Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 603: Icelandic Horror (135)

"Are you awake? Do you know this is a dream?"

The crystal dragon chuckled, and its powerful wings flapped, setting off a whirlpool of ice crystal dust in the illusory dream, as if it wanted to smash the dream into pieces. But it failed. A trace of annoyance flashed in the dragon's eyes, but then he raised his head high. Who could see the emotions of a giant dragon hidden under its scales? Anyway, the dragon hunter pretended that he had never failed, and said to B calmly: "It's very dangerous here. What kind of test should it be? You almost fell into it just now." ”

"Thank you for being here!"

Although I was very interested in Yume just now, now I'm more interested in dragon hunters! Although I had known that the Tooth Hunter was related to lizards and the Dragon Hunter was most likely related to dragons, he could actually turn into a dragon. This was a dragon, and Bingyi wanted to change too!

"You saved me again, friend."

Of course he heard the underlying meaning of the Dragon Hunter's words, and immediately stood up and said sincerely and gratefully: You will always appear every time I encounter danger! "

Ahem, it doesn’t always happen.

The dragon hunter was so enthusiastically praised that he blushed a little with joy. Fortunately, it was covered by scales. It boasted that it still looked very cold, so it nodded its head in a reserved manner and said: "I can't always arrive in time. , you should be more careful on weekdays.”

Seeing that Bingyi was serious and listened to his instructions without any impatience, the dragon hunter couldn't help but chattered a lot, basically revealing all the discoveries he had made in his dream, but these words were heard in Bingyi's ears. , it is tantamount to him exposing himself.

"That means you're not in Iceland?"


The crystal dragon complained: "I was sent to Denmark to be a bodyguard for the birth and baptism of some noble son. That's really boring."

In Denmark, the son of a nobleman is born and baptized? Bing rolled his eyes and remembered the myth and legend of the three Nordic sisters of destiny that the travelers had told about, and the dispute between Christianity and the original Nordic beliefs. I don’t know if it was because of this that the Dragon Hunter was sent there, but Yi Er (Yin Yang Butterfly), A2 (Ghost Captain) and Yuntian He were all on the Danish side.

But after all, he was beyond his reach and couldn't control what was happening over there. Bingyi focused on what was in front of him and joked with a smile: "So you were so bored that you fell asleep?"

"That's not the case."

Because his tone was too natural, just like a natural joke between friends, the dragon hunter was certainly not angry and followed his words: "The brigade hasn't arrived at the noble manor yet. I felt the source of my power fluctuating, so I came to check it out. one time."

The source of the dragon hunter's power turns out to be not illusion, but a dream.

Can the group of dream dragon hunters in Iceland be aware of it?

I am afraid that the danger and energy contained in this dream are extremely terrifying, and the strength of the dragon hunter is also quite terrifying.

"Are we all having the same dream?"

Bingyi showed a worried expression, and was a little annoyed: "When I fell asleep, all my passengers seemed to have stopped moving. I wanted to stay awake, but it's a pity-"

"The power of dreams is too strong, you can't control it."

The dragon hunter comforted: "It's a pity that I couldn't see the specific dream scene along the way. This should be a dream only for your attractions."

Along the way...Dragon Hunter has visited everyone's dream? Even he can't see the specific scene of the dream?

"You have to face what you have to face."

Bingyi took a deep breath and his tone became firmer: "I can't stay trapped in a dream. I want to see what kind of message it is trying to convey to me."

"Although you can't see it, I feel much more at ease with you by my side."

We have to find a way to keep the dragon hunter, Bingyi thought to himself. This dream is too weird and dangerous. If there are any changes or fluctuations in it, at least the dragon hunter can detect it in advance.

"Don't worry, you haven't sunk in completely. You will only observe the dream from the perspective of a bystander. It will be much safer this way."

The dragon hunter heard Bingyi's unreserved trust and dependence, and his heart softened unconsciously. He was also a little embarrassed. Why didn't he see the specific content of the dream? He was still not strong enough. His friend has been in danger many times, and he has to become stronger in order to survive with him until the end.

Live together until the end...

The dragon hunter, who had always been a bit of a loser since becoming a hunter, found his target and cheered up. Feeling Bingyi's eyes falling on him, and knowing that his huge body blocked his view of Meng, the dragon hunter swayed and turned into a miniature dragon the size of a pony - he was not yet in the dreamland. He can transform into a human form in his dreams, and he can actually transform into a dragon in his dreams. This is a talent he has just mastered.

The dragon hunter can't transform into a human in his dreams, or does he have more powerful dream-related powers in his dragon form? Can he only transform into a dragon in his dreams?

The pony dragon cub flew in front of him, spread its wings and gestured, then shrank to the size of an apple again, flew down on Bingyi's head, got into his hood and lay down, its long crystal dragon wings alert. Open, always ready to cover his eyes when the dream suddenly changes. The hood blocks its body. At first glance, you can only see the crystal dragon wings extending from the edge of the hood to the left and right, with dreamy light spots lingering around it. At first glance, it looks like a sacred and delicate crown.

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But Bingyi had no intention of focusing on Xiaolong at the moment. Without its obstruction, the scene in the dream completely appeared in front of him. The tall, tall foreign man with a beard and luxuriant body hair instantly caught his eye. Even though the light in the dream was extremely dim, Bingyi noticed that this foreign man actually had a pair of wolf ears standing on top of his head.

This is Walker's blood relative! He roared angrily, bared his fangs viciously, and his face was terrifyingly fierce. But what was even more surprising was that he was pressed hard to the ground, with his face close to the ground. A very petite body compared to his was pressed on his back with professional grappling techniques, and his knees were firmly pressed against his. On the back of his neck, a curved dagger in his hand was pressed against the werewolf's carotid artery, preventing him from moving at all.

I couldn't see the dream that night clearly at first, but now I can. She was wearing a golden cloak, which was as bright as gold and stars. She was wearing a half-mask under the hood, only revealing the soft contours of her cheeks and her lips that were not dotted with red. She was a tour guide!

I'm afraid she is Wei Xun's relative!

"Young man, stop making trouble, be careful of the wound getting worse."

"Besides, are you stronger than...?"

An old woman smiled kindly, but she held a leech in her hand that was as thick as a finger and was still squirming. She carefully placed the leech on the werewolf's leg. As she moved, the silver chain on her withered wrist jingled, and the pattern on it looked like Miao.

Is this Miao Fangfei’s grandma? Bingyi guessed in his mind, and then he realized that the werewolf's left leg had turned into pus from the knee down, and it looked terrible.


When the leech fell on the leg and started sucking the pus, the werewolf howled in pain. The tour guide on its back laughed and said slightly mockingly: "You still want to go out like this? Why don't you get stuck in the snow again?" Come on, why don’t we just walk on foot? Should I let... carry you on my back? "

This dream is really bad. It clearly shows the face and voice of a relative, but when it comes to the real names, they are all silenced. It refuses to make it clear, which is really torturing. Bingyi glanced around and found that except for the people who were still clear, the scene in the dream was very blurry. He could only vaguely see that they seemed to be hiding in an ice cave somewhere.

Ordinary flashlights cannot be used in this frozen ground. There is an old-fashioned stove burning charcoal in the ice cave. This is the only light. The luggage is piled in the corner. Two bedrolls are spread out, and one is lying on it. The other werewolf is for grandma to sit on. While grandma put the leeches on his lap, she felt distressed and took out the frozen worms in her arms to warm them up. If they were frozen to death, they would be roasted and crispy before being eaten.

Miao Fangfei said that her grandma was a long-lived old man and she was exactly one hundred and three years old this year. If this were thirty or forty years ago, her grandma would have been sixty or seventy years old. But it may be that raising Gu takes a lot of effort. Miao Fangfei said that her grandmother has had white hair since she was forty-five years old, like a centenarian. But there is no sign of age on her face. Only when she smiles and eats roasted worms like melon seeds, it can be seen that she still has good teeth.

The werewolf no longer struggled, but his body was twitching from time to time in pain. The tour guide who was lying on top of him also stood up, took the roasted black bug from his grandmother, and threw it into his mouth without even looking at it. Then he picked up the enamel jar, dug out a jar of snow, and put it on the stove to boil water. The water was almost boiling, and the military green tarpaulin that was propped up at the entrance of the ice cave to protect it from wind and snow was lifted from the outside, and a few "snowmen" walked in quickly.

It was extremely windy and snowy outside, covering their heads and faces with white snow. Visitors stood at the entrance of the cave, taking off their hats and dusting off their clothes, helping each other shake off the snow. Only the tour guide who was protected in the middle did not get any snow on his body. She was being carried on someone's back, hiding in a thick military green cotton coat


Bingyi's eyes fell on her and did not move away for a long time. However, he found that his mood was very calm, not even a little excited, and he was just staring at her from a strange angle like a bystander.

It turns out that this is his and his brother's mother.

Then Bingyi saw his mother's cloak-headed wolf cub with a look of sadness.

"Give it to me! Hey, give it to me!"

The strong werewolf who had calmed down began to struggle violently again, and finally calmed down after receiving the wolf cub thrown by the red cloaked tour guide. Dragging his injured leg, he could only lie on his side, carefully holding the wolf cub in his arms to keep it warm. His voice became softer: "Hey, little thing, why did you come here? You don't look like you are from here. Wolf."

"Of course it's not the wolf here. I think it looks like a monster that wants to kill you."

Someone said coldly, when the werewolf wanted to take the enamel cup to feed the little wolf some hot water, he snatched the cup away, held it next to the red cloaked tour guide and handed it to her eagerly: "If... I hadn't taken action, you would have died today. In the snow nest outside."

She has wavy black hair, bright blue eyes, high cheekbones and fair complexion. She has a very 'noble' appearance, and she seems a bit arrogant and difficult to approach. But when she got close to the red cloaked tour guide and showed a friendly and happy smile, she became amiable.

This is B1's mother, Bingyi frowned slightly. Wei Xun's family, Miao Fangfei's grandmother, B1's mother and his mother all appeared in this dream. Could it be that the two teams in the dream also merged? But now there are only seven people in the ice cave. Judging from their appearance, age and gender, they are Wei Xun, Werewolf Walker, Miao Fangfei, Bingyi, B1, Crimson Brigade leader Tang Xiang and Maria.

They belong to two brigades, with roughly the same number of people in the east and west areas, and there seems to be no pattern.

Do their corresponding seven people have this dream, and the others have other dreams?

"Not just for werewolves."

The tour guide in the scarlet cloak spoke, immediately interrupting Bingyi's thoughts. He listened carefully, and then regretfully discovered that the tour guide had probably changed his voice, sounding hoarse and neutral. If Bingyi hadn't known that she was his mother, he might not have been able to Determine her gender.

"Each of us has a corresponding weird thing."

Tang Xiang's father said solemnly, he was a very tall man, he looked very similar to Tang Xiang, but his skin was darker and he looked weathered. He was the one who carried the scarlet cloaked tour guide back just now, and now he looked at the scarlet cloaked tour guide and saw that the tour guide took out a palm-sized emerald green turtle from his arms, but the turtle and the limbs were hanging out. Outside the shell, there was no breath.

And when the scarlet cloaked tour guide took out a small snake and a ferret from the cloak one after another, Bingyi suddenly made a bold guess in his heart. Could it be that everyone in the team who fell into a dream appeared in the form of animals? middle? What B1's mother said next confirmed his speculation.

"There was a little black goat and a little white sheep outside in the snowstorm... They were covered in snow and only their heads were still outside when we found them."

The black-haired woman said, her tone a little heavy.

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"They were still alive and struggling towards us, but there was a crevice over there...poor little lambs."

Maria's father made a sign of the cross on his chest. He was a priest. His gentle light gray eyes were full of sadness: "When it fell into the crevices of the ice, my heart felt like it was frozen."

"...I almost rushed over."

"We couldn't bring them back."

"If every animal corresponds to us, that's not a good sign."

The passengers gathered together to discuss, but the body of the little wolf held by the werewolf twitched weakly and was dying. The werewolf was at a loss. He held it with trembling hands and begged his grandmother to save it incoherently.

"Hey boy, cheer up, you have to cheer up... I have to save it, I have to save it, I can't let it die like this, oh no..."

However, even if he didn't want to, the little wolf still stopped breathing in the werewolf's arms. Seeing this scene, Bingyi frowned, feeling a little more fearful in his heart.

What exactly happened to them in their dreams? Even the werewolves Walker and Maria died in their dreams? ? But why didn't he feel that any of the team members were really dead? Is this death accidental or inevitable in the dream? Does it correspond to the way each of them died, or is it...

Listening to the tall werewolf keep saying that if I want to save it, I must resurrect him, Bingyi suddenly had an idea in his mind and couldn't believe it.

‘Saving relatives who are destined to die in dreams’ was one of their speculations when they discussed dreams before. But the dream in front of them made Bingyi couldn't help but wonder, could the reality be completely opposite to the speculation? They must ask for help from their old relatives in the dream and resurrect them in the dream?

If this is the case, that would be too bad... Everything in the dream is unpredictable, and the attitudes of the old 'relatives' are also unpredictable. It is equivalent to completely handing the rights of life and death into the hands of others, and except for the werewolf Except for muttering that he must save Little Wolf, everyone else was very calm.

"So, what do you correspond to?"

When Bingyi planned to continue observing, looking for clues and breakthroughs, the tour guide in the golden cloak walked up to the tour guide in the scarlet cloak and took the ferret from her hand. It was a small ball, its soft body curled up in the tour guide's hand, but it was motionless, had lost its breath, and was as quiet as if it was asleep. Even though this was a dream, Bingyi's heart seemed to be clenched by something. He wanted to snatch the ferret from her hand and warm it in his arms, almost missing the whisper between the two tour guides.

"There aren't any other animals hiding here."

Although the tour guide in the golden cloak was shorter than the werewolf, he was actually not that short. He was at least taller than the tour guide in the red cloak. She forcefully pushed the tour guide in the scarlet cloak to the side, grabbed her cloak and shook her, and laughed: "Don't tell me that you haven't found something that corresponds to you."

Then she lowered her voice seriously: "Listen to me, don't do dangerous things in private."

The voices between them were so low that Bingyi couldn't hear them clearly. He only knew that because he didn't fall completely into a dream, there was nothing corresponding to him in the dream. Bingyi was vaguely aware that it was precisely because of the lack of one person that the dream It can't end. Sure enough, it can only be done if he also completely falls into a dream?

The tour guide in the scarlet cloak seemed to curl his lips and said something, but he could not hear clearly. While thinking, Bing suddenly wanted to take a step closer to the dream, but was greeted by a warning cry from the crystal dragon. It thought Bingyi was frightened by the dream again, so it used the power to control the dream and screamed for him to wake up.

However, Bingyi discovered that when the crystal dragon screamed, the people in the dream seemed to be aware of something, and looked around in confusion, looking for something.

Could it be that--

Bingyi's eyes lit up, he grabbed the little dragon on top of his head and held it in his hand. Seeing it nestled in his hand in confusion, with its claws curled up and its belly exposed without any precautions, Bingyi pondered for a moment, rarely using the art of language to tell the dragon hunter the truth about what happened in the dream and his speculations. .

"It's very dangerous, don't fall into a dream."

After hearing this, Crystal Xiaolong immediately said: "Everything in dreams is unpredictable, and you have corresponding relatives... it is even more dangerous.

"Why don't I go."

Bing didn't mention it at all, but Crystal Xiaolong took the initiative and said, even a little eager to try: "This is the first time I have seen this kind of dream. If I can personally participate, it will most likely stimulate my talent."

"You can't see the scene in the dream, and most likely you can't actually manifest it in the dream."

Bingyi knew that the dragon hunter said this deliberately, and also wanted him not to bear too much burden, but Bingyi did not want the dragon hunter to truly enter the dream world and adventure. He glanced at the dream, and sure enough, when the dragon hunter spoke normally, the person in the dream could not detect it. Only when he used his power... Bingyi lowered his voice: "I have an idea, you can try it."

"Mommy mommy……"


"Listen, this sound is coming again."

In the ice cave, the already solemn atmosphere became even colder as the distant and ethereal voices called for mother. When the sound first sounded, everyone searched the ice cave and found nothing. It was as if the sound... came from some underworld.

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