Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 730 The Horror of Iceland (251)

“Avatars in dreams affect reality.”

Next to the huge turtle shell in the restaurant, Miao Fangfei was unconscious in her sleeping bag, her brows slightly furrowed as if she hadn't had a good dream. An Xuefeng and Bingyi squatted beside her, looking at the golden snake tail extending from the end of the sleeping bag. This sleeping bag is of excellent quality, and it is difficult to cut it with a knife. However, now its end is completely torn, and a golden snake tail rolls outward from the tear. The tip of the tail is very powerful, dragging on the ground. Move like cutting marks.

Worried that a snake had gotten into the sleeping bag, An Xuefeng pulled open the sleeping bag and discovered that Miao Fangfei's lower body had changed.

"Is her dream incarnation a golden snake?"

Bingyi looked at Miao Fangfei's snake tail with great interest. The small ruby ​​red spider stood on his fingertips: "Little Rose sensed that her golden silkworm Gu was still sleeping, and Miao Fangfei did not wake up."

When Miao Fangfei fell into the old dream, all the Gu insects connected to her soul fell asleep together. Just like when Bingyi fell into the old dream, Yu Hehui and Tong Hege were unable to wake up and act alone in reality. After all, this is equivalent to the soul entering the dream and the soul connected. will be affected. The Golden Silkworm Gu is still sleeping, which shows that the change in the snake's tail is not a change in Miao Fangfei's subjective consciousness, and her natal Gu has no impact due to the change in the snake's tail.

Judging from this, there should be no big problem with her and her life is not in danger.

Including Miao Fangfei, all passengers except An Xuefeng did not wake up. Even Dan Lin, who briefly opened his eyes in David's arms, later examination determined that his opening of eyes at that time was just an instinct triggered by the stimulation of external holy light. reaction, his own consciousness was not awake. As they had expected, after the Diamond Black Beach, the attractions on the itinerary have basically been completed. Without the mandatory attraction push from the hotel, the power of old dreams will be further strengthened, and it will become more difficult for people to wake up from the dream, even if Bingyi's recruitment of two angels did not prevent the passengers from sleeping soundly.

Following this trend, peak travelers may have thought that they would wake up during meals. However, An Xuefeng has confirmed that the runes can resurrect the dream avatars of travelers, and basically has all the runes. As long as Miao Fangfei's current changes are used to study the impact of the resurrection of the dream avatars on reality, whether it is harmful or beneficial, it is determined After doing this, you can start resurrecting others one by one without any worries.

"The color of the incarnation in the dream has little to do with the color of her snake tail now."

An Xuefeng shook his head and pondered: "Usually, after the incarnation or relatives in the old dream come back to life, the real body will gain a lot."

An Xuefeng has experienced more than one old dream and knows that if the incarnation is resurrected in the dream, the title mastered by the real body will most likely be significantly improved. And if the relatives are resurrected in the dream, the real body will inherit some of the relatives. legacy.

Judging from the current changes in Miao Fangfei, she is female, with a human body and a snake tail. Such characteristics are most likely a new change in her core orange title of "Witch". The great witch in myth who patched up the sky and created humans has a human body. Snake tail. Miao Fangfei's oldest natal Gu was a snake, and her current natal Gu is golden silkworm Gu. The two interacted with each other and reflected on Miao Fangfei, creating this golden snake tail.

If it were placed on other people, An Xuefeng might have inferred this. However, he was always more cautious about Miao Fangfei. Her aunt's identity was too special. She was an old traveler in the past and the pioneer of the 30th North Latitude journey, especially the 'Longnu Aping' who pioneered the journey. The tomb of the Tusi King is the tomb of the Tusi King. Now in the tomb of the Tusi King opened by Bingyi, there is a guardian of the tomb of the Li Ghost King named Pingping. This series of 'coincidences' makes An Xuefeng can't help but think about it.

Even the evil insect master has hidden himself in the tomb of the Tusi King. What secrets does this scenic spot hold? When Xiyang checked Miao Fangfei's household registration before, Miao Fangfei said personally that her grandmother had never touched Gu in her life, but when she was critically ill, she was obsessed with finding golden silkworm Gu. Now Miao Fangfei's natal Gu is the Golden Silkworm Gu, and because of the Golden Silkworm Gu's love for cleanliness, Bingyi made both of his female insects pregnant with eggs containing the Golden Silkworm Gu gene. This secretly deepening connection gradually makes An Xuefeng was very taboo.

"Can humans and bugs still fuse together?"

"Of course, Master, we are your magic insects, and it is our honor to dedicate our power to you."

While An Xuefeng was turning over and over to check on Miao Fangfei, the sound of Bingyi and Little Rose talking could be heard next to him. Bingyi has been fused with both Xiaocui and Xiao Meigui, but he has forgotten it now due to amnesia. Just now he wanted Little Rose to find the Golden Silkworm Gu from Miao Fangfei, but Little Rose said that the Golden Silkworm Gu might be fused with Miao Fangfei, which immediately opened the door to a new world for Bingyi.

Especially when Little Rose tries hard to sell herself, saying that she is a hermaphrodite, and her master will become a hermaphrodite when she fuses. In mythology, Loki can really give birth after turning into a mare, and the owner can also give birth on his own. Bingyi's expression was simply indescribable. He was determined not to let Little Rose continue talking, but summoned her newly hatched horse. That batch of eggs with golden silkworm Gu genes. The eggs of the little rose were placed in the magic insect ball to hatch, and now a group of small sand-like spiders hatched out, most of them ruby ​​red, with more or less golden stripes on them.

Among them, there was a little spider whose entire back was golden, and it attracted the attention of Little Rose, who happily presented it to its owner as a treasure. It's just that although Little Rose seems to be blowing this insect cub to the sky, the contract allows her to only tell the truth. So Bingyi heard Little Rose say regretfully: "It's a pity that the golden silkworm Gu gene is too unstable. After all, it is not a mature insect that only enters the breeding period. It is difficult for the insect cubs with its gene to grow up. I am afraid that they will remain in the juvenile stage for their entire lives." Expect."

This kind of genetically unstable insect cub cannot live long. Little Rose then held out a pile of rice-like balls and bluntly said that these were the remains of the little spider after death. It's just that the Golden Silkworm Gu does have magical power. After the death of the little spiders, their energy regroups. These balls are equivalent to energy balls, which is a great supplement to the mother insect.

Of course it’s also very beneficial to humans! But Little Rose felt that the owner would not like to eat this. Sure enough, B left a few balls for research and left the rest to it.

"Wait, show me."

However, a hand stretched out from the side, An Xuefeng snatched the love with a sword, and took all the balls into his hand. After some research, he actually ate a ball, and even Bingyi couldn't stop it!

"Hiss, it really works."

An Xuefeng took a breath of air, and relaxed his frown. He happily returned the balls to Bingyi. Seeing his hesitant expression of disgust, An Xuefeng couldn't help but smile and play with his fingers. On his forehead: "This is a good thing, it can be regarded as the body of the golden silkworm Gu."

Golden Silkworm Gu is the number one Gu in the world. When he is alive, he can command all the Gu in the world. When he is dead, he is even more terrifying. Its corpse will still instinctively parasitize people, activating (overdrafting) the human body's potential. In the early stages, people will become extremely energetic and even powerful, without needing to sleep or even eat or drink. But when a person is squeezed out, he will become a withered skeleton from which no one can save him.

Although these dead little things are not serious golden silkworm Gu, they still have some of its characteristics, such as being able to stimulate people's potential in an instant and keep people awake. They are especially restrained against some fantasy dreams.

"We have been thinking about how to wake tourists up from their old dreams, and now we have a way."

An Xuefeng smiled and casually fed the ball he kept in his hand to the sleeping Miao Fangfei. Bingyi, who was stunned for a moment when he heard this, saw Miao Fangfei gasping for air after taking the meal, sitting up as if she was dying of illness, with a look of horror remaining in her wide-open eyes.

What's wrong with me?

Miao Fangfei, who was forcibly awakened, felt dizzy for a while and could not come back to her senses for a long time. Her mouth was filled with an unbearable sour taste, which she instinctively knew was the smell of death from the Golden Silkworm Gu. Golden Silkworm Gu is dead? Did I kill him? I ate? This, this, this, how could this happen? ? Miao Fangfei subconsciously covered her throat, unable to hide the horror in her eyes, until she heard a familiar natural sound coming from beside her.

"You're awake, how do you feel?"

Bingyi greeted Miao Fangfei with some sympathy, who had suddenly woken up after eating Dead Bug No. 1 (the name he gave the balls) without knowing it. After a few words of comfort, he handed her over to An Xuefeng and listened to his simple words. After a few questions about whether Miao Fangfei's physical changes were due to the title, Bingyi felt relieved, but it was difficult to vent the complaints in his heart. Bingyi really didn’t expect this thing to be so useful! But if Dead Bug One can perform stably and force the travelers stuck in their old dreams to stay awake, then they might actually be able to climb the volcano instead of staying here all the time.

Today is Saturday, a rare day for Loki, and Bingyi doesn’t want to waste it. If you want to climb the volcano, you must pack your luggage and set off at 5 a.m. at the latest. It is already 2:30 a.m., and there is not much time left. Bingyi found B1 and Ya Hunter to analyze the possibility of adventure on the volcano. Ya Hunter was awakened from his sleep and couldn't bear it. He was shocked by Bingyi's terrible energy. It's unimaginable to be so energetic after working all night. .

Then he raised the key question in a bad tone: "How long can they stay awake? How much do you have, ah, Dead Bug No. 1, enough for them to eat."

The amount of stinky shark meat is really small. Even if you add these dead insects, it will be a drop in the bucket for the passengers. How long can this amount last?

"With all due respect, if these people fall asleep on the way up the volcano and cannot be woken up, who will carry them? The sled dogs? Ha!"

"That's really a problem."

b1 looked at Bingyi and saw that his face was calm, so he felt that he had something in mind and smoothed things over by saying, "But Director Bing must have a plan."

"That's right."

Bingyi smiled and said: "As long as I want these dead insects, I can have them all."

He holds two female worms, Little Cui and Little Rose, and has the genes of the Golden Silkworm Gu. As long as he gives the order, it doesn't matter how many worms are born. Egg laying, hatching, and death can be carried out in one assembly line. We don't expect them to survive. Little Rose is the best at producing defective insect eggs from the assembly line, so Bingyi has no worries at all.

What he was really thinking about now was something else.

After discussing tomorrow's itinerary with b1 and the tooth hunter, Bingyi spoke to An Xuefeng and went to Xiaoming Kingdom on the grounds of censoring angels. In Xiao Ming Kingdom, he was rubbing and playing with an insect egg with his fingertips. It was Xiao Cui's birth, the single-seedling insect egg that was the genetic fusion of Golden Silkworm Gu and Die Dayi! Because of the connection between it and Yiwu, Bingyi has never hatched it. When they were in the ice cave, Bingyi used it to pour pollution on Yiwu, but judging from what he just watched, Yiwu didn't seem to be affected too much. Effects of pollution.

It seems that Yiwu has been well prepared to corrode his subordinates, but it is still unclear who will win.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was keeping an eye on Yiwu today, Bingyi decided to hatch this insect egg to see what it was!

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