Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 447: The Omen Branch from the Deepest Underground

【elder brother--】

[I finally found a way to strengthen the Vulcan pollution. You feel it, right? How about it? Is the Death Ming pollution better? 】

Wei Xun didn't wait for Taizong to say more, he mentally penetrated into the Death Ming Token and communicated with him in a positive and cheerful tone. Sure enough, Taizong over there was silent.

When the mountain god died in Xiaotang Mountain, he was polluted into something indescribable. The dragon-bone white dragon in the mountain god's underground palace could not suppress the intact body of the mountain god, and the earth's dragon veins were also polluted by it. In order to slow down the speed of the resurrection of the mountain god's corpse, the dragon bone dragon transports the pollution (the mountain god's corpse pieces) to various auspicious soils, and uses the auspicious soils in various places to suppress the mountain god's corpse together.

Xiaotang Mountain is very close to Tianshou Mountain. Tianshou Mountain was transported with a lot of pollution, and the Ming Tombs also suffered. The consciousness of death became the pollution of death consciousness, and the Minglongs who relied on a large part of their power also relied on the consciousness of death. It was seriously affected. Even if Taizong did not leave the mausoleum and tried his best to suppress it, the situation became worse year by year.

Fortunately, Wei Xun carried out two heavenly punishments in the Ming Tombs, cleaning up the pollution in the Fourteenth Tombs and the Eleventh Tombs, giving Taizong a chance to breathe. Later, Taizong discovered that the Vulcan pollution caused by Wei Xun was born out of the spiritual pollution of the consciousness of death, and he could absorb the pollution from the consciousness of death to strengthen himself.

Although if the core problem of the mountain god corpse is not solved, the pollution will continue to spread, but it would be good to absorb some pollution and buy them more time.

So at that time, Taizong acquiesced to Wei Xun's release of Vulcan pollution in the entire Ming Tombs.

He thought very well at the time. The so-called gods are actually born out of the people. People have some trust but not others. The people's beliefs are very simple - they believe in whichever god is useful. There are very few fanatical believers and lunatics, especially since it has been almost four hundred years since the fall of the Ming Dynasty to modern times. The remaining consciousness of the Ming Dynasty has strong emotions towards the Ming Dynasty and exists for the sake of the Ming Dynasty.

Death is fundamental, and it is absolutely impossible for a little Vulcan to affect the overall situation. Even in Taizong's view, the God of Fire will eventually be integrated into the consciousness of the dead, and will be assimilated and influenced by it, and Wei Xun will eventually become one of his own.

But, but.

Thinking of these days, the monuments in the tombs are almost being polluted by the God of Fire and roasted to pieces. All the dragons are "Vulcan!" day and night! Vulcan! Amid the noise pollution, Xiao Shiyi (the Eleventh Emperor of the Ming Dynasty), who believed in Taoism the most, even wrote many articles to the God of Fire, wrote inscriptions and paintings, and invited people to enjoy them. Xiao Qi and Xiao Shisi Somehow he got mixed up with him, and it was like having a literary meeting every day, which made Taizong feel tired.

The emperors in the Ming Tombs relied on the consciousness of death, and they would be seriously affected by the consciousness of death. What's more, Xiaoqi returned to the imperial mausoleum, and the pollution removal under the eleventh and fourteenth mausoleums were closely related to Wei Xun, which can be said to be connected by fate. , the impact will be even greater.

【Good or bad】

Taizong was silent for a long time. He sighed quietly and softened his tone. He did not directly say that the Vulcan was polluted. Instead, he moved slightly and conveyed some thoughts to Wei Xun like a letter. The main idea was that Xiao Qi (the Seventh Emperor of the Ming Dynasty) mentioned you the day before yesterday. , saying that you left too quickly that day and didn’t even have time to invite you to the celebration and sacrifice at the Emperor’s Mausoleum the day after tomorrow. My brother also remembered that you have been away for some time. The weather has turned cold recently and the cold rain has been falling for several nights. My brother also misses you very much. Are you okay outside? You should come back and have a look.

"I'm planning to go back one of these days."

Taizong took the initiative to invite him. Of course Wei Xun, who was on the other side of the Death Ming token, said yes with a smile. He pretended not to understand Taizong's specially emphasized and ironic "the weather is getting colder" and said: "I am right There are some new discoveries about mountain god pollution. After returning this time, I may be able to deal with some of the mountain god corpses and their pollution in Xiaotang Mountain and Tianshou Mountain. "

[Is this true? ! 】

As soon as Wei Xun's words came out, Taizong immediately stopped thinking about the pollution of the God of Fire. The pollution of the God of Fire at the foot of Tianshou Mountain and Xiaotang Mountain was the source of all deterioration, and it was also Taizong's heartache. If it could really be solved, then——

Whatever Wei Xun wants, just give him. It's just that all dead consciousnesses believe in the god of fire. After all, they are consciousness spirits that have been dead for hundreds of years. It may be a blessing to be closely related to modern people/gods.

Of course——Wei Xun also has to say that what he wants to say is not false.

"Vulcan pollution seems to be rampant."

Wei Xun put away the Death Ming Token and briefly mentioned the communication with Taizong to An Xuefeng. Wei Xun smiled and said: "I maintain the Vulcan Alienation almost every day during the scene reenactment. I'm afraid the mental pollution over there will soon be destroyed." Let me suck it dry."

The concept of 'Vulcan' is not originally polluted. It was born from the consciousness of death, and then it was contaminated by its spiritual pollution. It is like a small tumor growing on the spiritual pollution of the consciousness of death, but what the small tumor absorbs is not vitality. , but pollution.

When Wei Xun is about to change into the alienated state of Vulcan, Vulcan Pollution will transfer the pollution power to him. Essentially, it is the same as the tour guide gaining pollution power from the abyss and changing the SAN into an alienated state.

It's just that one abyss can provide so many tour guides for alienation. The mental pollution of the dead consciousness is very difficult to provide for a Wei Xun alone - they are not polluted much in themselves. Most of the pollution in Tianshou Mountain was suppressed by Taizong, and those infected with the dead consciousness are still A few, if the consciousness of the dead is really polluted too deeply, it is impossible for the dragons in Minling to remain the same.

The current situation is that the spiritual pollution of the dead consciousness is almost being sucked up by the Vulcan pollution. The Vulcan pollution has grown stronger due to this, and instead it has begun to infect the dead consciousness. If the pollution of death that Wei Xun saw before was concrete, it was the word "Vulcan God" beside the characters "Ming" flying everywhere, like a child.

Now the word "Vulcan" has expanded to the point where it is riding on top of the word "Ming", constantly instilling mental pollution.

No wonder Taizong was so anxious to find him.

"You also have to be careful about Vulcan contamination."

Seeing Wei Xun playing with the fusion flame and smiling while listening to the shouts of Vulcan pollution, An Xuefeng reminded him seriously.

"I see."

Wei Xun understood what An Xuefeng meant. His current alienated state consumes a lot of pollution. Every time the Vulcan pollution becomes stronger, he can consume it all after a few alienated states. But if the Vulcan pollution continues to grow and Wei Xun cannot absorb it, then the pollution is likely to overflow and become difficult to control.

At that time, either Wei Xun will also increase the amount to absorb the pollution, or he will have to find a few more contact guides like the Abyss to pollute Vulcan.

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"As long as I get stronger fast enough, it will never get out of control."

With a thought in Wei Xun's mind, the fusion flame in his hand automatically separated, the three-color magic flame from northern Tibet, the phoenix fire from the phoenix bird, the Samadhi true fire from Nezha spirit, and the white-gold sun fire and Yi obtained from Sahara. Fleet Tinder.

The progress of Vulcan pollution on these five flames is different. The three-color magic flame and Ifrit flame have almost turned into the shape of Vulcan pollution. Each of them is a group of small spiritual fires, but outside them , the pollution degree of Phoenix Fire, Samadhi True Fire and Platinum Sun Fire is not high.

The phoenix fire has the characteristic of nirvana and regeneration. After being polluted, it can re-nirvana and eliminate the pollution. The true fire of samadhi is so yang and strong that it can burn away the eroding pollution. Both of these were within Wei Xun's expectations, but Platinum Sun Fire surprised him. This flame was obviously the smallest and most incomplete, but it was not contaminated at all.

This is because Wei Xun swallowed the sun fragments and was called the Sun Angel, but the more important reason is that it originated from the sun in the ancient oasis, and is related to gods and the journey to the 30th degree north latitude.

It has its own pollution, and of course it will not be polluted and eroded by the small fire of the spirit. If Wei Xun wants it to be forcibly eroded, it will no longer be able to maintain the characteristics of solar fire.

"Pollution, fusion, transmission, erosion..."

It's fascinating.

Wei Xun sighed, turned his hand to withdraw the flame, and suddenly turned into a little sun bird. He tweeted and urged An Xuefeng to turn into a phoenix.

He found that when he and An Xuefeng were in the same species of animals, the connection would become closer and the efficiency would be higher than when humanoids touch each other normally! Of course, no matter how fast, we can't go to the mental illusion to relieve each other, but important news has been coming one after another recently. Wei Xun is still waiting for Wang Yushu's situation. If he goes to the mental illusion, most of the day will pass, and it is easy to miss the news.

Moreover, Wei Xun will also be immersed in pleasure when he is relieved in human form. It is difficult to think about other things. It is not efficient. At the moment, it is better to stick to the animal state. Logically speaking, based on their relationship, in the animal state, Wei Xun When he understands, he will be more controlled by primitive instincts, but Wei Xun is just an underage chick now.

What can a little chick understand? It has no need at all, it just feels warm and comfortable. Only An Xuefeng has endured the test of willpower, and Wei Xun also believes that he can endure it.

But Wei Xun made a mistake. No matter how patient An Xuefeng was, during the animal state connection, he felt the tender little claws of his beloved bird stepping on his back like a cat stepping on milk. Rubbing himself among the feathers on his back, he was picky about asking him to have a warmer temperature, sometimes asking him to have a lower temperature, and even plucked his feathers and stuffed them under his little wings——

Who can bear this? An Xuefeng couldn't bear it anyway, not to mention that it was midnight, which was the time for nightlife.

Even though the little bird can't do anything, Wei Xun's snow leopard, snow wolf and ferret states are all just adults.

So in the middle of the night, An Xuefeng coaxed Wei Xun into turning into a snow leopard, saying he wanted to see how his snow leopard state was developing.

Although Wei Xun's Son of Nature was previously suppressed due to the pollution of the abyss, now that he has mastered the mythical animal state, this suppression has been alleviated a lot, so his snow leopard state has basically reached adulthood. If you reach the more advanced orange title Arch Druid, you will no longer be affected by the abyss. You can even choose several of your own animal incarnations to give them special alienated powers.

Although An Xuefeng's Snow Leopard, White Wolf King, Yin-Yang Snake and Tentacled Killer Whale are not mythical animals like Phoenix Bird, their strength is not much worse. Although Wei Xun has not reached this stage yet, he has the title of Son of Nature. He has become an ordinary animal and is the strongest among this group.

Wei Xun didn't realize An Xuefeng's sinister intentions, because he had tolerated it really well before, and what An Xuefeng said made sense. There was a high chance that the pre-match match would be in Northern Europe where there are cold polar nights, like snow leopards. This kind of animal that lives near the snow line all year round in the wild is more tolerant of harsh weather and may be useful in competitions. Wei Xun even wants to learn from An Xuefeng's killer whale state, maybe go into the water.

When turning into a snow leopard, Wei Xun even took the initiative to ask An Xuefeng to also turn into a snow leopard, so as not to waste the time of Tie Tie connection. Of course, An Xuefeng followed the good example and took the lead in transforming into a huge snow leopard, his gaze falling directly on Wei Xun.

Wei Xun became a snow leopard very beautiful, as if he had just grown up. His body was not as big as An Xuebao, and his muscle mass was not as much as his. In comparison, he looked a bit 'slender', but compared to other normal wild snow leopards, Wei Xun became a snow leopard. Already strong enough.

He has beautiful and thick silver-gray fur, lovely scattered black spots, ice-blue eyes without any trace of impurities, fluffy ears, black 'eyeliner', pink nose, soft and warm belly and thick, long and flexible tail. , all of them fascinate An Xuefeng.

Wei Xun also felt a little different when he became a snow leopard and connected with An Xuefeng, but the snow leopard's estrus period is from late winter to March, and he is a newly adult snow leopard, so he is not very interested in these things, so he Without thinking too much, he just walked into An Xuefeng's arms and played with his thick, long and powerful tail.

While playing with it, Wei Xun felt An Xuebao pressing on him.

Wei Xun:?

Wei Xun rarely reacted when he was suppressed, and even fell into confusion. Was this really An Xuefeng's initiative, not his own? Could An Xuefeng be so open-minded?

It's so perverted, but Wei Xun likes it, so he quickly brushes against it, the two flexible leopard tails are entangled together, and the down is messed up by the licking, which makes Wei Xun uncomfortable and comfortable. Was bitten on the back of the neck.

An Xuebao licked Wei Xuebao's fur, feeling a little regretful. It would be great if he could have five mouths. One could bite the back of Wei Xun's neck, one could lick the beard at the corners of Wei Xun's lips, one could lick his fur, and one could lick Wei Xun's beard. One can bite its tail, and one can be kept for words of love.

Seeing An Xuebao licking the fur that was stained by him and whining and thinking about beautiful things, Wei Xuebao, whose matted and fluffy fur was being rubbed, was made to laugh angrily. I still want to have five mouths, this——

"Woo! (You are not allowed to have five mouths!)"

Wei Xun suddenly thought of the An killer whale with many tentacles! It doesn't seem impossible for a guy like An Xuefeng, who carries a lot of pollution on his body, to grow some tentacles or a few more mouths?

But killer whales only have tentacles, and fluffy snow leopards can’t have five mouths!

Wei Xun scolded An Xuebao sternly and slapped An Xuebao's face with his paw, but he was forced to lick his flesh pads again. The snow leopard's tongue is long and barbed. It is very useful for combing hair and licking the scraps of meat on the bones. It is also very exciting when it brings happiness.

"Woo woo (the wolf's tongue needs to be more flexible)"

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An Xuebao turned into the majestic white wolf king, sticking out his tongue to seduce him. Seeing that Wei Xun was unmoved, he took the initiative to step forward, bit the snow leopard's ear intimately, and rubbed the snow leopard's body, fluffy and beautiful white The wolf's tail dangled in front of the snow leopard's eyes, attracting Wei Xun's full attention.

"Ouch——(How about, do you want to become a snow wolf?)

An Xuefeng knew very well that Wei Xun was fascinated by stuffed animals, especially the snow wolf, which had pure white long fur all over its body. Only its head, snout and paws were light ivory. It looked particularly clean and beautiful, and was different from the snow leopard. beautiful. The White Wolf King diligently licked the young snow leopard's fur. He was very experienced and quickly made the young snow leopard purr.

Although An Xuefeng lied and the wolf's tongue was as flexible as the snow leopard's tongue, Wei Xun also felt that what he said made sense. Everything Plush Rong said was right. The more animal states that can adapt to cold life, the better. Wei Xun became a white wolf during the test in northern Tibet and followed the white wolf king An Xuefeng, so he has a deep observation and understanding of the snow wolf.

When An Xuefeng took him into the abyss node to kill the puppet master, Wei Xun had already transformed into a wolf cub, but he had not yet become an adult wolf.

He was licked as soon as he tried. Wei Xun turned into a white wolf, and before he could fully master his body, he was turned over and over by An Xuelang and licked him.

I'm afraid cats are generally very small. Even though An Xuebao was already extremely talented, it didn't shock Wei Xun too much. But when the White Wolf King acted like a hooligan, Wei Xun was really shocked. Is it a wolf or a donkey? Even just rubbing against him was getting a little too much and he turned directly into a human, but this seemed to be a worse decision.

The naked skin is covered by the soft, snow-white long hair, making people want to sigh in comfort.

An Xuefeng was indeed quite tolerant.

When Wei Xun was lazily taking a shower, he thought that even though he was so perverted, he still couldn't hold back from having a full set. He was worthy of being the number one tourist.

After fooling around for most of the night, the connection has deepened a lot. With a few more foreshadowings, it will be easier for them to connect deeply.

What stopped them from continuing was of course the news about Wang Yushu.

"Success, I made it!"

Pharaoh's Pyramid, outside Lusoy City, in the simple studio set up by the temple, Wang Yushu was proud and holding a peach branch.

At first glance, the peach branch had changed a lot when Wei Xun handed it to him. The branches were covered with a light gray mist, which was eerie and eerie, like the mist of the undead, but the white flowers on the peach branches were blooming. Crystal clear and as if carved from gemstones.

"I adjusted the Yin Qi a bit more, so that I can cover up the problem of the power of the 30th North Latitude."

Mao Xiaole chatted next to him. He had always had an awkward feeling towards Bingyi because of Wei Xun. But after knowing that Bingyi took the initiative to help Wang Yushu dust and clean up the pollution, Mao Xiaole felt unspeakable gratitude for a while. This time he faked He also made some efforts when it came to peach branches.

"I call it 'the omen branch from the deepest part of the earth'. The quality has reached the incomprehensible level. The power it contains is similar to that of a garland and a jade pendant, but it is just shiny on the surface."

Wang Yushu introduced Bingyi that ‘Zhaozhi’ was of course just like ‘Babiota’, and it was his bad taste in making fakes.

"Xiao Le stuffed the Yin Qi crystal inside, and I sealed it with soil from the Undead Bunker, and also used something to make it difficult to digest. Even if it is completely swallowed, the problem will not be discovered for at least a month. "

Wang Yushu also left a secret door on the peach branch, which could allow all the Yin Qi crystals inside to be extracted through the air, turning the peach branch into an empty shell. He didn't hide his secrets and taught Bingyi everything.

As soon as Wei Xun got the peach branch, he felt that it was interesting. It was exactly the same as the sense of power and mystery given by the garland and jade pendant. As expected, this thing required experts. Wang Yushu was indeed a genius in making fakes!

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to remind you."

After handing over the peach branches, Wang Yushu's expression became serious. He took Bingyi and An Xuefeng to the place where the white flowers took root, pointed to one of the flowers and said to him: "There is something wrong with this flower."

"The aura of soul on it is a bit like that of a member of Parliament."

Wang Yushu and An Xuefeng exchanged glances, and when An Xuefeng nodded slightly, he didn't hide anything and told Bingyi everything.

“Kind of like a dealer, but not a dealer.”

When Wang Yushu said there was something wrong with the flowers, Wei Xun was moved. When he was in the Undead Bunker, the dealer's dice did react in front of the white flowers in the cemetery! It's just that the corn shoots swallowed up all the flowers and soil and couldn't tell them apart when they came back. Wei Xun had been busy with something. Anyway, the dealer was blocked by the parliament and would not be able to come out for a while, so he put the matter aside for now. Unexpectedly, Wang Yushu actually found the flowers.

Oh, by the way, speaking of the fact that the dealer's dice is in his hand, it seems that An Xuefeng and the others don't know yet.

"The dealer has a younger brother who seems to have disappeared a long time ago. I don't know whether he is dead or alive."

Wang Yushu pondered: "If there are items corresponding to the dealer's, it doesn't have to be too precious, even a strand of hair..."

“Are the dealer’s dice okay?”

Everyone present was stunned when they saw the dice that Bingyi took out so generously.

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