Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 387 Death Sahara (63)

Wei Xun was stunned for a moment when he heard An Xue Snake wrap around him and hiss and chuckle in pleasure. It was obviously because of Wei Xun's rare mistake.

But before Wei Xun could say anything about the phoenix egg, He Yunlai put his arms around Tang Shuang's shoulders, called out the little black snake in his belly, and shared the idea of ​​holding the snake egg with Tang Shuang like a big brother. Experience has come, but there is no room for Wei Xun to interrupt.

"The most important thing is the flame in Tang Shuang's bones."

Liu Hongyu, who had been taking care of Tang Shuang until now, was a little tired. He took off his sterile gloves and whispered beside Wei Xun. Tang Shuang was in a very bad condition when he was transported out, but at least his skin, flesh and internal organs were gradually recovering, as long as he was carefully protected and nursed back to health. The problem was that when Tang Shuang was setting his bones, he discovered that Tang Shuang's bones were actually covered with crimson fire patterns, and all of his bone marrow turned into crimson flames!

There is fire in the bones. This is obviously not something normal people can do. I am afraid it is caused by some title. After discussion, everyone decided to talk to Bingyi, because they were worried about whether the flames would cause any harm to the stone eggs.

"If he doesn't have fire in his bones, he can't bear the stone pebbles."

Wei Xun said lightly, Phoenician stone eggs must exist surrounded by flames. If Tang Shuang's bones were not contaminated and assimilated by the red sand giant skeletons, and there was fire hidden in the bones, then Wei Xun would have to find a way to control the flames or demonic insects. Just put the ball into his stomach.

To be honest, Wei Xun has thought about this. After all, there are responsible monsters in the Ball of Demonic Insects. People who come into contact with it will gradually develop a sense of responsibility for Wei Xun. Chen Cheng and the other three were too far away and Wei Xun couldn't be sure and couldn't rest assured. However, after thinking about it, Wei Xun gave up the idea.

On the one hand, their true bodies are not here, and the poor influence of the Responsible Demonic Insect will also arouse their vigilance, which is not worth the loss. Both of them are not "responsible" and are good. The situation of Chen Cheng and the three of them is basically stretched to the limit, and they cannot be treated as ordinary people.

What if the madman's "responsibility" is to kill him, so as to save him from despair and suffering in the future? This is all uncertain.

"Huh, okay, okay."

When Liu Hongyu was talking to Bingyi, everyone else listened with bated breath. They all breathed a sigh of relief when Bingyi said it was okay. He Yunlai smiled and put Tang Shuang on his shoulders, saying happily: "Let me just say, snakes like fire and lava, so they must be fine!"

He Yunlai was thinking about the evil snake in his belly, but it was particularly appropriate in this situation, and he convinced everyone else.

"Hey, if I had told you it would be fine, it would be a blessing in disguise for me."

Tang Shuang smiled and said, his face has not grown yet, the muscles and tendons are exposed, it looks very ferocious and weird, it can scare children to tears. The body has almost recovered, but the skin on the chest is gone, the ribs are exposed, and the stone egg wrapped in flames in the middle is like a crimson beating heart. After looking at it for a long time, it is quite cool, and it feels like a future warrior.

Because of the treatment, Tang Shuang only wrapped himself in a sterile insulation blanket. He snapped his fingers and his fingertips ignited flames. He smiled and said to Fei Luan: "Sister Yu, look at my fire and your brother's sky fire." How does it compare?"

"Brother Tang's flame is very good."

Yu Feiluan blushed and did not dare to look at Tang Shuang's body. She hid behind Yu Hexuan and smiled shyly, saying softly: "But the power of the Sky Fire Talisman should be greater, because we have a novice Talisman Master. The title is a blessing.”

Hearing his sister defend himself, Yu Hexuan puffed up his chest, protected his sister with a smile and scolded: "Okay, Tang Shuang, get dressed first before you talk! And what Xiaoluan is good at is the lightning talisman, okay, you ask Tianhuo Fu Na asked me."

As he spoke, he pressed Tang Shuang's shoulders and smiled deliberately: "Let's go, let's go over there and compete. I'm afraid you won't be convinced."

"Come just come, no one is afraid of you."

Tang Shuang was gearing up. He had just gained new strength and had to practice more to adapt. The last scenic spot was extremely dangerous. The sooner you master the strength, the more confident you will be.

"You can go back later."

Chen Cheng, who had been listening to their bickering with a smile, finally spoke. He was diagnosed by Liu Hongyu as suffering from debility and mental disorder, and he also sat by the fire wrapped in an insulation blanket. Now he stood up and took out a light red wooden box from his arms.

The wooden box was opened, and inside were five milky-yellow desert rose stones. They had layers of delicate petals just like real roses. The translucent crystals on the edges of the petals were like dewdrops. They were so beautiful that it was hard to imagine. It was actually formed naturally.

When Chen Cheng took out the box of desert rose stones, everyone held their breath. Wei Xun didn't say anything. He saw Chen Cheng holding the box in front of him, and then he became energetic as if he heard something.

"The mission item is the Desert Rose Stone!"


Everyone was extremely excited when he heard what he said, but they did not dare to cheer loudly for fear that the airflow would damage the delicate petals. Only complete desert rose stones can be considered mission items. But five were not enough, there were ten of them in total.

"Liu Hongyu, Cheng Tianbao, Yunying, Zhu Yuande."

Chen Cheng named four people, the four people who discovered and collected desert rose stones with his team in the cave.

"Four desert rose stones for the four of you."

Chen Cheng said seriously: "We will see the situation in the cave today. If possible, I will lead the team next time in the cave to collect all the desert rose stones."

No one had any objections. Cheng Tianbao directly said that he would put his rose stone with the captain first, and he would hold it for fear of confiscating it and breaking it into pieces. Others also responded one after another. Even with the rose stone, they actively signed up to go to the cave again. The atmosphere in the team was very good.

But Chen Cheng only divided four of the five rose stones, and he didn't say the remaining piece that should belong to Chen Cheng. After Chen Cheng took out another container and packed the four desert rose stones, he held the wooden box in front of Wei Xun and said sincerely: "Director B has done a great favor to our team, thank you is too thin. This rose stone Here you go, it’s a pretty good prop.”

Wei Xun raised his eyebrows and took the box without any further excuses. As he expected, there was still no hint from the hotel. The desert rose stone was like a beautiful and precious crystal rose in his hands, with no idea of ​​its rank and function.

But fortunately, Wei Xun had a general understanding from the conversation between Chen Cheng and his brigade.

Although this desert rose stone is only a fourth-level special item, its effect is very abnormal! Legend has it that there is a stone that has grown for thousands of years in the vast desert. It is the crystallization of a certain plant. The seeds of this plant are naturally paired. After flowering, the roots and stems are connected, and the flowers are like roses. If one plant dies, the other plant will no longer bloom and slowly wither away*

Countless years later, their bodies and sand crystallized into a strange flower, lifeless but never withering. This is the legend of the desert rose stone*

Although the real origin of the desert rose stone is not this, the function of this prop is based on legend. As long as two people who are bound to each other hold the Desert Rose Stone, their lives will be bound together and they will live and die together. They share each other's pain and heal each other, even if one of them is fatally injured!

‘It’s a bit like connecting tour guides and tourists’

After understanding, Wei Xun chatted secretly with An Xueshe: "You said that my metaphysics in my previous life was fine without a tour guide. Is it because Chen Cheng made a lot of desert rose stones in the ancient oasis?" ’

'It's possible'

An Xueshe said, of course, bonds include friends, relatives, lovers, teachers and students, teammates and so on. But the most important thing about the desert rose stone is love, so everyone was teasing the only couple at the scene - Liu Hongyu and Tong Fu.

Tong Fu, who was carrying a pair of swords and looked heroic, smiled and scolded and snuggled up to Liu Hongyu, with a rare shy blush on her cheeks. Liu Hongyu's calm eyes fell on her, unable to hide his tenderness.

'Um? ’

Seeing the couple, Wei Xun suddenly felt thoughtful. When Chen Cheng's brigade started to get busy again after a short period of laughter, Wei Xun called Zhu Yuande alone.

In the past, they would not have trusted Zhu Yuande and Bingyi to be alone together, but now everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade has basic trust in Bingyi, not to mention that they are not far away, and everyone can see the conversation when they look up. people.

Zhu Yuande didn't ask any questions and followed Guide B obediently. When they stood still, Zhu Yuande saw Director B take out an urn, pondered for a moment, and then shook his head.

Zhu Yuande didn't know what happened, but he had some premonitions. He looked at Bai Laoer and saw that the young man's expression was gloomy, and the bridge of his nose felt sour for some reason.

"Thank you..."

Zhu Yuande spoke, his voice was hoarse that even he had not expected. He coughed, cleared his throat, and finished his next words: "Thank you, Director B."

Everyone has said this sentence many times, but Zhu Yuande's sentence has a different meaning, and both Wei Xun and Ban Ming are well aware of it. Wei Xun took out the urn just now to see if he could put Zhu Yuande into the small box, but he failed.

After all, this is just a reenactment of the scene, not a real ancient oasis. Zhu Yuande and the others died on the journey, and the ancient oasis also disappeared when people went to the battlefield last decade.

Without a grave, without a soul, the gravekeepers have no way of making a connection.

Ban Ming felt uncomfortable because he had actually tried it secretly a long time ago. No matter whether you use paper figurines, capture souls, or collect imps, they all have no effect. He had known that the chance was slim, and he only thought that if there was a last chance, it would only be with Wei Xun.

However, no one is omnipotent.

"Does Director B have anything to ask me to do?"

In comparison, Zhu Yuande's mentality is better than him. He smiled openly and asked in a low voice. For example, with Director Bing and the tacit secret, there is more trust and intimacy between each other.

"If you have anything to do, just tell me and I will do my best, even if..."

"I will take you to the end of the journey alive."

Wei Xun promised, Zhu Yuande's smile became more sincere, he thanked him again, and then listened carefully to Director Bing's instructions.

"Does the prop description of the Desert Rose Stone include this--when the blood of a couple fuses together after death, a desert rose will be generated?"

Wei Xun asked.

Zhu Yuande didn't ask why Director Bing didn't look at the desert rose stone himself. He thought for a while and replied: "I didn't say it directly, but I think there is one."

The item description of the Desert Rose Stone reads, "After death, the blood of the person who uses the Desert Rose Stone to form a bond of life and death will condense into the Desert Rose Stone again." There is also a note.

The note says, "Desert roses particularly favor lovers who die together. Their blood blends together to create the most beautiful rose." ’

Therefore, Zhu Yuande believes that even if the desert rose stone is not used to form a bond, the desert rose will be generated after the couple dies.

If in a brigade with different motives, some people get the desert rose stone and others don't, they will most likely secretly murder the lovers in the team to complete the mission after knowing this.

But people with metaphysics cannot do this even if they fail to complete the scenic spot task.


Wei Xun nodded, and then he took out a David snake: "Look at this snake, what do you think of it?"


David the Black Snake was very active as soon as he came out. He was so tired. He had been a snake for several hours. He thought that Bingyi had little experience and would definitely take him with him to listen to his advice. But no! Most of David's snakes stayed in the stinky mouth of the worm. He was almost moldy because of idleness.

This time, he finally came out. David's snake was familiar with the road and wanted to climb to Bingyi's ear. He felt that he had to have a good talk with this little tour guide. He was very useful. There were still five or six hours until eleven o'clock in the evening. He couldn't hold it in all the time!


But the next moment, David's snake suddenly screamed. A sharp pain came from the sensitive tail end. It seemed that there was a strong poison injected. The pain made David's snake twitch and fell directly from Bingyi's shoulder. It twitched and became a dead snake.

It didn't matter if this David's snake died. Wei Xun pulled out another one as if nothing had happened. The new David's snake stared at Bingyi's shoulder as soon as it came out. Sure enough, he saw a black and white snake staring at him coldly and arrogantly beside Bingyi's ear.

An Xuefeng!!

This man is so insidious and petty! David Snake was so angry that he jumped up and down, but he couldn't play with his friend's wife. After being tortured by An Xue Snake with that condemning look for a long time, David Snake felt guilty. This time, after being caught by Bing Yi, David Snake was honest and didn't dare to make any other extra moves.

"This snake?" Zhu Yuande said calmly, as if he didn't hear the snake corpse under his feet shouting "shit", and didn't see the yellow tentacles quickly stretched out from the sand and rubbed and swallowed the snake corpse.

"Yes, it's the same." Zhu Yuande stared at the black snake and gradually frowned. Suddenly he took a breath, covered his head in pain, and his body trembled slightly. But he still stood firm and didn't groan in pain, so as not to be misunderstood by his companions not far away.

After a long while, Zhu Yuande finally spoke, lowering his voice: "It will kill my friend." Zhu Yuande made a "willow" shape with his mouth, and looked at the black snake with murderous eyes. Wei Xun understood. His previous guess was indeed correct. In history, Liu Hongyu was killed by the black snake hidden in He Yunlai's body!

At the same time, Wei Xun confirmed one more thing. Tong Fu was not killed by the black snake. Her cause of death was different from Liu Hongyu's.

Zhu Yuande was already pale and shaky after only predicting this time. If his title was not about to be upgraded to the Son of Destiny, he would not have predicted it. Even so, it consumed too much of his energy.

Wei Xun fed him half of Tong Hege's hair (ginseng beard), and let Zhu Yuande go back after seeing his face return to rosy.

Then the two of them and the two snakes walked towards the depths of the petrified forest, towards the giant fossil tree.

Along the way, Wei Xun and An Xuefeng chatted secretly: 'Will the journey to the 30th degree north latitude be biased? ' 'If the choice is different, will the new attractions opened be different? Will it lead to a different direction for the final journey to the 30th degree north latitude? '

The stone egg of Phoenicia was taken away by Wei Xun, and its fall was an important part of the Black Sand Giant's plan. If the stone egg is still soaked in the magma, it should hatch tonight, and it will become the fallen Ankh after devouring the human sacrifice (Liu Hongyu), causing the gods to close their eyes for their sorrow (the sun).

In history, tomorrow is likely to be a solar eclipse, and under this premise, Ifrit said that the stone door covered with giant skin will appear tomorrow, the ancient royal court will be opened, and the black snake that has guarded the royal court for tens of millions of years in the storm will guide the sacrifice, which should be Tong Fu and Yun Ying who will die tomorrow.

Among them, Yun Ying has a special physique, and is the "hermaphrodite" that the giant chief must be! Using her as a sacrifice will definitely have a special effect.

Wei Xun boldly guessed that there is a sun altar in this ancient oasis, which is the eyes of the gods to always monitor the black snake (black sand giant) that devours the world, so that it will not do evil. And when the eyes of the gods are closed, the black sand giants can take advantage of this to do many things.

For example, destroy the sun altar, and let a hermaphrodite sacrifice die instead of itself, thereby misleading the gods!

‘It’s possible, but the conditions will be very harsh’

An Xueshe said: ‘It’s basically something that the team couldn’t do at the time... For example, killing the Black Sand Giant’

Wei Xun smiled, and An Xuefeng understood his idea. Yes, that’s what he was thinking!

Wei Xun then took Banming to the private chat and talked to him about the Ancient Oasis.

‘The Ancient Oasis is a journey of 30 degrees north latitude dominated by giants of various races. Whether it is the Black Sand side or the Black Sand enemy, they are essentially giants without the participation of gods’

Wei Xun said: ‘The scenic spot opened by Team Chen is the Ancient Royal Court - the Royal Court of the Ancient Giants. Whether he wanted to or not, the Black Sand Giants benefited in the end! ’

Wei Xun himself opened up the 30 degrees north latitude journey and knew that there were three pre-tasks for opening a new journey. The first is to pass the journey, the second is to open up new attractions, and the third is to get the recognition of the final boss of the journey (the evil ghost Pingping back then), and the final boss usually enters the 30 degrees north latitude journey with the newly opened attractions

Whether it was Liu Hongyu, who was used as a sacrifice to make Anka fall, or Yun Ying, who died in place of the Black Sand Giant as speculated by Wei Xun, they definitely helped the Black Sand Giant.

‘Did Captain Chen get the approval of the Black Sand Giant back then? ’

After listening to Wei Xun’s words, he was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: ‘The captain hates giants’

‘I know’ Wei Xun said. If he didn’t hate giants, how could he have slaughtered all the nine tribal giant chiefs and used their heart blood as a token of the Ancient Oasis. Although it was because of this that he completely controlled the Ancient Oasis, only Chen Cheng himself knew what kind of emotions he really had.

‘I think so’

Wei Xun reorganized the historical line of the year, He Yunlai disappeared in the Black Desert, and Chen Cheng and his party arrived in the Petrified Forest. They must have been looking for He Yunlai. According to the psychic Lily, they never stopped looking until they found He Yunlai's shriveled body at 11pm.

Then they probably didn't have time to explore the petrified forest, and missed the cave hiding the God Slave Spider, the Red Sand Giant Skeleton, and the Sun Altar.

After finding He Yunlai, Liu Hongyu either buried or treated him, and then Liu Hongyu was bitten by the black snake hidden in the corpse. Liu Hongyu's death will definitely cast a shadow of sadness on the entire team. And in the early morning, the Phoenician stone egg hatched, and it devoured Liu Hongyu's soul—or even his body?

No, the corpse should be taken away and fed to the spider god servant, just like the red sand giant skeleton. The giant tree altar deep in the petrified forest and the underground cave magma should be connected.

The heartbroken Tong Fu most likely chased the Anka Phoenix into the petrified forest, and then got lost and disappeared. Chen Cheng would never give up on his teammates. They should also catch up, maybe half catching up and half staying behind.

But no matter what, the sacrifice has been started, and the next day's solar eclipse will start the ancient king. Tong Fu finally found Liu Hongyu, died with him, and became a sacrifice. Desert roses bloomed on their corpses, but there were only two desert roses, and only two of them could pass the level.

Chen Cheng would give Yunying the chance to have a baby, but after Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao rejected each other... Wei Xun guessed that Tang Shuang would force the flowers to Cheng Tianbao in the end.

Because only Tang Shuang, who has the possibility to activate the title of Stronger Bone Type, and Chen Cheng, who is the captain to open up new attractions, are likely to survive in the cave altar.

And Cheng Tianbao, who protected Yunying from leaving... probably failed to protect her. Targeted by Heisha, Yunying is destined to be a sacrifice, and Cheng Tianbao cannot resist him. And Ban Ming also said that among the three of them, Cheng Tianbao's condition had always been particularly bad, and he probably suffered a serious injury that could not be cured at that time.

At the end of the journey, only Chen Cheng, Tang Shuang and Cheng Tianbao were alive.

Did anyone do it wrong? No one did anything wrong, but Chen Cheng, who was young at the time, was not hard-hearted enough. Having already lost many teammates, he was unwilling to give up any of his teammates who might have survived - it was even very possible that He Yunlai was not really dead because of the control of the Sand Snakes. As the brigade captain, Chen Cheng knew that He Yunlai was still alive. , so I searched desperately.

Liu Hongyu, who has always been calm, clearly knew the danger, but was willing to take the risk to treat He Yunlai for the sake of the possibility of saving his teammates.

They were all still young at that time, and metaphysics taught them very well. Team awareness, unity, and never giving up on teammates, but as a captain, you must know how to be willing. Perhaps the old captain asked this group of young people to go on a super-dangerous journey to the Western District, expecting that someone might die, and wanted Chen Cheng to understand this subtly.

The old captain and the others are about to go to the battlefield. As the new captain, Chen Cheng must understand the choices from real dangers.

But no one expected that the Thirty Degrees North Latitude scenic spot would be opened here. The price this time was too painful.

Silent for half his life, although he didn't remember many things, he thought Wei Xun's guess was right. In a daze, Captain Chen's voice sounded faintly in his ears. There was no emotion at all, only the tiredness that could not be concealed.

[Many people believe that it is worthwhile to open a scenic spot at 30 degrees north latitude, no matter how many people die]

[Cen Qin, do you think it’s worth it? 】

[What do you think is a trade-off? 】

In an instant, countless confusing thoughts rushed into my mind. What is the choice? does it worth? If he had not lost half his life, he would have been the captain of New Metaphysics, he would have lived up to his teammates who trusted him, he would have had the opportunity to compete with An Xuefeng as the strongest passenger, and he would have had the title of the strongest orange in his name.

But he made a choice, he chose to throw away half his life... What was he doing for that?

He had a splitting headache and could no longer think about it for half his life. He clutched tightly the ancient oasis token hanging on his chest. It was the most precious item left to him by Captain Chen and murmured:

‘…Destroy the ancient oasis’

‘Yes, I’m talking about destroying the ancient oasis’

When Ban Ming heard Wei Xun's cheerful voice, he couldn't tell for a moment whether he was speaking just now. After listening again, he was sure that Wei Xun also said the same.

‘It is impossible for us to follow the original pioneering route now’

Wei Xun wanted to bring everyone in Chen Cheng's brigade alive to the end of the journey, and it was impossible to let them become sacrifices again. Furthermore, Wei Xun didn't bother to walk the same path that others have walked. Only new things can always excite him.

'The fallen phoenix, the betrayed divine slave (spider), the unfaithful demon spirit, the weak sacrifice...'

Only then did the Black Sand Giant finally succeed.

At this moment, Wei Xun and the others stood in front of the huge fossil tree like an altar. Half of their lives consciously put Wei Xun on their backs and jumped to the top of the huge fossil tree again. Sure enough, the magma in the tree trunk cavity has sunk a lot compared to before. The 'blood of the sun' will appear when the sun is shining, and the magma will disappear at night, which is in line with Wei Xun's conjecture.

‘I want the unfaithful demon spirit to be killed by the starlight, the rebellious god slave to have his heart eaten, the phoenix to bathe in pollution and see the light again, and the devout believer to contact the sun - to expose the conspiracy of the black sand giant. ’

'And the sun...'

Wei Xun smiled wantonly and took out the sun ornament. The sun pendant is not only an ornament, but also a product of the Inca Sun Gate, with quite a lot of space inside. Wei Xun had stored some Crazy Sun pollution in it before.

He threw the sun ornament into the hollow of the giant tree, and sure enough, the boiling magma began to rush into the ornament crazily.

If the black sand giant's conspiracy is foiled, what kind of journey to the 30th degree north latitude will he create?

Could it also be related to the sun? Will the new attraction be the Altar of the Sun?

Even if he knew that this was a reenactment of the scene and not real, Wei Xun was still looking forward to it. He must know that if it was really opened up, he would definitely get a lot of corresponding rewards, and he might even be able to bring about a reenactment of the scene - such as Taiyang's recognition, or Taiyang's Dependents, or if you kill the sun incarnation and bathe in the pollution of the sun in the end... cough cough cough.

All in all, Wei Xun wants everything related to the sun! Even the Sun God (Pollution Alienation) wants to be dang. This is also to prepare for what may happen in the future.

'Of course, we still need to disguise ourselves before that'

Wei Xun looked at the rapidly descending magma layer and suddenly asked: 'Xue Feng, can you disguise yourself as the evil Black Phoenix? ’

The incubation of Fallen Ankh tonight is definitely a careful part of Black Sand's plan. Although Tang Shuang is not here on the battlefield, he has left behind all the pollution caused by the title's out-of-control pollution. Wei Xun had noticed before that the pollution caused by Vulcan was The small impact quickly expanded after the stone egg was incorporated into Tang Shuang's abdomen.

But after all, it is reversed first and then hatched. The hatching of the stone eggs is delayed and will probably not come out until tomorrow.

If Anka does not come out on time, it is very likely to arouse the suspicion of the Black Sand Giant, and it will be troublesome for him to use any additional means.

From the fact that Ifrit did not know the meaning of the stone eggs, we can know that the black sand giant probably did not fully disclose his plan to him... or they were just using each other. After all, theoretically speaking, the demon spirit obeys the orders of God. It is impossible for it to do anything rebellious and can only play some small tricks.

For example, carrying out sacrifices, guiding the black snake, etc.

Therefore, Wei Xun boldly guessed that Ifrit would not contact the Black Sand Giant directly, nor would he tell him about the stone egg being taken away!

So if An Xuefeng can play the evil version of Phoenix Bird hatched tonight, he won't alert the snake and arouse Heisha's suspicion in advance! Of course, Liu Hongyu will not die, but the Black Snake didn't catch the sacrifice, so it was the Black Snake, or Ifrit's guidance was not good, in short, it was a contradiction, and there was no suspicion on them.

An Xueshe was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he heard Wei Xun call him Xuefeng. Such an intimate title made An Xuefeng even happier than Wei Xun jokingly calling him 'husband' before.

Isn’t it just to become a Dark Phoenix?


An Xuefeng said slowly, there is nothing he can't do! He also happens to have mastered the journey of the pyramid at 30 degrees north latitude. Ankh also has many myths and legends in Egypt. If he infuses a little pollution of the pyramid, he can definitely imitate it perfectly!

As he spoke, An Xuefeng turned into a phoenix and stood on Wei Xun's shoulder. Wei Xun immediately put the phoenix bird on his arm and stared at him intently, secretly expecting in his heart - the black phoenix bird must be very luxurious and beautiful!

At this moment, a long, boring voice in Mandarin with a foreign accent rang out.

"Oh guys, why don't you guys talk all this time? Am I so bored?"

Wei Xun and the three of them were so busy chatting in secret that they completely forgot about David Snake!

An Xuefeng then remembered that the astrologer seemed to have asked him to bring a ring to David.

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