Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 617 The Horror of Iceland (149)

"Meow meow meow--"

When the cat meowed, Bingyi pricked up his ears and immediately tried to find the trace of the phantom cat. But the next second he was shocked to find that the cat meow came from his own mouth, and he actually turned into a phantom cat in his dream. a cat!

How could this happen? This was worse than what Bingyi had originally imagined. It shook its fur, and a colorful phantom of light shone in the thick, snow-white hair. It was the dragon hunter's dragon scales. In fact, Bingyi originally thought that there was a high probability that he could transform into a dragon in his dream, or at least an animal like Loki's Icelandic horse or Fenrir's white wolf. After all, other people's incarnations were related to his title/form.

He does not have a title related to cats. This is probably due to the influence of the phantom cat!

Moreover, Bingyi did not feel the presence of any phantom cat. He thought it was the phantom cat that summoned him to the dreamland. Could it be that he actually came in instead of the phantom cat? Because the phantom cat is his illusion, can he replace it in his dream?

There was no way. The worst thing was that after careful sensing, Bingyi found that he was just like an ordinary cat and couldn't exert any power at all. How could he help? It was dark all around, without any light, but the conversation of the person in the dream could be vaguely heard. He seemed to be sealed in a dark confined space. Bingyi did not move rashly. After all, he was just an ordinary cat now.

It seems that we have to start with the things brought into the dream... In addition to the dragon scale, Bingyi was surprised to find that the drop of black liquid snatched from the frost giant's head was also brought into the dream, and those who came into contact with it were also brought into the dream. Die Da was also brought in! Die Da turned into a mental state and shrunk his figure. The tiny elf-like young man spread his butterfly wings and held an ice-carved crystal bottle that was as long as him, filled with jet black liquid, and carefully hid it in Bing Yi's body. Long hair.

What is the use of this jet black liquid? Why can it be brought into dreams? Will it help him?

Bingyi's heart moved slightly and he immediately contacted Die Da. Sure enough, Die Da knew some secrets about the black liquid, but before they could communicate, dazzling light and extremely cold wind suddenly appeared in this dark space, like a gap being torn open in the night. A big hand stretched out from above, and Bingyi immediately dodged, but the big hand quickly and accurately pinched the skin of the back of his neck. The fingers were like steel bars, making it impossible for the cat to break free, and he was lifted directly out.


A low scream sounded, and the biting cold wind instantly ruffled the cat hair all over Bingyi's body, making him look like a big dandelion. The light made his pupils stand up. From the first moment he saw the person who picked him up, Bingyi stopped struggling. This man should be his father. Only then did Bingyi realize that he had been hidden in his luggage.

Through the reflection in the man's eyes, Bingyi vaguely saw his current appearance. He turned into a big cat, very similar to the phantom cat, probably also a Maine Coon cat. It's just that his hair is not golden brown, but silvery white. The hair is long, thick, and extremely soft. His eyes are as blue as the sky, and he is very energetic.

The cat changed color, but the man did not show any other strange colors except that yelp. He skillfully used his other hand to hold the cat's soft and long-haired hind paw. For a large Maine Coon cat, its weight was It is too heavy for the skin on the back of the neck. Even though he didn't feel pain and for just a moment, Bingyi felt his scalp was numb and couldn't help but scream twice.

But the meow of the Maine Coon cat was different from its majestic appearance. It was very sweet and cooing, like the chirping of a baby bird. The man with a serious face couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and his movements became much lighter. Bingyi took the opportunity to break free from his hand and jumped to the ground. His silver-white hair was as smooth as silk, like mercury dripping down the ground.

"Captain, everything has been packed up...ah?"

A man was walking over and froze in place when he saw the cat queen. Bingyi was walking outside with his front and back legs, with a clear goal. In the dream, Charlie was on the verge of death and could not wait any longer. Bingyi wanted to see if it was true, as the rules said, that reviving the avatar in the dream could bring the dead back to life in reality.

He didn't know how long he could stay, so he couldn't waste time. Even if he saw the father he had never met before, now was not an opportunity to communicate. He has cat hair in his hands, and he might be able to come back to this dream more often after this.

"Captain, this is..."

"Is your little cub back? Why doesn't mine wake up..."

"The color is wrong. It looks like another cat. It must be the same breed."

"How can there be other cats in this ice and snow? The one in front is dyed?"

"No, I don't look like the same cat..."

"Hey, they are all cats, and they are all looking for the captain. Could it be that the captain's wife and their team are nearby?!"

"Great, Sister Hong is coming!"

"...The poison is amazing, maybe it can cure them!"

Bingyi felt the looks and discussions from the passengers. The cat's body was very light. Bingyi, who had transformed into a wolf and could walk on all fours, quickly took control of the body and reached the lizard man's side in one jump or two. He was severely burned all over his body and couldn't move easily, but there was nothing around him anymore. Dozens of ice bricks overlap to form a short, round fortress, like a crude version of an Eskimo igloo, like half an upside-down egg. The hastily built igloo was small and could only accommodate one adult. Ice water was poured on it, and it was completely frozen in the cold wind and filled the gaps between the ice bricks without leaking any wind.

There is no ice or snow on the black basalt stone surface, and the snow will disappear instantly if it falls. Obviously, these ice cubes were cut and brought back from afar by travelers. They were piled on a thick blanket and not in direct contact with the basalt stone surface, so that this somewhat crude igloo could be preserved. The entrance to the igloo is blocked by thick felt, and can only be entered by squatting, but it is just right for cats.

Bing opened the thick blanket and got in. As soon as he entered the igloo, he smelled a very attractive fragrance, like steaming honey-glazed roast chicken. The cat couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, and was even more surprised. .

Bingyi discovered that this aroma was similar to the aroma of the black liquid in the Frost Giant's head! Just a lot lighter.

Could it be that the injuries suffered by the lizardmen and the little lizards were related to the frost giants? The small igloo can be seen at a glance. Bing saw another bed piled on the thick blanket in the igloo. The seriously injured lizard man was lying on it. His breathing was heavy and harsh. The burns on his body had already been done. It was treated urgently, but the wound opened again due to slight movement. The bandage was soaked with red blood and yellow pus, and there were scorched black scales everywhere. The air was mixed with the smell of burnt meat and blood. It smelled very bad and turned into a dim light. The oil lamp was the only light, and there was some food and water piled beside him.

Apparently, this was the last the travelers could do for him. They decided to leave the seriously injured lizard man here. Whether he could survive or not would depend on his luck. The small green lizard was placed beside him, and its body had basically stopped moving. The lizard man could still survive for a while, but the little lizard was about to run out of breath.

He can't be dead!

Cat Bingyi walked quickly to it, lowered his head and sniffed with his beard trembling slightly, fiddled with it with his paws, and then breathed a sigh of relief, it was not dead yet. Then Bingyi felt that someone was staring at him. The looming sense of danger made the cat furious. It immediately looked up warily, only to see that it was a seriously injured lizard man. His eyes were opened a slit, and when he looked sideways, the reptile's vertical Hitomi looks cold and dangerous.

Because of the movement of turning his head, the wound on his cheek and neck opened and oozed pus. The dark green scales were about to fall off, but Bingyi felt a chill running down his spine. These scales felt like bullets to him, as if they were about to shoot out at any time! Bingyi, who is currently an ordinary cat, could probably shoot him to death with just one scale.

However, he didn't want to think about how the lizard man would feel when a big cat suddenly appeared next to the little lizard, licking its beard and lowering its head as if to bite it.

At this moment, it was unclear who was more nervous, the lizard or the cat. The atmosphere in the igloo was stagnant for a while, but after seeing clearly that it was a Maine Coon cat, it was the lizard who finally took a step back. The exploding scales on his face fell down, and he coughed and gasped hard. His breathing sounded like an old bellows being pulled. The action just now made him more seriously injured, but the lizard man still half-opened his eyes and paid attention to the movements here. This kind of heartfelt concern and affection moved Bingyi.

There were calls from other travelers outside the igloo, saying they were leaving. The attraction's time-limited missions are difficult to complete and they've been stuck there for too long. Even if you don’t want to leave, you can’t stay.

They wanted to take the cat with them, but Bing's cat ears twitched and did not go out. The sounds outside gradually faded away, leaving only the sound of cold and cold wind. The lizard man closed his eyes tiredly and melancholy, sighing heavily, a bit desperate and desolate. The teammates had done their best to be kind and righteous. What burned them was not just the flame steam, but the terrible pollution mixed with divine power. It soaked into their bodies and polluted their souls. Even the dew of lay people and the prayers of the dead could not solve the problem.

At that time, the lizard man understood that he was finished, and his teammates had nothing to do. Forcing him to take him with him would only worsen his injuries and even make him die faster. But he didn't want to die just like that.

He also has a little lizard... He can't die. If he dies, the little lizard won't be able to survive. The lizard man remembered the captain's last words. Guide Hong and the others who had been separated before might be nearby. There was an old lady Miao in their team who was amazing at voodoo. If he could find them, he should be saved, and the little lizard could be saved too!

Although one of the five poisons used by Mrs. Miao is a gecko, not a lizard... but it's almost the same. Even if it is made into a poison, as long as it can survive, there is hope for survival.

The lizard man tried his best to open his eyes, he couldn't sleep, couldn't sleep, he had to wake up, wake up - ah? !

The lizard man's breathing almost stopped, and he could no longer close his opened eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the cat squatting next to him, focusing on playing with the little lizard with its claws! The unconscious little lizard cannot eat its claws! !

The lizard man was almost about to take action, but the next second he saw a butterfly clinging to the thick white hair on the Maine Coon cat's chest, hanging upside down, with its slender and curly mouthparts straightened, and the scales of the small lizard's head. He thrust it into the slit and kept sucking. This scene was as horrifying as a man-eating bat sucking human brains. If the lizard man hadn't felt the pollution from the little lizard being sucked away, he would have really lost control.

What a special butterfly that can absorb pollution! At this moment, even the lizard man couldn't contain the ecstasy in his heart. Could it be that what the captain and the others said was true, that this was Director Hong's cat? Is this butterfly a specially cultivated Gu insect by Mrs. Miao, brought here by the cat, specifically to deal with this kind of pollution?

However, the lizard people soon became worried. Although the pollution on the little lizard was being sucked away, the butterfly was obviously unable to swallow and store them. The pollution turned into wisps of white mist, like the hot steam suddenly ejected from the crack in the ground. Generally speaking, although it is no longer hot, it is still full of highly polluting poison. It is an extremely terrifying poisonous gas!

After just smelling a wisp of lizard man, he became drowsy and his face suddenly changed. If this poison really spreads, not only them, but the entire basalt rock plain would probably become a Jedi! What's even more frightening is that the poisonous mist does not return to the butterfly's body, but floats towards the Maine Coon cat, disappearing silently into its long silver hair.


The lizard man's face suddenly changed. He looked anxious and wanted to open his mouth to remind, but he couldn't say a complete word. He could only watch the poisonous mist pouring into the Maine Coon cat's long hair, and its body began to shake slightly. He stopped wheezing and gasping, as if he had been poisoned and was about to die soon! A piece of dark green scales shot out, trying to cut off the poisonous mist and attract it back. However, the poisonous mist seemed to have identified this cat, and was not disturbed by the scales at all, but continued to pour into the Maine Coon cat's body.

It’s all over, there’s no way to save it, it’s just an ordinary cat, how can it survive the poisonous fog? Seeing the phantom cat breathing more and more rapidly, the lizard man felt helpless and desperate, and he collapsed a little.

‘Master, you can’t eat it, you can’t eat it! ’

Dieda also collapsed a little and tried his best to remind his master.

‘It smells really good’

Bingyi sighed drunkenly, reluctant to let go. After turning into a cat, his instinct almost overrode his rationality. If the lizard man could peel back the long hair on his chest, he would be able to see that the mist was actually led away by the small bottle hanging on his chest, poured into the drop of black liquid, and merged with it.

‘It worked, I was really attracted to it’

Bingyi remembered the exchange he had just had with Die Da. When he was tossing and turning to check on the little lizard, Die Da had already told him everything it knew and could say.

‘Not only were they burned, they were also severely contaminated! ’

This kind of pollution is very strange. Even though the butterfly has a talent for sucking, it cannot completely absorb it. Moreover, if the pollution is not poisonous to it, it will most likely overflow from its body. If this is the case, this igloo and even the entire basalt rock field will probably be seriously polluted.

So Bingyi originally planned to use Die Da's main and secondary talents of 'Distortion and Retrospection' to first pollute the little lizard, use Die Da's pollution to cover the pollution on it and make it distort, and then revert it back to normal. However, it was originally The weak little lizard will most likely not be able to bear it and die suddenly on the way.

Just when Bingyi decided to take a gamble, Die Da came up with a new idea.

It believes that the highly toxic pollution that is sucked out may not be dispersed in the air. These pollutions may be sucked away by the drop of black liquid. They feel very similar to it, but are thinner. Due to the characteristics of pollution accumulation, it is very likely that they will all be sucked into the bottle!

Die Da is right, let it suck out the pollution first, and then absorb it into the black liquid after it spills out. This is the least harmful and safest approach to the little lizard. Its life was in danger. Bingyi no longer hesitated. When the mist filled the air, Bingyi not only smelled the sweet fragrance, but also felt a sense of danger that was like a ray on his back.

Once this poisonous pollution mist invades his body, the consequences will be disastrous! Fortunately, everything went according to plan, and all the mist was poured into the drop of black liquid. This also made Bingyi more curious, what exactly was this drop of black liquid?

Dieda hesitated, saying that it was just a small butterfly, he hesitated to speak, and had no cultural background. He only said that this drop of liquid came from the deepest place in the world.

'I was born in a similar place'

Dieda couldn't tell his master about the abyss, because the master hadn't recovered his memory yet, so he could only hint. Bingyi was thoughtful, and suddenly thought of the Jin Lunga Gap, the primitive abyss, mentioned by his mother.

Where could it be deeper than the abyss?

The pollution is in the form of fog. The peak snow zombies killed by the mother's side had the fog related to the Kinlunga Chasm, which reminded Bingyi of the Country of Fog adjacent to the chasm.

In Nordic mythology, Hwagmir, the spring in the Kingdom of Mist, is the first spring in the world and the source of twelve great rivers. Legend has it that one of the twelve rivers contains highly poisonous water, and Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, is He was born between the ice frozen in the river and the flames of the Land of Fire, so his blood also contains this poison. All his descendants and all Frost Giants have inherited poison in their blood. It is precisely because of this that giants have a rough and cruel temperament. Only giants can resist this poison, and everyone else will die immediately if touched.

Could it be that this drop of black liquid is the blood of a giant? So located in a giant skull?

The hot steam spurting out from the cracks deep in the earth is not just steam. Is it mixed with a wisp of mist from the Kingdom of Mist?

The Kingdom of Fog is also known as the Kingdom of Death. It is shrouded in thick fog all day long, cold and lifeless. Twelve great rivers rose into mist, making the mist also full of poison. This mist is related to mythology. To humans, it can be regarded as both mythical pollution and poisonous mist. I am afraid that it is the culprit that caused the damage to lizards and small lizards.

Bingyi guessed that the giant's blood was poisonous ice and snow that had been burned by fire. It should be purer than the poisonous mist contained in the mist, so it could be absorbed. It was pollution that brought the little lizards and lizardmen to the verge of death. With their bodies' resilience, they should be able to recover easily from simple burning.


Wake up!

Bingyi was imagining the abyss while paying close attention to the condition of the little lizard. When the pollution was dissipated by the mist inhaled by Die Da, the little lizard that was originally dying coughed a few times, its breathing returned to normal, and even opened its eyes slightly.


The little lizard is out of danger of death! But it was still weak now, so Bingyi used his paws to pick up some of the various foods, medicines, cleansers and other products left behind by other tourists, and stuffed them into the little lizard. Thanks to the efforts of Director B, it finally opened its eyes, with shock and confusion in its eyes. Charlie still remembers the flames soaring into the sky and death suddenly coming in reality. He also remembers that the next second after learning the rules of the old dream, the incarnation was on the verge of death in the dream. His father is also dying.

There was great fear between life and death. Two consecutive deaths made him numb and desperate. In a daze, he could only pray to heaven and earth and the gods, hoping to survive and not wanting his family to be killed by him in his dream.

Until now, it has survived. But it was not the illusory gods who saved him, but Director Bing.

Director Bing saved him, and Director Bing came to his dream and rescued him.

The little lizard buried his head into the plush cat's paws with difficulty. Countless emotions were accumulated in his heart, such as fear, despair, sadness and gratitude. He wanted to cry but could not shed any tears. His emotions were numb in the joy and sorrow. He only thought about how to repay. Director C, repay his life-saving grace.

By the way, Charlie thought of something.

In reality, it spurted out with flames, burned his body and embedded itself in his head. In the dream, he actually brought this thing in and held it in his mouth. If it hadn't absorbed part of the high temperature, he and his father would have died. I'm afraid he died the moment he was hit by the scalding steam.

What is ejected from the underground fire is most likely related to the volcano. It's probably extremely valuable, but now Charlie only thinks that it might be useful to Director C.


Bingyi's cat paw was burned, and he almost shook his paw subconsciously and threw Charlie away. A burning sensation came from between the claws, accompanied by waves of flames and a familiar, sweet smell.

Something to do with the Kinlunga Divide again?

Bingyi looked down in surprise and vigilance, and saw the little lizard spit out a red, rice-sized crystal, and pushed it into his paw with difficulty. The first time he saw it, Bing felt a ball of fire ignite, burning in front of his eyes. It even aroused his Vulcan power - obviously he is just an ordinary cat now, but his Vulcan power was awakened by this crystal!

In an instant, Bingyi understood what it was and held his breath.

This is the purest, most original flame, coming from the Fire Nation adjacent to the Kinlunga Divide.

That was the primitive world that existed before the birth of the world, the most primitive flame.

He can eat this!

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