Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 365 Death Sahara (41)

"The Phenom Brigade is also an old one, but it wasn't called this name before."

An Xuefeng was on good terms with Feihong, and had an even better relationship with Qi Lecheng, the current captain of Feihong. He knew more than half his life.

"His brigade was collaborating with the Butcher Alliance and did a lot of bad things. Later, Ji Feihong killed their brigade captain and reorganized the brigade - almost rebuilding the brigade, and then changed the name of the brigade, Feihong The brigade is gradually getting up."

That was last decade.

"Qi Lecheng came here in his fifth year, right?"

Wei Xun asked curiously: "Didn't Feihong have a captain in the first five years?"

"Ji Feihong is Feihong's captain."

An Xuefeng said something shocking: "He should not have disappeared from the battlefield in the past ten years."

Ji Feihong was a person who came in in the fifth year of junior high school in the last ten years. Logically speaking, he was not included in the reincarnation of the last ten years. He should be considered to be in the same class as An Xuefeng and the others. But he disappeared from the battlefields of the last decade.

"We have never been sure whether the reason for Ji Feihong's disappearance is the same as that of Chen Cheng and others. But Ji Feihong's poster has not disappeared, and he is still the captain of the Feihong Brigade."

So they always believed that Ji Feihong stayed on the battlefield in a special way, and his disappearance had different meanings from the disappearance of Chen Cheng and others. Ji Feihong had a long and secret talk with An Xuefeng before leaving. He had some plans of his own. Since then, he had been closely related to Feihong on his way home and kept Ji Feihong's affairs secret.

A few years ago, some people speculated that Ji Feihong, like Zhang Xingzang, was captured and imprisoned by those who wanted to kill him. But it wasn't until one day a few years later that the captain of Feihong's brigade suddenly became vacant that they thought Ji Feihong was really dead.

‘When we were on the battlefield in the last ten years, we wanted to end it all. ’

Knowing that Wei Xun would ask, An Xuefeng whispered to him: 'At that time, the top five brigades from the east and west districts were basically united. And we, the new generation, all want to end everything in that decade’

‘But we failed and nothing changed’

An Xuefeng's tone was calm, but Wei Xun could feel that he must have deep regrets and unwillingness to be there. The cemetery he saw in An Xuefeng's mental fantasy not only buried people related to the return journey, but also many other names.

Completely over, how to completely end? Destroy the hotel, or find a way to control the hotel? How did the plan fail?

Knowing that Wei Xun is curious, An Xuefeng can't give him an answer now: 'If we fail, we won't be able to remember many things. Maybe if one day, * * * and I merge, I can remember it. Or in...'

When I go to the battlefield in this decade, I will definitely be able to think of it.

"No one knows about the journey to the 30th North Latitude last decade. Is it because of this?"

Amnesia? Wei Xun thought deeply and felt that the situations of Genyu and Hui were subtly similar. Could it be that An Xuefeng and the others have actually died once? Or is it that they are bound to die when they go to the battlefield, but they are just 'resurrected' by the hotel after ten years?

Thinking of this, Wei Xun touched the phoenix bird from head to toe. When he touched the soft feathers at the base of the wings, An Xuefeng felt itchy, but the connection with Wei Xun made An Xuefeng vaguely understand what Wei Xun was thinking, and his heart suddenly softened. Get up, my wife can touch her if she wants. Even the tips of his wings trembled but he refused to hide.

"It does have something to do with it. There are obviously many people who have experienced the last year, but they basically don't mention the old almanac."

Taoist Ban Ming didn't pay any attention to the kisses they were making. After talking to Chen Cheng, he fell into a state of forcing himself to reminisce and said to himself: "Ten years is a big reshuffle, and the hotel will not let anyone know about it." Information from the last decade reappears.”

But since they can still remember things related to the journey to the 30th North Latitude, it means that they are all special. Taoist Ban Ming has a token of the ancient oasis, and An Xuefeng opened the Pharaoh's Pyramid in his first year at the hotel, that is, at the end of the last decade.

If it is the rule of a hotel to reshuffle every decade and erase part of the memory of the next generation of tourist guides, the power of the Thirty Degrees North Journey may be able to offset some of the rules of the hotel.

"We say that the Tomb of the Tusi King is our country's first journey to 30 degrees north latitude, but actually we are talking about this decade."

Taoist Ban Ming turned the topic back to Ji Feihong's butterfly fragments: "In the last ten years, Team Ji's journey to the 30th North Latitude was in our country, Lingjiatan, you know."

Lingjiatan is the only Neolithic site in China with remains of Stonehenge so far, and it is even thousands of years older than Stonehenge in the UK. In addition, a large number of exquisite jade articles were unearthed from the Lingjiatan site.

The earliest jade dragon, the largest jade pig, the jade plate engraved with the original Bagua diagram, the jade turtle unearthed with the Bagua jade plate, aventurine jade and so on.

There are also three mysterious beauties.

Aventurine beauty.

This is Ji Feihong's journey to 30 degrees north latitude. Wei Xun wrote down the name carefully. If Ji Feihong's butterfly fragments were really taken away by his brother, would he still have to wait in his heart for Wei Xun to separate the butterfly fragments? Come and see.

At the same time, Wei Xun suddenly realized a problem. He found that the words "ancient oasis" and "Aventurine Jade" were both words for the journey to 30 degrees north latitude in the last ten years, and the journey to 30 degrees north latitude this decade , like Pharaoh's Pyramid, Inca Sun Gate, etc., all have five words.

Only his "dusty tomb of the chieftain king" has six characters.

Are there any rules implicit in this? Wei Xun talked about this with An Xuefeng, and An Xuefeng said that he had thought of it a long time ago.

"The tomb of the Tusi King has not been fully opened yet, and the name may change."

However, An Xuefeng also said that the names of the journeys to 30 degrees north latitude in the last ten years were indeed four-letter.

So An Xuefeng always thought that Wei Xun would be the person of the next ten years, until the title "Qi Tu" appeared on Wei Xun's poster. It’s as if the boundaries between this decade and the next are blurred.

An Xuefeng and Wei Xun were both lost in their own thoughts, and Taoist Taoist Half Life was also thinking. The three of them were silent all the way until they returned to the sand pit of the joint hunting ground. At a glance, Wei Xun saw Zhang Xingzang and others gathered around the sandpit, and the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

"came back."

Zhang Xingzang said hello and relaxed his frown slightly.

"There is news from the astrologers, chase your dreams and go to meet them."

Later, Zhang Xingzang briefly cut off Chen Cheng's arm from the black sand giant and then fell into coma, telling the story about the occult being contaminated by the black sand giant. Wei Xun roughly calculated the time and found that it was not long after their silver coin communication.

"I'll go."

Half-Life Taoist volunteered, and the Black Sand Giant first went after the Astrologer to hunt for butterfly fragments. Because his side was weak at the time, but now the Astrologer's side is strong, the Black Sand Giant may temporarily recover from his injuries, and it is also very likely that he will temporarily change his target. Go deal with the Dreamers.

It was with this in mind that Dream Chaser wanted to take the initiative to respond, lest he be attacked by the black sand giant. But now that An Xuefeng, Bai Xiaosheng and Ban Ming are back, the Black Sand Giant will definitely not come for the time being.

"Go to the Yin-Yang Butterfly."

Wei Xun said, quietly pushing the Nezha Spirit Red Ball to him. The infected people were already chasing behind Mysticism and the others. If they join forces, their strength will be almost the same. Wei Xun originally wanted Tong Hege to go with him. He heard that the Mysteries and the others were contaminated by the black sand giant and wanted Tong Hege to take a look.

But Zhang Xingzang and the others talked about Cheng Tianbao.

"Cheng Tianbao?"

Zhang Xingzang and the others were not just gathering around the sandpit to discuss picking up people.

"Cheng Tianbao passed out and showed symptoms of contamination."

Dream Chaser said solemnly.

"I didn't think well enough."

Zhang Xingzang admitted his mistake: "But he was the only one infected, which is strange."

There was such a huge sandstorm outside, it was dry and hot, so he was right to take people to dig shelters in existing sand pits. The remaining contamination from the Star Diamonder worms has almost been dispersed, and it has been swallowed by the black sand giant again. Logically speaking, nothing will happen. The only problem is that the black sand giant's eyes grew out of the worm's minced flesh, and that piece may have been contaminated by the black sand giant.

"There is no pollution in the sand pit. I just went down to take a look."

Dream Chaser also explained to Zhang Xingzang that An Xuefeng took a look and found that the shelter they dug was fifty meters below the ground, which was far away from the bottom of the pit that was three hundred meters deep. That bit of pollution is basically not a problem. When Chen Cheng chopped off the black sand giant's arm, the whole arm polluted the astrologers to the extent that they were comparable to sesame seeds and elephants. And Zhang Xingzang was right, no one else was contaminated, even the weaker sister of the Yu family was fine.

That means Cheng Tianbao has a problem.

"Do not blame you."

Wei Xun went over to look and saw that Cheng Tianbao and the others had already moved out of the sand pit shelter. At this moment, he was moved to a date palm tree and was unconscious. Wei Xun keenly noticed that Zhang Xingzang used his title to turn himself into clay before approaching, and then he went over to help Cheng Tianbao up. The Dream Chasers stopped fifty meters away.

Taoist Ban Ming solemnly took out some of the highest-grade golden talismans, bit his middle finger and muttered something, activated the talismans with blood from his heart (fingertip blood, ten fingers connected to the heart) and gave each of them one. Only then did everyone get closer. .

‘Butterfly contamination in source state is very dangerous. ’

An Xuefeng whispered to him that the situation of the Black Sand Giant was different from that of the Star Diamond Worm. The Star Diamond worm finally exploded, and the butterfly fragments had already been cut off by Wei Xun. What it breaks out is spiritual pollution and pollution of the worm itself, not a butterfly.

But the Black Sand Giant is different. Mysticism is the top brigade. It can pollute all four of Mysticism with one arm.

'Once contaminated, you must isolate yourself as soon as possible and then find a way to eliminate it as soon as possible. Otherwise the pollution will penetrate deeper and deeper’

Bizarre distortions, auditory hallucinations, pollution invasion, mental distortion, collapse and madness. It is very dangerous to reach the stage of auditory hallucinations. Although everyone has ways to prevent pollution, there is still no absolute defense method against butterfly pollution.

"The pollution on Cheng Tianbao... doesn't look like the pollution in the ancient oasis."

However, after Wei Xun observed Cheng Tianbao's situation closely, Wei Xun groaned.

Cheng Tianbao was in the first stage of pollution. He had a high fever and was in a coma. Many dark granules grew on his skin, which was indeed similar to the pollution in the ancient oasis. Even Zhui Meng and Zhang Xingzang judged it to be the pollution in the ancient oasis brought by the black sand giant.

But Wei Xun said directly no.

Because he didn't feel hungry.

The only pollution at 30 degrees north latitude that Wei Xun had 'eaten' with a vampire knife was the Sahara of Death and the Ancient Oasis. He remembered the taste of these two pollutions. Even if the butterfly fragments of the Ancient Oasis are now unusable, he would never admit their mistake. .

‘Father, father, want to suck! ’

The corn shoots that sneaked into the ground acted coquettishly at him, saying that they could smell the strong fragrance even deep underground. This aroma is also different from other delicious foods - like golden gecko tails and star drill worms. Corn shoots are said to be delicious and good because they are rich in energy and help it. growing up.

But this thought is purely greedy, and it is the salivation of smelling delicious food, just like before when it was too greedy and sucked the yin and yang butterfly head.

Wei Xun was a little curious. If Cheng Tianbao wasn't contaminated by the black sand giant, what was it?

"It's not like the black sand giant pollution."

Taoist Ban Ming also said that he put on gloves and carefully pressed Cheng Tianbao's skin. The small piece of skin under the dark granulation has also turned black. At first glance, it looks like there are large and small black spots on his body. When you press it with your gloves, you can see that the blackened skin has completely lost its elasticity.

"Hiss...I'm not sure, but it kind of looks like..."

Taoist Ban Ming rarely hesitated. He felt that this was actually a bit like Brother Cheng's "showing off" back then. He had only scratched the surface. However, Brother Cheng's body was always covered with bandages at that time, and he could hardly see Brother Cheng's skin, so he was not sure about half of his life. And there are no scavenging animals and insects here. If there are any, it would actually be easier to identify. Back then, Brother Cheng had raised mushrooms, bugs, and other small things on his body. Ah, they were magic mushrooms and magic bugs.

Thinking of the half-life Taoist's hand, he unconsciously poked hard, directly piercing a little bit of Cheng Tianbao's skin, revealing a little brown-black floc. It didn't look like flesh at all, but it didn't look like something rotten. It looked a bit like Smooth brown space sand. Wei Xun sniffed and smelled a strange smell.

It's like going to a virgin forest. The smell of decaying animals and plants accumulated on the land for hundreds of thousands of years is very unique. It's not pleasant, but it's not smelly either.


At this moment, Wei Xun's heart suddenly moved. The maggot cocoon that had been silent until now actually conveyed some emotion to him!

It wants to break out of its cocoon in this person's body!

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