Xingzang and others frown. The disabled giant had killed two before, which meant that now in Chen Cheng's team, including Zhu Yuande, three more people would be killed by the disabled giant.

"Lily, can you..."

Zhang Xingzang hesitated to speak. Lily turned back and looked in the direction of the astrologer. The astrologer simply said: "Go, you can open your eyes." Lily nodded and went to the back to check the fate of the people in Chen Cheng's brigade. But Xun paid more attention to the astrologer.

He felt a subtle, familiar feeling in Lily, like the aura of the abyss, but it was very, very light. Only he could detect it. The aura of the abyss in her eyes was like the after-effects of seeing something. The contaminated eyes were just like Wei Xun couldn't see the eyes at first, otherwise his eyes would be contaminated.

Could it be that the person who looked at him just now was Lily, a psychic, not an astrologer?

And his words are also very meaningful - you can open your eyes after passing by, but you can't open your eyes here. In other words, the astrologer knows some of his secrets?

How much do you know?

Wei Xun blasted away An Fengniao (Fengniao:?) on the back of the wheelchair, but after the phoenix bird flew away, the astrologer's eyes still fell on the wheelchair and were not attracted by Wei Xun's actions.

Wei Xun understood that the astrologer deliberately did not come to see him.

"Astrologer, thank you for the wheelchair."

Wei Xun probed: "Did you expect this day?"

Is this wheelchair prepared for me?

"Really, Captain, is that true?"

David was also very curious. The astrologer had been using a wheelchair for a full year. He even designed a multi-functional wheelchair in reality that was of extremely high quality and was comparable to hotel props. It was a must-have wherever he went. You have to sit in a wheelchair. Is it just to hand over the wheelchair to Bai Xiaosheng here?

David said cheerfully: "The captain often said before that only a jack-of-all-trades can keep up with his ideas. Hey, it seems that you still like the jack-of-all-trades very much, captain."


The astrologer seemed to be lucky. The corners of his mouth tightened, showing a slightly mocking expression. However, he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he endured it.

"David you're such an idiot."

David was used to being scolded, and it was like a breeze passing through his ears, but Wei Xun was more interested in the astrologer.

Avoiding, being patient, not looking at him, not wanting to have a direct conversation with him, Wei Xun found that after arriving here, the astrologer basically didn't say much, nor did he show any dominance or sovereignty, but kept a low profile. There is even a certain amount of tolerance for him.

Forbearance, why is this?

But Wei Xun is not the kind of calm character. As soon as people start to tolerate, Wei Xun can't help it and thinks too much.

"How do you feel, Astrologer?"

Wei Xun said seriously: "I previously found two types of pollution at 30 degrees north latitude, the Sahara and the ancient oasis, on the chief. The Maria butterfly fragments will have a subtle impact on the reenactment of this scene. Tomorrow we will go to round up the drill. Star Worm, before that—"

Wei Xun implicitly hinted: "I want to confirm the condition of your right hand... let's go over there and talk, okay."

The author has something to say: I will update as usual tonight, bam bam!

[Wei Xun’s Trilogy of Pushing the Measures]

Wei Xun: 'Confirm...' I'll take a look

Wei Xun: ‘Feel it…’ I’ll touch it

Wei Xun: I--

Astrologer: Not good!

Astrologer [right hand in pocket, indifferent.JPG]

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-11-06 23:44:55~2021-11-08 18:35:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Si Shu;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Lianying DM, Carole J (≧?≦, Acacia Branch, Sichu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 Aloha; 2 cabbage 007; Zhinan, 34886056, Momo, 38560275, Gagaga, 53535749, Jiuzhou Tong, Qianse, don’t be a garbage recycling station, never alone , Stargazer, Xiao Lingling, Chg, Tim Tim Sui Liu Wang Zai, Jin Li, Xiao Xi Mi, Aurora, Tide, Mushroom Euler 1;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 283 bottles of Crucian Carp that fell in love with cats; 192 bottles of Oversummer Plug; 130 bottles of Shadow; 100 bottles of Miaomiao, Lianqi, and the little tiger that retreated from home; 98 bottles of which are so difficult to name. ; 80 bottles of Lemon Mint Sauce, Sansan, and Yuan Tuanzi; 70 bottles of Deidei, Lin Chuya; 60 bottles of Ningxi, Oblivion, I Am a Little Dumb, and Mo Bao Liushang; Yun'an, 18028820, A Leopard Crossing, and the Bright Wolf Star , 咩咩咩咩亚 50 bottles; Maoxiao 49 bottles; update in progress, Starfish Style Xinghai, Hua Yixiang Gu Lily, Little Rabbit Guaiguai, Ze Fei, Poet Goes to the Sea 40 bottles; Xu Qing Anran 36 bottles; Tata is very Love White Willow, Fengqing 35 bottles; Chenshi, Baibye, Passion Fruit Tea, Similarity, Almond Maomao, Qiao Yi, Reiner, Sit Down, Like the Wind Sui Taochu, Daihetis, Yue Shang, Nangong Li , Carole J (≧?≦, Wu Ye Ti, Rostelria 30 bottles; 42100258 25 bottles; never alone, Life-playing Wife, What Year Is It, Akulu Xixi, Wearing Wolfskin? Xiaohong Hat, An Xi, The north wind rolls white grass, Momo, 3101 Mei, peach milk wine, Bugs Bunny who eats meat, Yaya, it’s sugar, Si Chu, Zhi Yu, Ye Ke, Xun Yi, Qi, 20 bottles of Qingqi; still not moving, Snail slowly 15 bottles; Tonggong 11 bottles; Qiaoqiao is fishing again, Cat is not bald, Corale_灬, Xuwu, Azell, a cup, Yumo, Qiqi, 30706118, Lan, all your wives are It's mine, Ye Luopiao Ling, Lazy Cancer in the Marrow, Zhe Lu, K16e-8, Little Talent and Learning, OK, What's wrong with my black spots, Function Makes Me Happy, Feng Yiyi, Shu Mo, Fu Ruo Bu, 27705693, Wang Yuanyuan??, Jiujiujiujiujiu, Guijiu, Junxiaoqi, Jiujiu, 46939089, CC, H1dddd, Fuyun, I’m a waste Wang, Jiuzhou Tong, yuki, is already a waste fish, Xinqing, Luomu Xiaoxiao, Zhang Yanqi’s mother, Tengyi Banjuan 10 bottles; Lingyue, Yi, Xunzai and his sister-in-law 9 bottles; Molu 7 bottles; Wangyi 6 bottles; Did you get candy today? There is a cat named Pan, Xiaowu, Skuar, 5 bottles of Zhengda Rigeng, Qinshengzijin, and Ina Ren; 4 bottles of Yan Mo, Your Little Cutie, and Xiaotou_jj; 2 bottles of Little Star, Fleeting Luanhua, and Robin; September, Your Doudou Meow Yeah, I used to be with the light, Chu Yue, caprice, 54815395, vivi, Ye Lingxue, Jinli, Mrs. Riwan! , Coconut Juice, Leilei, and Putao are climbing the wall every day! , Le vent se lève, Bailiu’s reverse cross, Mu Qing, Evildoer 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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