Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 602: Icelandic Horror (134)

Recalling the past, the astrologer moved his hands for a moment and seemed a little distracted. The hotel has always given many preferential treatment to the pioneers of the journey to the 30th North Latitude.

How can the journey to 30 degrees north latitude be transferred? George was able to successfully transfer the Tower of Babel token to the Black Widow. Although he was on the verge of death and used various methods, the transfer would not have been successful without the assistance of the hotel. The pyramid was obviously close to 100% open, but An Xuefeng refused to push forward and waited for Daxizhou to come together. His intentions were almost made public, but the hotel did not play any tricks on him.

Recently, explorers have encountered many adventures along the way, and those who are brave often take risks by following the rules of the hotel. Like this warm-up competition, he participated in it with his clay figurine avatar. Did the hotel really not notice at all? ? There is definitely some connivance for the pioneers in this.

The most widely circulated story now is that the life-haunting people caused a passage between the Sun Gate and the human world and the hotel, so they were punished by the hotel and could not come back until it was repaired. But is this really serious enough to require people to die for years without being able to turn around? If it was just this kind of thing, how could the hotel force him to be unable to return in person for several years?

What exactly did the fortune-teller do? Even astrologers had been vaguely aware of it after they had been asking the stars for many years. What that man was about to do was astonishing and could be said to change the world. No wonder the astrologer divined for him back then and came up with a prophecy related to destruction. Rather than saying that he was locked up in the Puerta del Sol, it was better to say that he stayed there on purpose to make the hotel a trap and unable to attack.

Over the years, the East End Butchers' Alliance has been run by psychics in full swing, and the puppet incarnations of life-haunting people can often be seen traveling between the Sun Gate and the hotel. It seems that everything is calm and the hotel no longer cares about it. However, the test set up in this warm-up match made people suddenly alert.

Is it a deterrent, or do you really intend to kill him?

The warm-up competition has reached this stage, and it is difficult to intervene unless there is advance planning.

not to mention--

"There are actually relatives who correspond to him."

The astrologer said to himself, and his solemn gaze fell on the figure of 'Wei Xun' on the live broadcast screen.

He had already guessed who this 'Wei Xun' was participating in the pre-heating competition. However, in this dream brigade there were not only the explorer's parents, but also 'Wei Xun's' relatives! Does the hotel not only want to target the life-seeking people, but also An Xuefeng? Although the year-end celebration is approaching and many plans for the return trip have already exceeded the hotel rules, An Xuefeng has two trips to the 30th North Latitude in his hands!

Is the hotel crazy? Or has the situation in the parliament really become uncontrollable, causing the hotel to change its old behavior?

The astrologer walked to the window. There was a thick cloud outside, and the stars could not be seen. Destiny seemed to be obscured by thick fog, and it was impossible to catch a glimpse of it.

Could it be that it was a sign of the chaos in the competition, and Black Widow and Lizard Duke planned to take advantage of the chaos?

Or was it because the hotel was aware of the conspiracy between them and decided to eliminate all the thorns in one fell swoop in the competition?


The astrologer murmured that the destruction he predicted that day would not only target the life-seeking people, but also involve An Xuefeng. It is predicted that his power will be continuously weakened. In fact, this trend has been true in recent years. If it hadn't been for an accident, he would have completely lost his mind. In order not to hurt his teammates on the way home, he could only fall into an endless sleep of despair. .

but now……

but now--

The astrologer couldn't help but twitch when he saw on the screen of the live broadcast room the phantom cat that was trying to push away the phantom cat on the explorer's lap and the ferret that wanted to nest in his arms.

He felt that An Xuefeng was really in bloom now, which was very good.

* *

"So, Wei Xun, your mother is another tour guide."

Di Feiyu made a complete list of the corresponding people. The most important people in the two brigades in the dream were the two tour guides and the two captains. The scarlet cloak team was the parents of Director C, while the captain of the other team was claimed by the sullen werewolf Walker. He didn't say who this person was, as if he was still brooding over the past. But Walker didn't recover his memory, and his family couldn't remember anything even if it was related to the hotel, so everyone was considerate and didn't ask any questions.

In contrast, Wei Xun's mother turned out to be the leading tour guide in the dream. Although she didn't see the color of her cloak, she was both a tour guide and her status and strength were probably not much lower than those of Guide B's relatives. This made everyone curious. But before they could ask, Wei Xun turned into a ferret and shrank into Director C's arms. Miranda looked up and said, haha, Wei Xun's SAN value has returned to zero again. It's normal. This is normal.

Compared with the previous few days, today is indeed normal. Because of this dream, the SAN value of the strong travelers has generally dropped by forty or fifty points. Even the werewolf Walker, who has always had the most stable SAN value, only has fifty-eight SAN points left. . Wei Xun was taken away by Thor again, so it is normal for the SAN value to return to zero. Dan Lin, who was given a badge by the God of Thunder, also lost his SAN value to zero early in the morning and recovered his memory.

Now Wei Xun has turned into a ferret, and Dan Lin has just said a few words before turning into a baby again for Maria to hold. The two little things looked listless and dejected, and they looked like brothers in distress.


In the eyes of everyone, Bingyi raised his hand to separate the phantom cat who was kicking the ferret on the head with his hind paws from the ferret. Although he was not interested in anything today, he was usually very energetic and kind. The ferret who had been fighting with the cat was now weakly holding his hand and letting the cat kick him without fighting back. Bingyi couldn't help but be concerned and wanted him to take a rest.

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"It's still five hours' drive from the Skaftafell Visitor Center. Yesterday's activities continued late, but today's departure is early. Passengers can take a rest after listening to us briefly explaining the key points of today's itinerary."

After saying that, he looked at B1. B1, who was still immersed in the dream, forced a smile. Knowing that B1 wanted to divert his attention, he accepted B1's kindness and stood up and walked to the front of the bus, picked up the tour guide microphone and tried the sound test. , start to introduce Vatnajökull National Park.

“In 2008, Iceland’s Glacier River Gorge Park merged with Skaftafell National Park in the south to form Vatnajökull National Park, which is currently one of the largest nature reserves in Europe. The original intention of the park was to protect Vatnajökull National Park. Na Glacier and all surrounding glacier meltwater areas*”

"This time we are going to hike on the Vatnajökull glacier. We will go on glacier hiking and ice climbing for about six hours. If everything goes well, we will be able to visit the Blue Ice Cave today."

This is B1’s team’s itinerary for today. In fact, glacier hiking is of course divided into several levels. The most common one is the one-and-a-half-hour glacier hike, which costs 11,900 ISK, and then the three-hour glacier walk, which costs 15,900 ISK. The more expensive one is naturally the glacier hike. Together with the ice climb, the group tour is about five and a half hours and costs 18,900 ISK.

Today is a land attraction. Based on the average strength of the team, almost half of the people in the B1 team are the top East District bosses. The attractions are naturally the most abundant and dangerous. Not only glacier hiking and ice slope climbing, but also professional guides will lead They explore the Blue Ice Cave (ice cave), and on top of the 18,900 Icelandic kronor, there is an additional 24,990 ice cave exploration fees.

"Natural ice caves (ice caves) are a very famous attraction in Iceland. They usually appear during the Icelandic winter, from November to March."

The Blue Ice Cave is naturally conceived and formed by melting glaciers in summer. The glacier water continues to melt and cut the bottom of the glacier, forming underground holes. When the temperature drops sharply in winter and the melt water solidifies, large and small ice caves are formed. Because of this, the specific location, internal size, and even the blueness of the ice caves vary from year to year. The ice cave formed last year may disappear this year. If the temperature is not low enough and the weather is bad, even if the ice cave is formed, there may be water in the cave and the ice layer will be unstable, making it impossible to enter the blue ice cave.

Therefore, before visiting the ice cave, experienced locals will find the ice cave in advance and confirm the route to the ice cave.

"Why is it so expensive?!"

“Exploring the ice cave today??”

The devil merchant's words shocked all the passengers. Although the emphasis was different, he successfully diverted everyone's attention from last night's dream.

"Why are you going to the ice cave today? There are four days in total--"

Miao Fangfei stopped before she finished speaking. She thought of the itinerary. According to the order of the itinerary, they should be hiking on the glacier, chasing the aurora, and then exploring the blue ice cave. But they had already chased the Aurora last night, and the glacier hiking and the Blue Ice Cave were indeed connected together.

"The temperature is low this year, and the local guide said that ice caves have formed."

The Devil Merchant said: "When we were riding snowmobiles the day before yesterday, we all went to a small ice cave."

Just because of this! His words simply made the tourists angry. They all paid for the snowmobile tour, so everyone went to the secret ice cave that "only tourists who participated in the snowmobile tour" could reach and took pictures. Take a photo with the ice cave.

This group photo can be regarded as a rare and unsolvable death-saving prop. As long as you take out that photo in any ice cave, you can be teleported there regardless of whether you are alive or dead. Precisely because everyone can get such precious props, and the effort and reward are not directly proportional, it basically means that in the next journey to the Blue Ice Cave, each of them will die once!

"This time flies too fast..."

Even Shao Yuan's eyes were a bit blank. The difficulties he thought he would face in a day or two suddenly popped up in front of him. Anyone would feel guilty and regret not working harder in the past two days to improve his strength.

"Which ice cave are we going to?"

Yu Xiangyang asked calmly. The most famous ice cave in Iceland is the Crystal Palace Blue Ice Cave (Crystalce Cave). It has been very stable in recent years and is considered a larger ice cave. It is very wide and transparent and can accommodate more than a hundred people. In addition, there is also the famous Blue Hole, which is not formed by the melting of glacier water and cutting of glaciers, but a natural glacier fissure. However, this glacier crack is not vertical, but a rare horizontal ice crack, which is very strange.

It is a pity that the Blue Diamond Ice Cave did not form again in the second winter, but completely disappeared and never appeared again.

In addition to the most well-known blue ice caves, there are actually black ice caves and white ice caves on the glacier, most of which are related to volcanoes. Black lava, ancient volcanic ash and glaciers intertwined to form ice caves with special colors.

But the ice cave they are going to is certainly not a safe attraction that ordinary tourists can visit.

"I heard that many people died in the ice cave we are going to."

The devil merchant spoke in a matter-of-fact tone that made the passengers suffocate.

"But where to go, how to go, and whether to go today depends on the weather."

The Devil Merchant gestured out the window. The entire bus along the way was swaying like a boat on a rough sea. There was a crackling sound coming from the car window, but it was not heavy rain or hail, but snow flakes as big as a palm!

Even though the passengers on the bus were fully armed, with the hot air turned on and the windows closed, they still could not resist the cold outside. The temperature dropped sharply from early morning, and some cold air came in, especially when traveling to On the way to Vatnajökull National Park, the temperature is getting lower and lower. It rained heavily yesterday, and I'm afraid it will snow heavily today.

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In this kind of bad weather with extremely low visibility, hiking on the glacier may be like walking on a tightrope on the death scythe. There is a high probability that you will not be able to complete the hiking trip on time, let alone explore the ice cave. The Devil Merchant said that if he cannot explore the ice cave today, he will arrange it until tomorrow.

“Explore the ice cave in the morning and visit the diamond black sand beach in the afternoon.”

Of course, the original plan was to visit the Diamond Black Beach in the morning and drive to Sandfell Heath, about 12 kilometers southeast of Skaftafell, in the afternoon. Starting from here is the best way to climb the Warner Dalschnouk volcano. Best path. The original plan was for them to arrive at the campsite at Sandfield Heath tomorrow afternoon, but if they were unable to visit the Blue Ice Cave today and the plan changed——

"Then we have to drive all night, and everyone has to rest in the car at night."

The Devil Merchant spread his arms. It would take at least two days to climb the volcano. He would set off at five o'clock in the morning on the first day. If he could not reach the campsite there by tomorrow afternoon, he would have to drive through the night.

Burn the midnight oil...

The passengers all glanced at the empty driver's seat and shuddered. Now it can be regarded as a ghost driving. Where did the ghost drive them at night? The Kingdom of Hades?


Nordic Hades...

"The night train is not bad."

Yin Guangyuan muttered, thinking that Director Bing was now in control of the Kingdom of the Underworld and everyone was enjoying themselves, but they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Haha, there are people in our underworld.

B1 finished his explanation and retired successfully. He was still three or four hours away from his destination. The lights inside the bus flickered on and off, creating a very scary atmosphere, but with Director B and the two supernatural bosses from the east and west districts, Heydrich and Yin Qiaoqiao, everyone felt at ease about the things that transcended the underworld. It was snowing heavily outside, and there was nothing visible at first glance. The inside of the bus was like a small island.

Over the past few days, the passengers had eaten enough rewards and had no time to digest them. Today's journey was unpredictable. The atmosphere between the two brigades was particularly harmonious, and they discussed the dangers they might encounter next and the dreams they had last night.

However, soon, the air conditioner in the car seemed to be broken, and the temperature continued to drop. Even though everyone wore thermal underwear and trousers, a cashmere sweater, a jacket and pants, a scarf, gloves, and waterproof hiking shoes for today’s glacier hike, they still felt cold. There was no heat in the car very quickly, and there was no reason for the driver to argue about it. Even if the doors and windows were covered with a spare scarf and thermal blanket, there was still a chill seeping in.

In the end, no one was doing any more useless work. Everyone left their seats and gathered in the aisle of the big bus between the two rows of seats, huddled together in thermal blankets and shivering to keep warm. Di Feiyu's windproof and waterproof Kun egg was placed in the center, with a few cracks on the eggshell. It looked like it might hatch in the next few days, but it still didn't hatch.

The most popular one at the moment is Walker, who has transformed into a giant plush wolf. His head rests on Lisa's lap. His thick long fur provides warmth to a circle of passengers, but it is not a giant wolf skin blanket after all, no. Could wrap everyone up. What really provided warmth was a red firelight. It was too dangerous to burn an alcohol stove in the bumpy bus. Director B contributed a flame, but he did not squeeze in the crowd to keep warm.

The phantom cat didn't like crowded places, so Bingyi still sat on the seat next to the crowd while holding it in his arms. The special white wolf hand warmer Fenrir little wolf nestled obediently in his arms, leaning against the volcanic lava lizard egg. Lizard eggs naturally become hot and hot, just like a large warm baby. The snow blocked by the phantom cat had long since melted, revealing the gap at the top of the egg. However, the Wei ferret was in a twisted posture, half of its body nestled in Bingyi's arms, and half of its body, including its head, was covering the gap on the top of the egg, preventing the things inside from climbing out.

They nestled together in this weird and harmonious posture, leaning against the window, listening to the sound of snowflakes falling outside the window. The discussion around them stopped for a long time, and the passengers seemed to have fallen asleep. The calm breathing of the phantom cat and the guard ferret could be heard in his arms. It is normal for Wei Xun to sleep and dream, but does the phantom cat also dream?

What does it dream about? Does the phantom cat dream about the phantom family?

Bingyi wanted to lower his head to look, but felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, unable to lift them up, and finally fell into a dream.

The whistling snow and the beeping sound of flames sounded, and the faint voice of people talking could be heard in the ears, just like a brigade was trapped by a blizzard on the road and was forced to find a place to hide from the wind and snow. The voices were getting closer and closer, and there was a faint quarrel. Bingyi heard a loud and rude male voice with a thick accent. It sounded a bit like Walker, but younger than Walker.

He seemed to be arguing with someone, Walker, the brigade where Walker's family was... the tour guide seemed to be Wei Xun's family.

Wei Xun’s family?

Bingyi couldn't help but be curious, wanting to hear the sound coming from over there more deeply, and gradually he began to immerse himself in it. But at this moment, a colorful light suddenly flashed in the dark field of vision, and a crystal-like dragon flew over, completely blocking his view of the dream!

"You almost fell in!"

The giant dragon spoke human words, which made Bingyi's brain buzz.

"Look at me and think about who I am!"

It's a dragon hunter!

B woke up in an instant, but he didn't wake up from a dream. He was still dreaming, but his mind had returned to calmness. He suddenly woke up, he was actually dreaming? And you still can't wake up? The most important thing is why does he still dream about dragon hunters?

"Did you enter my dream?"

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