Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 386 Death Sahara (62)

"Don't touch the pebbles."

After putting the Phoenician stone eggs into Tang Shuang's body, the spiders in the cave calmed down a lot and no longer attacked like before. Wei Xun and Ban Ming took Chen Cheng out all the way smoothly. Wei Xun took back the scarlet cloak before they came out. It was too deliberate to wear it when going out, so you have to control it carefully.

As soon as the few people went out, they were excitedly surrounded by Liu Hongyu and others. It turned out that most of the spiders outside were controlled by Little Rose, and most of them stopped in place. Seeing this, Cheng Tianbao and others boldly descended from the petrified tree, and He Yunlai swallowed sand and dug a big pit. The Yu family brothers and sisters used frost talismans to surround and control the little spiders, and threw them all into the pit to guard them. So when Wei Xun and Ban Ming came out, the area outside had basically been cleared.

It's just that people in metaphysics are worried that these little spiders will be connected to the monsters in the cave, which will annoy them and bring danger to the people in the cave, so they are cautious and do not kill the little spiders.

"These spiders are slaves of the gods. You didn't do the right thing by killing them."

Ban Ming breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He killed a lot of spiders on his way in. When he came out, he could vaguely feel some rejection and indifference towards him in the cave. One can imagine how bad the consequences would be if Liu Hongyu and the others killed all the little spiders outside. Doctor Liu Hongyu quickly took over the care of the unconscious Chen Cheng and Tang Shuang, who was in a bad condition. Wei Xun handed Tang Shuang over casually, shook his sore arm, and just gave a reminder.

He carried Tang Shuang horizontally all the way out because Tang Shuang's body was in tatters, with most of his bones and internal organs exposed and his belly exposed. If he didn't carry him horizontally, he wouldn't be able to place the stone egg safely. It's not like a large butterfly cocoon connected by cocoon threads, but it's too easy to get out.

"Tang Shuang was regarded as a sacrifice, and it was this stone egg that saved him."

Wei Xun was too lazy to say anything and went straight to look at the pit of little spiders with great interest. Half-life was afraid that Liu Hongyu and the others would do bad things out of good intentions (after all, it looked weird to have such a big stone egg in a person's belly), so he stayed and gave a few serious reminders, focusing on Wei Xun.

"Thanks to Bingyi this time, he is favored by God and has a destiny with God. This stone egg is a gift from God. He is willing to take out this stone egg to save Tang Shuang..."

"Thank you, Director B, thank you so much!"

But before he could finish his side-stepping, everyone thanked Bing. Liu Hongyu even solemnly promised that he would never touch the stone egg during treatment and would leave it in Tang Shuang's stomach.

"Oh, this is Director C's kindness. We won't appreciate it."

He Yunlai smiled and patted his belly: "Hong Yu is also familiar with it, nothing will happen to him... Is Director Bing okay? Is he injured? Hey, those are the stone eggs gifted to Director B by God. If Director Bing gives it to Xiao Tang, he won’t be punished, right?”

"Yes! How about Director C, the second best director?"

"I remember you were carrying Director B on your back when you went in. How could he walk on his own when you came out?"

"Bai Lao Er——"


Ah this, this.

Looking at the group of people who care about Wei Xun without any pretense, Half Life is a little confused. In fact, he had a lot of words to make them trust Director Bing more, such as the stone eggs gifted by God. Director Bing himself might It was dangerous, but Director B still let Tang Shuang use it. Wait. As a result, He Yunlai and the others got the better of them!

No, it's not a false greeting. Han Ming carefully identified them and found that they were sincere. Suddenly I started to worry again.

Isn't this bad? I just believed it wholeheartedly after being rescued by the tour guide a few times? There are many bad tour guides who first give people hope and then end up despairing. You can't just believe it.

"As soon as Director B came in, I noticed that Captain Chen and Tang Shuang's fortunes had improved."

When Ban Ming was hesitating, he heard Zhu Yuande laugh. His chubby face turned red, like a blush left over from excitement and joy. He scratched his hair shyly and happily revealed a happy event: "I just followed Director B." In the past two days, I feel like my title is about to advance! ”

Zhu Yuande has a dark blue luck-based title, ‘The Grandson of Destiny’. He can clearly perceive the fortune, and at the same time, he can also vaguely identify who is the ‘noble person’ who can help them.

It is difficult to advance to this kind of title. You must have great luck, or you must follow someone with great luck. Zhu Yuande entered Xuanxue because Xuanxue was the first brigade, and he was also the fastest person to be promoted from the Laoshan Brigade to the main team of Xuanxue. The 'grandson of destiny' chose Xuanxue, and Xuanxue chose 'grandson of destiny', which can be regarded as mutual achievements.

"This is not the first time. I think Director C can change our fortune in metaphysics!"

Zhu Yuande looked at Bai Laoer with determination. Ban Ming glanced at him and nodded slowly. No wonder everyone's attitude towards Wei Xun has changed. Metaphysics has always attached great importance to luck.

He smiled, said no more, and went to see Wei Xun at the Dasha Cave where He Yunlai swallowed.

"Brother Zhu? Brother Zhu?"

Zhu Yuande, who stared blankly at Bai Lao Er's back, came to his senses and put on his usual honest smile: "What's wrong Yunying?"

"Brother Zhu, are you okay? I just called you for a long time."

Yunying asked worriedly in a low voice: "Everyone has gone to see the captain and the others, why don't you come with us?"

"I'm fine haha, let's go, let's go."

Zhu Yuande laughed and walked towards the camp with Yunying. Zhu Yuande has a kind face and a good temper. Yunying, who is introverted, likes to chat with him on weekdays. Along the way, Yunying chattered, sometimes worried about Captain Chen, and sometimes worried about Tang Shuang. Hearing this, Zhu Yuande smiled and comforted: "Captain Chen and Tang Shuang will be fine."


Hearing Zhu Yuande's assurance, Yunying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "That's great."


Zhu Yuande couldn't help but rub Yunying's head. Seeing her looking over blankly, Zhu Yuande smiled and lowered his eyes and asked: "Yunying, I remember you are just sixteen?"

"I'm an adult now, and it's my birthday soon!"

Yunying puffed up her face and complained: "Brother Zhu, don't treat me like a child!"

"No no."

Zhu Yuande smiled and apologized, but sighed in his heart. Sixteen, still a child. Not a few years older than the daughter at home. Zhu Yuande had always kept this secret from his family, saying that he was on a business trip out of town. He originally thought that when this trip was over, he could go home to see his parents, his wife, and maybe celebrate his daughter's birthday. They say hotels come around every ten years, and he thought he could live for at least another ten years.


"I'll celebrate your birthday with everyone when we get out."


Yunying agreed and said nothing more. She found that Brother Zhu's eyes were red. It seemed that Brother Zhu was still worried about the captain and the others. His teammates all believe in him. Brother Zhu must be under a lot of pressure, and everyone is vulnerable sometimes.

Yunying was considerate and didn't say much, and went to see the captain and the others with Brother Zhu.

On the other side, when Taoist Ban Ming passed by, he saw Wei Xun squatting by the sand pit without caring about his image, directing Little Rose to subdue the group of frozen spiders, and there was a bright yellow tentacle secretly eating next to him.

"Captain Chen is right, these spiders cannot be conquered."

Sensing that half of his life was coming, Wei Xun didn't even look back. Little Rose tried hard for a long time but couldn't subdue half of the little spiders. Even if she used the power of the mother insect to suppress her, it would not work. If she overpowered the little spiders, they would explode directly. Wei Xun had been experimenting before half-life came. He stood up with some regret and let the corn shoots swallow all the spiders and ice cubes into the fake mouth.

"I'll give these to you when I get rid of the big ones."

Wei Xun said to Little Rose, after eating these spiders, Little Rose should be able to touch the threshold of Mirala.

Then he nodded to Xiaocui, who had been sitting on his shoulder: "I promised you before, this time is an opportunity."

Since the female sun spider cannot be conquered, we can only find opportunities to eat it. After conquering Little Rose, Wei Xun was thinking about Xiao Cui's advancement, but every time the mother insect advanced, it was extremely difficult. If Xiao Cui wanted to advance to become a Lelala mother insect, the fastest and easiest way was to kill another female insect. A larla mother worm swallowed its heart.

But Lealala females are extremely rare to begin with. Wei Xun originally planned to ask Yin Yang Butterfly and the others where they caught the demonic insects after returning, and then go to the Abyss Node, but he didn't expect that he would encounter an opportunity here!

It's just that the Sun Spider Mother is only one step away from the top Queen Dorara. It's not realistic to kill her directly. You still have to find an opportunity to figure it out slowly.

Tonight's gambling battle with Ifrit and the hatching of the phoenix are opportunities. Wei Xun's Xu Xu Tu Zhi basically doesn't last overnight.

"What's wrong?"

After thinking for a while, Wei Xun found that Ban Ming had not said a word since he came over, so he turned sideways and looked over. But he saw Half Life standing with his sword in hand, his face a little melancholy and a little lost.

"Zhu Yuande may have discovered it."

Under Wei Xun's gaze, Ban Ming sighed.

Ever since Zhu Yuande mentioned that his title was about to advance, he felt something was wrong halfway through his life. And Zhu Yuande looked at him and said, "We have metaphysics," which made Ban's life basically certain.

"For titles like Destined Son, one's own feelings are actually the most sensitive."

It is said that fortune tellers cannot tell their own fortunes because no one can tell their own destiny. But the title of Destiny's Grandson is not included in this list. Zhu Yuande can clearly judge the direction of his own destiny and predict his own future. In fact, the title "Son of Destiny" is particularly suitable for a leader. If Zhu Yuande didn't think that his title would not advance so quickly, the old captain would not directly choose Chen Cheng.

But now his title will soon be advanced, which is obviously abnormal. Zhu Yuande also realized this.

Either Director C is abnormal, or there is something wrong with him.

He obviously escaped a life-and-death crisis, so his fortune should be on the upswing, but why has his fortune always been flat?

It is clear that after meeting Director C, his title is about to advance, his luck may be rising, or he may encounter greater dangers and his luck may be falling, but why is his luck still mediocre?

It's flat like the line in the hospital that represents the heartbeat.

Not only him, but everyone else has problems too.

"Is he that kind of person?"

Wei Xun asked casually with the buzzing magic mosquito flake flying on his fingertips.

Is Zhu Yuande the kind of person who knows that he will definitely die/is already dead, so he becomes so heartbroken that he harms others?


Ban Ming slowly shook his head: "He... will probably help hide it."

What a beautiful thing it is to have a new, good tour guide. Many teammates who almost died have been rescued. They have also found the desert rose stone in this attraction. Next, they will collect more carefully and the task will be completed. This is the last attraction. They will be able to return to the hotel soon. Come to reality.

Everyone is very happy, and Zhu Yuande also hopes that everyone can continue to be happy in the final time.


Wei Xun nodded, it doesn't matter if Zhu Yuande collapses and harms others, Demon Mosquito Xiaojin can control him by sucking blood, just like he controlled Ding in northern Tibet.

"I remember the astrologer said that back then."

When he first encountered mysticism in the Red Sand Giant Tribe, the astrologer happened to meet Zhu Yuande. At that time, the astrologer predicted that he would be decapitated and die in one minute, and also said that he saw "a group of dead people."

The astrologer is unabashed because he knows the 'plot line' of reenacting the scene, and Zhu Yuande and others will not have too many memories of this experience. But Wei Xun believes that the astrologer's temperament means that he doesn't need to say this at all when he encounters someone who is destined to die. Especially since everyone at the scene knew that this was a reenactment of the scene, and everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade must have died.

So who did he tell it to?

'An Xuefeng said that astrologers always only favor people who are favored by fate'

Wei Xun remembered An Xuefeng warning him not to trust astrologers too much. He was extremely paranoid and had his own set of logic. He took the initiative to remind Zhu Yuande because of his title... But Zhu Yuande is already dead, so any title will not work, and he will not remember his words at all.


'you're right'

Taoist Ban Ming was slightly startled. Maybe Zhu Yuande didn't remember it too clearly, but when it came to the prediction of his death, he would always have a vague impression. Along with other words said to the astrologer, I am afraid that there will be some slight impression.

So after discovering that he had a problem with his luck and his title, he immediately started thinking about it.

‘The astrologer wants to use him to disrupt the brigade and exploit every opportunity? ’

Wei Xun became interested. Sure enough, the astrologer would not let go of the slightest opportunity to contact Chen Cheng and the truth behind the disappearance on the battlefield! Fortunately, Zhu Yuande is not that kind of person.

'……maybe. ’

The half-life Taoist nodded hesitantly, but stopped talking. In fact, he felt that this might just be the astrologer's accidental love for talent, a trace of compassion... because he didn't want to see the person with the title of 'The Grandson of Destiny' being kept in the dark.

It's a little tenderness that's hard to detect.

But Ban Ming felt that Wei Xun was right and that he was too naive.

What good intentions can astrologers have!

"But we can use the trick and let the team pretend to be in chaos... and see if we can deceive the astrologer."

Wei Xun smiled and said, "Isn't Ifrit afraid of stars the most?"

Astrologers are more right than Silver Moon Killer!

* *

"Ah sneeze!"

Outside the petrified forest, the sky was gradually darkening, the cold wind was rising, and the astrologer sneezed. As if he thought of something, he frowned and said slowly: "...So, I refuse."

"Didn't we agree?"

An Fengniao chirped and said, "I'll take action to contain Yin Yue, and you'll take the opportunity to sneak in. Is there any problem?"

Shortly after An Xuefeng left the Petrified Forest, he met a group of occultists who came in a hurry. David fell into a coma and escaped, and the astrologer immediately thought of Chen Cheng's brigade. Then he left the hunting ground and came here to wait. The first is not to miss David's news, and the second is that they have many mystics, and there are also many people corresponding to Chen Cheng's brigade.

It was David who fainted this time, and the person who fainted next time might also be someone from their team. While there are many people who are awake now, why not come here as soon as possible and meet An Xuefeng first.

An Xuefeng had an idea as soon as he heard it. Isn't this the natural 'strong enemy' of Chen Cheng's brigade under the rules? Now that Silver Moon Killer has become a powerful ally, as long as Mysticism confronts Silver Moon Killer again, the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. According to the rules, it is judged that the enemy is strong and the ally is weak. An Xuefeng can naturally not be excluded and mess around again. In!

Of course, you can't tell the astrologer directly like this. The astrologer is very knowledgeable and will definitely know the truth once he hears it. So An Xuefeng said the opposite, saying that he was here to contain Yin Yue and let the astrologers go in to see David (only astrologers who can't use their full strength can go in, otherwise others will be excluded if they are too strong!)

Even if the astrologer overthinks it, it’s not a loss if he really plans to go in by himself. An Xuefeng had a good idea. Ifrit was afraid of stars, it would be most useful to send astrologers in there.

Sure enough, the astrologer thought too much and was about to agree, but An Xuefeng didn't expect that a sneeze would make the astrologer change his mind!

Mystery offered to help contain Yin Yue and let An Xuefeng take the opportunity to go in. The astrologer took off a ring and gave it to An Xuefeng and asked him to give it to David. He can feel the state of David's soul through the ring.

The Silver Moon Killer, who was preparing for the night battle and recuperating, was suddenly attacked by the occult. When they were in deep trouble, An Xuefeng turned into a snake and swam quietly into Chen Cheng's camp in the Petrified Forest. On the way, he also encountered some food... The corn shoots on the ground, a snake and an insect returned to Wei Xun's side.

"...Don't worry, the eggs in your stomach are good things."

Wei Xun was in the camp at this moment. He had just heard the news that Tang Shuang had woken up and came over to take a look. Unfortunately, the Tang Shuang who woke up was the Tang Shuang from the reenactment of the scene, not from the battlefield. He was in good spirits, but he couldn't say anything and held his stomach. The people next to him were comforting him, but no one's words were as effective as the words of the owner of the stone egg, Bingyi.

Wei Xun was surprised to find that An Xuefeng had sneaked in quietly and was curious about what was going on outside. While talking to Tang Shuang, he grabbed An Xueshe in his hand.

"This is what hatched."

An Xuefeng would become too much. Wei Xun was thinking about his phoenix bird state (which is what Wei Xun expected!) and didn't care that he was now a snake. As soon as An Xueshe appeared, Tang Shuang gasped in pain and murmured helplessly:

"I, there is a big snake egg in my stomach??"

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