Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 446 Chaos Flame

"Didi dididi——"

"Didi dididi——"

On the way home, in An Xuefeng's study, two mobile phones rang rapidly at the same time. They had been ringing for a while.

On the table not far away, the desk that had been completely burnt black by the sun's flames was still standing upright. There was a gorgeous and beautiful golden-red phoenix lying on the table. The phoenix bird is very big, occupying most of the table. Its feathers are as beautiful as brocade. There is a layer of golden-red halo floating on the surface. It is not stained with any burnt black. Just looking at it makes people feel soft and warm, making people eager to touch it. bump.

However, not everyone is qualified to touch the feathers of the phoenix bird. The only one who can touch is a light red chick. It looks ordinary. The only two things are that it is fluffy and clean. Other than that, it looks like an ordinary red bird. No one knows how it can be qualified to ride on a phoenix bird. On the back, curled up in the feathers of the phoenix.

The chick's wings were folded lazily, and its eyes were closed weakly, as if falling into a deep sleep, until the continuous ringing of the mobile phone opened its eyes. When he opened his eyes, a brilliant golden light flashed through, and there was bright sunlight hidden in its pupils! In an instant, the whole chick's aura suddenly changed. Golden light spread outward from the corners of its eyes, like elongated eyeliner.

The bright golden feathers spread over the face, over the neck, and all the way to the tip of the flight feathers. The body of the chick is rapidly growing and growing, as if it is about to transition directly to adulthood.

But when it closed its eyes, the bright sunshine and pure golden feathers all disappeared, and everything just now seemed like an illusion.

Wei Xun successfully swallowed the fragments of the sun, and drank the angel feather bone soup that Lu Shucheng made with love. It took a long time to digest the power and accept it to transform his body. Even though he didn't feel pain physically, he felt like it was burning mentally. Severe phantom pain. Fortunately, An Xuefeng has rich experience and has been with him from beginning to end, guiding and teaching him.

By now, Wei Xun has completely mastered the status of the 'Sun Chick', and even obtained a corresponding blue title!

[The Newborn Sun (Blue Title): The second set of national broadcast gymnastics for primary and secondary school students, the Newborn Sun—stop, it’s not broadcast gymnastics! You contain the nascent sun power in your body. It is very weak and cannot even be expressed in the human body, but no matter what, it is the power of the sun! 】

The total amount of sun fragments Wei Xun has eaten is not much, and he cannot accept all of these fragments. He has to erase a lot of emotional pollution left by the previous sun statue. If it is swallowed with pollution and influenced by the previous sun, the title will actually be higher in level. Titles involving celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars should at least be purple or even orange.

But Wei Xun didn't intend to take this shortcut, and An Xuefeng helped him wipe away all the emotional contamination, so that now he can't perfectly grasp the swallowed sun fragments. That power can only be obtained when he becomes the sun chick. You have to open your eyes to use it.

Moreover, An Xuefeng also warned him that he was very delicious in the eyes of many monsters or 'gods'. Pure fragments of the sun with a weak body, what a delicious meal this was. If you don't want to be severely targeted, Wei Xun had better not expose too much first, especially not to open his eyes when he becomes a sun chick.

He Wei Xun is now the newborn sun, his light is restrained, and as long as he doesn't open his eyes, no one will notice the pure power of the sun.

If you want to master this power freely, at least be able to hide it freely without being discovered by others, then you need to at least get the purple title. Although it currently has a blue title, this title can grow very quickly. Wei Xun has already swallowed the sun fragments, and next he just needs to pile up the sun's energy without thinking.

There are countless good things in the warehouse on the way back, including sun stones, lava rocks, etc. related to solar energy. As long as Wei Xun wants to, he can be piled into the purple title immediately. But An Xuefeng suggested that if you are not in a hurry, it is best not to pile up in a hurry.

"Tweet (at present you only have the potential to become the sun, and the potential to become the sun in the Arabian pantheon)

An Feng bird chirped.

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If we rely on this fragment of the sun and accumulate too much energy from the sun, Wei Xun's title will eventually only point to this path. In the end, he really won the title of Sun God, but it was only the 'Sun God of the Arabian God System', and his title of 'Sun Angel with Collapse of Faith' might disappear. The crime of swallowing the sun of his own system would even make him punished. Quite a backlash.

And after he becomes the sun, he will also be bound by the rules of the sun that are recognized by people in the corresponding pantheon.

Therefore, An Xuefeng suggested that Wei Xun swallow more sun fragments of different types, and he also needed to swallow more sun fragments of different types. Don't swallow a single sun of a certain divine system. Although the more complex you swallow, the more difficult it will be to advance in the end, but it will also avoid the constraints of the rules of public will, and it will be good for Wei Xun in the future.

"Only in the rising sun stage, the title is not finalized, so you can try it like this. When it comes to the purple title, it will be difficult to decide."

Wei Xun thinks An Xuefeng's suggestion is good, and he also has the broken fire of the Nordic God of Fire, which involves the Nordic god system. Maybe if he is lucky, he can get some sunshine in Northern Europe by going to the preheating competition.

After making the decision, Wei Xun relaxed. Although swallowing the sun fragments had no direct benefit to him at present, what made people happy was that when Wei Xun turned into a sun chick, the red-haired big man who had been silent before The Eye Anka Worm will also be affected by him and turn into the form of a virtual phoenix bird.

For those who don’t know, the Anka Phoenix Bird looks more like a Sunbird after its transformation. The pure golden Phoenix Bird is very powerful, and it also comes with a blackened version of the Dark Phoenix Bird’s second form, but its intrinsic power is still limited. False, it just looks deceptive on the outside.

Wei Xun felt that it was enough to be able to bluff people, and maybe he could also deceive people. When the phone rang, Wei Xun was resting on the warm An Fengniao's back. While adapting to the Phoenix bird's state, he was preparing to fuse the flames in one go. Wei Xun had previously blocked his cell phone address book, and only a few special numbers such as Wang Yushu, Dream Chaser, Zhang Xingzang, Half Life Taoist and Devil Merchant could call.

Now the phone was ringing, and An Xuefeng's phone was ringing too. Something must have happened, but Wei Xun was too lazy to move and kicked the phoenix bird with his little paws.

"Jiujiu (you go answer the phone)"

An Xuefeng spread his wings and stood up, protecting the little bird on his back. He could clearly feel the tender claw tips on its back hooking into the fiery feathers on its back, causing it to curl up. An Xuefeng felt no pain at all with this kind of force, only itching. The itching spread to the bottom of his heart, making his feathers flutter. He wanted to step on the little chick under his claws and tell the little chick with his actions that the bird's Don't step on your back randomly. And then do some-

Ahem, this is a bit abnormal. An Xuefeng hated himself in his heart, flew to two mobile phones, pawed at them, and looked at the messages. There were two important messages.

"The silhouette version of the collective poster is out, and the official version is expected to be released at noon."

A group poster shot by Wei Xun on October 9th. On October 10th, I went to the orphanage and explored the mission entrusted by the mountain god. It was late at night on October 10th when the fragments of the sun swallowed the fledgling's alienated state, and now it is exactly the early morning of October 11th.

The hotel is very good at building up the anticipation among tourists and tour guides. After a day of publicity on October 10th, the hotel will first release the silhouette poster in the early morning of October 11th. After meeting the expectations, the official version of the group poster for tour guides will be released at noon. At the same time, the guest registration test will be opened. , it is expected that the passenger list will be released on October 12th, a group photo of passengers will be taken on October 13th, and a group poster of passengers will be released on October 14th.

On October 15th, the rules for this warm-up competition will be fully announced and the warm-up competition will begin.

An Xuefeng said that this competition was moved five days in advance. Normally, preparations start around the 20th, and the preparation period is longer. The competition will not be held until early November.

"It's just a silhouette version of the poster."

Wei Xun was lazy. Ever since he knew that the group posters could not be sold like individual posters, his interest had been greatly reduced. He picked up his cell phone twice and saw the congratulations from the devil businessman and the news from the dream chaser. There were even messages from the psychic who was temporarily blocked by him (adults will definitely be happy for you!)

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Because even though it is just a poster silhouette, people can almost tell which tour guide it is based on his height and alienated state.

Bingyi actually stood in the C position in both photos! Standing between the A2 Dream Chaser and the S2 Lizard Duke! This poster silhouette immediately aroused heated discussions and anti-fan wars in both the East and West District forums, and because the hotel was building momentum for the pre-match competition and opening up the permissions of the East and West District forums, the forums were even more lively like the Chinese New Year.

Some believe that Bingyi should not stand in the middle, while others think that Bingyi is the number one tourist guide for Xinxing. His first journey was a journey to 30 degrees north latitude. Why can't he stand in the middle? Some people think that this warm-up match will be held in the West District, and that S2 Lizard Duke and the others from the West should stand in the C position. Others argue, "No, no, no, the tour guide participating in the West District pre-match this time did not even open the 30th degree north latitude." , can you stand in the C position? ’

The scolding war between the east and west districts couldn't stop at all. It was also mixed with the words "Bing 1 is in the middle because he is the connecting tour guide for the first brigade on their way back!" ’ and ‘Bingyi is standing in the middle because his brother is a life-seeker! ’ With these two factions, the entire forum was so lively that it was impossible to see that midnight was a public rest time.

But Wei Xun, who was in the center of the excitement, was very calm. After confirming that there was no call from Wang Yushu and that Taozhi had not been finished yet, he stopped caring about the poster. With the help of An Xuefeng, he merged in one go in the form of a sun chick. The platinum sun flame and the light fire of Ifrit!

Since Ifrit's fire and platinum sun fire are both the flames of the Arab civilization, the power of the fused flame is even higher. Wei Xun obtained the orange title of the series of tasks corresponding to the mythical fire in the world civilization after returning from the Sahara. The Flame Collector's blue title has been upgraded to a purple title!

[Chaos Flame (Purple Title): You have merged more than five kinds of flames, including at least three civilizations. The flames of so many civilizations will become restless and chaotic when combined, and they will explode hundreds or thousands of times. strength! Be careful, the chaotic flames are also absorbing heat from your body out of control. If you don’t want to end up turning into a little iceman, please decide on the tendency to fuse the flames as soon as possible and let the chaotic flames stabilize! 】

Wei Xun still remembers that the mythical fire mission in World Civilization gave him three fire tendencies, fire seeker, fire stealer and fire extinguisher. Now he already has the purple title of this series, and then there is the final orange title. , it’s time for him to make a choice.

But Wei Xun also possesses the alienated Vulcan, especially since he has developed so many 'believers', which gives Wei Xun more directions to choose from. Especially after fusing Ifrit's flame core, Wei Xun used the small spiritual fire to pollute Ifrit so deeply that his flame core came with 'Vulcan! ’ ‘Vulcan! ’ bg.

After being integrated into the flame, this call for faith not only did not weaken, it even strengthened, just like the faith sect found new soil and took root and spread.

Wei Xun did not stop it. On the contrary, he indulged the spread of this volcanic belief. When the 'sun' aspect temporarily stagnated, it was easier to make a breakthrough in the flame aspect. Wei Xun wanted to take the flame path first. Go through it again to gain some experience. After all, the sun and the flame both belong to nature and are totems that people have worshiped since ancient times. This series of titles should be similar.

But Wei Xun ignored one point - the reason why the Vulcan faith spread so quickly was because the original faith areas were already filled up and there were no more downlines to develop.

In other words, there are many dragons in the Ming Tombs, the birthplace of the Vulcan belief, who have been noisy and sleepless for several days. And when the Vulcan faith developed new followers and the voices of the spiritual fires became louder, Taizong finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Wei Xun's death token became hot, as if someone was desperately shaking his chat box.

【What are you doing? ! 】

It was clearly a cold questioning tone, and it was not even written in classical Chinese. Anyone else could hear the anger hidden in it and be frightened by it. However, Wei Xun's eyes lit up when he heard Taizong take the initiative to contact him.

He was just about to tell Taizong about burying wreaths, jade pendants or peach branches, but he didn't expect them to come to his door himself!

【elder brother--】

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