Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 449 Lizard Duke Can’t

"Arms dealer, I'll put my words here."

The croupier was pinned to the ground by the barrel of the arms dealer's gun. His hair was scattered, his face was black with black scorch marks from a few bullets, and there were many bullet holes and bullet casings on his clothes. He looked hundreds of times more embarrassed than the arms dealer. But her eyes were wide open, the whites of her eyes were bloodshot, and her eyes were as bright as fire, which looked very scary.

"Either you give me your contact information on your way home today, or I'll die here."

"are you crazy?!"

The arms dealer was speechless. Just as he was about to pick this crazy woman out, he saw the croupier's arm suddenly raised, and at some point it turned into a smoky gray wolf's claw. A hundred times more force than before suddenly struck, and the barrel of his gun was hardened. All were broken, and the croupier took the opportunity to escape from the oppression of the arms dealer.

In an instant, the smoky gray wolf fur descended from her cheeks, and her muzzle turned into a wolf's mouth. The already fragile clothes were shattered by the swollen muscles and werewolf limbs, and a giant wolf nearly three meters tall pounced ferociously. Arms dealer, the female wolf that protects her cubs in the wild is more ferocious than the male wolf. The giant wolf is so fast and powerful that it directly knocks the arms dealer to the ground, and bites the arms dealer with a huge mouth full of sharp fangs in a threatening manner. Neck.

It is not easy to get the secret contact information for the return trip from the arms dealer. Since he has no chance at all, it is better to take a gamble and suppress him.


But in the end, the croupier's wolf's mouth failed to land on the arms dealer's neck. An individual rocket launcher appeared at some point and blasted into the giant wolf's bloody mouth.


There was a loud explosion, and the surging air waves completely shattered the remaining furniture in the arms dealer's office. This was not a low-end copy of Wang Yushu. If Wei Xun used it, I am afraid that only demon alienation could withstand this reaction force, but Arms dealers are not affected by the reaction force of various thermal weapons, etc.

He looked at the smoky gray giant wolf coldly. The werewolf's resilience was extremely strong. The rocket launcher that could seriously injure the invincible monster only shattered one of the croupier's fangs, causing her to vomit blood, but the infinitely powerful rocket launcher One of the wolf claws was still pressed tightly against the arms dealer, and the other was trying to crush the rocket launcher barrel.

Seeing this, the arms dealer was merciless. The golden rocket launcher appeared out of thin air in front of him and quickly loaded the shells automatically. One shot blasted a bloody hole out of the werewolf's giant claw. It was not over yet.


Deafening noises like thunderous explosions came one after another. In just a few seconds, the rocket launcher fired dozens of rockets. Even the werewolf could not withstand this bombardment. The giant wolf was blasted with a horrific blood hole in the back of the head by the rocket launcher, and his whole body was damaged by the explosion. It was so tattered that it couldn't even maintain the form of a giant wolf and turned into a half-man, half-wolf human form.

However, even though she was seriously injured, the croupier did not give up. Her body was like a snake entangled with the arms dealer, and her blood-stained and blackened hands dug into the arms dealer's mouth without giving up. He breathed out more than he breathed in and persisted: "Give me...the contact information for the way home."

"As a deal...I can help you contain Shenlan."

The arms dealer did not speak this time. He frowned and stared at the croupier with his sharp eyes like an eagle, unable to find any joking expression on her face.

The arms dealer knew that although the croupier kept talking about dying, this woman would not really die until she found her brother. But for some reason, the arms dealer always felt that this woman had bad intentions towards him. She seemed to be hiding something. The arms dealer had always been very wary of the dealer.

But today, the dealer's sense of concealment disappeared, and the desperate but crazy feeling was paranoid but real. The arms dealer couldn't help but think of what the dealer said when he broke in crazily.

"Madman, get off me."

The arms dealer said coldly and impatiently: "With so many eyes staring at you, you will cause me a lot of trouble today, and you still want me to help?"

"All the eyes on the street are closed by me, and there are some stand-ins in my office. The parliament will not know that I left the office."

The croupier smiled ambiguously and returned to his usual tone: "As for you, our deputy speaker of the House of Commons, with your strength, of course you won't have eyes watching here. Am I right?"

The parliament is locked down and the outside world cannot detect the situation in the parliament. Similarly, the members of the parliament are also locked in their rooms and cannot leave under the surveillance of "eyes". The croupier's method of closing the eyes that were watching her was certainly not as light-hearted as she said, but she also knew that if anyone could move freely in the parliament at this moment without even being monitored, it was the arms dealer.

Because he is now the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons! With the Speaker not showing up and the Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords missing, arms dealers currently have the greatest power in Parliament.

After the parliament was closed this time, the parliament, which had always tolerated the arms dealers' delays, showed its fangs and directly recognized him as the deputy speaker of the House of Commons, regardless of the arms dealers' wishes. It can be said that except for the deputy speaker's robe of his own color, the arms dealer has basically obtained the real power. As long as he meets the speaker, the promotion ceremony will be completed, and he will also get his own deputy speaker's robe.

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It's just that it's not a good thing to become the deputy speaker at this juncture and meet the speaker of the House of Commons, Deep Blue. Even the fairy tale who wanted to be the vice-speaker would retreat and keep to himself, stained by the colors of the battlefield... Who knows if the arms dealer who comes back will be an 'arms dealer'.

The arms dealer's time is running out, and the croupier understands. She also knew that the information she had collected from secretly exploring the parliament for several years was her biggest trump card.

younger brother……

Thinking of feeling the message from his brother from the soul contract for the first time in several years, the croupier's strong emotions were hard to suppress. Even though she kept thinking that her brother was probably in the council like her, or was sent by the council to perform tasks elsewhere, so they couldn't see each other. But deep down the croupier also knew there was little hope.

She has always had a strong self-destructive tendency, which was caused by the accumulation of dark emotions in the deepest part of her heart. However, the dealer held a grudge, and she vowed to take revenge on the Parliament and the hotel before she died. While she was spying and collecting intelligence, she secretly approached the arms dealer, hoping to The candidate for Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons is to be used to exact revenge on Parliament and the hotel.

The dealer's murderous intention was aimed at the hotel and the parliament, not the arms dealers. Normally, the arms dealers would not be able to detect it. But this person's intuition was amazing. The dealer already felt that the arms dealer was wary of her, but she didn't care. This chaos was an opportunity. After learning that the arms dealer was directly elected as the deputy speaker, the dealer was ready for revenge.

But the news came from my brother at this moment!

The croupier was on guard the moment she received the news. She wondered if her conspiracy had been exposed, and if the council had deceived her to make her miss the great opportunity for revenge? But soon the dealer felt his own dice in the soul contract.

This is an exclusive prop for the title of 'Dealer', and she will never get it wrong! The croupier clearly remembered that the dice disappeared with An Xuefeng and Taoist Half Life. Then the parliament blocked it and the croupier was unable to recall his dice.

Now the dice fell into Bingyi's hands. The dealer was not a fool. Of course she could think of the deputy speaker Hong who was suspected of showing up with An Xuefeng and Taoist Ban Ming. But she didn't care at all.

Brother, she felt the fluctuations in her brother's soul. It was very weak, very small, and there were not even many emotional fluctuations. There was only a little instinctive, hazy dependence and intimacy on her.

They are siblings who depend on each other for life, and their relationship is thicker than water. From reality to the hotel, they did not turn against each other like many relatives in the hotel. Instead, their relationship became deeper and deeper, without any concealment. The soul contract between him and his brother, and the blood connection after they also became werewolves, made the connection between them even closer.

The dealer will not admit his mistake, this is the younger brother. The croupier has always had a glimmer of hope in his heart that his younger brother is stronger than her.

But maybe it was because of his strength that he died first.

From the croupier's spying on the parliament for several years, she certainly knew what would happen to the dead members who were buried on the battlefield. She didn't dare think about it at all.

Now that the younger brother is back, even if it is just a small fragment of his soul, he is back. Bingyi even gave her dice to his younger brother. Countless emotions were like boiling water. The croupier's mind was like a blank. For a moment, she was simply She was overjoyed. She and her brother must be useful to Bingyi, so he gave the dice to his brother.

Whether it was a calculation or a scheme, fortunately, fortunately, Bingyi wanted to take advantage of their siblings. The arms dealer said she was lucky, and the croupier also thought so. All the bad luck she had lost in gambling before seemed to be to accumulate the good luck of delivering the dice to Bingyi.

Bingyi wants money? Want information? Give, give, give, you can give! After her brother's side fell silent, the croupier was almost desperate to spend all his money to stuff something for Bingyi, but the council blocked her and she couldn't do it. She didn't even dare to reply to messages, for fear of implicating her brother and letting him be discovered by the council again.

So the croupier went all out to find the arms dealer. She knew that the arms dealer had been entangled with Wang Yushu on his way home.

"Hey woman, don't you know how much you weigh?"

Then he remembered that his brother was distracted and the dealer heard the arms dealer yelling impatiently: "If you don't want to be hit by me again, get off me."

"Oh arms dealer, as long as you promise me, you can give me as many bullets as you want."

The croupier would not go down. She was only covered with a layer of wolf hair, and her curves were exposed. Her fingers ambiguously slid on the arms dealer's cheek, and her tone was full of hints: "Any bullet... will do."

"Get lost, I'm not interested in women!"

The arms dealer's face was livid, and he struggled hard. This time the dealer no longer suppressed him, and followed his strength, and glanced at the arms dealer's lower body.

There was no movement at all.

Tsk, damn gay.

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The croupier was a little sorry that he couldn't seduce and seduce, so he couldn't quietly infiltrate the arms dealer's spiritual consciousness. She changed her attitude and became more serious: "I know you want to convey news to Wang, but you don't want to implicate him. You and I are the same."

"Just now, Bingyi contacted me."

"go on."

Seeing him like this makes the dealer's hands itch, but the arms dealer is finally willing to communicate with her normally, which is always good news. Without wasting any more time, the croupier started talking secretly with the arms dealer.

* *

"Is it possible that Silver Moon Killer is the dealer's brother?"

Wei Xun didn't know what happened in the parliament. He wasn't even sure whether the information could reach the dealer. After Corn Wolf Shoots passed the message and didn't get a response from there, Wei Xun wouldn't wait in vain. , he brought garlands, jade pendants and peach branches to Tianshou Mountain with An Xuefeng.

Compared with Wuluo Mountain and Xiaotang Mountain, Tianshou Mountain is controlled by Taizong. Wei Xun can get various mountain reactions in real time when burying mission props, so Wei Xun chose to try it here first.

There was no safe house in Tianshou Mountain on the way home, so they had to go to the outskirts of Beijing first, and then An Xuefeng drove him to Tianshou Mountain.

Wei Xun was riding in a car driven by An Xuefeng for the first time. He was sitting in the passenger seat, holding a thermos cup in his hand, which contained hot red dates and wolfberry blood-tonifying tea. An Xuefeng had prepared the tea for him, and An Xuefeng had fastened the seat belt for him. Wei Xun tilted his head and looked at An Xuefeng's side face and his straight back at all times. He was actually a little lost in thought. .

Seeing that An Xuefeng was concentrating on driving and looking at the road without even turning to look at him, Wei Xun simply found a random topic.

The hidden identities of the croupier and the Silver Moon Killer at the Jingjiao Funeral Palace were actually a pair of siblings, and the little white flower turned into a little white wolf, and the Silver Moon Killer was also a white wolf. Although it was a bit far-fetched, Wei Xun still forced it. .


In the back seat of the off-road vehicle was a shrunken corn wolf bamboo shoot. Hearing his father seem to be talking about something related to it, the corn bamboo shoot, which liked to join in the fun, poked its head towards the little white wolf, and used the howling sound it had just learned from the little wolf above it to talk to its father. behave in a spoiled manner.

The sudden appearance of a large abyss worm made An Xuefeng's conditioned reflex alert. He held the steering wheel with one hand and slapped the corn wolf shoot back with the other, and finally focused on what Wei Xun had just said.

"There are quite a few werewolves in the West District."

An Xuefeng said: "The arms dealer has been operating in the parliament for many years, and he has never found the dealer's brother in the parliament."

"Either he didn't enter the parliament at all, or he was immediately assigned a death mission by the parliament after he entered the parliament and died on the battlefield."

“Is it possible that it’s a two-pronged approach?”

Wei Xun has seen so many slices of insect masters that he feels that everyone can have one. Like a bug master, he can partly act as a fool during the journey, and partly act as a tour guide in a hotel in an upright manner. Will the dealer brother be in this situation?

"Silver Moon Killer's origin is indeed a mystery. I heard that the Lizard Duke picked it up."

Although the possibility of what Wei Xun said was extremely low, An Xuefeng still thought seriously: "Silver Moon Killer has always listened to the Lizard Duke and has basically not expressed too many of his emotions. They have not had a deep connection for so many years. The characters of Silver Moon Killer and Lizard Duke are actually a bit strange.”

"Could it be the Lizard Duke?"

Seeing that An Xuefeng fell into new thoughts and stopped making any sound, Wei Xun, who had been quiet for ten minutes, deliberately provoked: "Don't we have a deep connection yet?"

An Xuefeng glanced at him with a faint smile, and nodded seriously: "What you said makes sense."

The corners of his mouth curled up into a bad smile, and he sighed deliberately: "Maybe the tour guide is not good enough."

Wei Xun:?

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