Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 618 The Horror of Iceland (150)


The silver-white Maine Coon cat secretly swallowed its saliva, its belly rumbling like a drum, which attracted the lizard man to look this way. It licked its beard covertly and squatted down, its fluffy long tail waving, not as calm as it appeared on the face.

Really hungry.

Bingyi has never been so hungry. Maybe he is more sensitive to hunger after becoming a cat. Maybe this kind of hunger is very special. It is not just the desire for food, but also the body and soul, the whole body is thirsty for energy. Yearning is like a thirsty traveler's desire for water. In reality, when the frost giant's head cracked open and the smell of black liquid filled the air, Bingyi felt this weird hunger.

He should have been wary of this somewhat demonic and strange hunger, but Bingyi felt that this kind of thing seemed familiar, as if he had been so hungry before, and then he ate something... The sealed memories in his mind were loosened, and some of them were The 'delicious foods' that have been tasted appear, such as some Tibetan devils and spider legs... devils and spider legs? ?

Bing's face turned green, how could he eat a spider? The unbelievable feeling of disgust temporarily overcame the hunger, but Byeichi knew it would come back soon. His body seemed to really need this kind of energy. Bingyi stared at this small crystal of flame, his heart ready to move.

He won't eat mist and black liquid for the time being. He is not sure. After all, he has not obtained any clues related to the Kingdom of Mist, the Twelve Long Rivers, the First Spring of the World, etc., and has not studied them. But there is a high probability that he can eat this crystal from the Land of Fire. After all, he has the power of the God of Fire and the authority of the Nordic God of Fire Loki. Even if there is any problem, he can suppress it.



This flame crystal was spit out by Charlie Lizard.

Bingyi Cat finally took a deep breath, and with difficulty and reluctance, pressed the flame crystal into its paw.

Since Charlie can bring the dream, there is a high probability that he can bring it out.

Go out to eat again - go out and see again, he is really hungry. The scent of this flame crystal is a bit different from the jet black liquid. If the jet black droplet smells like roast chicken, this flame crystal smells like honey juice. The aroma of plum meat, burnt honey and meat are mixed together, and the aroma is like a hook pulling on Bingyi's nerves.

‘It would be great if the Golden Silkworm Gu were here’

Bingyi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He could eat the golden silkworm Gu after cleaning it. Alas, but the flame crystals crawled by insects seemed no better than those spit out by lizards. Bingyi couldn't help but be stunned and fell into conflict.

‘Master, master, you can give half a drop of liquid to Xiaocui, so that the little golden silkworm will be born soon’

"The little golden silkworm may be able to purify and collect pollution, just like collecting pollen. It's very clean."

Die Da comforted him. After it finished sucking the pollution from the little lizard, it flew to the lizard man and began to suck the pollution and puff out the mist. There was much more pollution on the lizard man than on the little lizard. As it continued to absorb the mist, the black liquid in the bottle expanded and its volume increased by less than half.

Bingyi estimated that once the pollution on the lizard man's body is completely absorbed, this drop of liquid will almost double in size, equivalent to two drops of liquid. If feeding Xiao Cui can make little golden silkworms be born quickly, that would be good——


‘How do you know about Little Golden Silkworm’s talent? ’

Bingyi asked, wondering in his mind, when did the relationship between Xiaocui and Die Da become so good?

‘I have the talent of collecting pollen and pollution, the Golden Silkworm Gu has the talent of cleaning, and I was bred by the powerful Lelala mother worm. Of course, the little Golden Silkworm can inherit the talents of both parties.’

Dieda said of course: "And this is not the core inheritance talent, it will be no problem to inherit it."

Die Da's core talents are distortion and retrospection. Golden Silkworm Gu is the king of all Gu, and its core talent is of course related to Gu. For demonic insects of their level, Xiaocui is not yet the top female insect. If you want to give birth to insect cubs with dual core talents, you have to rely on luck, but with ordinary talents, the success rate is 10%.

its not right.

‘What does Xiaocui and the Golden Silkworm Gu’s worm have to do with you? ’

Maomao didn't understand, and Bingyi was unbelievable.

‘Master doesn’t like the insect form of Golden Silkworm Gu, but he likes me more. ’

Die Daqiqi Ai Ai, a little shy but happy: "Xiao Cui came to me on her own initiative. She wants to improve the gene of golden silkworm Gu"

‘If I add Xiao Cui and golden silkworm Gu, maybe I can give birth to a small golden butterfly! ’

‘Oh, so that’s it’

Bingyi was stunned, pretending to understand it, but in fact he still seemed to understand: "So you are a female butterfly?" ’

‘Of course I’m a male butterfly… I’m a male maggot and I can’t turn into a female butterfly’

‘Does it mean that the master likes the female butterfly? But Xiaocui said that the master likes men! ’

Dieda was so frightened after hearing this that his mouthparts curled up in fright, and he could no longer absorb contaminants smoothly. Bingyi was suffocated and a little angry. Why did Xiaocui talk so much? ? Moreover, if the male butterfly is bigger than the butterfly, how can it possibly have children with the golden silkworm Gu.

Could it be that Miao Fangfei misjudged that the Golden Silkworm Gu was a female?

"Xiao Cui can give birth to anything. The corn shoots were born from her, a female worm, and the Golden Circle of the Responsible Insect."

Die Da timidly said, Bingyi was completely numb after hearing this. He felt that he had completely underestimated Xiaocui's strength. This thing was not something he could understand. In the end, C had to go against his will to comfort Die Da, who was suspicious of butterfly birth, and said yes, yes, butterflies are very good. If a small golden butterfly can be born, it will be great. It is much better than fleshy insects.

Dieda felt relieved, and Bingyi immediately changed the subject, curiously asking why eating the black liquid could shorten the time of pregnancy and hatching. Will eating other demonic insects have any effect?

‘Only Xiao Cui is the best to eat, because she is the owner’s daughter’


Bingyi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind. Xiaocui currently holds most of the power of death and can connect to the empty shell of the underworld of Helheim. The nine kingdoms in Nordic mythology are located in the upper, middle and lower layers of the World Tree. Among them, the Kingdom of Mist, the Kingdom of Fire and the Helheim Underworld are all at the lowest level of the World Tree.

Moreover, the environments of the Kingdom of Fog and Helheim are very similar, both are cold and dead places filled with thick fog. As Hela, if Xiaocui can absorb this drop of giant blood that is suspected to be full of poisonous gas from the Kingdom of Mist, does that mean that the powers in the Kingdom of Mist and Helheim are indeed very similar, further proving that Helheim The Kingdom of Hades and the Kingdom of Mist are very close?

Then can he enter the Kingdom of Mist through Xiaocui's Kingdom of the Underworld? Or through his own Paradise Lost? How about Tong Hege absorbing the core of the World Tree? Did he acquire some of the characteristics of the World Tree?

Bingyi is now very interested in the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire, and wants to go there to eat and see!

"Thank you."

"You look a lot like...'s cat, you look bigger."

Just as Bingyi was thinking about it, using fantasy to suppress his hunger, a hoarse male voice interrupted his thoughts. The lizard man was sucked away most of the poisonous pollution mist, but he survived. If the igloo wasn't too short, he could have sat up on his own. Seeing the little lizard nestled in the big silver cat's paws, looking like it had found a safe haven, the lizard man couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, as if he was watching the little lizard recognize the cat as its mother in Tom and Jerry. Duck.

Didn't the little lizard feel that the cat was drooling on it? !

Although the butterflies brought by the cat saved their lives, the cat looked really hungry... The lizard man calmly used his tail to push some canned meat left by his teammates towards the cat, but it looked Without even looking at them, the lizard man became more worried and started talking to distract the cat. He knew that the cat could understand their words, just like other animals that suddenly appeared.

"None of the other little ones are awake, just you."

The lizard man said to himself, and suddenly his expression changed slightly: "Is it because something happened to me... Could it be that the red director is also not well?!"

He was very keen, but he guessed in the wrong direction. Bingyi guessed from a few words of the person in the dream that if the passenger did not fall asleep in reality, the animal incarnation in the dream would fall into a deep sleep. The animal incarnations only 'awake' when they fall asleep.

No one else was asleep, just him and Charlie. Coupled with the life and death crisis he just encountered, no wonder the lizard man thinks so.

The awakening of a group of small animals indicates that the whole team is in danger, and the awakening of a small animal alone indicates that they encounter a personal life and death crisis.

It's normal for him to think so, Bingyi thought to himself, no wonder his father immediately led a team out to look for his mother, probably because he was worried that his mother was in danger of life and death like a lizard man.

But then again, he appeared at his father's side, is it possible that the phantom cat was at his mother's side?

When this thought arose in his mind, Bingyi could no longer sit still. He suddenly stood up, gave Die Da the vial containing the black liquid, and left the igloo himself. He was afraid that the dream would end after solving the life and death crisis between Lizard Man and Charlie. He had to take advantage of the time to go out and see if he could find his mother!

"Hey you——"

Ignoring the call of the lizard man behind him, Bingyi Cat came out of the igloo and his beard trembled slightly. His father and the others had just left not far away, and their breath was still in the air. Bingyi cat took out the dragon scale and felt it carefully. The dragon hunter was projected in his mother's dream before, and there should be some connection with them. After he carefully sensed it, the dragon's scales trembled slightly, and a colored light that only he could see appeared in the sky to guide the direction. But this direction is completely opposite to where my father left!

The father should also be looking for the mother. Is it because of old dreams that when the dream scenes did not merge, the dream travelers who were divided into teams were also affected by strange powers and unable to reunite? Without hesitation, Bingyi ran along the colored light with his four paws spread out. The strong wind blew his long silver hair, and the flame crystal protected him from being frozen by the extreme cold. After running a few steps, Bingyi felt itching on his front legs. He lowered his head. Look, Charlie was found with a little green lizard lying on his front legs, and he was taken out with him!

Ah, no wonder the lizard man shouted so urgently just now. Seeing that it was shaken by the cold wind and swaying in the west, Bingyi was helpless and was about to put it back, but at this moment the little lizard hissed eagerly, and it wanted to follow him! Although he is dead in reality, he and his father are destined to encounter countless dangers of death in dreams. If he cannot activate his talent potential in the dream and is just an ordinary little lizard, he will not be able to protect himself and his father at all, and he cannot count on it every time. Guide B to the rescue.

Charlie wants to become stronger in his dream! He quickly hissed and communicated with Director B, saying that it died due to the flames erupted by the Fire Kingdom, and had contained flame crystals, and was now very sensitive to the aura of the Fire Kingdom. The direction where Director Bing was running had the aura of the Fire Country, and it was stronger than the crack in reality.

Does the direction the colored light points to have the aura of the Land of Fire?

Bingyi thought for a moment and finally decided to take the little lizard with him. He let the little lizard climb on his back, holding the flame crystal to resist the cold wind and guiding him along the way, and then continued running. The soft flesh pad stepped on the cold and rough basalt and was sore and numb that he did not stop running. I don't know how long it took, but Bingyi felt that the dream was beginning to become unstable, and when it seemed to be about to collapse, a golden-brown cat silhouette finally appeared in the white field ahead.

It's a phantom cat! Sure enough, it's here!

The colored light also points into the distance, which is still some distance away from where the mother team is. The phantom cat was squatting on the ice where a tongue of ice protruded, looking down at the front. Is it really the will of my brother? Is it the ghost of his brother who wants to see his mother but dare not approach her, so he can only watch silently from a distance?

But no matter what, Bingyi will never let it disappear and run away again! Afraid of letting it run away again, as it approached the ice tongue, the Binggui cat leaned down, like a cat hunting, and crept closer silently. When it was more than twenty meters away, the tips of the phantom cat's ears trembled slightly, as if it was aware of it and was about to turn around. Jump up and rush out like a silver-white cannonball!

Bing had noticed early on that the end of the protruding ice tongue where the phantom cat was located was extremely narrow. If the phantom cat wanted to dodge, he would have to jump down or turn around to face him! As expected, the phantom cat did not jump down. It was even stunned for a moment when it turned around and saw the Cat Cat. In that moment, the Cat Cat had already rushed onto it. The ice was so slippery that the Cat couldn't stop the car——

"Zi Liu——"

At the moment when the two cats were about to collide, the phantom cat jumped up, and the Bing cat turned like a big silver-white hair ball and slid under it. A harsh scratching sound came from the ice. Bing Yi was horrified to find out that The phantom cat was not looking at the backs of the mother team. There was an unfathomable ice crack at the end of the ice tongue!


The big silver-white cat was frightened out of the plane, meowed in panic, and fell down. Its sharp claws were stretched out, but it was unable to change the falling trend at all. Just when his head fell and his limbs exploded, the phantom cat bit his tail!

But in the dream, it was just a cat. How could it pull down the cat, which was about the same size and had more fur and fluffy hair than him? There was a chirping sound, and the two cats fell down one on top of the other. .

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