Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 619: Icelandic Horror (151)

"Meow, meow, meow -"

The cold wind blew so hard that the cat couldn't open its eyes. The wind was so strong that Bingyi even had the illusion that he was going to be blown away. He kicked his four claws in the air with such force that the cat's claws were opened. The big silver-white cat I tried my best to open my eyes and looked down, but my scalp was numb. The bottomless blue ice cracks were as frightening as an abyss. Even though I often saw something shocking in the news, the cat fell from the 16th floor and was safe. ! ’, but usually the cat will suffer serious internal injuries, and the bottomless cracks in the ice are not comparable to those on the 16th floor.

In just a few seconds, they fell from the ice tongue into the ice crack, and they continued to fall. They had to save themselves! Especially since he had just pulled down the phantom cat, he had to find a way to do it. He made a decision in a flash.


It meowed twice. The ice cracking stroke was much smaller, otherwise this weak meow would not have been heard at all. At this moment, the little lizard Charlie was holding on to the hair on the back of the cat's neck, and was frightened to death in his heart. It was like walking through the underworld again. Liushenwuzhu's mind went blank. After hearing Bingdao's meow, he immediately found his backbone, risked his life, loosened his paws, and turned sideways with difficulty. Then he was blown away by the wind like pieces of paper. Suddenly it flew sideways, fell hard on Bing Dao Cat's face, and then rolled upwards with a grunting sound.

This fall stung Charlie Lizard, but at the most critical moment, it still completed its mission and threw the original flame crystal of the Fire Nation into the mouth of the Binggui cat. It swallowed it without hesitation, and instantly its whole body burst into flames.

Ordinary cats have nothing to do to survive the rapid fall, but Bing Dao cats who have awakened the talent of fire have a way. The red flames roll up along the silvery white fluffy cat fur, like the glimmer of the setting sun reflected by the burning clouds, the flames The heat flow caused by the combustion collided with the air, successfully slowing down the silver-white cat's fall.

The firelight illuminated the dark depths of the cracked ice, and their silhouettes were reflected on the smooth ice surface. Bing was half thankful and half frightened to find that they were less than two or three meters away from the ground of the cracked ice. If it had been a little later, I'm afraid it will turn into a cat cake within seconds. However, the next moment, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his cat ears were so frightened that they flew flat, and the flickering light of the fire actually revealed several figures at the bottom of the ice crack!

They stood upright, with a layer of gray-green skin on their bodies that looked like moss-covered crust, like glacier zombies. At this moment, they raised their heads in exactly the same way, and their dark, empty eye sockets stared at them without blinking. The firelight reflected in the eye sockets was like ghostly will-o'-the-wisps. Eerie and terrifying.

What the hell is this? ! Glacier zombies, snow zombies or frost giants? Bing was shocked, but he couldn't change the direction at the moment. It only took a second or two from the moment the flames were lit to the moment he found the figure at the bottom of the ice crack. Before Director B could completely control the flames in cat form, an unbearable plush The heavy object has already fallen on its back, it's the phantom cat!

His landing speed was slower, but the phantom cat did not change. The third cat felt as if he had been hit by a meteorite. He meowed and screamed, his body instantly lost balance and rolled downwards. He could do his best to keep the fire from burning. Even bigger, it protected him and the Phantom Cat all over, like a blazing fireball. The flames swirled around them as they rolled, making them look like an invincible hot wheel as they fell rapidly.


There was a soft sound, and Bingyi felt his body relax, as if he had landed on the ground. Is this the bottom line? But on zombies? ! Bingyi immediately wanted to stand up, but he seemed to be wrapped in a soft and closed space somewhere. Cat Bingyi struggled wildly and instead of getting free, it kicked the phantom cat several times until it couldn't bear it anymore and turned over and stepped on Cat Bing. body, step on its head and throat and exhale to deter it from moving.

But Bingyi couldn't feel the pain anyway. The heavy weight on his body and the somewhat angry breathing made him calm down. The phantom cat was still there, and they were still together. Afraid that the flames would attack the phantom cat indiscriminately, Bingyi restrained the flames and thought about countermeasures. Without the sound of burning flames, there was a faint voice coming from outside. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the voice sounded a bit familiar.

However, Bingyi was still vigilant and did not take it lightly. In this world with extraordinary power, his voice and even his appearance could be imitated, just like Rocky Salmon snorkeling in Silfra's Great Crack, until he heard something suspicious coming from outside. The cry of the snow leopard.

snow leopard?

Bingyi's spirit stirred slightly.

‘Director C? ’

‘Wei Xun? ’

'it's me'

‘Are you here too? ’

The spirit of a cat and a leopard started chatting. The appearance and voice can be disguised, but the spirit will not deceive. Bingyi breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, his head was stepped on again, interrupting Bingyi and Wei Xun's secret chat. A bit of cold wind came in. Bingyi tilted his head to look and found that the bag that wrapped them had somehow been scratched by the phantom cat. The phantom cat kicked him hard and jumped out vigorously. Seeing that it was about to leave, Bingyi immediately meowed and followed closely behind.

The depths of this ice crack may not be as dangerous as he imagined. If Wei Xuebao is really there outside, then those 'zombie'-like figures are probably -

"Hold on, hold on, don't let this one get away!"

As soon as Bingyi poked his head out, he was grabbed by the back of the neck. The feeling of being dragged out of his body by his father made him frightened. Bingyi immediately behaved and did not struggle. As expected, the other party's movements were much gentler, and he hugged the cat out. .

"Oh, this cat is so big and heavy."

Hearing the familiar voice and looking up to see the familiar mask, Bingyi realized that the person hugging him turned out to be Wei Xun's mother. The 'package' that trapped them just now turned out to be her golden tour guide cloak.

It's just that her dress at this moment is unusual. She wears a gray-green hard cloak like a tarpaulin, covering her head to her feet. In addition to the mask, she also wears a special black lens like laser glasses on her face. The black hole was so reflective that no wonder Bingyi was so frightened just now that he thought they were all zombies.

"Meow meow meow——"

The first thing Bing did as soon as he came out was to call the phantom cat. He turned around and looked around. He was relieved when he found that it was stopped by a snow leopard not far away. He just screamed softly and licked, and the long silvery hair all over his body that was tossed in the package became fluffy in the strong wind. His long tail was curled up in his arms, looking like a big white plush doll, with beautiful blue eyes. She was still a little frightened, her pink nose was straight up and down, she looked so pitiful and cute, and so well-behaved that it was intoxicating.

Obviously, the tour guide in the golden cloak was impressed by it. He held it in his arms like a child and even took off his gloves to smooth its hair: "It's so beautiful. The one in front is running so fast. Follow this one." It looks like a big brown mouse, but this one is cute and cute, like a big rabbit."

Ah, this... big brown mouse, big rabbit...

Bingyi silently turned over and tried to escape from her arms. But the tour guide's next words made him freeze up.

"Both big cats are here. Except for the similar colors, it must be right this time. Your eldest and second youngest are both here."

"Tsk, that bastard pretends to be a ghost and a dragon, it's scary. If I get it into my hands, I'll have to beat him on the butt."

The tone of the tour guide in the golden cloak was obviously smiling, but Bingyi seemed to feel a murderous aura from it. He instinctively shrank, and then he felt the tour guide in the golden cloak look at him with a smile: "I said she was like a monkey. "Xiao, why are you shrinking?"

"Could it be that--"

Uh-huh! The bright sword light flashed by, but Bingyi didn't see clearly the golden cloaked tour guide's action of drawing out the sword. He didn't dodge, he only felt a chill on his back, and then he saw a small green lizard picked out from the back of her sword.

After a series of frights and ups and downs, Charlie was finally overwhelmed and passed out. The little green lizard fell limply on the back of the knife, and the tip of its tail twitched, looking extremely pitiful.

"Huh? Green lizard?"

"I felt the power of Muspelheim and thought it was the lava lizard coming back."

Um? Bingyi pricked up his ears, Muspelheim? Isn’t this the name of the Nordic land of fire, and the lava lizard is making a comeback?

Was it the lava lizard attacking brigade——Wei Xun—that emerged from the fissure erupting in reality, which caused the team to be attacked in the dream, and Wei Xun entered the dream? Bing listened with one ear, and the atmosphere among the elders suddenly became solemn. They whispered for a few words along the topic, and then he suddenly realized.

It turns out that the purpose of these two teams coming to Iceland is because the legendary primordial abyss Jin Lunga Gap seems to be coming to life. They are here to investigate the situation on the spot. If the abyss really appears, it must be sealed to prevent the people in the abyss. Various forces pollute and destroy the earth.

But the abyss is hard to find. One of the two brigades received a mission to start from the Kingdom of Fire, and the other received a mission to start from the Kingdom of Mist. They indirectly investigated the two countries adjacent to the Jinlunga Gap. Explore the current state of the divide. Among them, the brigade led by the tour guide in the golden cloak corresponds to the Kingdom of Mist, and the other corresponds to the Kingdom of Fire.

"It must have the power of the Fire Nation, it's unmistakable."

"Your man is coming to find you."

"This little green lizard looks like a cub of ***. It came with the white cat. This white cat should be from their side and is the boss of your family."

Confessed! He is the younger brother, but Bingyi said nothing. The big white cat secretly wanted to see if Fantasy Cat would have any special reaction because of this. Unfortunately, the real name was still blocked in the dream.

"I'll give you a hug."

The tour guide in the golden cloak turned around, and before Bingyi could react, he was handed into the arms of the tour guide in the scarlet cloak. Bing subconsciously held his breath. He was obviously separated by layers of thick clothes, but he seemed to be able to smell the faint fragrance, which was his mother's embrace. But just by smoothing the hair on his back, his mother put him down. He couldn't help but screamed "Ah", like a baby bird chirping, but he was not picked up again.

Of course, it was cold and hard ice underground in the ice ditch. It was so cold that the big white cat's paws curled up. Others looked at it and said worriedly: "It's too cold on the ground. What should I do if the cat's paws are frozen."

b1's mother wanted to pick him up, but the tour guide in the scarlet cloak raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't forget what we are here to do. It is a matter of narrow escape and there is no extra energy to take care of them."

The tour guide in the scarlet cloak said calmly, his tone was unusually calm, and even sounded a little inhumane: "If they need our protection, they will never survive this journey. They will die early or late."

"What you said is too harsh. What does a child know at such a young age?"

The tour guide in the golden cloak tutted, but the tour guide in the scarlet cloak shook his head and looked at the big brown cat and the snow leopard cub who were still facing off on the ice rocks.

"You're not young anymore, he's an older brother."

Her baby, born a few days earlier, is the oldest. These 'younger brothers' can run and confront each other in this ice and snow with amazing momentum. How can he still be afraid of the cold and huddle in people's arms?

The hotel is so cruel, and the journey is almost fatal. There is no warmth at all.

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