Thriller Tour Group

344. Death Sahara (25)

"I have a good right hand."

Facing the invitation from 'Bai Xiaosheng', the astrologer nodded slightly, but did not move his right hand in his pocket: "No need to bother."

His tone was a little cold, but compared to the tone of scolding David, it could actually be considered gentle. The corners of Wei Xun's lips curled up. He was about to say something more, but the return of the Yin-Yang Butterfly at the next moment broke Wei Xun's words. The strange atmosphere between Xun and the astrologer.

"I killed it."

Yin Yang Butterfly said briefly and returned to the tower with the sound of howling wind. Ever since Wei Xun was talking to the astrologer, a strong wind had been blowing outside, just like the Hamadan wind they encountered on their first day in the Sahara.

At first it was just a whistling wind, and then almost instantly the wind blew up, and the sand crackled and hit the tower like hailstones. The strong wind roared and rolled up the sand. A lot of sand blew directly in through the door opening and swept towards everyone in the tower. The door opening of the tower is very high and wide, and only fat insects like corn shoots can block it. Just as the corn shoots were about to block the door, the Yin-Yang butterfly came back.

He looked dusty, his hair was messy, his body was stained with red sand, he looked a little embarrassed, and his face didn't look good. Wei Xun saw that he was holding a knife in his hand. There was red, dry sand sticking to the knife, which looked like blood.

"I originally wanted to capture it alive, and it was very obedient, but when I reached out to it, it suddenly attacked me like crazy."

The Yin-Yang Butterfly made a twisting motion: "It wants to twist my head off."

"Does it dare to attack you?"

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows, and he sent the Yin-Yang Butterfly out. Precisely because the Yin-Yang Butterfly was considered a hermaphrodite in the eyes of these giants, and had the noble status of the chief's daughter, according to the strict hierarchical giant rules, the old disabled giant should directly obey his words, Just come here.

"There's something wrong about this... I think it's coming to ask for pardon, eager to return to the tribe."

Katie was also confused. She murmured: "Fear, panic, hope, what it wants to get in exchange for the prey in its hands, what I saw should be good."

How could she read what the giant was thinking? Wei Xun was thoughtful, can this person read minds?

‘Cathy of the occult, with the orange titles ‘Sagittarius’ and ‘The Good Teacher’’

Understanding his doubts, An Xuefeng whispered to Wei Xun: "When she is in a dominant position, she can see the true desires of the 'students', or those being led." and some emotions, and exert influence on them. The higher her status is and the closer she is to the role of a teacher, the more she sees and the more she affects.’

‘A very powerful title’

Wei Xun marveled, Katie could see so many things just because of the 'female' suppression of the male giant's status, this man was not simple.

'Indeed, the astrologer has always wanted to train her before, but it is a pity that Katie is not willing to be a leader... She doesn't like tiring work, she prefers to be free'

"It really didn't resist before."

It seems that everyone in Occult can speak Mandarin. Although Katie’s words have a slight accent, it does not affect understanding. Yin Yang Die was always very cold towards outsiders. He tilted his head indifferently: "It happened all of a sudden. It was like going crazy."

"Tell me the specific time, place, and..."

Wei Xun's eyes moved slightly: "Its body disappeared?"

Yin Yang Butterfly said that the disabled old giant suddenly attacked him and wanted to twist off his head, which reminded Wei Xun of the astrologer's prediction about Zhu Yuande. As speculated before, the newcomers have a confrontational relationship with the people from Chen Cheng's brigade. So if the people in the brigade did not die in historical time, would the corresponding newcomers encounter some kind of danger? Or are there some other changes?

The disabled old giant suddenly went crazy. Was it affected by this power, or was it because in its eyes, the Yin-Yang Butterfly became 'Zhu Yuande'?

So Wei Xun wanted a specific time and place, and he noticed that Yin Yang Butterfly came back empty-handed. Based on Wei Xun's understanding of him, if the Yin-Yang Butterfly killed the disabled old giant, it would at least bring back part of its body.

"Yes, its body turned into red sand."

Yin Yang Die obediently reported the time and place, and then showed his knife. In addition to the vampire knife, Yin Yang Butterfly also has a special knife. Using a vampire knife consumes too much energy. Every time I use the Yin Yang Butterfly, I feel like I am being squeezed dry. Therefore, except for life-and-death fights, or when it is certain that the vampire knife can provide a large amount of blood food, the Yin-Yang Butterfly will always use this spare knife.

As Wei Xun had seen before, the knife was covered with scarlet sand.

After taking the knife handed over by Yin Yang Butterfly, Wei Xun heard him talking: "The red sand, then there was a big sandstorm outside, and its body completely disappeared in the wind and sand."

"Killed it so quickly? How did you do it?"

Someone raised a question, but David didn't quite believe it: "Brother, although you are very strong, I have to say that the tour guide will be subject to a lot of restrictions here. Even if it is slaughtered by you, you will have to kill it for a while, not to mention what you said It’s also crazy.”

Indeed, it has only been ten minutes since the Yin-Yang Butterfly left. There is no vampire knife and it cannot be transformed. Even if the giant is old and disabled, he is still six meters tall and powerful. How did the Yin-Yang Butterfly kill him in such a short time? Did it kill outright?


Yin Yang Butterfly only responded with a sneer, without saying much, but quietly glanced at the adult in the wheelchair from the corner of his eye. The reason why he was able to kill the old crippled giant so quickly was because he could now be slightly transformed. The pure breath of the abyss remained in his body. Although it was very light, it was extremely pure. Even Yin Yang Butterfly felt that this feeling was purer than what he had felt when the master was still there.

The Yin-Yang Butterfly is hard to describe, but it is precisely because of this power that he can achieve mild alienation without feeling the slightest bit out of control.

Sir, this is definitely a change after coming into contact with adults!

Yin Yang Butterfly was very excited, but quickly calmed down. His brain was spinning rapidly and he quickly figured out everything! The Lord must have anticipated the problem of the old crippled giant, so he allowed him to go out alone to perform the mission, thus allowing him to discover alienation!

Yin Yang Butterfly's heart was beating fast. No one knew better than him what it meant to be alienated in a place like this. Especially now that they are in a bad situation, the adults must want him to keep it a secret and tolerate it, and then wait until when to surprise him and cooperate with him! Your Excellency is ready to use him!

But, but...

But Yin Yang Die hesitated. He was now Bingyi. According to the psychic, he should have a good relationship with those travelers and change his mind and become a new person. Moreover, the adults specially trained him like this and then handed him over to Bingyi.

If he rebels this time, his future will definitely be bleak. What's more, what's on the wheelchair now is not Mr. Xi Ming himself, but his slices, which makes Yin Yang Butterfly even more entangled.

Alas, His Majesty's order really made him conflicted and distressed! Are there always various conflicts between Slice and himself? Yin Yang Butterfly did not dare to respond to the expectant gaze of the adult in the wheelchair, so she simply looked at An Xuefeng with a straight face.

No matter what, An Xuefeng is definitely right! Sir, An Xuefeng is Bingyi's connecting passenger and the most powerful passenger. Sir, if you just slice it up, we will definitely not be able to handle it!

"Wow, what are you scoffing at?"

David exaggerated, but seeing Yin Yang Butterfly looking at An Xuefeng, he didn't say any more and smacked his lips in boredom. As expected, someone is protecting her now. The Yin-Yang Butterfly has become so tough. It seems that An Xuefeng's cover of Bing Yi and the Mutual Aid Alliance's cover of the Yin-Yang Butterfly are really true and not just a joke.

Wei Xun had some guesses as to why Yin-Yang Butterfly was able to kill the old crippled giant, but before he could talk to Yin-Yang Butterfly, the anxious voice of Taoist Half Life came over.

"The sandstorm is coming, have you seen the sandstorm?!"

The half-life Taoist hurried over, with an inexplicable anxious expression on his face. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't calm down completely.

"This sandstorm is ahead of schedule!"

Sandstorm ahead of schedule? What does it mean?

But soon Wei Xun and others understood.

"Lily saw that Zhu Yuande, Yu Hexuan and Yu Feiluan would die at the hands of the disabled giant, and then He Yunlai would be lost in the big sandstorm."

The half-life Taoist was a little incoherent: "But the sandstorm should come the day after tomorrow, that is, after they arrive in the Petrified Forest!"

Everyone present quickly understood what Taoist Half Life meant. In the past few days, the disabled old giant would have continued to play with its prey and eat some every day, but when Chen Cheng's brigade went to the Petrified Forest, it would definitely There will be new events happening.

Perhaps the old crippled giant did not dare to set foot in the giant tribe's quarry (Petrified Forest), or something happened to it. Then the people in Chen Cheng's brigade no longer died at the hands of the old crippled giant, but began to die from other causes. kind of danger.

Such as this huge sandstorm.

"The death of the giant brought forward the subsequent deaths?"

Zhang Xingzang reacted quickly: "Does that mean the three people who originally died from the giant's mouth will not die?"

"The probability is not high."

Wei Xun said decisively: "Before the reenactment of the scene ends, everything is possible."

"I think it's bad that the danger is ahead of time."

The half-life Taoist frowned: "It will bring more dangers."

"Everything should happen when it happens."

The astrologer, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke: "Obviously, any advance or delay will bring danger."

I don’t know if Zhu Yuande and the other three will encounter other dangers, and what is hidden in the sandstorm that arrived early, but as the astrologer said, Wei Xun felt that the surrounding temperature was dropping sharply. The low desert night is even colder, like winter.

The tower is not very warm, especially where it is in contact with the ground. It can almost completely suck away the body's temperature. It's very evil. Everyone moved to the bunker where Chen Cheng's brigade was located. The space here was relatively small and warmer.

Chen Cheng and the others had already found a lot of dry hard animal skins, which should have been the private collection of the former chief giant. Those huge animal skins were spread out like carpets. They were relatively clean except for the smell of rotten fruit, but they were not processed. It is difficult for the treated animal skins to prevent temperature loss. Only a few of them are animal skins prepared for young giants. The relatively soft animal skins are still useful.

Several layers of animal skins were spread on the ground, and a fire was lit in the middle. Everyone was sitting together in groups. The strong veteran passengers were not afraid of the cold, but Chen Cheng's team and tour guides were shivering from the cold.

"It's all sand outside and you can't see anything."

Soon, Zhang Xingzang, Lily and Yin-Yang Die came back from the outside covered in wind and sand. They went to check the place where the old crippled giant died as Yin-Yang Die said, and also went to explore the sandstorm outside. The situation was worse than they imagined. .

"It's more serious than the Hamadan wind. I can't see my fingers out of my hand, and the wind can blow away people."

"If the sandstorm doesn't stop tomorrow, there may be problems with the hunting plan."

Zhang Xingzang saw Dream Chaser lying beside the fire, the tip of his tail trembling, and he didn't know if it was because of the cold. Zhang Xingzang directly pulled a piece of hot charcoal and stuffed it into the arms of the dream chasing dragon, making it warm all of a sudden. The dragon is not afraid of charcoal. However, the Yin Yang Butterfly and the infected cannot do this.

The little face of Yin Yang Die who came back from outside was pale, and she walked a little stiffly. Having been in the hotel for so many years, the alienation has already made them almost immune to the cold and heat. It is really uncomfortable to suddenly feel such a cold.

"It's not just the temperature that's plummeting, it's the pollution."

Yin Yang Butterfly added: "Otherwise I would have been so seriously affected."

He shivered and hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to sit not far from the wheelchair. Then he sighed happily.

Phoenix Bird's temperature radiated to him, and even Yin Yang Butterfly absolutely admitted that An Xuefeng was extremely powerful.

Wei Xun even agreed that An Xuefeng's warmth could almost overcome the extreme cold brought by the 'cold-blooded man'. The kind of coldness penetrated into the bone marrow, making people's legs and feet feel cold and numb, but when the phoenix bird lay on his knees, like a small sun continuously transmitting heat to Wei Xun's whole body, everything was cold. It's no longer there.

At this moment, Wei Xun felt someone's eyes. He looked up and saw the astrologer looking towards him.

This was the first time an astrologer had 'looked' at him.

Is it because of the 'cold', you cold-blooded person?

In full view of everyone, Wei Xun's eyes met with his. He didn't have that strong sense of being spied on, as if the astrologer was just looking at him without using his title or power.

When the two looked at each other, the astrologer finally looked away first, but Wei Xun became playful. He nodded seriously and shook his head calmly: "No hurry, we'll talk over there later."


But to Wei Xun's surprise, the astrologer did not refuse, but acquiesced. This really piqued Wei Xun's interest. In fact, he had been looking forward to having a private communication with the astrologer.

Not only because of the butterfly fragment, but also because of the close relationship between him and the life-seeking people.

"Is this conversation between smart people? God, only psychics and witches can understand your eye contact."

Katie, who was watching, was amazed. She was not only warming up the fire, but also roasting some pieces of meat: "Hey Lily, would you like a piece of roasted lizard meat?"

"The giant will come tonight."

However, the psychic Lily, who had been silent since her return, suddenly said, "The surrounding temperature seems to have dropped even lower."

"A red, huge, misshapen face appeared in the cold night."

The voice of a witch's prophecy sounded from Lily's mouth: "It is already dead, but it will not rest in peace until the person who deserves it is taken away."

The author has something to say: There will be an additional update tomorrow, take a bow

Wei Xun: There is a close relationship between astrologers and life-seekers


Katie: Smart people really communicate with each other through their eyes!

Astrologer:? ?

David: Captain, you specially prepared a wheelchair for Bai Xiaosheng for a year! Admired!

Astrologer:? ? ?

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-11-08 18:35:26~2021-11-08 23:12:45~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 40835983 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: Xun Zai’s sister-in-law, 53535749 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 160 bottles of four-leaf clover; 50 bottles of the female classmate with no story; 40 bottles of bridge tea; 34 bottles of wind chimes; chestnut cake with chestnuts, derived zero, sleepy, peak peak peak peak, floating life half reincarnation 20 bottles; HouHou, baozi, ==, Junzhi, Xi Mingren, Time and Time 10 bottles; 46058587, Nanxiang 5 bottles; l 2 bottles; exiio~chyx, Yuranran, Chuyue, Leilei, Polygonum 1 bottle of Lan Lanlan, Pika Pika, Ye Lingxue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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