Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 364 Death Sahara (40)

"An Xuefeng, I remember you."

Chen Cheng's voice was a little blurry due to the sandstorm and high-speed running, and his voice was also very soft, but the silver coin had excellent sound pickup, and Wei Xun could even hear Chen Cheng sighing slightly at the end.

"Now you should be the first passenger, not bad."

Wei Xun felt that Chen Cheng's tone was a bit complicated, and there seemed to be a bit of regret between calmness and appreciation. He was once considered the number one traveler in the next ten years, and he was also the disciple that Chen Cheng took care of. The relationship was definitely very close. An Xuefeng is now number one, which means that Half Life has not yet regained his strength.

But Wei Xun felt that there was more than just regret in Chen Cheng's emotions, but he hid it well and Wei Xun failed to see more. But it didn't matter. From the moment he planned to contact the astrologer, Wei Xun secretly called the half-life through the thread. Let them meet each other across the silver coin, which not only clears up their thoughts, but also allows Wei Xun to observe more things.

And even if Chen Cheng got emotional or had some other out-of-control abnormality, it would be okay. Anyway, the coins would not affect them. There is an astrologer next to Chen Cheng, so it can always be solved.

The astrologer made some small moves on the silver coins, but Wei Xun was just tit for tat.

"May I have your name?"

After just saying polite words to An Xuefeng, Chen Cheng's attention returned to Wei Xun, who looked very friendly.

Wei Xun remembered Chen Cheng's words, "You didn't lie." Obviously, he should have some title that can judge whether he is honest or not. But saying you didn’t lie is actually very subjective.

As Wei Xun said, "Ban Ming and I have fought together against the fateful people." In fact, they have never really fought against the fateful people, but Wei Xun has paid attention to the public opinion of the hotel. Since the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, , the prestige of the Life-haunting Man has gone downhill a bit, ultimately due to various actions taken by Half-Life Big Mouth and Wei Xun to "weaken the Butcher Alliance" (such as poaching the Butcher Guide and poaching the Yin-Yang Butterfly).

Moreover, he and Wei Xun often wore a red cloak at the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing and pretended to be a life-haunting person. When the half-life Taoist lifted up his cloak, they took photos when Wei Xun rarely carried him on his back. "The life-happiness person carried the half-life Taoist!" ’ It’s related to the behavior of convulsions.

Of course there are also life-long friendships, which are countless.

This sentence is not completely honest, but if you want to be honest, there is no fault in it. It is Wei Xun's temptation. Since Chen Cheng said he was honest, Wei Xun also knew the degree of Chen Cheng's judgment.

"Captain Chen, just call me Xiaocui."

Wei Xun said.

"Xiao Cui, a good name, auspicious."

Chen Cheng pondered for a moment and praised.


There seemed to be an astrologer's cough coming from the silver coin, but Chen Cheng ignored him.

"I can tell you about Cen Qin."

"But it's not the right time."

Wei Xun understood that Cen Qin's lost half-life might have some hidden meaning. Chen Cheng said that this was not a suitable place. If he didn't refuse, it meant that he didn't want the astrologer and An Xuefeng to know this secret.

Then why would you want him to know? He really doesn't have any friendship with Chen Cheng, or does Chen Cheng see that there is some kind of time between him and Half Life? Wei Xun was really curious and instinctively wary of these people who engaged in metaphysics and astrology. He didn't like people talking about fate and luck at the first glance, incomprehensibly and in a very determined tone. Now that he thought about it, Wei Xuechen had picked up this habit of his. .

In his memory, Wei Xuechen has never been associated with things like fortune telling. When Wei Xun went to Hong Kong City to go to school, he knew that many big shots actually believed in this. The Feng Shui master there was also quite good, but he had never seen his brother come into contact with him. past these. Someone wanted to tell Wei Xun's fortune before, for free, saying it was fate. Wei Xun was rarely interested at that time. When he called Wei Xuechen and asked about his birth date, he was scolded.

‘You can’t give people birth dates easily, it’s not good’

Wei Xuechen said casually: 'It's just something to seek self-comfort. He said you have a good life, so you can just sit back and wait for good luck? He said your life is bad, are you going to die? ’

He never told fortunes, and Wei Xun was not allowed to do so. So when he learned that his brother had a good relationship with the astrologer, Wei Xun was really curious. Of course, it's possible that his brother simply thought the astrologer was useful.

"Then we'll talk about it when you come back."

Chen Cheng was unexpectedly easy to talk to, and Wei Diao reciprocated the favor with a sweet smile. Suddenly he showed a hesitant expression, and then apologized: "Cen Qin has always missed you. He is outside now. You look……"

"I know, you also mean well."

Chen Cheng sighed softly: "Then let's meet."

Taoist Ban Ming was still mumbling what happened when he received Wei Xun's secret chat? When he came out in the big sandstorm and was taken to the underground sand pit by corn shoots, he saw that Wei Xun had turned into a ferret and was used to playing with cats and dogs. He rubbed the ferret and then was pecked by An Xuefeng.

But when he got the silver coin and saw the face revealed on the silver coin, he was stunned for a moment.

Leaving the silver coins half alive and letting the two of them talk privately, An Xuefeng and Wei Xun went to the other side of the sand pit, but they both had good hearing and could vaguely hear their conversation.

"Cui... belongs to metal... will prosper you... the noble person in your destiny... treat him well."

"The tour guide is also very good... When will you take him back to Xuanxue?"

"Nothing to show for it..."

"An Xuefeng...the first wonder they chose him."

Wei Xun, who was eavesdropping, felt a numb pain on his head, as if a hair had been taken away. He immediately knew that An Xuefeng was jealous.

‘Captain Chen must have misunderstood. There is just a connection between me and Ban Ming. ’

Wei Xun and An Xuefeng chatted secretly and discussed matters matter-of-factly: 'But I poured some energy into him before, maybe to make it seem like there is a connection between the two of us? ’

‘Those who are good at divination and fortune-telling see things differently from us, but they can all see it. Of course, they can also see that you and I are lovers. ’

His words immediately appeased An Xuefeng, but An Xuefeng didn't say anything about being jealous. It's not obvious for a grown man to be jealous. He said lightly: "That's not what I'm worried about."

‘This step you are taking is too risky. If Chen Cheng wants to touch you——”

An Xuefeng looked at the silver coins first, and his heart sank when he saw Chen Cheng's state. Although he seemed normal and calm, An Xuefeng knew that something was definitely wrong with Chen Cheng - something even more serious than his mental disorder at the time. In this case, An Xuefeng didn't want Wei Xun to see him. After all, Chen Cheng had shown hostility and aggression towards Wei Xun before, just like Half Life's out-of-control sword.

Even if you can't feel the butterfly fragments through the silver coins, and you can't tell anything about Diao's face, for an old metaphysician like Chen Cheng, he can roughly tell something just by looking at him.

Wei Xun and Xi Mingren are blood brothers. If Chen Cheng really noticed something, losing control on the spot would be minor.

An Xuefeng really didn't expect Chen Cheng to be so kind to Wei Xun. Even when Wei Xun gave him a code name instead of his real name, he would praise him as "a good name."

But from another perspective, does it also indicate the relationship between Wei Xun and Ban Ming, or that he has a closer meaning to metaphysics, and Chen Cheng, who is so close, only sees this? I was thinking deeply about An Xuefeng.

Even if there is really a destined connection between Wei Xun and Ban Ming and Xuan Xue, it cannot be emotional. After all, they are already together. But these three sentences of 'tour guide', 'bring him back to metaphysics' and 'treat him well' still made An Xuefeng jealous, who had already distorted the legitimate relationship between tour guides and tourists.

He fluffed himself up, trying to bury the whole ferret in his feathers. Wei Xun happily rubbed the soft and fluffy feathers on Fengniao's chest. He felt his mouth was wet and his mind was distracted.

If there really is a bird like An Xuefeng in the wild, it must be delicious. Such soft feathers are also very suitable for taking back and making a nest.

But when he heard the main point of the conversation over there, Wei Xun suddenly cheered up.

"I delayed you..."

hold up?

Wei Xun pondered in his mind, and sure enough, when faced with half his life, Chen Cheng finally showed some true emotions. It's not just a matter of regret, but also a bit of reluctance and self-blame.

Blame yourself?

Wei Xun had a suspicion in his mind. Was the half-life Taoist Ban-life lost actually related to Chen Cheng back then, and to their desire to transfer control of the ancient oasis? There was no discussion at the hotel about the journey to the 30th North Latitude in the last ten years, not at all, as if historical information had been blocked and eliminated.

Taoist Ban Ming's ancient oasis token is the only token that Wei Xun has ever seen from his journey to 30 degrees north latitude in the past ten years. He was not able to leave this token casually.

Moreover, Taoist Ban Ming gradually began to improve after entering this ancient oasis, which made Wei Xun even more imaginative.

Chen Cheng and Ban Ming didn't chat for long. After all, they were still in danger of being chased by the enemy. However, Ban Ming handed the silver coin back to him within a minute. The image on the silver coin had disappeared. Chen Cheng didn't give the astrologer a chance to speak and hung up the phone directly.

"It's very useful, but the effect is a bit short."

Wei Xun took the hot silver coin and touched the pattern on the edge of the coin thoughtfully. Taoist Ban Ming was still a little excited, and the specific manifestation was that he talked more and nagged a lot, from the past to the present.

"Sometimes I wonder if he is pollution, an illusion."

Suddenly, the half-life Taoist was left to his own devices. The smile disappeared from his face, replaced by seriousness and worry.

"Pollution is dangerous, really. It can penetrate our weakest points and break us, driving us crazy."

As he spoke, Half Life smiled again: "Captain Chen thinks so too. He was actually testing when he talked to me. We talked about some secret codes - only the two of us knew it back then."

"It's been ten years. If he has been in a polluted environment that is more severe than the battlefield, might he still remember those secret codes?"

The secret codes were all correct, but this only made Taoist Ban Ming more hesitant. It’s not that I don’t want to believe it, it’s not that I don’t want to see Captain Chen again, it’s just because I ‘want to’ that I am more vigilant.

"Half life, you look like a captain."

Wei Xun smiled, feeling a little surprised in his heart. Wei Xun found that Ban Ming had the same characteristic as the brigade captains he had met, that is, he was suspicious. People who are chivalrous, courageous, loyal and ideal have been eliminated by the cunning hotel environment, such as Zhang Xingzang. Those who can survive and reach the top are all cautious, suspicious, and wary of their own thoughts and desires like poison.

The pollution of the Thirty Degrees North Latitude, the pollution of the abyss, and even the mental pollution caused by the changes in the title after becoming stronger, all make it difficult for them to face their original wishes and dreams.

If you have wishes, dreams, and expectations, there will be holes in your heart.

Is it an illusion? Is it true? Is it another nightmare disguised as a dream, or is it pollution?

Zhuang Sheng dreamed of butterflies, or butterflies dreamed of Zhuang Sheng.

Chen Cheng, who was running in a sandstorm on the desert, lowered his eyes and looked at his hand that had just taken the silver coin. Slender, powerful, with distinct joints and some sword cocoons. He has good hands with a sword. If he were twenty years younger, his hands would look like this.

The face of Cen Qin shown on the silver coin is also very young, even young, that is, she looks like a teenager.

How old is Cen Qin? Can not remember. In my memory, he is a young man in his twenties, energetic, hard-working and lovable, who likes to laugh when he meets people.

Could it be an illusion? But he had never seen the teenage Cen Qin, and the illusion should not show an image he had never seen before, as it would be too easy to see through. Chen Cheng held the Hanshan Sword and talked to the silver coin. This was his last resort. In fact, he could no longer suppress it.

Ten years of darkness and pollution, ten years of fighting day and night, phantoms and phantom sounds, mental disorder, made his first reaction when encountering a suspected phantom be to kill it with a sword.

The tyranny in my heart can only be expressed in this way, and I want to destroy everything. Chen Cheng knew that they were all crazy. Although they still talked about going back, they couldn't go back.

Even if you go back, you won't be able to adapt at all, and you may even kill indiscriminately, just like a devil.

They look more like monsters than people.

"My silver coins."

At this moment, the astrologer suddenly said: "Give it back to me."

"How can you, a captain, be so stingy? You are not generous at all."

The astrologer's voice interrupted Chen Cheng's increasingly manic desire for destruction. After talking to Cen Qin just now, he learned that this astrologer was the captain of the second brigade of the Western District. He was not a bad person and had some friendship with them.

There is a relationship with the Mingxi people, but now they are more like enemies.

"I'm just a cheapskate."

The astrologer said calmly, and even contradicted him: "It's not as great as a metaphysician."

He interrupted at this time, disrupting Chen Cheng's anger at the thought of the life-seeking man.

"Yes, our metaphysics means that our family is great and our business is great."

Although the astrologer's words sounded like a yin and yang, Chen Cheng admitted it directly and generously. Then he looked at the astrologer with a half-smile but said, "You can actually talk."

The timing was chosen well and it was no accident. Astrology? Destiny? A hexagram? Number of days?

Chen Cheng thought of Xiao Cui and Cen Qin he had just seen, and the sword in his hand tightened. He did not want to destroy this illusion.

After all, the curtain call is coming, and people are getting weaker. Maybe I'm just tired, fed up

Gradually, Chen Cheng stopped running and stopped. When they stopped, a tall, thin black shadow appeared in the sandstorm as silently as a nightmare.

Black sand giant.

In addition to it, Chen Cheng also felt two powerful enemies. It's just that the two people were unexpectedly cautious and never gave him a chance to take action.

"Waiting for you to come back..."

Chen Cheng muttered what Xiaocui had just said and pulled out the Hanshan Sword. The next second, he threw the astrologer directly towards the black sand giant, and sure enough, he saw countless black snakes deep in the center of this old and difficult opponent's body, swallowing the astrologer like an alien blood basin. And Chen Cheng's sharp eyes were fixed on a point in the middle of thousands of black snakes.

Can you really come back?

"The sword comes out——"

In an instant, the Hanshan sword fell like a white snow peak. The hot and dry air suddenly cooled down like ice. The desert beneath his feet suddenly froze and the ice spread rapidly. For a moment, the space shook and the earth shook. Chen Cheng laughed out loud. He threw the Cold Mountain Sword. This space couldn't even bear the complete sword Chu Hanshan. The next moment he suddenly fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

However, the sword power did not stop.

Chen Cheng's sword slashed not only the black sand giant in front of him, but also the astrologer thrown out by him! In the blink of an eye, the kung fu sword fell down, and if not stopped, the astrologer would be cut in half immediately!

But at this moment, a golden arrow flew from the slanting ground. It dragged the star tail mark at a very fast speed and directly hit the Hanshan sword! The arrow was destroyed in an instant, but the Hanshan Sword was knocked a little crooked at the same time!

The moment the Hanshan Sword was knocked crooked, red flames suddenly came out. If you look closely, it was not a flame, but a flaming red robe like dragon wings. The magic fire dragon was attached to the magic robe, giving the great magician the magic to fly. It was a critical moment. On this occasion, David rescued the astrologer, and the Hanshan Sword, which was still castrating, fell on the left shoulder of the black sand giant!


In an instant, the frost and smoke were flying, and the sandstorm reappeared. The figure of the black sand giant in the smoke and flying sand suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. Only a dark arm was left on the ground, but it also disappeared in a second.

"My dear, you are worthy of being the strongest passenger in the last ten years."

David and Wang Pengpai couldn't hold back their oral habits when they were shocked. He touched the blood on the astrologer's face and said anxiously: "Captain, can you hold on?"

"Can't die."

Most of the astrologer's body was frozen, but he was indeed not seriously injured. He touched David's shoulder with his only movable hand. As the Hanshan Sword passed there, a cut was cut in the magic robe enchanted by the fire dragon, and the scars were frozen by frost. But the astrologer did not touch the wound, nor did he allow David to melt the ice on his body.


"Captain, the pollution level in this area has reached 52%."

Psychic Lily said, a black sprout appeared on her finger holding the crystal ball, which looked weird and terrifying: "We are all contaminated and need to be isolated."

An arm of the black sand giant, the source of pollution, can cause such terrible consequences. If Chen Cheng really kills it here, then the reenactment of the ancient oasis scene may collapse and dissipate in the next second.

He knew that the people from the occult were behind him, and he didn't really want to kill the astrologer and the black sand giant with this sword. The astrologer saw it clearly, and therefore he had a little admiration for Chen Cheng in his heart.

Not only because Chen Cheng could still maintain his rationality until now and didn't go crazy because of the pollution, but also because Chen Cheng's luck was so bad, but he could still live until now, which was really a novel species.

However, looking at his friendly face to Bingyi, we can know that this person's luck will definitely get better. Just like this time Chen Cheng fell down after swinging the sword, but because he fell far away, he was not polluted at all. Katie picked up the Hanshan Sword, and the astrologer found that the sword was not polluted either. It was hard to tell why, and it could only be attributed to good luck.

Most of the astrologer's body was covered with frost. The frost of the Hanshan Sword seemed to naturally restrain the pollution of the ancient oasis. He was obviously the closest to the black sand giant just now, but the degree of pollution was not high.


The astrologer suppressed his thoughts and ordered: "Don't touch Chen Cheng, let An Xuefeng and others send someone to pick him up."

* *

"Captain, Captain, wake up."

Chen Cheng opened his eyes tiredly, and through the ice-blue Hanshan sword, he saw a skeleton and a pool of mud. There was darkness in front of him, and the crisp sound of jade hitting each other came from afar.

It was Ji Feihong who was at the forefront. The pollution torrent was about to come. The jade knocked three times, implying that the danger of the pollution torrent would be super doubled this time.


The skeleton Tang Shuang's voice was full of worry. Chen Cheng knew that he had fallen into nightmares many times recently, which made them worried.

"It's okay."

Chen Cheng came out of the sword, feeling inexplicably comfortable: "I had a good dream this time."

"Good dream?"

As soon as he said this, Tang Shuang became more anxious. Everyone knows that in such a ghost place, a good dream is a hundred times more dangerous than a nightmare!

"Captain, you——"

"Silly, shut up!"

Cheng Tianbao suddenly spoke in a hoarse voice, with a rare hint of excitement! He held his breath and concentrated, Chen Cheng looked at him in surprise, but Cheng Tianbao held his breath and concentrated, listening attentively. I don't know how long it took, Tang Shuang couldn't bear it anymore, just then——


In an instant, half of Tang Shuang's bones fell off in shock, Cheng Tianbao took a breath, and Chen Cheng was also stunned.

That was the sound of heartbeats.

Ten years of pollution invasion made them all seriously deformed. Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao no longer looked like humans. Although Chen Cheng used the Hanshan Sword to seal himself, his skin was like ice crystal jade, so cold that he even had no heartbeat.

"Maybe I heard it wrong."

Chen Cheng subconsciously touched his heart, where there was a dead silence, without any sound. They waited again, until the pollution torrent came again, and no heartbeat was heard. But this time, their mood was inexplicably high. Obviously, the pollution flood this time was more terrifying, but after the flood, their mental state was better than last time.

Tang Shuang lay directly on Chen Cheng's chest, holding his breath and listening to his heartbeat like listening to the movement of a pregnant baby. I don't know how long it took, Tang Shuang jumped up happily: "I heard it! I heard it again, it's really a heartbeat!"

"I also think the captain's pollution is a little less."

Cheng Tianbao rarely poured cold water, even if it was just a little less, it would make them extremely happy.

After being excited and happy, Chen Cheng thought of his dream and suddenly asked: "How is Ji Feihong now?"

Tang Shuang sighed: "Ji Feihong's jadeification is getting worse and worse. I think this old guy is about to die."

After thinking about it, Chen Cheng whispered a few words to them and asked Tang Shuang to pass the message to Ji Feihong.

"Tianbao, try it now."

Chen Cheng solemnly warned: "Remember, don't suppress your emotions, don't stay calm, fall asleep in anger - just think about killing Ximing people."


Chen Cheng didn't sleep, he was guarding Cheng Tianbao on the side. Was it a dream? Was it an illusion? Or did they really catch the tail of luck and glimpse a bit of reality? In any case, this might be an opportunity. Cheng Tianbao is the one with the highest degree of pollution and distortion among the three of them, and he is now the most dangerous.

If it is really an opportunity, Chen Cheng hopes that Cheng Tianbao and Tang Shuang can find a chance. If Cheng Tianbao can't do it, then this is an opportunity that only people who have had butterfly fragments stolen by Ximing people have.

He hopes Ji Feihong can hold on.

* *

"Ji Feihong?"

On the way back, Wei Xun asked about Ji Feihong, and An Xuefeng was a little surprised: "Why ask him? He was the captain of the Feihong Brigade in the last ten years."

Captain of the Feihong Brigade in the last ten years?

Wei Xun just touched the edge of the silver coin, and the astrologer left him a secret message. Of course, the only way to transmit information is to make a video call on the surface of the silver coin. The three words left by the astrologer are "Ji Feihong".

The astrologer suddenly mentioned him, there must be a reason. Ji Feihong and Chen Cheng, both of them were from the last decade, and the captains of the last decade...

Wei Xun pondered for a moment, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Ji Feihong... has he lost anything?"

Wei Xun said tactfully: "For example, butterfly?"

"What are you talking about in English all of a sudden? Isn't it just that the butterfly fragments were stolen? Hey, this matter was quite a big deal at the time."

The Taoist of Half Life said in surprise: "Didn't An Xuefeng tell you? It's also suspected that Xi... Xi did it!"

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