Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 620: Icelandic Horror (152)

The tour guide in the scarlet cloak was not joking. After putting down the big white cat, she did not look at it for a second. Instead, she briefly discussed with her teammates and continued moving forward, even if they fell behind and did not follow. Except for a few people who looked back worriedly, The brigade did not stop for them. The tour guide in the golden cloak said a few words before leaving, saying that this section of the ice is relatively safe at present, but the further you go, the more dangerous it becomes. It is safest for them to stay here, and they will come back.

Bingyi could smell the faint burning aroma coming from the depths of the dark ice crack ahead. It was the same aroma as pure flame crystals.

But he didn't follow the team immediately. His mother's attitude surprised Bingyi, and he felt very complicated for a while. He subconsciously looked at the phantom cat, and saw that it was no longer confronting the snow leopard, but jumped up the ice wall along the crack, observing the surrounding situation from a high position. It seemed that it didn't take the mother's words to heart at all, and it seemed that it had expected this to happen, so it was used to it.

This makes Bingyi feel a little sad. It's always difficult to control his emotions when he turns into an animal. Although he didn't have many memories of his parents, he had seen many other families since he was a child. Compared with those families that are prone to quarrels and quarrels, it seems that he and his brother have never had any serious conflicts and get along very harmoniously. But when he sees those harmonious, beautiful and happy families, Bingyi can't help but picture his imaginary parents in his mind.

My brother never mentioned his parents, Bingyi could only imagine. The father should be amiable but dignified and responsible; the mother should be warm, soft and tolerant of them, but also have a correct outlook on life and scold them to correct their mistakes. Or no matter what, at least he will love his children from the bottom of his heart.

But the mother's attitude in the dream was as cold as ice under her paws, not only towards the 'brother', but also towards the 'younger brother'. She hugged her 'brother' and smoothed his hair, but she didn't even look at her 'brother'. This made Bingyi suspicious.

Is the person in the dream really my mother? Or is it another conspiracy by the mastermind behind the journey?

Or maybe it's just because the mother in the dream didn't develop much affection when she just gave birth to her child?

But a mother's feelings for her children who are connected by blood are maternal instincts. From a distance, Bingyi saw that the tour guide in the golden cloak had walked far away, but he still looked back at the snow leopard. However, my mother moved forward and never looked back.


The cold wind blew through the long and deep ice cracks, making an ethereal and strange sound. It was so cold here that Bingyi's fur exploded into flowers, like a large white fluffy dandelion. It kept turning its paws backwards, as if stepping on milk on the ice. In fact, it was because it was afraid that the flesh pads would be frozen. It was not until a long plush tail swung in front of him that Bingyi raised his paws and stepped on it comfortably.

This is Wei Xuebao's tail, and it came to his side. It's said to be a snow leopard cub, but it doesn't look too small in the dream. It's a bit bigger than Bingyi, and its fur is thicker and denser. Its long tail can circle it, and the tip of its tail can be used by cats to warm their paws. . It is squatting next to the silver-white Maine Coon cat. The height difference between the cat and the leopard looks very harmonious.

‘Don’t you want to catch up? ’

‘Why stay? ’

Wei Xun asked him, and Bingyi asked in his mind. He didn't chase after him because the phantom cat stayed here and didn't move. Although the mother in the dream made him want to delve deeper, the most important thing at the moment was the phantom cat.

Is it the incarnation of my brother's dead soul? Do you have your own consciousness? Why was he chosen to be in the old dream? Obviously b1's mental illusion is not so special.

If it's true, how did my brother die? Is he really dead? He has no relatives in the world anymore?

Bingyi thought that with his brother's character, if he rushed directly in front of the phantom cat and asked meowingly, he would not get any answers, and he would even get beaten. After all, the phantom cat didn't take the initiative to say anything, so it just didn't want to say anything. He didn't have the strength to crush the phantom cat and question it, so he could only act as his younger brother.

But his intuition told Bingyi that there was something strange about Phantom Cat and Wei Xuebao staying here and not moving forward with the dream brigade. The reason that tempted them to stay here may be related to their purpose and the real reason why the phantom cat was selected into the old dream!

'Of course I stay here for you...cough'

An Xuefeng's not-so-serious words hesitated when facing the silver-white Maine Coon cat, he turned his head and looked faintly into his blue cat pupils, and said seriously:

‘There is a high probability that there are things from the Jinlunga Gap here’

'Yeah? ’

Bingyi leaned forward in interest, and the tip of his fluffy tail swayed: ‘Did you feel it? ’

‘I wasn’t so sure at first’

An Xuefeng came in because he was worried about Bingyi. As long as he was a living incarnation in the old dream, he would gradually have the power to freely enter the dream, and even gradually confuse dreams and reality. An Xuefeng experienced several past dreams and mastered this technique in advance. He originally thought that Wei Xun would still be in his mother's team, but that was not the case.

This crack in the ice was too deep, and it was difficult for an underage snow leopard to climb out alone without props, and An Xuefeng felt an unusually dangerous atmosphere in the crack.

That's why he didn't act rashly. After all, he was only in the leopard form at the moment. If he accidentally killed the avatar, it would be more of a loss than the gain. The right way was to pick up the slack with the team. And if nothing goes as expected, the phantom cat had no intention of coming down in the first place. It would probably squat on top of the cracked ice and watch indifferently. After all, the first is not yet completely determined, and the second is that there will always be all kinds of weird and bloody things happening around items involving the abyss.

In the dream, they cannot exert their full strength and must be careful.

But things are different now.

When Wei Xun came here, things that were originally uncertain could now be basically confirmed. There was a high probability that there were items from the Jin Lunga Chasm here. Especially after hearing Wei Xun talk about Charlie, An Xuefeng became even more sure.

‘Charlie was struck by the flames of the Land of Fire outside, and was struck by the mist of the Land of Mist in his dream. What he felt was not the power of the flames’

The center where the powers of the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire meet is the Jinlunga Gap! Charlie Lizard felt the power of the Divide, not simply the Fire Nation. An Xuefeng's perception was correct. Even the phantom cat did not leave with the team, but stayed here. An Xuefeng will never miss any clues related to the Jin Lunga Gap involving the disappeared primitive abyss and the last words left to him by his mother.

Bingyi asked curiously: ‘What could that be? ''

The substance that gave birth to giants? Ice cubes? Or energy crystal? ’

‘It could be a dead thing, or it could be something alive. It’s not clear yet, but anything is an important clue in our search for the Kinlunga Divide’

‘Is the Kinlunga gap so important to you?’

Bingyi was surprised: 'Is it because...'

He remembered his first dream, in which the brigade was forced by an avalanche to the edge of an unfathomable and terrifying ice crack. When jumping into the ice crack, his mother mentioned the "abyss"

Bingyi suddenly became interested. Could it be that the dreams were not all fiction, and that Wei Xun and his mother had really been to Iceland, found the Golden Lunga Gap, and jumped into the primitive abyss?

They died because of this, so why are Wei Xun and Phantom Cat persistently looking for clues to the gap?

"The gap has disappeared in reality. Old dreams are our only chance to get in touch with it. It's a pity..."

It's a pity that they have completely turned into animals now. It is impossible to find the items in the Jinlunga Gap. Even the vague power fluctuations may be deliberately revealed to mislead them. But An Xuefeng believes that Wei Xun is closely related to the abyss. With Wei Xun here, the items in the abyss will be naturally attracted sooner or later.

With Wei Xun in charge and his cooperation with the phantom cat, it was possible to capture the target and bring it out of the dream. Of course, An Xuefeng would not say that Wei Xun was closely related to the abyss. He lightly passed the blame on the comatose Charlie Little Lizard.

Bingyi suddenly realized that it was no wonder that only the phantom cat climbed up the ice wall to search, while Wei Xuebao kept squatting on the ground. They were cooperating silently, just like you were sentrying to shoot me, while Wei Xuebao was actually raising his ears to be wary of any unusual movements around him. And Bingyi carrying the little lizard is the fragrant bait that attracts prey.

‘You are very familiar with Phantom Cat’

Bingyi also opened his cat eyes and looked around, but he was still communicating mentally with Wei Xun. The strange relationship between Wei Xun and the phantom cat, which was like an enemy but also like a friend, bothered him. Wanting to dig deeper, he hesitated and asked: 'Have I met you before? ’

Given Wei Xun's age, if he is his brother's old friend, he should have met him when he was a child - he is obviously almost the same age as Wei Xun, how come Wei Xun can know both his brother and that Ah Feng! Could it be that he, like Dan Lin, has been working hard on the journey since he was a baby? How could his life be so exciting?

Bingyi is rare, envious and longing for it, and feels like he has missed out on 100 million, which is a bit sour.

Happy New Year...

For a moment, An Xuebao's expression looked like he had eaten bird poop. Feeling his lover's mental fluctuations, An Xuefeng was dumbfounded when he understood what he was thinking. He endured it and stared at his cat-turned-lover for a long time, and finally couldn't help but licked its forehead vigorously. The silver-white Maine Coon cat quickly ducked back, but was caught in the act. It slapped his paws with its tail unhappily.

At that moment, An Xuefeng understood why Wei Xun liked stuffed animals so much. The silver-white Maine Coon cat looks elegant and noble, and its fluffy appearance makes it so cute that it makes the lovely An Xuefeng feel itchy in his heart. A leopard's face wanted to rub the big cat's neck and chest, with tufts of thick, soft white long hair.

"Zheng buzz——"

At this moment, a sharp piece of ice suddenly fell down quickly, carrying the cold wind as cold as a knife.


An Xuefeng immediately grabbed the leopard from the back of the cat's neck and jumped away. At the critical moment, the ice cube fell against his ear and cut off several leopard hairs. If he hadn't dodged, the ice cube would have smashed him in time. leopard head.

After dodging, the snow leopard raised its head and glanced sharply at the phantom cat, and saw it pacing gracefully between the ice walls like a blue sheep, as if it didn't care at all.


Before An Xuebao could let out a threatening purr, he received a cat punch on his chin. Bingyi's face and scalp tightened as he held her in his mouth, so hard that his toes blossomed. He couldn't stand it anymore. Moreover, the Maine Coon cat is very big, and the snow leopard is underage. He cannot be completely picked up, and dragging his lower body against the ice is really uncomfortable.

After breaking free from the snow leopard's mouth, the big cat grabbed the snow leopard's thick fur and rushed to its shoulder blades. It stood up with its upper body for two turns and pressed its head to look at it. After seeing that it was not injured, it jumped down, shook its fur and ran. After a few steps, the snow leopard stared directly behind it. The Maine Coon cat's hair was very long, and the white hair on its hind legs bounced when it ran. It looked like it was wearing cute little white fur pants. The silver-white Maine Coon cat ran to the fallen ice, looked up from the phantom cat on the ice wall, and meowed, telling it to pay attention to safety.

Hey, Wei Snow Leopard turned his ears back in disdain. It looked like he had kicked the ice off deliberately, but it was definitely not a slippery thing - no!

That piece of broken ice fell from such a high ice wall, how come it didn't break into pieces but remained intact? There's something wrong with this ice! An Xuefeng's eyes sharpened and he immediately pounced on Wei Xun. At the same time, the phantom cat also sensed something was wrong and jumped down from the ice wall like a hunting leopard. However, no matter how fast they were, Bingyi's claws had already stepped on them. Crushed ice on top.

In a moment's power fluctuation, Bingyi's figure disappeared together with the broken ice, leaving no trace. Only the little lizard Charlie fell on the ice. It woke up from the pain. When it opened its eyes and saw the huge leopard-faced cat above its head, it was frightened and fainted again. An Xuebao slapped it several times but failed to wake it up again, thinking to himself that it was terrible.

Why did Wei Xun disappear? Was he teleported away or invisible? It’s impossible to be teleported into the Jin Lunga Chasm! An Xuefeng was confused when he cared, but the more anxious he became, the calmer he became. He kept trying to communicate mentally with Wei Xun, but the spiritual connection between them seemed to have disappeared without any reply, as if they were separated from two worlds.

Wait, separate the two worlds?

* *

‘Bingyi? ’

‘Bingyi, you’re awake! ’

As soon as Bing opened his eyes, Yu Hehui's surprise call sounded in his mind. Through the gaps in the silver-white fox fur, he saw the sky covered with lead-gray clouds and snowflakes falling in large tracts. The huge white fox held him in its arms like a tent. The tail shields him from the wind and snow, it is Yu and Hui. Obviously he returned to reality, but Bingyi didn't react for a while. Why did he suddenly wake up from his old dream?

He tried to communicate with Wei Xun in his mind, but it was like hitting a wall. They seemed to be in two worlds, and Wei Xun was still immersed in a dream and had not woken up. The old dream did not collapse, and neither Wei Xun nor the phantom cat came out.

Then why did he come out alone? What accident happened? Dieda also came back, confused and unclear about the current situation. It followed its master's instructions and slowed down in sucking the lizard-man pollution. It had not finished sucking it completely when it was kicked out of the dreamland. So it shouldn't be a relationship between the lizard and Charlie. What's going on?


While Bingyi was deep in thought, he suddenly felt his palms getting slightly hot. He glanced around and saw a small rose-red lizard lying next to his hand, unscrupulously trying to take something from his hand. Bingyi immediately clenched his fist and beat the lizard away. He took the thing to his hand and looked at it, feeling surprised. He actually held a large piece of broken ice in his hand.

It looks like the piece of ice that was kicked off by the phantom cat in the dream and almost hit Wei Xuebao's head! Could it be that there is something wrong with the ice? But even when he held it in his hand, Bingyi didn't feel anything special. But if you can bring it out of the dream, the little volcanic lava lizard also covets it. Bingyi is sure that this ice is absolutely special.

Could it be the item in the ice crack that Wei Xun and Phantom Cat were looking for related to the Jin Lunga Gap? Bingyi carefully looked at this piece of broken ice. It was as big as a fist, shaped like a twisted drop of water, with a sharp top and a rounded bottom. There were countless radioactive cracks in the ice, as if it was on the verge of breaking. And in the center of the crack was something the size of a broad bean, silvery purple.

It looks like an egg and a chrysalis. But the top of it is broken open, and it can be seen that it is empty inside. It's like the adults have hatched, leaving only an empty pupa shell.

‘Bingyi, give it to me’

The little lizard quickly crawled back and crawled along his arm to his chest. When it looked at the thing in his hand, its eyes showed a bit of seriousness and fear.

"This thing is very, very dangerous. It can destroy an entire brigade. You can't imagine it."

'Give it to me, or give it to a tooth hunter, and we'll deal with it'

'what is it? ’

Bingyi asked in reply, as if he was talking casually: ‘Is it related to the abyss? ’

'abyss? ’

Hearing this, the little volcanic lava lizard sneered, and it had already flexibly crawled along Bingyi's arm to his wrist to observe the ice cube up close. Even the scorching temperature did not melt the solid ice, but as he watched, the little volcanic lava lizard suddenly let out a sigh of relief. It was unclear whether it was regret or luck. The emotion was very complicated and he muttered.

‘It turns out it’s not that thing, I saw it wrong’

‘What a bluff, it scared me. Well, it is indeed quite precious. What happened in the dream? Where did you get it? ’

'information exchange'

Bingdao, the little volcanic lava lizard successfully aroused his curiosity, and the lizard seemed to really attach great importance to what happened in the dream. Not only did he agree to his request, but he also told the information he knew first.

"There is a butterfly, ah, a very dangerous, very powerful butterfly. Even a fragment of its wings is full of extremely terrifying power."

'We - all of us, travelers and guides - are looking to track this butterfly. But no one has ever found it in its entirety’

'You also know that a butterfly hatches from a chrysalis, and it does have its own chrysalis. There were rumors that the chrysalis was hidden at the end of the world, where the butterflies hatched’

‘It is said that when the butterfly emerges from the pupa, it leaves some of its most original power behind in the pupa. If you can find this pupa, it is equivalent to catching the trace of the butterfly, and you can attract all the butterfly limbs and debris.'

‘This pupa is very similar to the legendary pupa? ’

‘It’s really similar. If I didn’t look carefully, I would have mistaken it’

'But it's not the pupa you're looking for? what is that? ’

'It... also comes from the same place as that butterfly. It's just that that butterfly is a unique king. Even if the butterflies hatched from these pupae are the king's guards, they are also very rare, but they are actually useless.'

The little lizard said: "If you give me this pupa shell, I can grant you a wish."

'Want to know how to become the real Loki? I can tell you'

'I do not need it, thank you'

Bingyi said politely: "I think this butterfly is quite interesting. The color scheme looks similar to that of a butterfly. It can be kept as a pet."


The little lizard rolled his eyes and put on a mocking face. The information he revealed was very vague, as if he was making up a story. Bingyi couldn't determine whether it was true or not, so he added his own fantasy when telling the dream story. , for example, the snow leopard and the phantom cat have a tacit understanding of each other, a friendship established in infancy. The little lizard’s eyes widened at first and then became thoughtful, and finally seemed to have opened the door to a new world. After listening to Bingyi After reading the dream story, he jumped back into the eggshell without asking any questions.

‘You can’t give it ice, both the pupa and the ice are very important’

Yu Hehui reminded that while communicating with the little lizard spirit, Bingyi was chatting secretly with Yu Hehui at the same time.

This ice cube wrapped in the pupa shell may indeed be very important, but it is not the fundamental reason why Bingyi wakes up from the dream.

‘Your power has advanced. ’

Yu Hehui said firmly: 'When your power advances, you may be excluded from the dreamland\\'

Yu Hehui talked about what happened after they fell asleep. Since Bingyi and Wei Xun were unconscious one after another and never showed signs of waking up, the two brigades were temporarily stationed here. Miao Fangfei and others were fully prepared this time to explore the cracks in the ground again. This is currently the only crack that can spit out terrifying flames, which is equivalent to a weird event. There must be extraordinary items in the cracks.

And Yu Hehui, Tong Hege, b1 and the coaches were guarding Bingyi and Wei Xun who had passed out. Half an hour had passed since they were unconscious. This was definitely a long dream.

But thinking that Director B might save Charlie's incarnation in his old dream, the passengers felt an unspeakable thrill and expectation in their hearts. While waiting, Yu Hehui finally received the paper crane message from Bai Xiaosheng. This paper crane seemed to have traveled through a battlefield filled with artillery fire. It had become tattered and full of scorched black spots, and even a string of scarlet dried blood. Fortunately, the handwriting on it was still clear. Bai Xiaosheng wrote the rules of the old dream in detail, which surprised Yu Hehui.

Although he was extremely talented during his lifetime, he died too young and never experienced the old dream. Bai Xiaosheng's note was like a timely gift, but judging from the state of the note, it might be difficult to send it in again.

And on this note were written several situations in which one would be temporarily kicked out of the old dream, one of which was about title advancement.

‘Strength advancement? ’

Bingyi immediately thought of the power of the cold-blooded one, but when he sensed it, he was surprised. The power of the cold-blooded one had reached the point where it was on the verge of a qualitative change, but it was not the one that advanced this time. There was actually a power in his body that he had never had before. It was somewhat similar to the power of fire, but it was not a fire. It is somewhat similar to the energy fluctuations of death energy, but it is not completely dead. When this power fluctuated, his Paradise Lost shook, and the Paradise Lost actually felt like it was being pulled.

This comes from the predecessor of the Unhappy, the Sun Angel whose faith collapsed.

The extra power in his body is actually the power of the sun! It's just that it's not the rising sun, but the aging sunshine of the past.

It's the dying sun!

What is vaguely related to this power is actually the radioactive cracks around the hollow cocoon in the ice. Yu Hehui guessed that there was most likely residual energy in those cracks, which was absorbed by Bingyi and led to the advancement of the title. He knew that Xun, the dead Sahara defender, had transformed into the animal form of a phoenix bird, swallowed the sun fragments, and acquired the blue title of 'Newborn Sun'.

Generally speaking, this kind of title is extremely difficult to advance, unless Bingyi has great luck and eats other sun fragments. But just the energy sealed in a piece of ice caused his title to undergo incredible advancements and mutations, which made Yu Hehui feel a bit horrified in their incomprehension.

What force can make the sun grow, and what force can make the sun age?


Just as his heart was pounding, Yu Hehui suddenly realized that Bingyi was actually using this power. He was immediately frightened and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.


There was a pop sound, and Bingyi's figure disappeared from the place. From the pile of clothes, a charred and rotten little bird emerged out of the pile of clothes!

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