Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 435 Reunion on the way home

"The stew is beef, what do you want to eat?"

An Xuefeng scolded and gave him a half-life glare - it was Bing who went to the orphanage in reality, what happened to Guan Weixun!

However, Wei Xun didn't care what Ban Ming said. Ban Ming still had some sense of propriety. There must be some truth to this.

An Xuefeng, who was frowning at first, felt Wei Xun's restless toes still rubbing his ankles - even though half his life and Yu Xiangyang were gone, he still hadn't confiscated them. On the surface, he was smiling and pretending to be well-behaved, but he still had evil intentions under his legs under the dining table. , there is even a tendency to grind upward. An Xuefeng's expression softened a little, his expression remained calm, and he directly raised his foot as if to step on Wei Xun's shoes.

Wei Xun stopped his feet with a swish, glanced at An Xuefeng, as if condemning him, and blamed An Xuefeng for being so childish and even wearing shoes!

The smile in An Xuefeng's eyes was even brighter, and it was rare for him to have a good temper: "There are noodles in the kitchen, and there is the pork ribs and lotus root soup that Xiaocheng stewed yesterday in the refrigerator. There are also some soy sauce bones and the like. If you want to eat, you can cook it yourself. point."

Lu Shucheng likes to eat beef, especially the bloody one. She is in charge of the home kitchen. She usually fryes and stews a lot of beef, but every time she remembers to cook some other meat because Mao Xiaole doesn't eat beef.

Taoists have always had four rules: no beef, no dog meat, no wild geese, and no mullet. Some sects do not eat snake and turtle meat because cows work hard all their lives; dogs are loyal and never betray their masters; swan geese are determined to never mate if they lose their partners; turtles live long; snakes are spiritual; and mullets are the most filial (according to legend, During the spawning period, mullet are blinded and cannot see anything clearly. The larvae of mullet are the most filial. They would rather swim into the mouth of the female fish and let her satisfy their hunger than let the female fish starve to death*)

So every time he cooked beef for himself to satisfy his craving, Lu Shucheng would also cook something else for Mao Xiaole, which saved half his life this time.

"excuse me."

Yu Xiangyang said solemnly and politely, without mentioning what Ban Ming said just now. Although the tablecloth blocked the interaction between An Xuefeng and Wei Xun, Yu Xiangyang did not ignore their eye contact. He was really embarrassed to come and disturb the young couple in the middle of the night, but half his life was like a chicken blood, shouting that Captain Chen had entrusted him with a dream, and he insisted on coming now... Well, there was nothing he could do.

After asking Wei Xun and Team An if they wanted more, Yu Xiangyang went into the kitchen and went to the refrigerator to see what to make. Taoist Ban Ming sat next to Wei Xun with a familiar smile.

"There's no rush, let's eat something before we go. People there thought we were thieves in the middle of the night."

"To be honest, if Captain Chen hadn't entrusted me with a dream, I wouldn't have bothered to come here so early."

"Captain Chen entrusted you with a dream?"

An Xuefeng cleared the table and frowned when he heard this: "Poster Gallery? Is there something wrong on the battlefield?"

There was something in An Xuefeng's words. If something happened in the metaphysics poster gallery, it would not just be a battlefield issue. That meant it was a big problem with the hotel. The parliament had just been completely sealed off, and no clues could escape An Xuefeng's eyes.

"Nowhere, there's nothing wrong with the poster gallery, it's my 'eyes'."

The half-life Taoist clicked on his forehead. Naturally, he was talking about Butterfly Eyes.

"When I closed my eyes, I 'saw' Captain Chen and the others talking to me. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear what they were saying, and the shape of their mouths was blurry."

Taoist Ban Ming said regretfully, and winked at Wei Xun thoughtfully - Captain Chen suddenly contacted him, Wei Xun must have done something! You must know that most of Half Life Butterfly Eye's battlefield connections were sealed into the magic mirror by him, and are now in the devil merchant's soul. The connection to the Butterfly Eye battlefield was missing, and Half Life could hardly contact the battlefield, let alone Chen Cheng and others who were missing on the battlefield.

Wei Xun and the Devil Merchant entered the battlefield right after leaving the parliament! And just two hours after he entered, Ban Ming felt the fluctuations in his butterfly eyes, and for a moment he vaguely felt the message from Chen Cheng. How could there be such a coincidence? It was definitely Wei Xun and Captain Chen on the battlefield. The connection was established there, and the connection was established through the copper coin he left in the Undead Bunker for half his life, otherwise it would never be fed back to him!

Otherwise, how could Taoist Taoist Half Life come here and wait anxiously on the way home? It was not just for the preliminaries of the year-end celebrations and the advance of the competition and for the tour guide to take a group poster. It's a pity that Wei Xun didn't even come back and went directly to the Dream Chaser station to shoot a group poster. And Yu Xiangyang also said that Song Feixing's mummy was handed over to him by Bingyi, and he returned to Laoshan only half alive.

After roughly finishing the accumulated affairs, he immediately dragged Yu Xiangyang over.

Wei Xun is such a treasure, Taoist Bansheng couldn't help but sigh, it's like encountering those golden eggs that are fully automatically produced - as long as he is willing to put good things on Wei Xun, he will automatically produce a series of Related baby.

Taoist Ban Ming was impatient and wanted to ask Wei Xun for first-hand information on the battlefield, but now Wei Xun was Wei Xun, not Bingyi's costume, and Yu Xiangyang was by his side, so he kept silent and winked at Wei Xun repeatedly - -Hurry up and pull the thread! He can't wait!

Wei Xun followed Shan Ruliu for half his life, but he felt Yu Xiangyang's gaze from the kitchen.

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