Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 436 Battlefield Orphanage (1)

After returning to reality, Wei Xun and the others did not immediately use the invitation letter to go to the orphanage - as Ban Ming said, it was too early to go now.

In order to ensure the children's healthy sleep, the orphanage only opens at 5:30 in the morning. And it is not a normal real building, but more like a house that has been enchanted. Ordinary people, tourists and even tour guides cannot find the orphanage without an invitation letter. This is also for the safety of the children.

So Wei Xun and the others first went to Taoist Ban Ming's residence, and then returned to reality through his residence - the reality corresponding to Ban Ming's residence was his residence in reality.

Qiyun Mountain.

Qiyun Mountain, together with Wudang Mountain, Longhu Mountain and Qingcheng Mountain, is known as the four famous religious mountains. It is now a 4A-level tourist attraction and a national key scenic spot. Banming Taoist's residence is a small brick house in the non-tourist area at the back of Qiyun Mountain.

This house is very dilapidated and looks like a building from decades ago, but it has been cleaned very clean. There is a yard enclosed in the middle and the ground is compacted, making it look like a place for practicing martial arts.

The brick house is small and can accommodate at most two or three people. It cannot accommodate Wei Xun, An Xuefeng, Ban Ming Taoist, Yu Xiangyang, Yu Hehui and Tong Hege.

Ban Ming Taoist knew the house well and pushed open the bamboo fence door and went in. The brick house was too small for two or three people to live in at most. After entering the house, Ban Ming Taoist came out with a few futons and they sat on the ground in the yard.

"We don't live in the Taoist temple above. Master took me and my senior brother to live alone here."

Ban Ming chatted as if introducing his own home, talking about the chickens he raised at that time and where he went to fetch water every day. Although they did not live in a Taoist temple, their master was very strict with their homework and they had to get up at four in the morning for morning classes.

"Master is buried in the back. This happened at least ten years ago."

Ban Ming said: "I am so good, of course the master is not worried about me. When the old man was seriously ill, the thing he was most worried about was his senior brother. He thought that he had to find some news about his senior brother so that the master could go there in peace, but he didn't expect that in the end Master is gone, but I still haven’t found him.”

Hearing this, Wei Xun understood that all the passengers who were selected into the hotel had a chance. An Xuefeng was because of Yu Hehui's case, and the half-life Taoist priest was probably going to find his senior brother.

Yu Hehui entered the hotel, and An Xuefeng's team also entered the hotel while investigating. In the same way, the senior brother who was a half-life Taoist was most likely selected into the hotel.

"They were all adopted by the master. I never thought about my biological parents, but my senior brother went down the mountain to find his parents."

After a pause, Taoist Bansheng said: "Then he never came back.

"Seinfeld is your senior brother?"

An Xuefeng hit the nail on the head, and Wei Xun also understood. Not only did he talk half-heartedly about fate or not, but he also talked about Seinfeld. Just by replaying the information he got from Chen Cheng in the ancient oasis scene, he had a premonition.

Half Life was an orphan and was adopted by a master in a Taoist temple. He had a senior brother named after his master. Sein Feixing was also adopted into a Taoist temple and had a naughty brother named after his master (he later changed his name to shame his master). Junior brother.

There is about ten years difference between Sein Feixing and his junior brother. He was twenty-five years old when he entered the hotel, and he was of Chen Cheng's generation. At that time, Half Life merged into the scene and turned into a teenager during the reenactment. He was fourteen or fifteen years old in Chen Cheng's generation.

The age difference is just right.

And Sein Feixing entered metaphysics, and after entering a hotel half his life, he was spotted by metaphysician Chen Cheng. There was indeed some fate.

But if Seinfeld is really a half-dead senior, then they are not so destined.

Sein Feixing changed his surname and name. He was too ashamed to mention his past and his teacher because he was feeding a grudge, and he died young. Even if Half Life entered the reenactment scene, Seinfeld had died at the mouth of the old crippled giant before.

They could not meet each other in life, and they would never be able to find any news about him in half their lives.

"I think it might be."

Taoist Ban Ming said slowly and took out a wooden box from his arms, which he had just taken out from the house. The wooden box was lined with yellow silk cloth, with two small gourds carved from peach wood on it.

The peach wood on which the gourd is carved is purple-red, with a restrained halo, and the surface is as warm and moist as a layer of glaze. It looks like a good object at first glance. It's a pity that these two mahogany gourds are all cracked in the middle. They cannot be picked up for observation. They can only be viewed in the wooden box that they are holding half-life. Wei Xun saw two peach wood gourds, one on the left and one on the right, engraved with the words "Cen Qin" and "Cen Xiao" respectively.

"Master said that I was weak when I was a child, and the peach wood gourd was used to help me survive. The back of the gourd has the birth date engraved on it. I have one, and my senior brother also has one."

Half Life Taoist Humanity said that gourds are one of the most primitive mascots, homophonic to protect fortune and fortune. It is the custom in some places to hang five gourds with red ropes during the Chinese New Year, which means "five blessings come to the door", and it is also commonly used in Feng Shui. Items with gourd mouths and small bellies can absorb evil spirits so that they do not harm the owner, and can also gather good fortune.

"When I entered the hotel, the gourd cracked."

Ban Ming said seriously: "Under normal circumstances, even if I die, this gourd cannot be split like this. This is not a fantasy world."

"But I signed a contract with the hotel. This is more exciting than any fantasy."

After entering the hotel, his life and destiny took a turn. It can be said that his destiny is completely different from the past. Only when the gourd carrying his name and birthday will completely crack.

"If I had known this earlier, I wouldn't have had to blame myself for so long... At first I thought I was the one who broke my senior brother's gourd."

Ban Ming smiled to himself and sighed again.

When he was a child, his master always strictly restrained him and prevented him from provoking his senior brothers. But Ban Ming has been naughty since he was a child and has a strong rebellious mentality. The more adults don't let him, the more he will do it. He often sneaks to his senior brother Cen Xiao to play.

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