Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 448 Sister gives money

"The croupier...the exclusive prop of her orange title 'Croupier' is indeed a dice."

At this moment, An Xuefeng, Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole's eyes fell on the dice in Cui Dao's hand. Wang Yushu was in disbelief and observed the dice: "But she also collected many other dices. Quality, jade, ice-free, magma stone, and gem-embedded ones are all good props. She has a hobby of collecting dice. "

No way, the dice in Director Cui’s hand can’t possibly be the dealer’s exclusive prop, right? Although the bone dice in Bingyi's hand, half black and half red, wrapped in the power of rules, really looks like the dealer's exclusive prop, but how could her personal exclusive prop be in the hands of Director Cui!

No one would be stupid enough to keep personal items away from them, not to mention the current civil strife in the parliament, and the dealer's strength would be reduced by half without the dealer's dice in his hands. How could she seek death like this on her own.

It was probably the fake dice that the croupier had, deliberately disguised to look like his own dice, used to deceive people. Director Cui must have been deceived. Yes, that should be it. Thinking of this, Wang Yushu suddenly became serious and asked solemnly.

"When did you get this die? Didn't you merge it with your personal die?"

Bingyi also has a regular dice, which is a personal prop. This kind of prop can usually be upgraded with props of the same type. For example, Wei Xun's fanatic's knife is fused with the arms dealer's murderous knife. It stands to reason that Bingyi's dice can also be fused with more advanced dice for upgrade.

Wang Yushu suddenly saw through the croupier's conspiracy! He recalled the various scenes at the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing. The dealer really took a liking to Bingyi and wanted to attack him. In this way, she secretly gave Bingyi a tampered dice. If Bingyi fused the dice, , I'm afraid she has the means to indirectly control Bingyi's personal weapon.

As expected of the dealer, he is so cunning and despicable! But when Director Cui said no and shook his head, Wang Yushu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Director Cui had always been cautious, and now the dice was in Wang Yushu's hands again. Several counter-calculating moves came to Wang Yushu's mind. For example, he could make a fake of this fake dice to implicate the dealer's real personal dice——

"I didn't expect this die to come back with me."

Wang Yushu, who was just thinking about a plan, heard Director Cui talking to Captain An: "You still remember, it was the dice that flew over and was embedded in the passage."

"That's the real dealer's dice, a prop exclusive to the dealer's title!"

An Xuefeng frowned: "It's always been on you? I didn't even notice it... That's right, the parliament is completely blocked now.

Wang Yushu:?

Wang Yushu, who was listening to the conversation between the two of them, was a little confused. His eyes fell on the dice in Director Cui's hand. No, according to Captain An, is this really a weapon exclusive to the title of dealer? ?

Is it the dealer who is stupid or the captain who is stupid?

"No, this shouldn't be..."

"Wang Yushu, you are so good at making fakes, why can't you tell the difference between real and fake this time?"

Wang Yushu still felt something was wrong and felt that there must be a conspiracy by the croupier. He hesitated to speak but was interrupted impatiently by Mao Xiaole. Mao Xiaole stood with his sword in hand, and touched the little flower that was moving slightly on his chin, with a sarcastic expression: "The black widow would even betray her own daughter and the Tower of Babel for George. Didn't the croupier also lose a younger brother, why can't he betray another one?" Exclusive props?”

"Hmph... Black Widow probably didn't expect that she would be overtaken by the croupier after all her tricks. Ha, if the parliament hadn't been blocked right now, I would have really wanted to see them dog-eat-dog."

Mao Xiaole is full of hostility towards the black widow who intends to abduct Director Cui from the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing and who intends to attack Director Cui.

Ah this...

Wang Yushu felt a little enlightened. Mao Xiaole's logic seemed to make sense? Even An Xuefeng nodded slightly, and Wei Xun's heart moved slightly.

"Check again."

He placed the dice in An Xuefeng's hand and recalled the various scenes in the Parliament's phantom production workshop that day. Indeed, if the croupier's dice hadn't suddenly flew over, their passage would not have been opened so easily. Wei Xun originally thought that the croupier had a grudge against fairy tales and was here to stir up trouble. Now it seems that the croupier might have anticipated that the passage he opened would lead to the battlefield, and because of his brother's matter, he deliberately sent the dice?

To be honest, if it weren't for the dealer's reaction to the dice, Wei Xun would not have paid so much attention to the white flowers in the cemetery.

"Confirm whether this dice is an exclusive prop for the dealer's title, and then confirm what relationship it has with the white flower."

An Xuefeng's voice was also a little deep, and Wei Xun could feel that he was angry. After Wang Yushu carefully confirmed that the dice was indeed the exclusive prop for the dealer's title, and that it was closely connected with the special white flower, An Xuefeng remained calm on the surface, but became even more angry in his heart.

In his mind, croupiers are just like black widows, they are all people who will do whatever it takes to achieve their own ends. They didn't care at all that Bingyi had already resurrected two people. Resurrecting the third person would involve great risks and even a high probability of death. They just thought that with the backing of a way back, and calculated against Bingyi, their beloved would definitely be resurrected. success.

It would be fine if Bingyi wanted it on his own initiative. An Xuefeng was extremely disgusted with people who wanted to plot against Bingyi.

"The dealer is really willing to give up the exclusive props with the orange title."

The black and red bone dice was spinning on Wang Yushu's fingertips. He squatted in front of the special white flower and shook the dice left and right. Shake the dice to the left, and the white flower will tilt to the left. Shake the dice to the right, and the white flower will tilt to the right, just like a puppy being teased by ham sausage.

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"This is the pull between souls."

Rule-type props and dice do not have this effect, and normal title-exclusive props will not be as closely related to the owner as the personal exclusive props, unless they are title-exclusive props with the initial title.

The initial title is naturally formed by a person's most outstanding talents or characteristics before being discovered and trained in the hotel.

The orange-titled dealer is an upgrade from the dealer's initial title. Therefore, the exclusive prop for the title of 'Dealer' is different from other exclusive props. It is closely connected with the dealer's soul.

The flower bud traces the vision displayed by the dice, which is enough to prove that the dealer's dice is real, and the flower bud is also related to the dealer's soul.


Mao Xiaole was more familiar with this aspect. He took out a small bottle of light gray water with a strong negative energy, and dropped it on the sand next to the white flowers and a ball of undead bunker soil. In the blink of an eye, Wei Xun saw the yellow sand turn into rich black, and the yin in the soil of the Undead Bunker became heavier, making it look wet.

Wei Xun could feel a penetrating coldness rising up, as if he was among ghosts. The peach branches in his hands became more and more tender, and crystal clear dew seemed to condense on the branches.

"This is the Three Yin Waters, which can nourish the souls of the dead."

Mao Xiaole said: "The soil in the Undead Bunker and the flowers in the Undead Bunker are all considered dead. But only the soil is nourished."

Sanyin water is the stagnant water in the Yin land during the Yin period in Yin years. It is contained in bottles made of jade filled with Yin energy and buried with the tombs, and is carried by women with pure Yin constitution. When the dirty and turbid stagnant water becomes crystal clear again, it is Sanyin water.

It is a great tonic for souls in various states, even soul fragments. But these white flowers were not affected in any way.

"This shows that they are no longer soul fragments, but have been processed and can be regarded as some kind of 'nourishment'."

"That is to say, the original bodies of these white flowers have all been destroyed and cannot be resurrected."

The basis of resurrection is that the hotel will continue to use a certain tour guide or a certain tourist. They are still serving the hotel in a special state. Their souls are still there, and various body organs, bones, flesh, blood, etc. can still be found in the hotel. So there is still a chance to be reincarnated as a human being.

But if his soul is completely destroyed, this person is equivalent to being 'deleted' in the hotel, and it is impossible to find him again and resurrect him.

This is the case with all these white flowers.

"If their souls still have a little bit of activity, they won't take root in other places so casually."

Mao Xiaole said gloomily: "People from the parliament become dogs in the hotel. This is what they will end up with."

Some formal members owe a lot of debts to the hotel, and some do so voluntarily. They abandoned their identities as tour guides or hostels and entered the parliament, just like changing from regular workers with five insurances and one housing fund to temporary workers with high risks and high returns.

Soaked in battlefield pollution, they no longer have recycling value after death. They will only become nutrients, using their broken souls to increase the hotel's control over the battlefield outposts.

Wei Xun felt that in this way the hotel was like a running cold-blooded machine, with everyone assigned to different positions. Just like in many large-scale chicken farms, after the eggs hatch out the chicks, the pullets are kept, while most of the roosters will be crushed to death in batches in ignorance and made into feed.

Tourists, tour guides, pioneers, managers, councilors, and hotels have precise divisions for each group, from life to death. The congressman was buried on the battlefield, and pure white flowers grew on the graves after their treatment, absorbing the pollution of the battlefield.

Mao Xiaole's eyebrows were a little angry, and Wang Yushu's eyes were a little gloomy. Wei Xun felt An Xuefeng's warm hand hold his shoulder, and the strength made people feel reassured.

Wei Xun has the cloak and identity of Vice Speaker Hong. Strictly speaking, he is also related to the parliament. His characteristics as a tour guide make him destined to wander between life and death.

But Wei Xun knew that An Xuefeng would not try to imprison him in a safe cage, nor would he let him end up in Baihua's situation. He smiled from An Xuefeng and then looked at the white flower.

"Then why is it different?"

Wei Xun took the dice back from Wang Yushu and stood in front of the white flowers. He saw the white flowers trying to stretch towards him, the tips of the petals trembling slightly, as if every pure white and transparent petal was working hard. This kind of 'activity' was not found in those quiet white flowers.

"Although its own soul activity is gone, it seems to have had something like a soul contract before it was alive, and the object of its contract is still alive, and it strongly hopes that it will survive. It is this spirit and will that connects it."

"But this doesn't provide it with much energy. There is a reason why it is so active now."

Mao Xiaole carefully sensed the condition of the white flower's soul fragment, and suddenly pointed towards its lower left corner: "Here, it is rooted in a small piece of soul fragment, and this small soul fragment has transferred energy to it... Is it you?"

Mao Xiaole moved his finger towards Bingyi: "That small piece of soul fragment connects you."

"His soul is intact."

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Wei Xun felt An Xuefeng's hand on his shoulder tighten instantly, nervous because of Mao Xiaole's words. Mao Xiaole actually felt that Bing Yi did not look like a lost soul. In order to understand the feeling more clearly, Mao Xiaole held a peach wood sword and stepped forward, muttering something in his mouth. Suddenly he took a mouthful of talisman water and sprayed it on Bai Hua.

As the thin mist fell, many previously invisible filaments appeared on the white flowers, just like the roots of plants. Densely packed filaments are piled up in the lower left corner, rooted on the head of a huge, illusory, python-like long object. At first glance, it looks like a peaceful corn shoot holding a flower on its head.

It's a bit like an enlarged version of Cordyceps Sinensis, and a bit silly.

Wait, baby corn?

The corners of Wei Xun's eyes twitched slightly.

"Yes, this small piece of its soul cannot return. It is rooted in the white flowers."

After Wei Xun's little eighteen bamboo shoots, which died peacefully with tentacles in his mouth, were examined by Mao Xiaole, Mao Xiaole said firmly.

"I will give you how to use the talisman water, and you can control the worm in the soul state. However, if the little white flower does not take root, its soul fragments will return immediately."

"The little white flower is deeply rooted, and even I can't untie it - but I can chop the worm's soul into even smaller pieces, so that I can go back to the place where it wasn't rooted."

Mao Xiaole suggested enthusiastically: "The soul of this worm is very active, even if it is chopped into pieces, it will be fine. Just rest for a day or two after returning."

"There won't be any side effects, right?"

Wang Yushu asked Cui Dao: "Will this worm be controlled by the dealer?"

He still felt that the croupier was so smart and one person could not be so stupid. There must be a conspiracy.

"No, I told you before. It has no activity at all. Even if it takes root, it won't be able to absorb much soul power. It is just affected by the emotion of 'survive'."

Mao Xiaole used his peach wood sword to pat the fat bamboo shoots of the Soul Fragment. Seeing that its plump meat was shaking like jelly, and a circle of light powder came out, he couldn't help but mutter: "This is too good to feed, it's seriously nutritious." Overflowing. It’s not Baihua who absorbs its power, the energy it overflows is enough for Baihua to be like this.”


Wei Xun coughed lightly. Indeed, after returning from the Undead Bunker, he thought the corn shoots were seriously injured and gave them a good diet. Seeing that he was still hungry after eating all the corn shoots, Wei Xun felt that it lacked energy, so even when he was busy, he asked Yu Hehui and Tong Hege to increase their efforts in feeding the bamboo shoots, hoping to restore its appetite.

It surprised me that……

"What will happen to the flowers after they are untied?"

"Stay the same, it won't change any more."

Mao Xiaole said: "If you can still contact the parliament now, you can give it to the dealer. You can probably use it to exchange for the ownership of the dealer's dice to upgrade your dice."

Just like those special journal gifts, only certain people will find them meaningful. This white flower must be very important to the dealer, but it is not of much use in their hands. It is better to use it in exchange for some benefits.

Although the dealer's dice is currently in Bing's hand, its owner is still the dealer, which is different from the arms dealer's murderous knife that was placed in the blind box. It would be great if Director Cui had the ownership of the dice.


It's a pity that the parliament is now completely blocked and there is no way to contact the people inside. Even Wang Yushu can't contact the arms dealer. Thinking of this, Wang Yushu sighed secretly, but when he came back to his senses, the scene in front of him made his tone change.

"……What are you doing?!"

Then Bingyi threw the dealer's dice towards the little white flower! Thinking that it was the dealer's dice that was causing trouble, Wang Yushu took a breath of air and reached out to pick it up, but was a step too late. The moment the dice touched the petals, the small white flowers gathered their petals and wrapped it up, as if it had turned back into an unopened bud. , the petals tremble slightly, lingering with white light like little star fragments.

"I also want to know what's going on over there in Parliament."

Wei Xun smiled and looked at the white flowers wrapping the dice. There is complete chaos in the parliament. Chaos is an opportunity. When the parliament is unblocked and everything calms down, it will be too late.

Since Xiaobaihua and the dealer have such a close soul contract, they can be vaguely connected even if one is in the parliament and the other is on the battlefield. Now that the parliament is blocked, Mao Xiaole can still feel the vague soul contract, so Wei Xun thinks that Xiaobaihua is connected. The dealer's odds are high.

Although just a little sense is not enough, with the dealer's dice, it might be possible to transmit information to the dealer.

The most important thing is that the little white flower is rooted in the head of the corn shoot. The connection between Wei Xun and the corn shoot is so close that the soul fragments of the corn shoot are rooted and cannot return. They can only be forcibly separated by chopping. The same is true for the little white flower. It is impossible to be called back out of thin air.

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"Here, why did you give it the dealer's dice?"

Wang Yushu couldn't understand Bingyi's approach. What if the dealer's die was swallowed? What if there is a secret door on the dealer's dice that can pass the little white flower away? Then wouldn’t it mean that both people and money would be wasted?

The dealer's dice is actually quite rare, even better than the arms dealer's murder knife to some extent. Is Bingyi really so willing?

Moreover, the dealer's dice is covered with small white flowers. It takes a lot of effort to take it out, and it may even damage the dice or the white flowers. Even if you want to conquer this little white flower, you should first strengthen your connection with it and make sure it belongs to you before letting it touch the dealer's dice.

"It's just a dice."

While Bingyi was communicating with Mao Xiaole about how to use the talisman water, An Xuefeng replied to Wang Yushu: "The dice are useless in my hand for the time being. This is good. Maybe I can get in touch with the dealer."


Wang Yushu could tell that Bingyi was not sure whether he could contact the dealer. B gave the little white flower a pair of dice, just to increase its activity.

It's like planting a seed and seeing what it will grow into. Whether good or bad, this uncertain outcome is interesting to him.

Bingyi is such a person.

After Wei Xun asked Mao Xiaole to teach him how to use Talisman Water and how to awaken the soul fragments of corn shoots, he became more confident. He can feel the condition of Xiao Baihua through this soul bamboo shoot! It seems that because she is rooted in the soul of corn shoots, Xiaobaihua is influenced by corn shoots. It only has some instinctive emotions left. If it is rooted in a soul with complex thinking and emotions, it may be confused and impossible to understand.

But the feelings of corn shoots are very simple and straightforward, and Xiao Baihua is also attracted by it and has a good impression of Wei Xun. And it can realize that it was this person who brought it back, and it was this person who gave it the thing it instinctively longed for and expected most (the dice). Little Baihua was very fond of Wei Xun.

Wei Xun conveyed some information to it through corn shoots, and then An Xuefeng saw changes in the little white flower. The white flowers are grown from processed souls and have a standard appearance, just like products produced in the same workshop. Wei Xun wanted to see its true soul form and confirm its true identity - the dealer's brother was just their guess, and there was no concrete evidence yet.

The white petals spread out and melted, and the energy contributed by the soul of the corn shoots and the dice allowed it to slowly transform. After a while, a white, very small, fluffy wolf appeared on top of the corn shoots.

It is like a newborn soul wolf, curled up, and through the translucent body you can clearly see the black and red dice hidden in its chest, like a black and red heart. But if you look closely, you can see that the little wolf is incomplete. Its abdomen and limbs are like rooted flowers, fused with the corn soul bamboo shoots - it looks a bit like the corn bamboo shoots wearing a white wolf skin hat.

In order to distinguish it from other bamboo shoots, Wei Xun tentatively called it corn wolf bamboo shoots.

[Father, it seems to be talking]

After re-establishing communication, the corn wolf bamboo shoots, like other corn bamboo shoots, can whisper to Wei Xun.

Moreover, even An Xuefeng and the others did not hear Soul Little Wolf making a sound, but Corn Wolf Bamboo did.

[It calls you sister, sister. If your father is its sister, should I call you aunt?]

Corn Bamboo doesn't know much about human seniority, but it likes the sound of Gugu. It always pretends to cry and has a good impression of Gugu - the most important thing is that if Gugu is the same seniority as its father, Should Gugu be given something to eat? The corn wolf bamboo shoots swayed happily, and the tail of the little wolf above its head also swayed.

[It’s not me it’s calling]

Wei Xun thought for a while and said to Corn Wolf Bamboo [Ask if it can contact 'sister', if it can contact her, just tell her...]

There is no way the Soul Wolf can be saved in this state. Instead of giving her hope and then making her despair, which turns her into an enemy, it would be better to lower her expectations infinitely lower from the beginning. Anyway, he brought the little wolf back from the Undead Bunker, and both the dice and the little wolf were in his hands.

Wei Xun laughed as he watched the little soul wolf rubbing his hand.

[Let it tell my sister that the council’s poisonous hands, my brother died on the battlefield, he is weak, he is weak, his soul is in Bingyi’s hands]

[Please ask my sister for money and information! 】

* *

The blocked parliament and the arms dealer's office were in a mess at the moment.

"Damn you crazy woman, please explain it to me clearly."

The arms dealer's forehead was throbbing with veins and he was covered in wounds. He pressed his gun against the croupier who had been going crazy in his office for a long time. He said angrily: "I thought your brother was dead, but you still don't believe it. What a piece of shit the parliament is. Don't you think so?" clear?"

"But what do you mean your brother's soul is in Bingyi's hands?"

The arms dealer sneered, but he didn't believe it: "Can you still encounter such a good thing?"

"Do you think I'm a fool for using this excuse to ask for my return home contact information?"

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